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Red-Shirts Leader Seh Daeng Shot In The Head - Fighting For His Life In ICU - Video

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The general was as big an a-hole as they come, and I don't mourn his loss. But the reality is, cheering his loss........when the government should have easily been able to clamp down on a loose cannon in the military....while criticizing the extermination of a few thousand 'guilty' drug dealers, seems to be at odds.

Maybe like people who were okay with the airport takeover by the yellow shirts, but not okay with the takeover of downtown by the reds.

Completely agree with your post. The red shirts are certainly better off without Seh Daeng, but I also believe that whoever shot him makes them no better than Thaksin's extrajudicial killings.

"Whoever shot him"??? What are you on about? You've already stated it was the army.

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I have said for months they should have arrested the guy. Its not like he was hiding in the hills of bora bora. They had everything they needed to hold him. Now rather then having - what by now would be a nut case in a cell - they have a martyr. Dumb. Completely dumb

And doing it as he was talking to the international press.

My god, at least try to have a front shot, but no they got a back shot.

Its fitting of this government to screw up even a wet dream.

They have set new ground rules for the game. Congrat's now its going to get real bad.

This only proves why this government needs to stop now and get out. A coup would be better then these mad men. Correction stupid men. Mad men are like Thaksin and have at least some brain power.


The only thing worse than the inane article that began this thread is our commentary.

No matter the assassin, the chances now of extreme polarization are far greater. Any possible bloodbaths will NOT be one sided. It seems to me that farang living in Bangkok are myopic and apparently cannot see beyond their immediate (imagined) self-interest.

Consider: Historically, symbolic violence of such a high profile only accelerates mindless violence. Far from indicating stability, this event threatens to deliver incredible instability. I give you WWI - as mindless and destructive as they come. If we suppose that the army here universally welcomes such battles, we understand nothing.

All who cheer are fools if they wish for peaceful times. I contribute only because of trends of history, not because I have a "horse in this race."

Another thought: All here who are glad for assassinations are mental. (IMAO)



The word used was "marksmen" not "snipers".

Please be more careful or people would think you're intentionally insinuating rather than posting news.

Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

How do we know he was shot by the miitary ? Who has the motive to shoot him ? The reds have been distancing themselves from him of late. Who's to say this wasn't an inside job ? If there was any connection between the M79 type attacks and the reds he had to be the key. Has he been silenced ? Speculating here with apologies, but there has to be a cause and effect here...unless we want to believe he was hit by a stray bullet !

Wasn't Seh Daeng supposed to be the leader of the "militant arm" of the red shirts? So he ordered himself shot?

oh for christ sake!


It's one thing to use the military to disperse the demonstrators... It's quite another matter to use snipers to assassinate the leaders of the opposition when they are providing an interview to international press... Bunch of monkeys with guns and no sense...


You are a disgrace to mankind.

Regardless of your political views, a human being - unlike yourself - is suffering and may die.

Where is your compassion?

If it were your mother, would you also be crying 'party time'?

You sicken me.


Didn't this crap start when the military removed an elected government from office? Oh yeah, I forgot, the brillianat bastards in BKK determined the dumb bastards in the country weren't smart enough to vote. Someone tell me where else <deleted> like this happens? It does however, seem to me there are a number of countries on the planet where many dumb people vote (witness Obama) and they still find a way can change their government without stealing it, hijacking airports, or taking to the streets with weapons. I guess learning has never been much of a Thai thing, note how much history the average Thai is aware of. This country has no chance of ever being a player on the world stage. The only thing left to determine now is the final body count. So sad.

The Internet literally came to a stop..

Party time indeed.. :)

People are dieing , Even if they are right or wrong , why is it party time,

Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

May have been a general but my wife(thai) informed me he had been kicked out of the army..

Not kicked out suspended


Considering the sensitivity of Thaivisa and some of the brash comments here, I'm surprised this thread isn't locked yet.

Let's all hope (or pray if that's your thing) that there is a minimum of chaos tonight.

Who is that in the picture and when was it taken?

That was a guy shot on April 10 near Democracy Monument -- nothing to do with tonight!!!

The picture was certainly kicking around during April 10th with another badly photoshop'ed picture.

Probably a road traffic accident who happened to be wearing red.


No wonder he has been shot...someone with Seh Daeng's vast milatary experience should have known that green camouflage fatigues would not blend into the city landscape.

Let's face it, the man was a complete coward surrounding himself with women and children and hoping they would act as a human shield to protect him.

It's a battle between the elite leaders, nothing more. The sniper shot of Seh Daeng can only trigger more violence. Seh Daeng was widely loved by Thaksin Shinawatra.

EGGsactly. Thailand has a Western Built political shark tank; there are always going to be sharks!

The Thai political system is a bad copy of European systems. It is NOT a 'Made in Thailand' product by any stretch of the imagination.

The 'Elite' foreign educated Khana Ratsadon was already squabbling among themselves before they even came back from France and England. They were divided into 'factions' even before the coup and set the battle plan for the next 80 years of gang warfare politics.

The really, really, really ironic part was SOMEBODY, in those days, had brilliant concepts of representational democracy which were ignored by the KR.

Next 100 Years? Look at the last 80! The 20th constitution will be as inept as the past 19.

Thailand HAS to shelve the Western shark tank and build an aquarium that is suitable to all of the Societal factors of the Kingdom.

The Joseph Solution would be accepted and loved by 95% of Thais, reds, yellows, blues, whites, and GOLD; NOT blacks, pinks and maroons.

It guarantees fair elections and has a built in watch dog system to filter out conflict of interest and corruption by legislators.

It guarantees Stable 4 year terms. [Only one "elected" Thai PM ever lasted a full term and he is an exile, though Chuan 'almost' did, as well.]

I can tell what will soon happen. The Gang Lords are going to realise the pig trough they want their noses in is getting wrecked, and I'm not talking about the measly tourism industry, 6% of GDP. They will have a gang land truce and SELL it to everyone as New Democracy, when it really be a dividing up of the Seats of Corruption.

Don't believe ANYone who owns private jets!!!

Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

He is a self-declared armed anti-government rebel leader. He is not just any innocent (non)-suspect riding a bicycle. Taking him out will save many many lives, if not the country from civil war. Well done. Congratulations, finally to the army and government for a properly executed strategy.

And in what crystal ball did you see an army sniper shooting Seh Daeng? It could be. It could also be an inside job - can't say I'd blame them. He was pissing off the leadership, dragging out the protest when others wanted to stop it - and this way they get a martyr.

The man lived by the sword and now he may just die by it - som nom na, as they say so eloquently.

What lengths won't the reds go to to provoke violence?

I'm so pleased I'm not on my own. Tonight I have a house full of red friends of my GF. All good at the moment because these folks are hard working realists, not brainwashed by the wealthy have nots! ( you know that makes sense)

Lucky YOU!


Interesting turnaround , Seh Daeng , in the press tonight , seems to have gone from total looney to wounded hero in one instant. How quickly people forget he wanted to incite violence and fight to the death.

Seh Daeng is a rogue nut alright. The red shirts would be better off without him, but I'm not sure if assassinating him while he's giving an interview to international media on live television is a good thing to do. Probably a rather stupid move.

I think you should understand that he was the main leader who has been teaching the red-shirts how

to use M79's and was encouraging them to fight harder cause Thaksin told him to in no uncertain terms!

He was the one who said that the red-shirts need to fight harder. With him out of the way, the Government

win already cause they won't know what to do now. Plus 1 red shirts leader has already run away overseas

(so they say) so leadership is under pressure now.

Fire brigades are on standby in case Red Shirts start fires around town in desperation.

Mobile Phone reception cut in areas.

Road closures around the city.

If you are caught driving where you shouldn't be is an automatic 2 years in jail.

Farang should stay in doors. It's just the beginning.


Looks like it might have been other red shirts people. See how many other 'ronins' are "captured" (= given up by the other reds) as the night progresses.

Regardless of your political views, a human being - unlike yourself - is suffering and may die.

Where is your compassion?

My compassion is reserved for the people this beast has maimed and killed. Have you ever read any of his loony interviews boasting about how many people he's killed?

Whoever took him out has probably just saved quite a few lives.

What lengths won't the reds go to to provoke violence?

I'm so pleased I'm not on my own. Tonight I have a house full of red friends of my GF. All good at the moment because these folks are hard working realists, not brainwashed by the wealthy have nots! ( you know that makes sense)

Lucky YOU!


According to twitter Thai TV has just announced that Seh Daeng IS dead...followed by this... "State of Emergency has been declared in 15 provinces"

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