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Thai Authorities To Sever Red-Shirts Supply Lines

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I say CUT EVERYTHING (people getting in/out, power, food, water, mobile, internet): AND send in the soldiers to push out the red-rabble NOW, TODAY!! This has gone on long enough. ...

Having just come from Rachaprasong; there aren't more than (at a high estimate) MAYBE 5000 people there, IF that. Mostly they are old women and bangkokians who want free food and to party.

As an aside; also having just come from the Lumpini/Rama VI tree fort, there are far FEWER protestors (maybe not more than 1000) there, except for whack-job Seh Daeng, known to ALL thais as เศษ แดง (ask your thai significant other if what I wrote is correct, as opposed to เสธ. the abbreviation for "aide-de-campe"). He is a loose cannon, (I can't believe someone hasn't taken him out already).

Again, I say; kick 'em out; and send 'em packing back to Nakhon Nowhere where they come from.

Just maybe in the NEXT election they'll think twice about selling their vote, or voting like the Puu-Yai-Baan in their pissant village tells them to..

A good adage is starting to sound like: "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out." (after all, that's His job, right?)

You don't believe what I'm saying is true, LISTEN to Red-Rachaprasong-Radio (between 106.7-106.90 on your FM dial depending on the strength of the government blocking signal).

For those foreigners who can't/won't learn thai have your (in)significant other translate it for you. The redz are preaching some really FUC*ED UP <deleted>.

They got everything they asked for, but won't leave and now blame Abhisit for backing out of the deal for elections in November (red apologists: how fuc*ed up is that??) . .. Because the leaders don't have automatic bail, when/if they ever show up for their arrest warrants. ..

The only losers in this entire debacle are the rank-n-file thai protestors, NOT the leaders. .. :)

What is the meaning of “pissant village” ?

Peasant village ?

Did you ever attend school ?

Are you by any chance a teacher of English ?

Yeah, taking a few lessons in capitalisation ('thai') and punctuation ( ; ) would help. Also, the idea of Thai being a form of abbreviation for a French loan-word is a new concept! Thanks for the help with understanding a few languages. Distracts from the gloating over the possibility of killing all of 'em "old women and bangkokians who want free food and to party"...

Sorry, the word does not exist in British English. It seems to be American slang.

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Apartment. As of May 1, I am alone on this floor. Don't see many people on other floors either.

Most packed up because of noise every night, some because of high electricity bills due to heatwave aircon use, some others for safety concern and finally some because of the smell from the red encampment and harassment of redshirts in the evenings.

Overall feel sorry for the landlord.

Does it really smell? I thought they had portable toilets, showers, etc. set up?

perhaps from the strong favoured Isaan cuisine :)

Got my bathtub full of water, all batteries charged, 7 Eleven worth of food/snacks that require no cooking and a fire extinguisher... just in case...

What about bottled water? Or are you planning to use that water in the tub for drinking in lieu of a cyanide tablet?

The tub full of water is for:

1. Shower.

2. Wash dishes.

3. Brush teeth.

(Repeat in the morning)

In that exact order. :)

You can also use it to fill the back of your toilet for flushing when needed. Always good to be prepared but I really don't see them turning off the water. Electricity and communications yes but not the water. Very little (if anything) gained and just way too much risk. When the reds lite fires their can be no question that the destruction could have been averted if they had not shut off the water.

There is no doubt in my mind if the poop hits the fan here that the illegal violent red mob will at minimum enter the structures in the seized areas but almost sure will set them ablaze. They have talked from the start of burning down various structures within BKK and BKK as a whole.

Are you in a Condo or Apartment? How many of your neighbors are still around?

Apartment. As of May 1, I am alone on this floor. Don't see many people on other floors either.

Most packed up because of noise every night, some because of high electricity bills due to heatwave aircon use, some others for safety concern and finally some because of the smell from the red encampment and harassment of redshirts in the evenings.

Overall feel sorry for the landlord.

You should really considering leaving. The problem with staying is that you risk many problems if things get ugly and decide to leave later. The last thing you need to be taken for is one of the moronic farangs down there supporting this mob. If things get ugly, there is not going to be a lot of thought process going on from either side and both will simply just know you are not on their side which translates to a possible threat.

I'm very surprised the gov't ordered everyone out of the area but provided no options on where one should or can go.

The good news is that nothing every seems to pan out as expected with this crisis. Each time we get close to peace, it turns ugly and each time it looks like things will come to a head there is some halt to enforcing the law or indication the reds may vacate. So, with things looking grim right now and it actually looking like things may happen with enforcement of the law .. it would not be surprising to see the reds announce they will be leaving tomorrow.

Remember too that they will likely cut off cell service in the area too if they do anything tomorrow at 6AM.

Sorry, the word does not exist in British English. It seems to be American slang.

Apparently coined by one of the good ole US of A's cultural favourites.

Dolly Parton

Little Old Bitty Pissant Country Place Lyrics




If Dolly sings it, it's a word. I am just not sure it is English if "youall" don't agree. Anyway, as for my aluminum colored station wagon it's fine.

Let's just hope that Abhisit can show some quickness and return the situation to some normalcy.

What is the meaning of “pissant village” ?

Pissant means insignificant. It is a different word entirely than peasant. However, a pissant person can also be a peasant, but is not necessarily a peasant. Next ...

Sorry, the word does not exist in British English.

I wouldn't be so certain of that, squire.

In the Monty Python sketch 'Bruces' Philosophers Song', the philosopher Immanuel Kant is referred to as a 'pissant' in the first line.
Wiki on pissant

In any case, it is a word. Again, next ...

I say CUT EVERYTHING (people getting in/out, power, food, water, mobile, internet): AND send in the soldiers to push out the red-rabble NOW, TODAY!! This has gone on long enough. ...

Clearly they are not a rabble but a highly organised and determined group.

Having just come from Rachaprasong; there aren't more than (at a high estimate) MAYBE 5000 people there, IF that. Mostly they are old women and bangkokians who want free food and to party.

As an aside; also having just come from the Lumpini/Rama VI tree fort, there are far FEWER protestors (maybe not more than 1000) there, except for whack-job Seh Daeng, known to ALL thais as เศษ แดง (ask your thai significant other if what I wrote is correct, as opposed to เสธ. the abbreviation for "aide-de-campe"). He is a loose cannon, (I can't believe someone hasn't taken him out already).

Again, I say; kick 'em out; and send 'em packing back to Nakhon Nowhere where they come from.

Just maybe in the NEXT election they'll think twice about selling their vote, or voting like the Puu-Yai-Baan in their pissant village tells them to..

A good adage is starting to sound like: "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out." (after all, that's His job, right?)

You don't believe what I'm saying is true, LISTEN to Red-Rachaprasong-Radio (between 106.7-106.90 on your FM dial depending on the strength of the government blocking signal).

This is irony right?

For those foreigners who can't/won't learn thai have your (in)significant other translate it for you. The redz are preaching some really FUC*ED UP <deleted>.

Like kill them all perhaps?

They got everything they asked for, but won't leave and now blame Abhisit for backing out of the deal for elections in November (red apologists: how fuc*ed up is that??) . .. Because the leaders don't have automatic bail, when/if they ever show up for their arrest warrants. ..

The only losers in this entire debacle are the rank-n-file thai protestors, NOT the leaders. .. :)

It seems to me that the rank and file are more determined to keep protesting than some of their leaders.

The good news is that nothing every seems to pan out as expected with this crisis. Each time we get close to peace, it turns ugly and each time it looks like things will come to a head there is some halt to enforcing the law or indication the reds may vacate. So, with things looking grim right now and it actually looking like things may happen with enforcement of the law .. it would not be surprising to see the reds announce they will be leaving tomorrow.

Remember too that they will likely cut off cell service in the area too if they do anything tomorrow at 6AM.

I have serious doubt that 06.00h ( 5 hours 6 minutes from now ) has any meaning !

just another day break - good morning Bangkok !


A pissant is actually a real type of ant. I believe they secrete a smell of urine and why they got this name. I also think they are from Europe (or Africa) and not the US. However, the term pissant is very common in the US to mean a person is insignificant or worthless ... such as an ant or more specifically a pissant.

The good news is that nothing every seems to pan out as expected with this crisis. Each time we get close to peace, it turns ugly and each time it looks like things will come to a head there is some halt to enforcing the law or indication the reds may vacate. So, with things looking grim right now and it actually looking like things may happen with enforcement of the law .. it would not be surprising to see the reds announce they will be leaving tomorrow.

Remember too that they will likely cut off cell service in the area too if they do anything tomorrow at 6AM.

I have serious doubt that 06.00h ( 5 hours 6 minutes from now ) has any meaning !

just another day break - good morning Bangkok !

In all honesty, why would you begin a clearance effort at DAYBREAK?

These guys really are showing how incapable they are of handling the situation.


The rest of the world has observed as the UK has now installed a new PM after holding their election in a civilized manner while the Thai government has continued to delay the disolution of the parliment and hold a new election. The rest of the civilized world has watched as the Thai governement has used lethal force on Thai citizens and refused to respect the claims of Thai citizens for a legitimate election. The Thai government continues to threaten Thai citizens to try to coerce them into allowing the current government to treat them as inferior people without the human rights that should be accorded to all Thai citizens.

The current Thai government has irreparably damaged the reputation of Thailand in the community of soverign nations. They may hang on for a while but they will always be remembered for their disenfranchisement of many Thai citizens and the use of the Thai military to kill their friends and neighbors.

The good news is that nothing every seems to pan out as expected with this crisis. Each time we get close to peace, it turns ugly and each time it looks like things will come to a head there is some halt to enforcing the law or indication the reds may vacate. So, with things looking grim right now and it actually looking like things may happen with enforcement of the law .. it would not be surprising to see the reds announce they will be leaving tomorrow.

Remember too that they will likely cut off cell service in the area too if they do anything tomorrow at 6AM.

I have serious doubt that 06.00h ( 5 hours 6 minutes from now ) has any meaning !

just another day break - good morning Bangkok !

In all honesty, why would you begin a clearance effort at DAYBREAK?

These guys really are showing how incapable they are of handling the situation.

Same reason police raid houses in the early morning hours. Many tactical advantages but of course if you announce you are coming first then you lose most.

A pissant is actually a real type of ant. I believe they secrete a smell of urine and why they got this name. I also think they are from Europe (or Africa) and not the US. However, the term pissant is very common in the US to mean a person is insignificant or worthless ... such as an ant or more specifically a pissant.

Pissant is a small red ant and we have lot of them in Sweden. It hurts like hel_l when they bite you :)

The rest of the world has observed as the UK has now installed a new PM after holding their election in a civilized manner while the Thai government has continued to delay the disolution of the parliment and hold a new election. The rest of the civilized world has watched as the Thai governement has used lethal force on Thai citizens and refused to respect the claims of Thai citizens for a legitimate election. The Thai government continues to threaten Thai citizens to try to coerce them into allowing the current government to treat them as inferior people without the human rights that should be accorded to all Thai citizens.

The current Thai government has irreparably damaged the reputation of Thailand in the community of soverign nations. They may hang on for a while but they will always be remembered for their disenfranchisement of many Thai citizens and the use of the Thai military to kill their friends and neighbors.


when are you red sympathizers going to come up with some new material?

please give us some sort of challenge and not just post the same dribble that has been shot down so many times here.

The rest of the world has observed as the UK has now installed a new PM after holding their election in a civilized manner while the Thai government has continued to delay the disolution of the parliment and hold a new election. The rest of the civilized world has watched as the Thai governement has used lethal force on Thai citizens and refused to respect the claims of Thai citizens for a legitimate election. The Thai government continues to threaten Thai citizens to try to coerce them into allowing the current government to treat them as inferior people without the human rights that should be accorded to all Thai citizens.

The current Thai government has irreparably damaged the reputation of Thailand in the community of soverign nations. They may hang on for a while but they will always be remembered for their disenfranchisement of many Thai citizens and the use of the Thai military to kill their friends and neighbors.


when are you red sympathizers going to come up with some new material?

please give us some sort of challenge and not just post the same dribble that has been shot down so many times here.

Exactly. The defense of these terrorists is growing old.

A pissant is actually a real type of ant. I believe they secrete a smell of urine and why they got this name. I also think they are from Europe (or Africa) and not the US. However, the term pissant is very common in the US to mean a person is insignificant or worthless ... such as an ant or more specifically a pissant.

Pissant is a small red ant and we have lot of them in Sweden. It hurts like hel_l when they bite you :)

We call them fire ants.

I heard my somebody use the pissant term when I was young and of course decided to use it ... at school. Got a big lecture from my teacher about what a pissant actually was but in looking it up now on the internet, I see people all over the world (including the US) call various ants pissants but the original ones were those in UK forests. I guess their ant mounds smelled like urine because of the material they used.

Interesting (or not) fact ... Of the 22,000 ant species out there, only 12,500 have been classified. So, I guess most ants are pissants.

The rest of the world has observed as the UK has now installed a new PM after holding their election in a civilized manner while the Thai government has continued to delay the disolution of the parliment and hold a new election. The rest of the civilized world has watched as the Thai governement has used lethal force on Thai citizens and refused to respect the claims of Thai citizens for a legitimate election. The Thai government continues to threaten Thai citizens to try to coerce them into allowing the current government to treat them as inferior people without the human rights that should be accorded to all Thai citizens.

The current Thai government has irreparably damaged the reputation of Thailand in the community of soverign nations. They may hang on for a while but they will always be remembered for their disenfranchisement of many Thai citizens and the use of the Thai military to kill their friends and neighbors.


when are you red sympathizers going to come up with some new material?

please give us some sort of challenge and not just post the same dribble that has been shot down so many times here.

Exactly. The defense of these terrorists is growing old.

You know, it really is. And it is also sad to see so many people go out of their way to avoid reality to continue to support such an illegal and violent mob. Forget Thailand, it makes you wonder how society in general will ever survive with these kinds of people out there.

My gut reactions is enough is enough and they need to move in and clear them out using whatever force is needed to do the job. Of course this will result in HUGE casualties because the reds have said they will fight to the death any movement by authorities to enforce the law. So, I really have to respect the PM who has given these people every chance to comply with the law and stop hurting the people of Thailand as well as what appears to be his move to gently show their actions will not be tolerated as I know it will provoke a violent reaction from the reds which certainly cannot be ignored and will provide the perfect opportunity for the authorities to stop the violent red mob.

The rest of the world has observed as the UK has now installed a new PM after holding their election in a civilized manner while the Thai government has continued to delay the disolution of the parliment and hold a new election. The rest of the civilized world has watched as the Thai governement has used lethal force on Thai citizens and refused to respect the claims of Thai citizens for a legitimate election. The Thai government continues to threaten Thai citizens to try to coerce them into allowing the current government to treat them as inferior people without the human rights that should be accorded to all Thai citizens.

The current Thai government has irreparably damaged the reputation of Thailand in the community of soverign nations. They may hang on for a while but they will always be remembered for their disenfranchisement of many Thai citizens and the use of the Thai military to kill their friends and neighbors.


when are you red sympathizers going to come up with some new material?

please give us some sort of challenge and not just post the same dribble that has been shot down so many times here.

I calmly read your post. It said nothing.

Facts which I included:

1. The Thai people had no voice in the election of Abhisit.

2. April 10, 2010 will be a day of infamy in Thailand as the The government ordered its soldiers to fire on their friends and neighbors and fellow Thai citizens. Hopefully there will be time for a trial in the Hague sometime in the future.

3. Uk has demonstated how a civilized nation transitions peacefully to a new leadership. They showed real class while Thai goverment only showed contempt for its citizens.

4. The current government has made many public requests of other nations to help them which have been ignored and have made no diplomatic requests that have been acknowledged. This speaks loudly about the pitiful reputation of the current Thai government.

Sorry you were unable to rebut anything.

The rest of the world has observed as the UK has now installed a new PM after holding their election in a civilized manner while the Thai government has continued to delay the disolution of the parliment and hold a new election. The rest of the civilized world has watched as the Thai governement has used lethal force on Thai citizens and refused to respect the claims of Thai citizens for a legitimate election. The Thai government continues to threaten Thai citizens to try to coerce them into allowing the current government to treat them as inferior people without the human rights that should be accorded to all Thai citizens.

The current Thai government has irreparably damaged the reputation of Thailand in the community of soverign nations. They may hang on for a while but they will always be remembered for their disenfranchisement of many Thai citizens and the use of the Thai military to kill their friends and neighbors.


when are you red sympathizers going to come up with some new material?

please give us some sort of challenge and not just post the same dribble that has been shot down so many times here.

Exactly. The defense of these terrorists is growing old.

Go read this, it might give you a clue.


I calmly read your post. It said nothing.

Facts which I included:

1. The Thai people had no voice in the election of Abhisit.

2. April 10, 2010 will be a day of infamy in Thailand as the The government ordered its soldiers to fire on their friends and neighbors and fellow Thai citizens. Hopefully there will be time for a trial in the Hague sometime in the future.

3. Uk has demonstated how a civilized nation transitions peacefully to a new leadership. They showed real class while Thai goverment only showed contempt for its citizens.

4. The current government has made many public requests of other nations to help them which have been ignored and have made no diplomatic requests that have been acknowledged. This speaks loudly about the pitiful reputation of the current Thai government.

Sorry you were unable to rebut anything.

Fact and opinion are not the same thing, you bring the second not the first.

I calmly read your post. It said nothing.

Facts which I included:

1. The Thai people had no voice in the election of Abhisit.

2. April 10, 2010 will be a day of infamy in Thailand as the The government ordered its soldiers to fire on their friends and neighbors and fellow Thai citizens. Hopefully there will be time for a trial in the Hague sometime in the future.

3. Uk has demonstated how a civilized nation transitions peacefully to a new leadership. They showed real class while Thai goverment only showed contempt for its citizens.

4. The current government has made many public requests of other nations to help them which have been ignored and have made no diplomatic requests that have been acknowledged. This speaks loudly about the pitiful reputation of the current Thai government.

Sorry you were unable to rebut anything.

Fact and opinion are not the same thing, you bring the second not the first.

Please enlighten me. Exactly what is not fact?

The rest of the world has observed as the UK has now installed a new PM after holding their election in a civilized manner while the Thai government has continued to delay the disolution of the parliment and hold a new election. The rest of the civilized world has watched as the Thai governement has used lethal force on Thai citizens and refused to respect the claims of Thai citizens for a legitimate election. The Thai government continues to threaten Thai citizens to try to coerce them into allowing the current government to treat them as inferior people without the human rights that should be accorded to all Thai citizens.

The current Thai government has irreparably damaged the reputation of Thailand in the community of soverign nations. They may hang on for a while but they will always be remembered for their disenfranchisement of many Thai citizens and the use of the Thai military to kill their friends and neighbors.


when are you red sympathizers going to come up with some new material?

please give us some sort of challenge and not just post the same dribble that has been shot down so many times here.

I calmly read your post. It said nothing.

Facts which I included:

1. The Thai people had no voice in the election of Abhisit.

2. April 10, 2010 will be a day of infamy in Thailand as the The government ordered its soldiers to fire on their friends and neighbors and fellow Thai citizens. Hopefully there will be time for a trial in the Hague sometime in the future.

3. Uk has demonstated how a civilized nation transitions peacefully to a new leadership. They showed real class while Thai goverment only showed contempt for its citizens.

4. The current government has made many public requests of other nations to help them which have been ignored and have made no diplomatic requests that have been acknowledged. This speaks loudly about the pitiful reputation of the current Thai government.

Sorry you were unable to rebut anything.

I'm not sure why I bother responding to this, but I will anyway.

1. The Thai people DO NOT directly elect the PM. MP's elect the PM. I doubt you were crying for elections when Samak took over for Thaksin, and then Somchai took over for Samak. No elections then.

2. Someone from the crowd fired first. Soldiers died. They were defending themselves.

3. Thank you for pointing this out. See point 1. You dont see the Labour supporters taking over London because they didn't win.

4. Why should the Thai government ask for foreign help on a domestic matter? When the US had their election issues in 2000, You didn't see them asking Thailand or any other country for help mediating that. It was settled by the courts.

Game, set, match. I suggest you understand how a consititutional monarchy works before you post again. See here:


Happy reading.

The rest of the world has observed as the UK has now installed a new PM after holding their election in a civilized manner while the Thai government has continued to delay the disolution of the parliment and hold a new election. The rest of the civilized world has watched as the Thai governement has used lethal force on Thai citizens and refused to respect the claims of Thai citizens for a legitimate election. The Thai government continues to threaten Thai citizens to try to coerce them into allowing the current government to treat them as inferior people without the human rights that should be accorded to all Thai citizens.

The current Thai government has irreparably damaged the reputation of Thailand in the community of soverign nations. They may hang on for a while but they will always be remembered for their disenfranchisement of many Thai citizens and the use of the Thai military to kill their friends and neighbors.


when are you red sympathizers going to come up with some new material?

please give us some sort of challenge and not just post the same dribble that has been shot down so many times here.

I calmly read your post. It said nothing.

Facts which I included:

1. The Thai people had no voice in the election of Abhisit.

2. April 10, 2010 will be a day of infamy in Thailand as the The government ordered its soldiers to fire on their friends and neighbors and fellow Thai citizens. Hopefully there will be time for a trial in the Hague sometime in the future.

3. Uk has demonstated how a civilized nation transitions peacefully to a new leadership. They showed real class while Thai goverment only showed contempt for its citizens.

4. The current government has made many public requests of other nations to help them which have been ignored and have made no diplomatic requests that have been acknowledged. This speaks loudly about the pitiful reputation of the current Thai government.

Sorry you were unable to rebut anything.

1. Thai people elected Abhisit numerous times. Oh do you mean as PM? I wasn't aware Thai's voted for the PM slot.

2. Yea, just like last year when the gov't opened fire on the reds. And last year the reds had a tape showing the PM directly ordered the shootings.

3: This is not the UK nor is it the same circumstances.

4. This is just completely untrue. Lets here your list of many requests the Thai gov't has made to other nations re: help with this matter (I didn't think so)

5: Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

The rest of the world has observed as the UK has now installed a new PM after holding their election in a civilized manner while the Thai government has continued to delay the disolution of the parliment and hold a new election. The rest of the civilized world has watched as the Thai governement has used lethal force on Thai citizens and refused to respect the claims of Thai citizens for a legitimate election. The Thai government continues to threaten Thai citizens to try to coerce them into allowing the current government to treat them as inferior people without the human rights that should be accorded to all Thai citizens.

The current Thai government has irreparably damaged the reputation of Thailand in the community of soverign nations. They may hang on for a while but they will always be remembered for their disenfranchisement of many Thai citizens and the use of the Thai military to kill their friends and neighbors.


when are you red sympathizers going to come up with some new material?

please give us some sort of challenge and not just post the same dribble that has been shot down so many times here.

I calmly read your post. It said nothing.

Facts which I included:

1. The Thai people had no voice in the election of Abhisit.

2. April 10, 2010 will be a day of infamy in Thailand as the The government ordered its soldiers to fire on their friends and neighbors and fellow Thai citizens. Hopefully there will be time for a trial in the Hague sometime in the future.

3. Uk has demonstated how a civilized nation transitions peacefully to a new leadership. They showed real class while Thai goverment only showed contempt for its citizens.

4. The current government has made many public requests of other nations to help them which have been ignored and have made no diplomatic requests that have been acknowledged. This speaks loudly about the pitiful reputation of the current Thai government.

Sorry you were unable to rebut anything.

I'm not sure why I bother responding to this, but I will anyway.

1. The Thai people DO NOT directly elect the PM. MP's elect the PM. I doubt you were crying for elections when Samak took over for Thaksin, and then Somchai took over for Samak. No elections then.

2. Someone from the crowd fired first. Soldiers died. They were defending themselves.

3. Thank you for pointing this out. See point 1. You dont see the Labour supporters taking over London because they didn't win.

4. Why should the Thai government ask for foreign help on a domestic matter? When the US had their election issues in 2000, You didn't see them asking Thailand or any other country for help mediating that. It was settled by the courts.

Game, set, match. I suggest you understand how a consititutional monarchy works before you post again. See here:


Happy reading.

Re: #4 ... it appears he is saying the Thai gov't has reached out to many other nations asking for help but none will respond. This is so off mark, I think you read it as he is complaining that the Thai gov't has not asked for help. I am tired and this really is getting old but am I missing something here or is he really this clueless?

The rest of the world has observed as the UK has now installed a new PM after holding their election in a civilized manner while the Thai government has continued to delay the disolution of the parliment and hold a new election. The rest of the civilized world has watched as the Thai governement has used lethal force on Thai citizens and refused to respect the claims of Thai citizens for a legitimate election. The Thai government continues to threaten Thai citizens to try to coerce them into allowing the current government to treat them as inferior people without the human rights that should be accorded to all Thai citizens.

The current Thai government has irreparably damaged the reputation of Thailand in the community of soverign nations. They may hang on for a while but they will always be remembered for their disenfranchisement of many Thai citizens and the use of the Thai military to kill their friends and neighbors.


when are you red sympathizers going to come up with some new material?

please give us some sort of challenge and not just post the same dribble that has been shot down so many times here.

Exactly. The defense of these terrorists is growing old.

Go read this, it might give you a clue.


Thanks! been looking for the download link of this document :)

I calmly read your post. It said nothing.

Facts which I included:

1. The Thai people had no voice in the election of Abhisit.

2. April 10, 2010 will be a day of infamy in Thailand as the The government ordered its soldiers to fire on their friends and neighbors and fellow Thai citizens. Hopefully there will be time for a trial in the Hague sometime in the future.

3. Uk has demonstated how a civilized nation transitions peacefully to a new leadership. They showed real class while Thai goverment only showed contempt for its citizens.

4. The current government has made many public requests of other nations to help them which have been ignored and have made no diplomatic requests that have been acknowledged. This speaks loudly about the pitiful reputation of the current Thai government.

Sorry you were unable to rebut anything.


1. Not a fact. Over and over and over again- Abhisit was appointed by the elected MP's who had formed a coalition. If Thaksin's former pals hadn't jumped ship another of his relatives / lackeys would have been appointed- what would you have said then?

2. Bulls#*t, not to mention that outside of Thailand, no one cares. Trial in the Hague? You live in some kind of a bizarre dreamland. First up would be Thaksin for Tak Bai and the "war on drugs", don't you think? If anyone cared about Thailand, that is.

3. The only way the Thai government has showed contempt for its citizens is by letting the red cretins continue to disrupt life in Bangkok

4. Could you present a few sources for your fantasies?


I'd love to see evidence from either side as to what really instigated the mayhem that transpired on the night of April 10. I've watched a few hours worth of videos on youtube, read everything I could that was not blocked online. So I am baffled as to how some people make claims like the "redshirts fired at the army first", or "redshirts shot redshirts". Please point me in the direction of some real proof that shows any of these claims or stop recanting them like they were anything other than opinion.

The rest of the world has observed as the UK has now installed a new PM after holding their election in a civilized manner while the Thai government has continued to delay the disolution of the parliment and hold a new election. The rest of the civilized world has watched as the Thai governement has used lethal force on Thai citizens and refused to respect the claims of Thai citizens for a legitimate election. The Thai government continues to threaten Thai citizens to try to coerce them into allowing the current government to treat them as inferior people without the human rights that should be accorded to all Thai citizens.

The current Thai government has irreparably damaged the reputation of Thailand in the community of soverign nations. They may hang on for a while but they will always be remembered for their disenfranchisement of many Thai citizens and the use of the Thai military to kill their friends and neighbors.


when are you red sympathizers going to come up with some new material?

please give us some sort of challenge and not just post the same dribble that has been shot down so many times here.

I calmly read your post. It said nothing.

Facts which I included:

1. The Thai people had no voice in the election of Abhisit.

2. April 10, 2010 will be a day of infamy in Thailand as the The government ordered its soldiers to fire on their friends and neighbors and fellow Thai citizens. Hopefully there will be time for a trial in the Hague sometime in the future.

3. Uk has demonstated how a civilized nation transitions peacefully to a new leadership. They showed real class while Thai goverment only showed contempt for its citizens.

4. The current government has made many public requests of other nations to help them which have been ignored and have made no diplomatic requests that have been acknowledged. This speaks loudly about the pitiful reputation of the current Thai government.

Sorry you were unable to rebut anything.

I'm not sure why I bother responding to this, but I will anyway.

1. The Thai people DO NOT directly elect the PM. MP's elect the PM. I doubt you were crying for elections when Samak took over for Thaksin, and then Somchai took over for Samak. No elections then.

2. Someone from the crowd fired first. Soldiers died. They were defending themselves.

3. Thank you for pointing this out. See point 1. You dont see the Labour supporters taking over London because they didn't win.

4. Why should the Thai government ask for foreign help on a domestic matter? When the US had their election issues in 2000, You didn't see them asking Thailand or any other country for help mediating that. It was settled by the courts.

Game, set, match. I suggest you understand how a consititutional monarchy works before you post again. See here:


Happy reading.

Well, I see you took the opportunity to discuss some things.

Maybe you didn't read my posts. Please let me explain what it says.

1. My post doesn't address Samak or Thaksin not does it say anything about Parlimentary elections of a PM. It merely points out that with interrventon of the court that the Thai citizens were given no voice in the election of Abhisit.

2. I didn't say anything about who fired first. I merely pointed out that the Thai government used its army to kill fellow Thai citizens.

3. I don't see what any party affiliation has to do with my post. I merely pointed out that the UK government was capable of making a peaceful transition of government to an opposition party in a very short period of time contrary to the contempt that has been demonstrated by the Thai government.

4. I was only pointing out that the government made many public pronouncement in media about ahhving told so and so to do such and such. I was reflecting on how their communication was largely ignored. You seem to have an axe to grind but it doesn't apply to my post.

I hope it is clear what I said now. If you want to rebut a statement please try to rebut what is posted and not what you want to rail about.

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