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Thaksin - One Of Billionaire Convicts And Inmates

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Thaksin : one of Billionaire convicts and inmates

Forbes: Thaksin joins notorious club of richest people who have been jailed or are absconding

Thaksin Shinawatra is part of a notorious group of the world's richest people who have either spent time behind bars or are on the run, Forbes magazine has said.

In an article headlined "Billionaire convicts and inmates", Forbes noted that Wong Kwong Yu, 41, who was once one of China's most celebrated and the nation's richest person in 2006, was sentenced last week to 14 years in jail after having been convicted of insider trading and bribery.

"Another former Asian billionaire could be in even hotter water," the article said. "Thailand's former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, was charged with terrorism this week. The Thai government claims he is responsible for spurring the anti-government red shirts during the violent chaos that inflamed the streets of Bangkok over the past two months leaving 88 dead. Thaksin denies involvement."

Forbes also listed other legal troubles Thaksin has faced, starting with the 2008 court conviction when Thaksin was found guilty in absentia in connection with the Ratchadaphisek land scandal.

"He never made it behind bars as he was already out of the country when convicted, reportedly having fled to Dubai. But his family lost the bulk of its money, which was seized by the government. This time, if he were caught, the consequences would be graver. The former billionaire, who has told reporters from his undisclosed location that he did not incite violence, could face the death penalty," the article said.

Forbes said the two Asian tycoons are just the latest examples of a long line of ultra rich outlaws, outcasts and convicts throughout history. According to the magazine, there are at least three former billionaires behind bars in addition to Wong. They include Russians Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev, and R Allen Stanford, the Texan financier accused (though not yet convicted) of running an $8-billion Ponzi scheme.

"Rather than go to prison, other billionaires and former billionaires like Thaksin have opted to adapt to a life in exile or a life on the run from the law," Forbes said.


-- The Nation 2010-05-31


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Well, Thaksin has the dubious honor of being in the company of some great con men and shysters.

Wong Kwong Yu will have lots of time to ponder where he went wrong, perhaps that is unlikely for Thaksin as he considers that he has done no wrong..

Much better if he stays in Montenegro or some other backwater where he can enjoy his lonely frustrated, lifestyle.

A return to Thailand would only cause more massive problems.


Did this all start in the 80s with Reagan............the "Greed is Good" decade?

Now, as Oliver Stone intimates in his new movie, "Greed is Legal." The meaning is not what you think.

By that he means corruption and theft on a large scale have become commonplace worldwide.

It is time we do something about it!

As a start, it might be a good idea to stop putting extremely rich and powerful people in position of political power.

Lawyers should also be excluded from the list :)


Did this all start in the 80s with Reagan............the "Greed is Good" decade?

Now, as Oliver Stone intimates in his new movie, "Greed is Legal." The meaning is not what you think.

By that he means corruption and theft on a large scale have become commonplace worldwide.

It is time we do something about it!

As a start, it might be a good idea to stop putting extremely rich and powerful people in position of political power.

Lawyers should also be excluded from the list :D

amen to that.. when will people ever learn, that just because your rich doesn't equate to being able to lead anything, countrys, companies, etc. I think Shakespeare had it correct when it come to lawyers. :)

Well, Thaksin has the dubious honor of being in the company of some great con men and shysters.

Wong Kwong Yu will have lots of time to ponder where he went wrong, perhaps that is unlikely for Thaksin as he considers that he has done no wrong..

Much better if he stays in Montenegro or some other backwater where he can enjoy his lonely frustrated, lifestyle.

A return to Thailand would only cause more massive problems.

I bet Yu wished he was in Thailand b/c he could have been granted bail to maybe attend a football game and then he would be FREE; much like T.S.


Thaksin's lawyer Robert Amsterdam has to honor of representing 2 people on that list! Takky and Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Now that's one high classed whore.


Did this all start in the 80s with Reagan............the "Greed is Good" decade?

Now, as Oliver Stone intimates in his new movie, "Greed is Legal." The meaning is not what you think.

By that he means corruption and theft on a large scale have become commonplace worldwide.

It is time we do something about it!

As a start, it might be a good idea to stop putting extremely rich and powerful people in position of political power.

Lawyers should also be excluded from the list :D

amen to that.. when will people ever learn, that just because your rich doesn't equate to being able to lead anything, countrys, companies, etc. I think Shakespeare had it correct when it come to lawyers. :)

Did Shakespeare estimate the amount of rope needed? :D (just joking........I know ThaiVisa is sponsored by a law firm.......joking.......really am :D :D :D )


However I think it's doubtful Thaksin will ever be extradited, the Thai terrorism charge carries a possible death sentence and most countries will not extradite when a death sentence is possible.

However I think it's doubtful Thaksin will ever be extradited, the Thai terrorism charge carries a possible death sentence and most countries will not extradite when a death sentence is possible.

Rich people don't get the death sentence in Thailand, they rarely see the inside of prison cell. I think it is unlikely that Thailand would put a former PM in front of a firing squad. At most he'll get is a life sentence, but with his bum cancer that might not be so long anyway.

Thaksin's lawyer Robert Amsterdam has to honor of representing 2 people on that list! Takky and Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Now that's one high classed whore.

Amsterdam makes money out of representing vile but wealthy characters. That is his business. It is more PR than legal though about influencing how peopel are seen. It is aimed not at the informed or thinking people but at lazy journos (read most) and the cursory passer by who wants an easy soundbite belief.

He is quite succesful. Look at how he has turned Mikhail Khodorkovsky into a cause celbre of nice guy sent down for political reasons in Russia. It is the generally believed meme in the west even if a tad far from the truth. Amsterdam set up loads of internet sites to help build this meme. It is an interesting study of how to influence what peopkle think at all levels and how to influence the media which in its turn then influences how peopel aty all levels think. Expect the same for Thaksin.

Lovely how "The Nation" finally finds an article that matches their agenda and then publishes it. Shame on them. What a pathetic excuse for a newspaper!

Yes if anyone publishes an article which is negative to the beloved leader, shame on them!

Doesn't make the article any less true though.

Lovely how "The Nation" finally finds an article that matches their agenda and then publishes it. Shame on them. What a pathetic excuse for a newspaper!

Yes if anyone publishes an article which is negative to the beloved leader, shame on them!

Doesn't make the article any less true though.

The larger point is that there have been DOZENS of excellent articles in highly respected international political magazines such as Newsweek, The Economist, as well as the biggest international newspapers, and somehow the Nation missed all of them. :) (As has this forum, as a result, where almost all official news content comes from The Nation. Oh yes, and the Phuket Gazette.)

Lovely how "The Nation" finally finds an article that matches their agenda and then publishes it. Shame on them. What a pathetic excuse for a newspaper!

Yes if anyone publishes an article which is negative to the beloved leader, shame on them!

Doesn't make the article any less true though.

The larger point is that there have been DOZENS of excellent articles in highly respected international political magazines such as Newsweek, The Economist, as well as the biggest international newspapers, and somehow the Nation missed all of them. :) (As has this forum, as a result, where almost all official news content comes from The Nation. Oh yes, and the Phuket Gazette.)

Sure there are! Does it make the Forbes article any less true? Anyway if this forum were overly positive of the beloved leader, Red propagandists like you would have nothing to do! Haha

Did this all start in the 80s with Reagan............the "Greed is Good" decade?

Now, as Oliver Stone intimates in his new movie, "Greed is Legal." The meaning is not what you think.

By that he means corruption and theft on a large scale have become commonplace worldwide.

It is time we do something about it!

As a start, it might be a good idea to stop putting extremely rich and powerful people in position of political power.

Lawyers should also be excluded from the list :)

Failed lawyers, such as T Bliar, Esq. (Still no knighthood / peerage? Most unusual for a retiring PM).

Prosperous lawyers couldn't afford to lose so much money and go into politics. Or wouldn't want to.

Forbes also have some damaging list that put Thai people as number 1. I hope ICT block the link to some of Forbes pages.

Forbes probably forgot that from Thai people only the good things are allowed to be known as they are a superior race.

Lovely how "The Nation" finally finds an article that matches their agenda and then publishes it. Shame on them. What a pathetic excuse for a newspaper!

Once again I find it odd that posters who are on here regularly claiming that they support the red movement but not Thaksin rush to his defense whenever anything negative, however true it may be, is reported about him. Once again they resort to making sweeping condemnations of whichever publication the report appears in without any facts or evidence to support their allegations. Have a read of what was quoted

"Another former Asian billionaire could be in even hotter water," the article said. "Thailand's former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, was charged with terrorism this week. The Thai government claims he is responsible for spurring the anti-government red shirts during the violent chaos that inflamed the streets of Bangkok over the past two months leaving 88 dead. Thaksin denies involvement."

Forbes also listed other legal troubles Thaksin has faced, starting with the 2008 court conviction when Thaksin was found guilty in absentia in connection with the Ratchadaphisek land scandal.

"He never made it behind bars as he was already out of the country when convicted, reportedly having fled to Dubai. But his family lost the bulk of its money, which was seized by the government. This time, if he were caught, the consequences would be graver. The former billionaire, who has told reporters from his undisclosed location that he did not incite violence, could face the death penalty," the article said.

Please tell us all what is untrue about the above? (Okay, I'll concede that maybe he didn't lose the bulk of his money, but only because he had illegally squirreled much of it away overseas. Perhaps the article should state "his family lost the bulk of its legally declared money..."). I don't hold out much hope of an answer though, it being all too typical of his mouthpieces here to vehemently claim no support of him, only to then post blatant, and often ridiculous, lies in support of him and then either clam up when asked for supporting evidence, or start making personal attacks on whoever challenges these claims.

Thaksin's lawyer Robert Amsterdam has to honor of representing 2 people on that list! Takky and Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Now that's one high classed whore.

Amsterdam makes money out of representing vile but wealthy characters. That is his business. It is more PR than legal though about influencing how peopel are seen. It is aimed not at the informed or thinking people but at lazy journos (read most) and the cursory passer by who wants an easy soundbite belief.

He is quite succesful. Look at how he has turned Mikhail Khodorkovsky into a cause celbre of nice guy sent down for political reasons in Russia. It is the generally believed meme in the west even if a tad far from the truth. Amsterdam set up loads of internet sites to help build this meme. It is an interesting study of how to influence what peopkle think at all levels and how to influence the media which in its turn then influences how peopel aty all levels think. Expect the same for Thaksin.

Yes, the Perception Management branch of Public Relations.

Truth in advertising it usually is NOT.

Forbes also have some damaging list that put Thai people as number 1. I hope ICT block the link to some of Forbes pages.

Forbes probably forgot that from Thai people only the good things are allowed to be known as they are a superior race.

addendum: :)

Lovely how "The Nation" finally finds an article that matches their agenda and then publishes it. Shame on them. What a pathetic excuse for a newspaper!

Oh no

hes back again

The man who got fired from the Nation ,as a teaboy

Let it go mate !!!

There is a big world out there


But why is Forbes/Nation dedicating a simple two people. The list is huge and there are a lot in Asia who are still operating with almost immunity due to payoffs. Thailand has a few more and Malaysia is one of the most corrupt. Interesting - as is said, the 'dis-ease' of Asia is corruption. And ill gotten gains seems never to be accounted for. Look at guys like Alan Bond in Australia, buys paintings for 5,000 then gets a valuer to value at 500,000, does a 'revaluation of asset reserves' on his balance sheet then goes public for a float and gets fully subscribed based on pumped assets. And he got caught! Hopefully somewhere down the line Takky will be proven to be the major thief he is and wear jail time. Terrorism is a bit harsh but he is certainly responsible for countless deaths during his 'rule' and there is no doubt he 'inspired' and 'paid' for what happened in Thailand but he will need to be tried in absentia and convicted as before. But we really don't want this goose back do we?

Lovely how "The Nation" finally finds an article that matches their agenda and then publishes it. Shame on them. What a pathetic excuse for a newspaper!

Yes if anyone publishes an article which is negative to the beloved leader, shame on them!

Doesn't make the article any less true though.

The larger point is that there have been DOZENS of excellent articles in highly respected international political magazines such as Newsweek, The Economist, as well as the biggest international newspapers, and somehow the Nation missed all of them. :) (As has this forum, as a result, where almost all official news content comes from The Nation. Oh yes, and the Phuket Gazette.)

No one is forcing you to read The Nation, The Phuket Gazette or this forum.

Lovely how "The Nation" finally finds an article that matches their agenda and then publishes it. Shame on them. What a pathetic excuse for a newspaper!

Yes if anyone publishes an article which is negative to the beloved leader, shame on them!

Doesn't make the article any less true though.

The larger point is that there have been DOZENS of excellent articles in highly respected international political magazines such as Newsweek, The Economist, as well as the biggest international newspapers, and somehow the Nation missed all of them. :) (As has this forum, as a result, where almost all official news content comes from The Nation. Oh yes, and the Phuket Gazette.)

No one is forcing you to read The Nation, The Phuket Gazette or this forum.


And no one is stopping him to voice his opinion on The Nation.

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