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Red-Shirts Leader Seh Daeng Shot In The Head - Fighting For His Life In ICU - Video

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The army is shooting at people in Lumpini right now, it's on Thai TV.

Some red shirt thugs tried to corner some soldiers in through gate 2 of the park. The soldiers fired rubber bullets to get out. Actually

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Yes people should choose their own fate, however being paid to vote and/or to protest in the name of democracy is a perversion.

The true perversion is when both sides buy equally but only one is condemned for it

Great comment. Who paid for all the old teachers and government workers to block the airport and government house for 5 months.

This is the worst possible outcome of a completely botched effort to deal with a political crisis. Abhisit should resign now.

Anapoong's snipers have created a Thai Martin Luther King. The reds will go crazy for weeks and for years you will have violence in Bangkok. Car bombs, political murders -all respect for any form of athority is over. For what? A few more months in the govenment so the current generals can stuff their pockets MORE!

All you idiots who have bought the government propaganda about the reds being terrorists, you got what you want. A real Red crack down. Let's see how you enjoy the new Thailand, watching over your sholder all the time.

And all they wanted was fair elections. Shame you you!

No matter what the little Tahilande farangs think, this is awful, I don't care if he was a good or bad guy, to be shot in the head [and yes he was if you look at real news instead of local shit] makes Thailand look like an African third world country.

Crap about shoot them out, do what is necessary to remove the protestors is simplistic and naive.

This will never go away until the inequalities in Thailand are addressed to some degree.

This here is the moderate, educated, pro-democracy crowd :)

Nothing like those blood thirsty Reds ...

If he was shot in the head with a high velocity round (from some distance) then he would not have much of a head left. Looks more like low velocity from close distance.

Exactly ....high velocity bullet would have made his head explode.....so who did pull the trigger ??

The army is shooting at people in Lumpini right now, it's on Thai TV.

It was a while ago actually .Rubber bullets and the protestors have retreated. No doubt they will repeat it may times over as there is not much alternative footage available

This one is new. Just 10 minutes ago.

Yes people should choose their own fate, however being paid to vote and/or to protest in the name of democracy is a perversion.

The true perversion is when both sides buy equally but only one is condemned for it

Great comment. Who paid for all the old teachers and government workers to block the airport and government house for 5 months.

This is the worst possible outcome of a completely botched effort to deal with a political crisis. Abhisit should resign now.

Anapoong's snipers have created a Thai Martin Luther King. The reds will go crazy for weeks and for years you will have violence in Bangkok. Car bombs, political murders -all respect for any form of athority is over. For what? A few more months in the govenment so the current generals can stuff their pockets MORE!

All you idiots who have bought the government propaganda about the reds being terrorists, you got what you want. A real Red crack down. Let's see how you enjoy the new Thailand, watching over your sholder all the time.

And all they wanted was fair elections. Shame you you!

Seh Daeng and MLK have NOTHING in common. Believe what you want, but don't you dare compare that great man of PEACE and NON-VIOLENCE with a violent terrorist.


So I assume with your vitriol and accusations that you have evidence of any sort whatsoever that Abhisit ordered the killing of Seh Daeng.

How very stupid! Who else do you think is responsible for this Somchai from the 7/11 down the road? Grow up man.

With the attached avatar your impolite and ignorant post ridicules yourself

Have respect for the Dalai Lama

PS; A man, by definition is already grown up.

( How very stupid ! )

Stupid move to kill seh daeng, since thaksin loved him. It seems Abhisit wants to wake up the lion more

We don't know who shot Seh Daeng but I think Abhisit understands more factions are going to reveal themselves. It'sa necessary thing if there is to be any kind of real advancement in Thai society. Alot of factions/elements/variables need to be either neutralized or consolidated to get away from the highly entropic reality that is Thailand today. It's got to happen. One can only hope it happens in a way that allows for the survival of Thailand and social progress.

The army is shooting at people in Lumpini right now, it's on Thai TV.

It was a while ago actually .Rubber bullets and the protestors have retreated. No doubt they will repeat it may times over as there is not much alternative footage available

This one is new. Just 10 minutes ago.

The "innocent" red insurgents were trying to trap the soldiers in Lumpini Park. Please, no more acting like the reds are innocent.

Once again the fake pm shows his true colors. His puppet masters say 'take him out' and he replies 'yessah massah' and orders the hit. If the fight to establish democracy requires central bkk to be shut down for 10 years, I hope and pray those good people have the strength to see it through. They are heros, every one.

ignorance is bliss, as they say

Wow! I guess you told me :)

The army is shooting at people in Lumpini right now, it's on Thai TV.

Some red shirt thugs tried to corner some soldiers in through gate 2 of the park. The soldiers fired rubber bullets to get out. Actually

And this is true because you read it in The Nation, right?

Funny how the only times international press was witness, like when the soldier was shot in the head, turned out it wasn't the nasty Reds who started it after all :)

The army is shooting at people in Lumpini right now, it's on Thai TV.

It was a while ago actually .Rubber bullets and the protestors have retreated. No doubt they will repeat it may times over as there is not much alternative footage available

This one is new. Just 10 minutes ago.

The "innocent" red insurgents were trying to trap the soldiers in Lumpini Park. Please, no more acting like the reds are innocent.

Take a look at the quotes above. Who's the one that came up with the word "innocent"?

Question is will Mr Abhisit have the balls to admit he ordered killing?

I doubt it bloody yellow skirt! yellow belly.

Probably try and fob it off on someone else.

So I assume with your vitriol and accusations that you have evidence of any sort whatsoever that Abhisit ordered the killing of Seh Daeng.

How very stupid! Who else do you think is responsible for this Somchai from the 7/11 down the road? Grow up man.

With the attached avatar your impolite and ignorant post ridicules yourself

Have respect for the Dalai Lama

PS; A man, by definition is already grown up.

( How very stupid ! )

Stupid move to kill seh daeng, since thaksin loved him. It seems Abhisit wants to wake up the lion more

No not a stupid move ... one more mouth piece for red revolution silenced

If he was shot in the head with a high velocity round (from some distance) then he would not have much of a head left. Looks more like low velocity from close distance.

Exactly ....high velocity bullet would have made his head explode.....so who did pull the trigger ??

afraid this is wrong, .308 HV ammo steel mantle = small entry and exit wound - the favorite sniper ammunition

pistol pt rifle round with soft core at close range through the head will have a small entry but a large exit wound

Take a look at the quotes above. Who's the one that came up with the word "innocent"?

Shooting at "people" implies they have done nothing to deserve the action. Your report was completely out of context. I know, I know, the work of the red shirt apologists is never done.

The army is shooting at people in Lumpini right now, it's on Thai TV.

It was a while ago actually .Rubber bullets and the protestors have retreated. No doubt they will repeat it may times over as there is not much alternative footage available

This one is new. Just 10 minutes ago.

The "innocent" red insurgents were trying to trap the soldiers in Lumpini Park. Please, no more acting like the reds are innocent.

One pedestrian was killed by the innocent Reds.

NYT link http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/14/world/asia/14thai.html?hp

eyewitness report by NYT reporter

no "eyewitness" report at this link...

The general, Khattiya Sawatdiphol, 58, was struck in the head by a bullet during an interview with this reporter about 7 p.m. on the street in central Bangkok, near a park occupied by his hard-line followers. This reporter, who was facing the general and about two feet away, heard a loud bang not unlike a firecracker.

It is the reporter who was interviewing him at the time of the fatal shot.


This is the worst possible outcome of a completely botched effort to deal with a political crisis. Abhisit should resign now.

Anapoong's snipers have created a Thai Martin Luther King. The reds will go crazy for weeks and for years you will have violence in Bangkok. Car bombs, political murders -all respect for any form of athority is over. For what? A few more months in the govenment so the current generals can stuff their pockets MORE!

All you idiots who have bought the government propaganda about the reds being terrorists, you got what you want. A real Red crack down. Let's see how you enjoy the new Thailand, watching over your sholder all the time.

And all they wanted was fair elections. Shame you you!

Seh Daeng and MLK have NOTHING in common. Believe what you want, but don't you dare compare that great man of PEACE and NON-VIOLENCE with a violent terrorist.

I did not say he was MLK. I said they have CREATED one. This guy has been raised to the statud of saint by a bullet - like MLK. It's hard to beat dead saints. This government just lost the war.

If he was shot in the head with a high velocity round (from some distance) then he would not have much of a head left. Looks more like low velocity from close distance.

Rubbish, as usual from the "weapons experts". There is as yet nothing to support either piece of total conjecture.

Never professed to being a "weapons expert". But I suppose you have never owned or fired a firearm.

Yes people should choose their own fate, however being paid to vote and/or to protest in the name of democracy is a perversion.

The true perversion is when both sides buy equally but only one is condemned for it

Great comment. Who paid for all the old teachers and government workers to block the airport and government house for 5 months.

This is the worst possible outcome of a completely botched effort to deal with a political crisis. Abhisit should resign now.

Anapoong's snipers have created a Thai Martin Luther King. The reds will go crazy for weeks and for years you will have violence in Bangkok. Car bombs, political murders -all respect for any form of athority is over. For what? A few more months in the govenment so the current generals can stuff their pockets MORE!

All you idiots who have bought the government propaganda about the reds being terrorists, you got what you want. A real Red crack down. Let's see how you enjoy the new Thailand, watching over your sholder all the time.

And all they wanted was fair elections. Shame you you!

its the men stuffing the money into the pockets of the generals that need the bullet


 .......And all they wanted was fair elections. Shame you you!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, all they wanted was to keep subverting 'Democracy' and put their hands out for 500 Baht 

Shame on you ! :)

Take a look at the quotes above. Who's the one that came up with the word "innocent"?

Shooting at "people" implies they have done nothing to deserve the action. Your report was completely out of context. I know, I know, the work of the red shirt apologists is never done.

Sorry, I completely forgot that the red shirts don't count as "people". :)

Low Caibre bullets to the head/chest. Could be an outside force. Perhaps Japanese...

Lol, Japan is the only country in the world that doesn't have a formal army. They wouldn't know which end of a sniper rifle to hold.

No, this is a good old thai job. Probably the army guys had enough of being used for target practice by Khattiya's guys in black. Also a very direct payback from someone high up, after snipers deliberately targetted certain high ranking officers on April 10.

Well, saying good riddance would be crass, but he certainly was one of the most controversial elements among the red shirt leaders.

Seems to me, Costa Rica has no army.

Low (small?) calibre (5.56mm?) with high velocity in head would = scrambled brain or small entry and gaping exit. Not really considered sniper grade calibre. Not much future for victim. Maybe organ donor.

Think good of Thailand before you sleep tonight. OC


 .......And all they wanted was fair elections. Shame you you!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, all they wanted was to keep subverting 'Democracy' and put their hands out for 500 Baht 

Shame on you ! :)

They won their early elections but no, that wasn't good enough for them. They chose to reject the roadmap. As usual, the blood is all on the red shirt's hands.

Hmm, is anyone modding this thread? There are several posters who should be banned for their comments


With you on that Simon.

Love it how farangs always think they know whats best for Thailand.

Wonder how many of them actually live here.

Perhaps they should bear in mind we are nothing more than guests here.

Hopefully immigration will tighten up the visa extension rules in the near future.

No, we are not guests. Guests get free room and board. Tourists are customers, invited to come here by the government and one of its embezzlement arms, the TAT. Many residents, like me for example, are investors in the country, providing jobs for Thai people. In fact without foreign investment, our "Hosts" would still be getting around in rickshaws on dirt roads. I also support my Thai wife and members of her family and have paid more in company tax than most average citizens pay in the lifetime. So if I want to complain occasionally, I feel I have paid for the right to do so, financially, emotionally, spiritually and educationally - the latter meaning I have actually done a lot of reading on the history of this country and its society and have a pretty good idea of how it works and reasonable notions of what sort of direction the country needs to take. Yes, there are those who whinge and moan without having a clue, but this is by no means all foreigners.

Ah I see you mention you are a resident, how long did the process take?

I was under the impression no PR had been given out since at least 2006, take it you were lucky and got in just before that, or have you actually got citizenship now?

Does being a resident give you any special rights, or do you have to go cap in hand to immigration each year for an extension?

I am on my 5th extension, and consider myself a guest at the whims of local bureaucracy, must try looking into that resident staus you have.

As for rickshaws and dirt roads, take a trip out to Samut Prakarn, still have sam lors in daily use out that way.

I dont consider myself to be a cultural imperialist, I was under the impression Thais know better than we guests whats best for them.

Such a well balanced poster, a chip on both shoulders.

NYT link http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/14/world/asia/14thai.html?hp

eyewitness report by NYT reporter

well reading this eyewitness report it certainly was NOT a sniper unless he fired just when a firecracker went off. sounds more like a handgun was used.

I have heard from a non media source that he was hit by an m79 grenade, or shrapnel there of. That would fit with the NY Times description of an explosive sound. It would also change the picture a lot.

It would "change the picture", but it would also be impossible unless there were several other casualties (such as the reporter who was "two feet away". There weren't. There were no other casualties in the immediate area.

There is, so far, nothing to indicate the sort of weapon used, other than it being a small arm of some description; possily a handgun, possibly a rifle, definitely not a grenade of any description. The reporter had enough sense not to speculate - it is a pity that others here cannot follow his example, instead of becoming armchair experts with nothing to go on.

That maybe so but unless youre a Thai citizen youre a guest.

Give up guest crap BigPig. Thailand has free speech provisions and they apply to "Arrogant Europeans" (which I am not, by the way thanks for the presumption) just as much as Thin Skinned Arrogant (pick your own country).

Criticism is how the world improves. If you don't like it then don't do things that warrant it, or move to North Korea where nobody is allowed to complain about anything. Why should people remain silent about nepotism, cronyism, corruption and violence? That's just stupid. If people in Thailand jammed it up corrupt politicians every chance they got it would be a far better place.

Shhh...keep it under the table...doesn't work.

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