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Red-Shirts Leader Seh Daeng Shot In The Head - Fighting For His Life In ICU - Video

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You are totally and utterly wrong. The only time that a soldier (sniper) would shoot anybody in the head would be during a war

or possibly during the current State of Emergency if he could prove it was an act of self defence. If he could not show that he acted in self defence he would be charged with murder.

Could you also tell me when the trial that convicted Major General Khattiya of treason was held?

Major General Khattiya was unarmed and in the middle of an interview with a reporter. He was also standing quite near a group of policemen. The fact that the sniper aimed at his head is proof that he intended to kill the Major General and if found will be charged with murder. Likewise, the people who ordered the killing will also be charged with murder irrespective of their position in society. As the whole area is surrounded by the military it seems very improbable that the sniper was not a member of the armed forces.

As with the killings on 10th April the SDI (who are working as part of CRES!) say that they will carry out the investigation.

(I have used the word murder and not the term attempted murder as it is unlikely that anybody could survive being shot through the top of the head with a 7.64mm bullet).

Don't security forces (police/army) around the world sometimes take out criminals using snipers?

If they are armed and present a clear and present threat to life.

So given his continuous boasting, it's fair to think he was both of those.

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Video is on the way, but we are experiencing technical difficulties.

Update: At least 20 security officers injured when confronted by red-shirt protesters at Huachiew Hospital; officers agree to retreat from hospital

Absolutely best news about Daeng being shot. The triade of terrorists (Thaksin, Daeng, Arisman) should be taken out to remove the extreme elements hijacking a perfectly good cause (rights for the poor etc etc).

My inlaws, themselves from a disadvantaged upcountry background were literally dancing in the living room about this news.

Great strategy, not sure if the government can keep up the pressure or if it's going to turn into a complete mess again.

Too bad that the reforms being made (agricultural aide, loan packages, education reforms) aren't making headlines.

you must come from the "Israeli / Palestinian" school of Conflict Resolution? How is that technique working for them?

In short sir: you are an idiot!

You are totally and utterly wrong. The only time that a soldier (sniper) would shoot anybody in the head would be during a war

or possibly during the current State of Emergency if he could prove it was an act of self defence. If he could not show that he acted in self defence he would be charged with murder.

Could you also tell me when the trial that convicted Major General Khattiya of treason was held?

Major General Khattiya was unarmed and in the middle of an interview with a reporter. He was also standing quite near a group of policemen. The fact that the sniper aimed at his head is proof that he intended to kill the Major General and if found will be charged with murder. Likewise, the people who ordered the killing will also be charged with murder irrespective of their position in society. As the whole area is surrounded by the military it seems very improbable that the sniper was not a member of the armed forces.

As with the killings on 10th April the SDI (who are working as part of CRES!) say that they will carry out the investigation.

(I have used the word murder and not the term attempted murder as it is unlikely that anybody could survive being shot through the top of the head with a 7.64mm bullet).

Don't security forces (police/army) around the world sometimes take out criminals using snipers?

Can you show me some examples from around the world? Take out 'criminals' while the 'criminals' talking to a reporter,

If the security forces have done this it is murder, nothing else. Nothing to justify or to apologize.

And what crime Seh Deang have done so far?

You are totally and utterly wrong. The only time that a soldier (sniper) would shoot anybody in the head would be during a war

or possibly during the current State of Emergency if he could prove it was an act of self defence. If he could not show that he acted in self defence he would be charged with murder.

Could you also tell me when the trial that convicted Major General Khattiya of treason was held?

Major General Khattiya was unarmed and in the middle of an interview with a reporter. He was also standing quite near a group of policemen. The fact that the sniper aimed at his head is proof that he intended to kill the Major General and if found will be charged with murder. Likewise, the people who ordered the killing will also be charged with murder irrespective of their position in society. As the whole area is surrounded by the military it seems very improbable that the sniper was not a member of the armed forces.

As with the killings on 10th April the SDI (who are working as part of CRES!) say that they will carry out the investigation.

(I have used the word murder and not the term attempted murder as it is unlikely that anybody could survive being shot through the top of the head with a 7.64mm bullet).

Don't security forces (police/army) around the world sometimes take out criminals using snipers?

Can you show me some examples from around the world? Take out 'criminals' while the 'criminals' talking to a reporter,

If the security forces have done this it is murder, nothing else. Nothing to justify or to apologize.

And what crime Seh Deang have done so far?

The entire process was in line with international standards and Democratic law. He was accused of a crime and then executed in the middle of the capital while reporters from around the world were watching and witnessing the proper execution.

I don't see why everyone is making a big fuss over this. Get over it. You guys clearly have no understanding about how Democracy works. Forget about courts, judges and evidence. That's for anarchists. True Democracies don't work like that.


I have consistently been against violence - and I acknowledge the reds have at times been misled and to other times just plain stupid.

I have also supported the ending of this - and have said that the reds should go home - they had it - now they are losing it through poor leadership.

I am against, in all forms, by ANY side - sneaking around with snipers and shooting people in the head 'because we do not agree with them'

Your comment about the 'law being upheld' is a contradiction - shooting people (the topic of this thread) is not upholding the law - it is attempted murder - plain and simple


Sorry but again your conclusion is NOT true.

Shooting people obviously is NOT murder in many instances. For the ARMY to shoot a rogue General that is comiting treason is not murder. (Murder is a legal term that would not be applied)

The fact remains we don't know who has shot Sae Daeng yet and until we do we will NOT know how to label it. Crime? Maybe.

You are totally and utterly wrong. The only time that a soldier (sniper) would shoot anybody in the head would be during a war

or possibly during the current State of Emergency if he could prove it was an act of self defence. If he could not show that he acted in self defence he would be charged with murder.

Could you also tell me when the trial that convicted Major General Khattiya of treason was held?

Major General Khattiya was unarmed and in the middle of an interview with a reporter. He was also standing quite near a group of policemen. The fact that the sniper aimed at his head is proof that he intended to kill the Major General and if found will be charged with murder. Likewise, the people who ordered the killing will also be charged with murder irrespective of their position in society. As the whole area is surrounded by the military it seems very improbable that the sniper was not a member of the armed forces.

As with the killings on 10th April the SDI (who are working as part of CRES!) say that they will carry out the investigation.

(I have used the word murder and not the term attempted murder as it is unlikely that anybody could survive being shot through the top of the head with a 7.64mm bullet).

exactly but he will never listen...

Exactly +1

True believers never listen, they just hear what they want to believe.

In short, if the military shot SD it is an incredible clumsy and stupid maneuver.

It is almost so poorly executed that one has to assume it was rogue elements doing it on their own accord or someone that removed a competitor.


Mr. Know-It-All speaks ...


The government have covered themselves. They arrested the general today (while in criticial care and in a coma)and charged him with terrorist activities.

They reason that USA would shoot osama bin laden et al , so as Seh daeng is now a terrorist they are just as entitled to shoot him down.

The fact that they did it cleanly , without 'collateral damage', only shows how efficient they are. Imagine the toasts to each others humanity going on right now.

Title: Shot in the head

Article: Shot in the chest

= The best of Thai media consistency

Before bashing everything about Thailand, read the source which is AFP.

Besides those who are happy on this tragic event, just imagine how do you feel if you were shot and everyone else is happy. Be humane and gentle, if you could.


LOL ... ummmm

I think anyone checking where "El Shaheen" is posting from will note that it is NOT from Thailand.

LOL .... ummmmm

Where 'jdinasia' coming from and from where is he posting?

Feel free to ask a Mod where I am posting from :) A TOT connection in Chiang Mai :D Before Chiang Mai it was BKK for years. A year in Phuket.

Then again my credibility isn't an issue as I wasn't quoted in a news article copied and pasted into this forum.

It was a copied and pasted blog entry from The Nation Editor Thanong who quoted some anonymous comment below a news article. So how reliable can that 'source' be? Who cares?

But how you can check where this anonymous source is posting from, as you have suggested it?

That is for sure nonsense.

And your own credibility, it doesn't depend on NOT being quoted in a newsd article. Face it, you are just another anonymous, without any credebility.

Who cares if you are at the moment on CM at a TOT connection. You telling stories here, that you cannot prove or back up with external sources. Stories that seems to just come out of your fantasy and are fabricated by yourself. There is your credibility.

aaaaaaaaaaaand here it is, the expected denial from the government

THE NATION: Panitan: Govt had nothing to do with Seh Daeng attack.


Ever thought about that the reds were trying to shoot another journalist to frame up the government for it and he missed and hit his leader instead ???

They did it before .. why not again to try and discredit the government

What is strange, a sniper would normally go for a much safer body shot - chest (except in the movies) the damage a high velocity round does when passing through the body usually guaranties death. The head is much more difficult to hit due to being smaller and sudden movements - especially in bad light conditions. If the sniper was aiming at a taller journalist and missed him, he could have easily hit his boss in the head

Body shots went out when body armour came in.

You are totally and utterly wrong. The only time that a soldier (sniper) would shoot anybody in the head would be during a war

or possibly during the current State of Emergency if he could prove it was an act of self defence. If he could not show that he acted in self defence he would be charged with murder.

Could you also tell me when the trial that convicted Major General Khattiya of treason was held?

Major General Khattiya was unarmed and in the middle of an interview with a reporter. He was also standing quite near a group of policemen. The fact that the sniper aimed at his head is proof that he intended to kill the Major General and if found will be charged with murder. Likewise, the people who ordered the killing will also be charged with murder irrespective of their position in society. As the whole area is surrounded by the military it seems very improbable that the sniper was not a member of the armed forces.

As with the killings on 10th April the SDI (who are working as part of CRES!) say that they will carry out the investigation.

(I have used the word murder and not the term attempted murder as it is unlikely that anybody could survive being shot through the top of the head with a 7.64mm bullet).

Yak .. yak .. yak .. More Red Shirt diahorrea!! :D

"The fact that the sniper aimed at his head is proof that he intended to kill the Major General" ... Yeah, well deduced, Einstein! :)

In any civilised entity, this dumb mofo - a bloodthirsty, treasonable, megalomaniac, rabid, mad dog that was (past tense, hopefully!) constantly foaming orgasmically at the mouth for its (pay)master Thaksin! - would properly be labelled as a "Traitor to the Country."

And the c*** would've there, long ago, been treated as such! Given a blindfold and a bullet!

So the rabid Red mad dog got to meet Karma yesterday?? ... So what? .

.. Yawn!!

... None too soon!

... In fact, far far too late!

I don't mean to be in any way nasty here - so here's a lil message for Khaty, if I may;

.... Enjoy hel_l, mofo!! :D ... Don't worry, Thaky's on his way to join you real soon :D (if he's not already there!!)

Title: Shot in the head

Article: Shot in the chest

= The best of Thai media consistency

Before bashing everything about Thailand, read the source which is AFP.

Besides those who are happy on this tragic event, just imagine how do you feel if you were shot and everyone else is happy. Be humane and gentle, if you could.

:D:):D :D :D :D :D

Just like that evil terrorist was/is. Who boasted about killing and maiming people. Who also wanted to BURN BANGKOK!

Who hopefully will suffer a very long life as a vegetable and return as the cockroach he started as!

.................Even better, a democratically elected government without the nouveau riche buying votes, parties and candidates...............

So its OK for "old money" to buy votes, etc, but not new money? What an odd view of democracy.

In short, if the military shot SD it is an incredible clumsy and stupid maneuver.

It is almost so poorly executed that one has to assume it was rogue elements doing it on their own accord or someone that removed a competitor.


Mr. Know-It-All speaks ...

Uh, what?

I clearly do not know who took him out. I am merely pointing out that the execution of the mission is done in such a sloppy way that I hope the military is not behind it or I am afraid of the ineptitude of the officers behind it...

aaaaaaaaaaaand here it is, the expected denial from the government

THE NATION: Panitan: Govt had nothing to do with Seh Daeng attack.


Ever thought about that the reds were trying to shoot another journalist to frame up the government for it and he missed and hit his leader instead ???

They did it before .. why not again to try and discredit the government

What is strange, a sniper would normally go for a much safer body shot - chest (except in the movies) the damage a high velocity round does when passing through the body usually guaranties death. The head is much more difficult to hit due to being smaller and sudden movements - especially in bad light conditions. If the sniper was aiming at a taller journalist and missed him, he could have easily hit his boss in the head

Body shots went out when body armour came in.

Incorrect, there is not body armor in use today by regular troops that withstand the larger power caliber rifles that specialized rifles chamber (or even some hunter rifles).

The LvIV vests with inserts plates can withstand multiple body hits at 2inch dispersion from 5.56 NATO rounds, or single 7.62 NATO rounds, but limited to .338 Lapua Magnum and not against 12.7x99 mm NATO etc.

You are totally and utterly wrong. The only time that a soldier (sniper) would shoot anybody in the head would be during a war

or possibly during the current State of Emergency if he could prove it was an act of self defence. If he could not show that he acted in self defence he would be charged with murder.

Could you also tell me when the trial that convicted Major General Khattiya of treason was held?

Major General Khattiya was unarmed and in the middle of an interview with a reporter. He was also standing quite near a group of policemen. The fact that the sniper aimed at his head is proof that he intended to kill the Major General and if found will be charged with murder. Likewise, the people who ordered the killing will also be charged with murder irrespective of their position in society. As the whole area is surrounded by the military it seems very improbable that the sniper was not a member of the armed forces.

As with the killings on 10th April the SDI (who are working as part of CRES!) say that they will carry out the investigation.

(I have used the word murder and not the term attempted murder as it is unlikely that anybody could survive being shot through the top of the head with a 7.64mm bullet).

Don't security forces (police/army) around the world sometimes take out criminals using snipers?

Can you show me some examples from around the world? Take out 'criminals' while the 'criminals' talking to a reporter,

If the security forces have done this it is murder, nothing else. Nothing to justify or to apologize.

And what crime Seh Deang have done so far?

The entire process was in line with international standards and Democratic law. <snip>


I presume you'll come back as another newbie with (yet) another nick when these troubles are over.


LOL ... ummmm

I think anyone checking where "El Shaheen" is posting from will note that it is NOT from Thailand.

LOL .... ummmmm

Where 'jdinasia' coming from and from where is he posting?

Feel free to ask a Mod where I am posting from :) A TOT connection in Chiang Mai :D Before Chiang Mai it was BKK for years. A year in Phuket.

Then again my credibility isn't an issue as I wasn't quoted in a news article copied and pasted into this forum.

It was a copied and pasted blog entry from The Nation Editor Thanong who quoted some anonymous comment below a news article. So how reliable can that 'source' be? Who cares?

But how you can check where this anonymous source is posting from, as you have suggested it?

That is for sure nonsense.

And your own credibility, it doesn't depend on NOT being quoted in a newsd article. Face it, you are just another anonymous, without any credebility.

Who cares if you are at the moment on CM at a TOT connection. You telling stories here, that you cannot prove or back up with external sources. Stories that seems to just come out of your fantasy and are fabricated by yourself. There is your credibility.


My credibility again isn't the issue :D

My IP address is easily checked and YOU asked where I am posting from.

Do a bit more research on the person I questioned the credibility of :D start with right here :D

I am not very anonymous and have met quite a few people from TVF. I post "stories" with links. I post my opinions. I post about my experiences. My experiences are MY experiences and I know it. Then again .... like I said I have met quite a few of these posters :D Thanks for the flames though .... gotta love it!

Who gives a shiite about the yellows they were a bunch of loosers that caused some shit years ago. This is now.

The yellows proved to that it's perfectly okay to overrun government house and take it over for 8 months and basically live there, then take over 2 international airports and hold hundreds of thousands of tourists stranded in Thailand for 10 days. They used grenades, firearms, slingshots. And they attacked police and army personnel and beat them up, even killed one of their own guards (his body was found at Don Mueang after the yellow shirts left).

That was "years ago". So what do we have today? Red shirts, you're right, who have seen that it's perfectly okay to do what the yellow shirts did and not having to go to prison. Since the yellow shirts are, 2 years later, still not in prison. Even worse, the yellow shirts are allowed to hold more demonstrations and dictate the government how to handle the red shirts.

You are correct. The yellows set the precedent. This is why the reds have been so bold. They knew they could get away with it and they have.

Mark my words when the next government is in power, the opposing side will resort to the same puerile tactics and on it will go -- all in the name of "democracy."

Agreed 100% - until there is a leader strong enough and with enough confidence and character to deal equally and justly with all those who have broken the law, regardless of position, status or wealth the vicious circle will continue. It doesn't matter who started it, what matters is having someone who can end it and at the moment I can see nobody capable of doing that. Unless they start at the very top and work down, impartially and, if necessary, ruthlessly, there is no end in sight. Da Torpedo was sentenced to 15 years for just speaking out in public; all those who have broken the law and encouraged others to do so should receive similar treatment.


Am I the only one who's heard, quite some time ago, that Dep. P.M. Suthep has been shot in the head by an Army officer?

ps: unconfirmed but from two different directions

Am I the only one who's heard, quite some time ago, that Dep. P.M. Suthep has been shot in the head by an Army officer?

ps: unconfirmed but from two different directions

well if that is true, you my friend just got breaking news of the day.


Chaos, violence grips Thai capital

Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) -- The Thai capital Bangkok was embroiled in violence Friday after the shooting of an opposition leader inflamed tensions already high after weeks of unrest.

Battle lines were drawn on the city's streets as thousands of anti-government skirmished with troops in riot gear to the sound of gunfire and explosions. Makeshift barricades closed roads while smoke poured from fires.

Read more: edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/05/14/thailand.anti-government.protests/index.html?hpt=T1


-- CNN 2010-05-14

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Amazing, how this could have all been avoided if Elections would be held. :)

Elections WERE held in 2007. They were offered for later this year. The terrorists didn't leave they just added more demands. I believe that Nov 14th has been taken off the table now so that means 2011 unless Abhisit gets generous again and offers them early, OR the coalition government that represents the MAJORITY of Thai citizens crumbles before then.

stop telling misinformation - it does not represent the majority - utter, utter rubbish - it represents MP's changing sides so the people who elected them have not got the government they elected - total rubbish - Abhisit 'generous again' you are a one aren't you? he won't have a choice - it isn't over by a long shot - he has made a HUGE error

Am I the only one who's heard, quite some time ago, that Dep. P.M. Suthep has been shot in the head by an Army officer?

ps: unconfirmed but from two different directions

well if that is true, you my friend just got breaking news of the day.

any update on this? or is it another 'Thaksin is dead' rubbish?

Am I the only one who's heard, quite some time ago, that Dep. P.M. Suthep has been shot in the head by an Army officer?

ps: unconfirmed but from two different directions

Looks like its kicking off.

Shooting SD was stupid and it might be the step too far that results in one hellish night in Bangkok.

Am I the only one who's heard, quite some time ago, that Dep. P.M. Suthep has been shot in the head by an Army officer?

ps: unconfirmed but from two different directions

Looks like its kicking off.

Shooting SD was stupid and it might be the step too far that results in one hellish night in Bangkok.

You're not the only one. I heard it too.

Am I the only one who's heard, quite some time ago, that Dep. P.M. Suthep has been shot in the head by an Army officer?

ps: unconfirmed but from two different directions

Looks like its kicking off.

Shooting SD was stupid and it might be the step too far that results in one hellish night in Bangkok.

it was really, really dumb

Well I think he had it coming....

This already is having awful ramifications for Thailand. It was a truly dumb thing to do.

just turns him into a martyr - this has a long way to go - bad news for Thailand whatever your views this was BAD strategy

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