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Riding Motorcycles With No Helmets Main Cause Of Death In Thailand


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Well, I am in the US right now, and this is a hot debate in the motorcycle community.

Whereas bureaucracy tends to perpetuate itself and only grow, some states have actually agreed to repeal motorcycle helmet laws.

Personally, I would rather have the option not to wear a helmet, even though I always wear it. (in addition to boots, gloves, jacket, and pants.) I know someone who received a ticket when he was moving his moto in a parking lot to another space for not wearing helmet. Why? Because he came across a d**chead cop. Cops already have a ton of discretion. I would rather not give cops more reasons for writing me up and pretend to be grateful when they give me a 'pass' when I re-park my moto to another spot.

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The total cost to the country of Thailand of these endless accidents of helmetless riders is enormous.

I have often thought the country would be far ahead by having the govenment give a quality helmet to every single rider for free, and have a extremely rigorous crackdown on anyone riding without a helmet. I know this is pretty forward thinking for Thailand, but in the end would save a staggering amount of money.......

I like your idea and it's mostly already in place as when you buy a motorcycle in Thailand and you will invariably be given a helmet and jacket too as part of the 'package'. Maybe the Govt could 'upgrade' the helmets that are given away free.

People just aren't interested in wearing them unless it directly affects their wallet so it's up to enforcement of the already existing laws.

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I could list a 100 things that cause deaths in Thailand more than riding with no plastic on your head.

This thread is BS!

The thread is about helmets, wait for the other 99 topics..........

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A: Yes, you should wear a helmet when on a motorcycle.

B: This is another brilliantly written article with jumbled grammar and confusing points - Almost as if it was google translated. Nor does it follow up on the TV headline touting 'No Helmets Main Cause of Death in Thailand.' That would be tv's own incorrect take on this confusing piece of work.

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In Bangkok driver and pillion passenger have to wear a helmet, in the provinces it only seems to be the driver.

....unless pillion is farang...

My friend got a 200 baht fine for not wearing a helmet on the back of a motorbike, his wife was wearing one but whilst he was paying up about 30 helmetless people rode past... they were Thai though and mostly 3-up riding to school...

Things will never change because Police are too lazy. They only "have a crackdown" on thursday mornings or near the end of the month when their pockets are light... or if their mia noi needs taking out for a meal.

Up here in the boonies the police don't wear helmets some of the time. They also fall out of bars drunk and get on their bikes.

But hey, TiT. They do things differently here.

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Sadly, for anything fair dinkum to happen about this, the BIB needs to be overhauled and the chances of that are? :) All other talk is pointless.

That's absolutely tight ND, but it will never happen in our lifetime.

The police here are a national joke and an absolute disgrace, the majority have no desire to set a good example or properly enforce laws, they will only "fine" people if there is quick money in it for them.

When I first came to Thailand I was advised by an expat who has been here for 20+ years that the police are at the root of most of the crimes here, I am at a loss to understand why successive governments don't, or cannot address the issue.

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Being involved in a motorcycle accident in Thailand I believe is not a matter of IF, but WHEN. Sure, could be a small incident zipping down a soi slowly to a nearby BTS station etc etc...but if you don't wear a helmet and hit your head, it really doesn't matter, does not take much to <deleted> you up. Agreed the standard of helmet is a problem, but something has to be better than nothing. I used to zip around on the back of motorcycle taxis (without helmet up/down soi, occasionally slighty further) but had a few very close shaves......just not worth the time saving in in my opinion.

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This article is another dreadful piece of reporting. Not wearing hemets is not a CAUSE of accidents, it may be associated with Head injury. Drunk driving is a cause but not an injury. A more appropriate report would examine the number of deaths associated with head injurys as opposed to something else and as a percentage of the total. Expand that to give the same figures on serious injury and non-serious injury and you might have some meaningful stats. Unfortunately this report is designed to support it's objectives without really caring to provide the truth. I am certain the numbers of head injurys are actually much lower than the 78.9% the report implies. Still, at least the helmet brigade can jump on the bandwagon again !

sorry... where does the article say that?

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Yesterday as I was on a day trip into BKK we stopped for a snack next to a traffic stop.

The highway cops were walking out into the road every now and then to pull over cars and pickups for no obvious reason.

Every so often we watched as some cash was slipped into a back pocket.

Whilst all this was going on possibly hundreds of helmetless motorcyclists rode past the same checkpoint.

I just don't get it.

It's all very simple, BUT!, I won't venture to state why. I don't want another posting holiday :)

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The helmet is a perfect example of som nom na.

I'm against a law prescribing helmets for everybody, except for minors (i.e. people who didn't reach full legal capacity, in most cases that means 18 years of age).

I'd rather have the police very strongly and strictly enforce licence controls and helmets for minors.

Parental approval necessary for obtaining a motorcycle driving license.

Any motorcycle driver should be stopped for a check with a 10% probability per ride.

No licence => motorcycle taken away and sold by the police, plus a 10000 baht fine).

Minors without helmet: fine of 2000 baht the first and second time + inform parents, motorcycle taken away and sold if cought again, regardless if driver or passenger. Driver fined 5000 baht for taking passenger without helmet.

I would allow the officers to keep 80% of the money - but they must make a pic of every infraction.

so there.

Edited by tgw
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Who here really thinks that the helmuts that are sold here will save a life. I was given a cheap plastic piece of S--t when I purchased my Mio a couple of years ago. I got rid of it and found a better full face helmut and then got rid of both later, the bike and the helmut. I have a nephew that was just in an accident, very lucky that he was not hurt while not wearing a helmut. He is under age and his mother thinks it's okay because the police do not care. Motocycles are designed to carry two people only and the law says two as well, which is not inforced. Laws that are not inforced are in fact not laws at all. A court case in he USA would through out all of the cases where the law is not uniformly inforced. Just get yourself a lawyer and watch you arresting officer with a camera failing to inforce the law and case dissmissed. period

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Who here really thinks that the helmuts that are sold here will save a life. I was given a cheap plastic piece of S--t when I purchased my Mio a couple of years ago. I got rid of it and found a better full face helmut and then got rid of both later, the bike and the helmut. I have a nephew that was just in an accident, very lucky that he was not hurt while not wearing a helmut. He is under age and his mother thinks it's okay because the police do not care. Motocycles are designed to carry two people only and the law says two as well, which is not inforced. Laws that are not inforced are in fact not laws at all. A court case in he USA would through out all of the cases where the law is not uniformly inforced. Just get yourself a lawyer and watch you arresting officer with a camera failing to inforce the law and case dissmissed. period

Me too I had a crappy Helmut one time, but he spoke German !!


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This is a serious matter to only we westeners and very very few "thinking" Thais.

If the cops weren't so morally corrupt and the majority of Thais were even just a little law abiding, this problem could be reduced to reasonable levels but until then just be sure to try not be involved in an accident with these brain dead people.

This is just natural selection in process, nothing more.

To a great deal most deaths and injuries are preventable.

I'm just thankful so far I haven't been near any of these idiots when they comit suicide. I mean if someone is hel_l bent on killing themselves, they are gonna succeed.

However, I do feel a little safer on the roads when I see lots of these fools get removed from the gene pool.

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well as it says. it is the law. it is up to the police how to enforce it. not as if they are going to change the law and make wearing helmet complusery because it already is.

how about driving on the opposite side of the highway 44 is that going to be enforced !!

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This is a serious matter to only we westeners and very very few "thinking" Thais.

If the cops weren't so morally corrupt and the majority of Thais were even just a little law abiding, this problem could be reduced to reasonable levels but until then just be sure to try not be involved in an accident with these brain dead people.

This is just natural selection in process, nothing more.

To a great deal most deaths and injuries are preventable.

I'm just thankful so far I haven't been near any of these idiots when they comit suicide. I mean if someone is hel_l bent on killing themselves, they are gonna succeed.

However, I do feel a little safer on the roads when I see lots of these fools get removed from the gene pool.

Yeah. I'll be glad to see the bad English language fools removed from the gene pool too.

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Wearing ahelmet is necessary to stop the police fining you. It isn't for protecting your head.

Sorry, I have been here too long.

I have been riding motorcycle for 50 years.

I dumped my bike to avoid a collision "Gold Wing" and that day decided not to wear a helmet (Florida).

I flew over the windshield and got a goose egg on my head. Woke up with a Priest over me 6 hours later in emergency.

6 months of cognitive rehab and I can function but will never be the same again.

Mother in Law in BKK got dumped while on a motorbike taxi to the bus stop. 3 Surgeries and she has a permanent caregiver.

They sued the driver and won. He skipped and they never saw a dime.

Go ahead Humpty Dumpty! Learn the hard way!!

It's not much of a head anyway! LOL icon4.gif

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This is a serious matter to only we westeners and very very few "thinking" Thais.

If the cops weren't so morally corrupt and the majority of Thais were even just a little law abiding, this problem could be reduced to reasonable levels but until then just be sure to try not be involved in an accident with these brain dead people.

This is just natural selection in process, nothing more.

To a great deal most deaths and injuries are preventable.

I'm just thankful so far I haven't been near any of these idiots when they comit suicide. I mean if someone is hel_l bent on killing themselves, they are gonna succeed.

However, I do feel a little safer on the roads when I see lots of these fools get removed from the gene pool.

The gene pool keeps regenerating though. I can only gape in utter astonishment when I see a young couple (both without helmets) holding a very young baby above their heads riding fast, weaving in & out of the traffic.

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I see so many people on motorbike taxi's without helmets.

I ride a bike myself in Asia, but I would never take a motorbike taxi in Thailand.

Regarding helmets. I once came off my bike at about 15KM/hour. It was wet and I braked on a leaf when some idiot flew past me. The bike slipped. No serious injury a few bumps. But the side of my head smacked the road. If I had no helmet I don't know what would have happened.

If the Police were to enforce the 'law' they could still make their tea money.

But over time people would get the message and that cash cow would cease to be available to the Police.

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The cost of helmets maybe one factor; you can get a decent/safe helmet for under 1K baht in Thailand. However, I think it's just the mindset of many Thais is that it's not cool to use them. Examples are the the many young girls riding their motorbike with one hand on the throttle & the other either holding up their jacket hoods over their face or holding an umbrella both to block the "skin darkening" sun as they value white skin...hmmm... A cultural thing since where I'm from, women (and men looking at them) cherish a nice sun tan.

Another example for the older generation, I gave brand new Honda helmets to my wife's parents & they sit on their shelf. In my observation, there's many more people in Isaan not wearing helmets as compared to Bangkok.

I agree that the only way to change "mindset" is to enforce the helmet law with no exceptions...that'll be the day it snows in Thailand!!!

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One of the things that are not mentioned in the reports such as the OP is the number of people who are maimed and crippled for life, and need long term medical care, or permanent care by their families.

Actually, it's the opposite. Helmets use actually greatly increases health care costs.

Helmet users survive with vastly more severe injuries and this results in complicated procedures and long - or lifetime - recovery/physical therapy. It really is quite amazing the sorts of accidents helmet users have survived because the brain was not damaged. In contrast, riders who don't wear helmets usually die at the scene even after fairly minor injuries because they bumped their head on the pavement just a little too hard - there is almost no medical treatment cost for these guys, it costs very little to scrape a body off the road.

velly innerressing! smokers, also, are less of a cost to the medical system, they die younger.

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This is a serious matter to only we westeners and very very few "thinking" Thais.

If the cops weren't so morally corrupt and the majority of Thais were even just a little law abiding, this problem could be reduced to reasonable levels but until then just be sure to try not be involved in an accident with these brain dead people.

This is just natural selection in process, nothing more.

To a great deal most deaths and injuries are preventable.

I'm just thankful so far I haven't been near any of these idiots when they comit suicide. I mean if someone is hel_l bent on killing themselves, they are gonna succeed.

However, I do feel a little safer on the roads when I see lots of these fools get removed from the gene pool.

Yeah. I'll be glad to see the bad English language fools removed from the gene pool too.

:) I have no idea what you're on about. Maybe you're not one of them thinking Thais.

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I find it very interesting that while all motorcycle riders are legally required to wear helmets here, the helmets are not actually legally required to protect your head, as the current TIS 369 2539 Thai helmet standards does not appear to require any kind of impact testing. But if you want to buy a decent DOT or ECE helmet, you must pay an additional 100% tariff on all imported safety gear. IMO it's all about money, not safety.

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if you look in the villages,look at the people who drive the bike.how old etc.not many wear helmets.drive drunk.how many die during sokran.alot die during the water festival thru being drunk.this is not going to change the minds of the thais who continue to drive bikes

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i dont understand why they dont have a helmet , as when i was buying my motor bike here in bangkok all bike shop offered free YES FREE helmets and jackets with every motorbike sale , ok the helmet they did offer are not what i would ware , but they do at least get something , so the price of a helmet should not come into the facts , shit back in australia if no helmet , you will be off the road very quickly and i think this is same in most western countries

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I have saw 4 people on motor bikes die in BKK in the last year ., 3 of then did not have helmets on.

By law, apparently, only the driver has to wear an helmet :D

Correct me if I am wrong.

In Prachinburi al 4 on 1 motorbike have to were a helmet. LOL. If it's by law, nobody knows. :)

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Seriously why does everyone have this obsession with the wearing and the enforcement of wearing crash helmets? Seems a lot of people are members of the health and safety brigade!!

I could understand if not wearing a helmet directly affected your own safety but if I choose not to wear one then how does this affect you??

I do believe that measures should be taken to ensure the safety of minors but every adult has a right to choose for themselves if it is not affecting others.

Maybe when policing roads getting the idiots off should be more of a priority than checking licences, crash helmet wearing etc.. As many licensed and insured drivers have an over inflated view of how good they are and in truth should be removed from the roads!!!

Also I get more bewildered by the day with the fact people have no common sense and seemingly want to lose their right to make their own decisions in favour of having government or law enforcement agencies to dictate every facet of their lives!

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I used to race motocross. Not wearing a helmet is for p*ssies who pretend to be tough. It's culling the herd, or it's a tough economic necessity. Only the latter gets my sympathies.

I'd break bones and get up and continue to race. I would NEVER swing a leg without a helmet. We were the only ones with helmets some places and I didn't care.

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