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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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CMF ... what part don't you understand about voting and parliament in Thailand?

You know ... people vote for MPs ... MPs vote for PM. The people voted. Abhisit is PM.

MPs banned? Parties banned? Tanks in BKK? Coups? what is it YOU don't understand?

Coup ousting a care-taker PM - Illegal. Elections - PPP 40%, Democrats 40%.

MPs banned for electoral fraud. By-elections to replace them.

Parties disbanded and Executives banned for electoral fraud. By-elections to replace them.

Every electorate has voted for MPs and everyone is represented. The majority of MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

What else do I need to understand?

The coup ousted an illegal care-taker PM, who was complete outside the constitution. He was a caretaker Dictator in an single party parliament which was not filled fully. He bought the EC. The coup was to bring back democracy, but it brought back vote buying.

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CMF ... what part don't you understand about voting and parliament in Thailand?

You know ... people vote for MPs ... MPs vote for PM. The people voted. Abhisit is PM.

MPs banned? Parties banned? Tanks in BKK? Coups? what is it YOU don't understand?

Coup ousting a care-taker PM - Illegal. Elections - PPP 40%, Democrats 40%.

MPs banned for electoral fraud. By-elections to replace them.

Parties disbanded and Executives banned for electoral fraud. By-elections to replace them.

Every electorate has voted for MPs and everyone is represented. The majority of MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

What else do I need to understand?

That when people voted for Newin / Barnham controlled seats it was on a Pro red platform.. And then they got bought off and sold the choice seats at the trough so they jumped ship.

Would be like voting from your true blue conservatives and have them jump ship to a labour government because they could get a seat on the cabinet. The voters would rightly feel cheated.

Barnharn promised before the election to don't build a coalition with PPP.....so hardly someone voted for Barnharn to get Samak,

You are not a very respectful guest here. You obviously would like to tell the Thais how to run their country. That's pretty arrogant of you. Why not go home? Maybe no one their respects you?

Will you get over the guest crap.

We live in Thailand. We support Thai families. We have Thai friends. We pay Thai taxes. We work with Thais. We employ Thais.

We are not guests.


Australian Government has just upgraded its Travel Advice For Thailand, from High Degree of Caution to Reconsider Your Need To Travel. This is barely below the highest level warning, which is Do Not Travel. At the moment, that warning only applies to Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla.

For a country so dependent on tourism for income, it is sad to see Thailand disintegrate like this. But - the Thai baht v Australian dollar is now better than it was two months ago. Amazing Thailand.


To those farangs who for the last two months have been calling for the use of lethal force I say be careful for what you wish for. You just might get it and you may not like the outcome.

There seems to be a deep seated hatred of The Red Shirts by many on the Forum, I wonder where they get all their news from on this site.

The Nation is so biased that it's absurd to think anybody would fall for their stories.

The Government propaganda machine has been working overtime, and many Farangs have jumped onto the bandwagon, whilst fiercely slamming the Redshirt propaganda machine

The hatred being spouted out by many Farangs here is quite astonishing.

I wonder how many Farangs will have been casualties of the Redshirt protests by way of heart attacks and burst blood vessels as they hammer away at their keyboards slagging each other off, solving all of Thailands problems as only Farangs know how to, with some good old keyboard advice safely tucked away in their condos or houses. :)

I think some you old timers should relax a little. :D

if the reds are fighting for democracy, why have they been told to vote Phua Thai by their paymasters?

I talked with people inside the demonstration area earlier. They wanted people on the outside to know that the water had not been shut off as was reported. The news being reported form the Nation has in very many cases been false.

You make baseless accusations to try to inflame the situation,

You are entitled to your opinions but please stop your lies. They are not helpful.

Soon we will have UDD protesters in every part of Thailand, not only Ratchaprasong and Silom.

By protesters do you mean armed insurgents?

You are not a very respectful guest here. You obviously would like to tell the Thais how to run their country. That's pretty arrogant of you. Why not go home? Maybe no one their respects you?

Call a spade a spade

They are not insurgents ... they are terrorists


1125 Nick Thorne e-mails from Bangkok:

"I have just witnessed a seemingly neutral or non-red crowd turn against the army...The army blocked Raajprarop Road, which is reasonably close to the red encampment.

"Suddenly the crowd that I was amongst, who were just watching this unfold, started jeering and beeping their horns at the soldiers. The soldiers ignored this but it continued for around 20 minutes. The crowd of just motorbike taxi drivers, shop workers and local Thais decided to move against the army. I could see the young soldiers didn't know quite what to do and eventually as the crowd drove their bikes and walked en masse towards the soldiers, the soldiers started to retreat."


BBC';s Allistair Leithead has interesting and frequent updates on his twitter page, and some good pictures too.



Young nervous soldiers looking very scared firing live rounds. Took out street light. No indication of injuries if any from last gunfire.

http://tweetphoto.com/22346672 More arrests near Lumpini. No real sense of why.

Just to add on arrests. No real sign of what they were doing to be arrested. Lots of ordinary people in their shops mixed in with protesters


Again buffalo?

There is a State of Emergency. People were told to go home and not gather in groups of more than 10. Anyone who didn't is liable to be arrested. Can you understand that?

Loud bangs have been heard at Rajprasong stage. Leaders asked protesters to duck while the leaders left the stage. (TNN)

PURE COWARDS!! Don't the words, "We are not afraid to die," ring a bell. Gutless leaders.

if the reds are fighting for democracy, why have they been told to vote Phua Thai by their paymasters?

I talked with people inside the demonstration area earlier. They wanted people on the outside to know that the water had not been shut off as was reported. The news being reported form the Nation has in very many cases been false.

You make baseless accusations to try to inflame the situation,

You are entitled to your opinions but please stop your lies. They are not helpful.

and your comments are oh so helpful .... lol

3 grenades just fired at soldiers at Rajaprarop when the singing ended. About 10 shots back. Street deserted. People hiding in side sois.

One of grenades before hit Airport link terminal roof, attached.

Dont you know?? It all is about FAKE reds, and those on the streets (a TRUE ones) - are SO innocent and SO peaceful protestors, only!! Cease fire, dissolve parliament!!


Abhisit's thugs have killed over 30 protesters thus far. This tends to bring out a bit of anger in the democracy protesters. It really isn't that much of a mystery.

Democracy protesters, are you from Somalia?

YOU obviously from Bangkok and an elitist thug.The majority won the vote by whatever means,the rich took the vote back by whatever means.Both corrupt,but the only reason this happens is because the elitist cannot get the vote.

When i read these threads the farangs that call the reds a pack of wolves,undeucated,and all the other shitty racist remarks,when i look where they are from,low and behold,Bangkok.You deserve to be there.

PMSL, love the insults but if you cannot see the difference between armed insurgents and peaceful demonstrators, that's your problem.

3hrs of sunlight left before the spooks come out. Hoping the army are fully prepared.

Thaksin wanting to negotiate a sign the reds are on the back-foot, or is he merely reading from the script...?

Well, Abhisit used the illusion of negotiations as a prelude to his murderous military offense against civilians. Might Thaksin stoop to Abhisit's level? Why not?

I think you are right . They all belong to the same boys club.

I am not a guest. I am an expat. This is home. Nothing to go back to.

Well, an expat is a guest in Thailand (and quite a few other countries), meaning nothing to go back to is not really a good plan... :)

Soon we will have UDD protesters in every part of Thailand, not only Ratchaprasong and Silom.

By protesters do you mean armed insurgents?

You are not a very respectful guest here. You obviously would like to tell the Thais how to run their country. That's pretty arrogant of you. Why not go home? Maybe no one their respects you?

Call a spade a spade

They are not insurgents ... they are terrorists

It is an insurgency which has used some terrorists tactics and has some terrorist leaders/factions. I wouldn't call them all terrorists though. I think the best description now is INSURGENCY.


the huge gap was mrT stealing from the Thai people for years filling his pockets while tossing them pocket change to keep them on side, now he is leading these poor people down a road of destruction just to satisfy his own ego

Nothing is perfect in the political landscape anywhere in the world but there are right and wrong ways to pursue your goals, terrorism ain't it, the reds need to go home before many innocent people get hurt and killed.

I think the Thai government have been very restrained up to now in fact probably let this go on too long, give a foot take a yard, time to stop giving and send these people a message.


How long did it take the Somchai government to be brought down for doing a cooking show ?? Days..

And now the democrats have been caught taking 258m in illegal donations and the EC commission says they should be disbanded and barred ?? Why isnt it applied with the same zeal ??

Because its one rule for one set of people and entirely another for the other set. Double standards galore.



Yes it was Smacky.. My fingers typing too fast..

So now change the name... and is the point any less valid..

One government brought down in days, this one no hint that its going down for a far greater violation.. Double standards.

THE NATION: Urgent: Loud bangs have been heard at Rajprasong stage. Leaders asked protesters to duck while the leaders left the stage. (TNN)

Is that so their followers wouldn't see them running away??

Probably quite true I live almost in the heart of Red Country, Nongbulamphu, and many folks are going to head to BKK. I am just keeping my mouth quiet up here. The Red party line rules and there is no other viewpoint.
Soon we will have UDD protesters in every part of Thailand, not only Ratchaprasong and Silom.

so is that red democracy???

no, an elite-sponsored communist revolution :)

CMF ... what part don't you understand about voting and parliament in Thailand?

You know ... people vote for MPs ... MPs vote for PM. The people voted. Abhisit is PM.

MPs banned? Parties banned? Tanks in BKK? Coups? what is it YOU don't understand?

Coup ousting a care-taker PM - Illegal. Elections - PPP 40%, Democrats 40%.

MPs banned for electoral fraud. By-elections to replace them.

Parties disbanded and Executives banned for electoral fraud. By-elections to replace them.

Every electorate has voted for MPs and everyone is represented. The majority of MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

What else do I need to understand?

The coup ousted an illegal care-taker PM, who was complete outside the constitution. He was a caretaker Dictator in an single party parliament which was not filled fully. He bought the EC. The coup was to bring back democracy, but it brought back vote buying.

Thats what the PAD say !

Thats what the Yellow media has written.

The truth is very much different.

Under Thaksin the poor were happy.

Under Thaksin the old Elite were not happy as he was taking "their money" - the corruption money they always got was suddenly being taken away.

Thaksin was taking from the rich and giving lumps of it to the poor - he may not have been perfect but he was the best thing every for the poor.

So of course the Elite hated him.

An illegal coup came out to kick him out.

His name was dragged through the dirt using all means possible, making up all sorts of stories and it was a complete "set up".

What part of that do you not understand ?

The old Elite are the most corrupt in Thailand, always have and are trying to always be....... Thaksin might have been corrupt but he was never as bad as them.

If you fail to appreciate just how bad and corrupt those who persecute Thaksin are, and fail to understand why they are targetting him, then you really do not know anything about the past 10 years.

CMF ... what part don't you understand about voting and parliament in Thailand?

You know ... people vote for MPs ... MPs vote for PM. The people voted. Abhisit is PM.

MPs banned? Parties banned? Tanks in BKK? Coups? what is it YOU don't understand?

Coup ousting a care-taker PM - Illegal. Elections - PPP 40%, Democrats 40%.

MPs banned for electoral fraud. By-elections to replace them.

Parties disbanded and Executives banned for electoral fraud. By-elections to replace them.

Every electorate has voted for MPs and everyone is represented. The majority of MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

What else do I need to understand?

That when people voted for Newin / Barnham controlled seats it was on a Pro red platform.. And then they got bought off and sold the choice seats at the trough so they jumped ship.

Would be like voting from your true blue conservatives and have them jump ship to a labour government because they could get a seat on the cabinet. The voters would rightly feel cheated.

The last case happens and when el;ections are scheduled the voters get to decide if they agree with the change or not. It has happened in the US and UK with MPs, reps and senators changing side after election. Just wait for the election is the answer.

When Banharn's party was elected it stood on a platform of not joining a coalition with a pro-Thaksin party. Then they did to get their snouts in the trough I guess. I guess the voters should have come out over that to the point of economic wreckage and murder, but they didnt they were willign to wait 4 years for a chance to give their verdict. I guess you would have supported an uprising then.

By the way, the reds and PTP are subtley different. There are many PTP MPs not raising a finger to help team red and would be happy if they went away and there are more than a few PTP Mps who are not happy their seats are to be given to the red leaders and who would love to see them jailed or shot and of course a lot of PTP MPs dont want an election any time soon as they arent ready for it. All real poltical contradictions and nuances but that is what real loiufe is like it isnt black and white or red and yellow buyt far more naunced and personal

We need a miracle......let ignorance turn into wisdom...i need to do some biz over in China town......any suggestions in getting over to that area while this mess is going on? I'll be coming in from the airport.....i usually head over in a a taxi from the Sukumvit area....but from what I am reading that might not be a wise place to rest my head for a few nights....suggestions?

You can get there by taking the Asoke-Ratchada (main) expressway from the airport to the Phayathai-Bangklho (closer to the river - over Rama 6) expressway and come off at Rama 4 - Hua Lamphong.

The red lose a great opportunity to grasp the roadmap - a HUGE mistake


Abhisit lose a great opportunity to LEAD and show he will not be bullied or pushed and stick to the election date - a GIGANTIC error

So what now...? chaos

I go with this one

I was also supporting the idea of the negotiation and roadmap. But we are only we are witnesses and not actors. Also, we do not have all the datas for understanding at 100% the underground situation. However, we should help to reduce the violence on both sides and the first thing to do is to avoid flaming at each other.

Obviously, there are some factors which push the Red Shirts to a tougher stance in spite their uncomfortable situation: we miss some points for a full understanding of what is going on.

Obviously also the risk is huge of third parties interfering in the coming hours.

There are two things important to survey in order the conflict is confirmed contained: is the Up Country entering one way or the other in the conflict? Are some Military Units joining the Reds? Obviously, the Reds have now a political support. it was also a key element in the development of the crisis.

To all Farangs supporters of any side, please avoid flaming in those circumstances: we can express different opinions with respect to each other.

As for the FARANG tourists that you seem to dislike so much- they prop up the economy in this country, without them the economy will crash imo.

You seem to thing that Tourism is the main source of income for thais. Its not. Remove yourself from Tourist Thailand and go check the rest of it out......tourist schmourist.


6-7 % they estimate, not sure if that includes all the sextourists tax free spendings.

6-7 % is a lot but not the main source, as well the southern Tourism will not be full effected.

If tourism drops to half than it is less than the estimated economic grow.

That does not kill the economic, but of course damage it.

It s not just tourism that suffers but investments in the country. Why invest in a third world country that constantly has fights and blockades, airport closures, war on drugs where 2,500 are killed, etc etc There is no law in Bangkok now, No one is in command

Vietnam is opening up, Even Cambodia which is run like a private kingdom for Hen Sen is more stable and u can get a 99 year Lease. no work permits needed, 1 year visa for $265.

Malaysia welcomes investors with tax breaks, long term visas and even your allowed to own ur own home.

Thailand>>>> will loose out in the long term and all i can say its been coming for years.

To those farangs who for the last two months have been calling for the use of lethal force I say be careful for what you wish for. You just might get it and you may not like the outcome.

There seems to be a deep seated hatred of The Red Shirts by many on the Forum, I wonder where they get all their news from on this site.

The Nation is so biased that it's absurd to think anybody would fall for their stories.

The Government propaganda machine has been working overtime, and many Farangs have jumped onto the bandwagon, whilst fiercely slamming the Redshirt propaganda machine

The hatred being spouted out by many Farangs here is quite astonishing.

I wonder how many Farangs will have been casualties of the Redshirt protests by way of heart attacks and burst blood vessels as they hammer away at their keyboards slagging each other off, solving all of Thailands problems as only Farangs know how to, with some good old keyboard advice safely tucked away in their condos or houses. :)

I think some you old timers should relax a little. :D

Thaksin was a proven fraud and tyrant before I ever picked up a Thai newspaper.

we don't know... let's find out? support elections - we had the date - it should not be changed because of some protests

I think this has gone beyond "some protests"...

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