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CRES Imposes Curfew In Bangkok, many provinces


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What are the surrounding cities and provinces?

How about Chonburi / Pattaya?

I can't find any details. Not that I want to go out today, but maybe still do some shopping.


I also would like to know details of the exact area covered by the Curfew.

The curfew cover only Bangkok.

No it doesn't.

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced curfew in Bangkok and nearby cities and provinces in the North and Northeast earlier placed under emergency law.

That is not what I heard...

I'm quite sure that the curfew is only for the Bangkok area.

Worth to double check though.

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Does the curfew mean that all travel is suspended?

unfortunately YES.curfew means no one can get out on the streets during curfew hours.so can anyone drive a bus without getting on street??? sorry we need to adjust living like this. PEACE.

Actually the poster known as 'dundee007' is more than a little OFF base in their response.

People who have travel already scheduled can travel during the curfew hours (as outlined by the CRES statement which imposed the curfew in the first place).

BUT they must have their thai i/d (if a foreigner your passport) their tickets, their itinerary, and any other documentation to prove they need to be out and about. There are going to be checkpoints (hopefully quite a few) which everyone must pass thru to prove you've got a reason to be out. I'd call the northern bus terminal and see if they're running, I would imagine as they are not close to any active protest sites they probably are still operating.

My advice; If you don't have a reason, DON'T GO OUT. If you do have valid travel already scheduled, take all the documentation you can when you sojourn out and about.

And No 'dundee' we don't "need to adjust" we (meaning you) just needs to understand the terms of the curfew as it was spelled out by the CRES.

Finally got through to The Transport Company's call center number. Took over an hour.

They said all service to everywhere in Issan has been suspended tonight. Doesn't matter what province. So even though the government says you can go if you have a ticket, the carriers are apparently cancelling the trips.

Suggest anyone planning on travelling on public transport call to confirm that their mode of transport has not been cancelled.

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"Got a report that internet signal may be cut @8pm til morning. My colleague is checking...pls wait "

From The Nation tweet

TRueonline official denied internet signal will be out of service.It's still on service except some effected area they'lll try to fix ASAP

From The Nation tweet

Edited by deejay01
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this list is circulating among the Thai friends ( in Thai ). for your information !

prepare just in case trouble :


- ID card with address info always with you

- a mobile phone fully charged

- emergency phone numbers

- read news regularly

- at least 2 torches at home

- a bottle of water per person

- some ready to eat food

- inform everyone where first aid supplies

- a thick towel per person

- dress for efficient move ( not with sexy pyjama :-)

- house keys, car keys

my suggestion : add a bottle of beer Singha

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What amazes me is how gullible, idealistic and shortsighted some people can be. From the very beginning this had all the makings of a Thaksin organized uprising wrapped in a secondary and of little importance to him people's movement. Thaksin was owner of a large cell phone company and like Carlos Slim in Mexico royally screwed the poor who could least afford his services. I think many Thais see him for what he is and these bands of thugs are not representative of the true feelings of most Thais. However, these thugs must be dealt with an iron fist from this point forward. Bring in the tanks.

And it´s also amazing how stupid some people can be. Like it or not Thaksin has been the last President, that unlike this Monkey Abhisit, has been elected and despite the fact that of course not everything he did was good, he did a lot to develop the upcountry and not only Bangkok. But this struggle is not about him anymore, the fires you see today smouldered a long time in the society. It´s about justice and its about equality, maybe something that is called in the country where you come from Human Right´s. Do you really think that the thousands of people who protested peaceful are thug´s and terrorists ? How naive is that ....

Of course there are like in every demonstration a few troublemakers who try to make them heard through violence and they should be handled according to the law. But that also applies to the government, i have never heard of any government in a civilised country that is sniping people at will or mixing up a "Live Round Zone" with a "Shoot anybody you see as you like Zone". Not even the Iranian government during the demonstrations against the election a few months ago deployed snipers. There is coming far more terror from the Government than the protesters, they don´t even hesitate to shoot members of the press. The death toll of press members is 6 by now and i don´t remember any incident like this where so many journalists died. But go ahead seeing things through your rose coloured glasses. This conflict will not stop in the near future because movements can´t be shot, a lesson the Thai Government will learn.

And here just for you one of those dangerous red terrorist´s with his weapon of war waving ...........

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If Many Provinces, which ones please?

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced curfew in Bangkok and nearby cities and provinces in the North and Northeast earlier placed under emergency law.

if you live in one of the 15 provinces on this list, you might could be under curfew tonight.

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If Many Provinces, which ones please?

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced curfew in Bangkok and nearby cities and provinces in the North and Northeast earlier placed under emergency law.

if you live in one of the 15 provinces on this list, you might could be under curfew tonight.

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Now one can see who is at the core of this uprising. A bunch of hired goons. Thugs. Terrorists. Killers. Call them what you will. Individuals not capable of building anything so they choose to tear things down. Perhaps the only way to deal with this is a military coup then govern with an iron fist?

Sad events for Thailand. If the army fails to clean things up there will be an uprising amongst the people of Bangkok and it won't be pretty for these thugs.

The police must be completely overhauled, investigated and possibly jailed for their apparent complicity in these events.

I don't think there will be an election for quite some time. Would you want these thugs running your country?

Mods can we please keep on the Topic.

What is wrong with some of you posters

This is on topic IMO especially considering you cannot start a new thread regarding the situation in BKK. So, basically anything related to the curfew and the reasons for it, I would imagine, are on topic ... even if they are just a rant of somebody expressing their thoughts about the lawless mobs roaming the streets.

Get a life you Halfwit.

70+ posts per day oops that is your life.

I take it math and communication are not your strong points. :)

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What amazes me is how gullible, idealistic and shortsighted some people can be. From the very beginning this had all the makings of a Thaksin organized uprising wrapped in a secondary and of little importance to him people's movement. Thaksin was owner of a large cell phone company and like Carlos Slim in Mexico royally screwed the poor who could least afford his services. I think many Thais see him for what he is and these bands of thugs are not representative of the true feelings of most Thais. However, these thugs must be dealt with an iron fist from this point forward. Bring in the tanks.

And it´s also amazing how stupid some people can be. Like it or not Thaksin has been the last President, that unlike this Monkey Abhisit, has been elected and despite the fact that of course not everything he did was good, he did a lot to develop the upcountry and not only Bangkok. But this struggle is not about him anymore, the fires you see today smouldered a long time in the society. It´s about justice and its about equality, maybe something that is called in the country where you come from Human Right´s. Do you really think that the thousands of people who protested peaceful are thug´s and terrorists ? How naive is that ....

Of course there are like in every demonstration a few troublemakers who try to make them heard through violence and they should be handled according to the law. But that also applies to the government, i have never heard of any government in a civilised country that is sniping people at will or mixing up a "Live Round Zone" with a "Shoot anybody you see as you like Zone". Not even the Iranian government during the demonstrations against the election a few months ago deployed snipers. There is coming far more terror from the Government than the protesters, they don´t even hesitate to shoot members of the press. The death toll of press members is 6 by now and i don´t remember any incident like this where so many journalists died. But go ahead seeing things through your rose coloured glasses. This conflict will not stop in the near future because movements can´t be shot, a lesson the Thai Government will learn.

And here just for you one of those dangerous red terrorist´s with his weapon of war waving ...........

What movement is it exactly, what are the intentions of this movement?

And are you sure who the snipers belonged to?

Human Rights? I think Thailand is a very free country, with room for improvement but even though in the upper half of developping countries.

So what?

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Now one can see who is at the core of this uprising. A bunch of hired goons. Thugs. Terrorists. Killers. Call them what you will. Individuals not capable of building anything so they choose to tear things down. Perhaps the only way to deal with this is a military coup then govern with an iron fist?

Sad events for Thailand. If the army fails to clean things up there will be an uprising amongst the people of Bangkok and it won't be pretty for these thugs.

The police must be completely overhauled, investigated and possibly jailed for their apparent complicity in these events.

I don't think there will be an election for quite some time. Would you want these thugs running your country?

I couldn't help but reply to this morons post. Who do you think BUILT Bangkok? Yes it was the poor people from esarn......You say they can't build ANYTHING but can only tear it down? Number 1 rule before replying on TV is (THINK) number 2 rule is (THINK AGAIN) number 3 is (Get your facts strait) Number 4 is (Think) Number 101 is (Reply)

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CRES announced in English on Thai TV, if any one need to go to hospital, airport, or simply return home or else, prepare necessary document(?) and the check point officers already informed for giving maximum help.

CRES hotline : 02 511 1515, for any assistance

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If Many Provinces, which ones please?

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced curfew in Bangkok and nearby cities and provinces in the North and Northeast earlier placed under emergency law.

if you live in one of the 15 provinces on this list, you might could be under curfew tonight.

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Note, several buildings I have lived in Bangkok, when the power cuts, so does the water, due to no water pump. Just food for thought.

Immediately? Most (I believe) of the condos and apartments have large water containers on the roof but no clue how long they can last if nothing is getting pumped to them. I've never considered this before but have never lost water when the power goes out for a short period. Appreciate the heads up as it never occurred to me to worry about the water if power might be out for a prolonged period.

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A Big thank you to those working to keep everyone updated on the situations locally.

As for some of you..........

This is a time when people need real information for the safety of themselves and their families, and some ar having trouble accessing the site due to it being busy. If all you are here for is to take shots at each other and name call, then you will be removed so someone who needs information can get it.

That is the last warning on the matter.

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Been living in Thailand since 1987 and that's the first time that i will be

under curfew,, first time for everything i guess.

Did you miss 1992?

Maybe the poster hasn't lived in effected areas during this time because I could swear there was a curfew last year too ... I could be wrong but I thought there was a curfew when they postponed Songkran.

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We had a curfew for a week in 1992 from 1800 - 0600 in the morning. But never ever has the Country seen some things like that going on right now. The hard core of the Reds stays on and will leave a road of anarchy behind it. While CNN and BBC report BS to the world. No other Government in the world would have shown the restrain the Khun Abhisit has shown to the demand of the Red. In any Country of the world there would be hundreds if not thousands of dead, try somethings like that in Washington DC, can you imagine what would be happen?

But Thaksins Red Terrorists have shown their true face. And not the face Gohock as always, while your Master goes on a shopping Spray.

You know Guys and Girls from the Red Terrorists why you are poor? Because you think and you live poor, you want to implement your own self made misery to every one. Look at your self how you live in Isan or the North? You build your own Garbage around you, the money you get is turned in the Monshine wiskhey or in gambling. You abuse your daugthers and sisters and you want a better Life? If you want a better life first of all you have to change your old life but you can not, because you are even worst than an animal, you place your kids and woman in front of you, you are brain washed by the lies your leaders have repeated again and again to you just to get rid of the last of your sense and you carry on your pad of destruction.

You know what are the right way to do? When ever you start to burn, take a tyre or throw a molotow cocktail, you should be shoot point blank. To safe your low life makes no sense at all. You do not deserve to live.

Your brutal and inhuman actions you have shown for the last couple of weeks, has brought out the true Red Color of you and your coward leaders, with your own stupidity, you have gambled all away what you could have reached, when the Prime Minister offered you Elections in November you should have gone home, but as usual you just lied as always.

Yes when this is over, then there will be changes, but you will not the ones who will sit on the table for a unchangeable constitution, for more rights and a better life. It will be the once who have to live under your dirty treat and terror and they will make sure that such a dirty act will be never repeated.

I am waiting for the Day, when the Thai Government strips Terrorist Leader Thaksin of his Citizen ship and all his business and wealth in Thailand including all family, to pay for the damage inflicted by you paid Garbage. Humans can find common ground by negotiation, you are not human you just look like.

Cool down, what you say is correct, but the emotions (I understand 100%) underground can block a developement. The roadmap of Abhisit, Anands proposels are the correct way

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Outbound travellers need to show travelling document

Foreigners and local residents who have to catch international flights can proceed to the airport even after 8pm, when the curfew is imposed.

Acting government spokesman Panithan Wattanayakorn announced on TV that they need to show officers the travelling document - passports and tickets.

-- The Nation 2010-05-19

Also a MCOT thing on Cerfew only mentioned Bangkok, cant do a link for some reason, post #168 on page 7 on Live update Wednesday in TV news

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If Many Provinces, which ones please?

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced curfew in Bangkok and nearby cities and provinces in the North and Northeast earlier placed under emergency law.

if you live in one of the 15 provinces on this list, you might could be under curfew tonight.

Here is the list of 24 provinces under emergency law as of now:

Added today at 18:00: Kalasin and Mukdaharn (from The Nation)

Added 16th May: Ratchathani, Mahasarakham, Roi Et, Sakon Nakhon, Nong Bua Lampu (from Xinhua)

Added 13 May: Chonburi, Samut Prakan, Nonthaburi, Pathum Thani, Ayutthaya, Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, Chaiyaphum, Nakhon Ratchasima, Si Sa Ket, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Nan, Lampang, Nakhon Sawan, Col Sansern said. (from Bangkok Post)

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If Many Provinces, which ones please?

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced curfew in Bangkok and nearby cities and provinces in the North and Northeast earlier placed under emergency law.

if you live in one of the 15 provinces on this list, you might could be under curfew tonight.

A list would be more useful!

Here is the curfew document. Unfortunately it is in Thai. So if someone could offer a translation it should spread more light?

Curfew Announcement

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Prudent security measure. Those outside after that time should be immediately restrained and detained.

In some ways, this might be a danger time for farangs, the reds are now a deranged mob, and there could be random violence or attacks anywhere.

More than likely. The reds aren't gonna go away any time soon. Bombs,car bombs, arson and random shootings will be the order of the day from now on. Baghdad on Chao Phaya.

Thaksin alluded to this when interviewed. Guerilla tactics he mentioned. Whether it was a call by him or just an observation , who knows?

The army should use the curfew to mop up the redshirts... They are clearly insane.... They should shoot looters and arsonists on sight and arrest others. Perhaps there should be a nationwide curfew as there was in Korea through the 1970s (had it's advantages not being able to leave a pub or club after (I believe) 10 PM... been a long time..

Shoot them on site?

Little harsh ... actually very sad comment

How about "stop or we will shoot"

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The following 15 provinces were placed under SOE (State of Emergency) on 13 May: (Source)

  • Chonburi
  • Samut Prakan
  • Nonthaburi
  • Pathum Thani
  • Ayutthaya
  • Khon Kaen
  • Udon Thani
  • Chaiyaphum
  • Nakhon Ratchasima
  • Si Sa Ket
  • Chiang Mai
  • Chiang Rai
  • Nan
  • Lampang
  • Nakhon Sawan

These additional provinces were also placed under SOE on 17 May: (Source)

  • Ubon Ratchathani
  • Mahasarakam
  • Roi Et
  • Sakon Nakhon
  • Nongbua Lumpu

Provinces added today, 19 May: (Source: The Nation)

  • Kalasin
  • Mukdahan

These provinces, under SOE, are those under the current curfew 8pm - 6am.

Edited by toptuan
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Is the curfew for whole Bangkok or just the center?

I imagine its the whole. People just told me of a soldier firing at a red shirt at Suk Rd On Nut..! Difficult to follow situation as its developing so maybe stay indoors eh? Not sure what happening with TV forum now nation office is closed..?

maybe that was after I fled, at 4 o clock. at that time the rioters were thrashing the BKK bank across the road, and then bombs went off on the footbridge. hope they were avenged for trying to bomb and hurt innocent there like us, just trying to get home to the thai family after work.

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