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What Happens To Thailand's Sex Tourism During The Riots?

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OMG it say 1074 peeple are reading this topic as i speak??????

WOW jessie you realy hit the journo jackpot, someone innarested in your santimonious crap

now which of my natural functions shall i perform first


spit or swallow




make pseudo reproductive effort with miss thailand - wake up you bitch

heh heh

will you get laid today?

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I had left off visiting TV for a while as input was becoming somewhat bland and repetitive but at least this item is worthy of comment.

Jessica is perhaps wiser than many of you may think: she knows that if she is to continue earning from from writing articles she has to write what people want to read and that doesn't necessarily have to be true, while fact is often more boring than fiction. Hence her junk which has sparked this lively debate. Like or not, her article has hit the spot.

If I had written such an article based on fact - who would care if Germany, where I live, has statistically more part time or full time sex workers of both genders than Thailand, that paedophiles only need visit the TIergarten in Berlin at night to find what they seek, that the states to the east of us have mafias that force people into the life and that the men who visit Patpong, Nana and Pattaya are only a small fraction of us sun starved Europeans who are actually there for a long cheap chill out - for which Thailand is still hard to top. I don't think my factual article would merit a second glance from most people.

I can only hope that Thailand gets back to normal before my next trip, otherwise I'm going to have difficulties finding an alternative as good.

After 10 mins investigation (which is about 10 mins more time and effort than Jessica Olien put into getting the facts about the sensationalized piece of drivel "What Happens To Thailand's Sex Tourism During The Riots?" ) it is apparent that Jessica is a fairly young inexperienced freelance reporter who is trying to sensationalize a name for herself back in the USA after a sordid failed attempt to be an English Teacher in Thailand a few years back. You can find plenty of information on her including her email twitter and face-book page with almost no imaginative effort. But the interesting thing is that (as we suspected earlier) Jessica has actually a deep seated vengeful agenda towards Thailand and could possibly have a lot of Skeletons in the closet.

So it would seem that recently she's been hacking out a few luminary elicitations for the HUFFINGTON POST in Washington where you can obviously see her in-depth insights and evidence based reporting skills with such Pulitzer Prize contending articles such as:

"Dairy of a Captive Platypus"

"Baby, I Didn't Like the Birthday Present"

"I Will Not Wait in Line For a Cupcake With You"

and the biggie would of course must be...

"Every time grown men talk about something "going viral," a cowboy falls off his horse."

Yes Jessica is even pictured quaffing copious Beers in her pubic appearances and indeed you can see at this event (http://guestofaguest.com/directory/jessica-olien/22178/), that EVERY (=100%) one of the photos of her have her pictured with partially drunk BEERs in hand. Is Jessica's comments perhaps a reflection of her own struggles with ALCOHOLISM perhaps?? And if that is the case, how can respected publications like the Huffington Post allow their image to be tarnished with the factless rantings of such a person who once wrote a myopic piece on for the Nation Newspaper in April 8, 2009 entitled "Sex, Drugs and ESL" opening with the lines "Like many young English teachers abroad, I was enthusiastic about—but woefully under-qualified for— my new profession."

Jeez here she is ranting about Sex and Drugs again but this is indeed often the case where the one screaming the loudest perhaps has the most to hide. Is it just coincidence that Jessica was no longer employed at the Nation after such revelations? mmmm me thinks Shakespear put it best with the classic line

Me Thinks (S)he Protesteth Too Much!

Well from that picture I guess the God of Aesthetically Pleasingness didn't really give her a fair chance against all these thai girls, so I can understand her grudge as well as the element of truth in her silly writing.

I agree with another poster that says "The Truth Hurts" - if there's no element of truth then why are you/we all getting so offended??

WHY? because it's offensive. Yes there are paedophiles, but the article , especially the bit about the 6 year old flower girl in Nong Khai, implies that possibly all expats indulge similarly.


What an awful, smutty, attention grabbing article.

It's truely an injustice to both expats and Thai's.

But then again the publication is called Slate.

slate (slāt)

transitive verb slated slat′ed, slating slat′·ing

  1. to punish severely, as by thrashing
  2. to scold or criticize harshly


i think that her main problem is that she is a small rat. in my opinion, that's kind of person who does not have problem to walk on the dead bodies - if necessary - to get some personal benefit/convenience.

typical westerner vulture-journalist. i predict her a nice career.

"Crotchless Bikini Bottoms"? :D

You are clearly living a sheltered life my Friend. Not only that, but the Girls don't need to buy them either. They just keep wearing them until the crotch falls apart! :):D:D

Strange how this reporter went to BKK during some of the worst political demonstration in the last decade and only reports on the sex trade. That professionalism.

I see this journalist, Jessica Olien, also wrote "Where Are Thailand's Red Shirt Protests Headed?"


While the above-linked article included two YouTube videos, she failed to include a video clip of the pole dancer in her crotchless bikini bottom :)


I am a Slate fan but that article cheapens Slate in my eyes. Probably a good thing. I will definitely read their articles with more skepticism after realizing their editors don't have the scruples to edit out the obvious distortions of that hack ladies so called journalistic report.

No, I am not denying there are social ills in Thailand. But the way she paints it, that is ALL there is. You could write the same kind of sensationalistic article about the social ills in Atlanta, Georgia USA and it would equally be a complete distortion. Somehow it is acceptable to lie about Thailand this way.

I wonder if she was as crappy a teacher as she is a "journalist."


"...where it seems the entire local economy revolves around the sex trade and which is known for tolerating prostitution by underage boys and girls."

All lazy journalists use the line 'it seems', along with 'some would/might say', 'let's just say', 'It's no secret that...' before an inflammatory statement.

The 'entire local' economy relies on many things in Bangkok. Hotels, offices and their workers...etc.

Dreadfull article, but nothing we haven't read before, on any subject. Those who can't do will get jobs as journalists.

No one really wants their exotic intercourse interrupted by machine-gun fire

Speak for yourself, lady.

I would also like a comparative definition of non-exotic intercourse, and what makes her qualified to distinguish between the two.

Commentary about male sex tourists written by Occidental females: why bother?

And would they be able to distinguish one from a celibate tourist?

And why does anybody not involved with any of this even <deleted> care?


Discussion of moderation, slagging off western women, slagging off thai women, slagging off mods, obscenity filled posts.

It is all going to stop RIGHT NOW. Suspensions will be meted out. Mind your manners, learn to discuss things in a reasonable, rational manner like adults. Cheers.


The bar girls came out of Patpong to cheer the first mobile demonstration of red shirts that went down Silom Road. A few weeks later when the red shirts had started bombing Silom with grenades and their incomes had dried up the Patpong girls were decidedly less enthusiastic about the red shirts. A big problem with the red shirt leaders' strategy was that it penalized the poor as much as, if not more than, the so called "amaats", not to mention the fact that the real intention of the protests was to benefit certain super wealthy individuals.

Not much to say about Jessica's article except that it is pure drivel and that Webfact must have been suffering from a temporary lapse of good judgement when he decided to post it on TV, thereby wasting members' time.

I worked with Jess a few years back in Bangkok. She came to Thailand with her bf and loved it at first.

After a few weeks/months the novelty wore off, and as she realised that most of the foreign men here were not interested in her (as she was used to back in the states). She started to resent the Thai girls who were considerably prettier, and much less trouble, than her. In turn she resented every western man who had a Thai gf/wife and decided that all men were sexpats and all thai women were bar girls.

It was quite sad to see. She became very very bitter and after about 4 or 5 months she couldn't take it anymore - she hated the place, so she left.

It seems that now she is on a mission to taint all ex-pats living in Thailand as perverts and sexual deviants.

also by Jessica:


Needless to say, most of what she says is bulls**t.

To say this girl has issues, is putting it mildly.

I think this explains it, and should be enough to put it to bed.

Sans crotchless bikini bottoms.


It's not Jessica that's got things wrong. Just as shoddy is a report in the UK's Daily Express

pattaya24seven daily express

They say 'with their balding heads and paunches, back home they would be invisible to the opposite sex but for a few weeks a year in Thailand they can live out a fantasy.

In Pattaya alone it is estimated that more than one million sex tourists spend their dollars, pounds and ­roubles and that up to 5,000 ­prostitutes.

A couple of points. My head is shaven, not bald. And I've never ever heard of there being 5,000 bargirls in Pattaya - usually the figure is 20,000. Aside from that, the whole tone of the article is big on opinion, low on facts and interviews. I guess the Derrick Bird angle means it's 'let's kick Pattaya week'...


I love it to read that post while in Ghana for Business was a good breakfast lecture, the point of it are that a Foreign Woman is pissed of about how things are working in Thailand and other Asian Countries. Young Girls from poor Families realizing that they are sitting on a Gold mine and so they offer that mine to the ones who are able and willing to pay for it. Now compare the look of the Asian Girls with most of the Foreign Girls we can see all over the Country! Which one do you want as a Men?

When I am in Thailand and driving all over the Country take a look at the places where the Thais are going, easy to select with all that light shinning for hundreds of meters at you, just stop by, the going price is 50 - 100 Baht for the Thais, Foreigners you will not see there to be served. So stop the BS Jess and get to terms with reality, Sex is as old as the world and will continue to be there as long as the world lasts and if I can choose between a pretty Asian Girl and a fat out of shape Foreign Girl, I choose the Asian one it is that simple.

Just walk down Sukhumvit Road between Soi 3 - 7 in bright day light the Girls standing there and offer their Service it is just part of the economy for them, and don't forget that they get an different point of view about their Body and what to do with it then we as western People get. If you want to write about it in reality then get out, talk with the Girls listen to them and you will maybe develop respect for them and the way what they are doing and why.

For me Thailand is my chosen Home place since 1989 and was living through all the struggle Thailand was facing politically and still it is the place to be, even after all the changes over the Years, still during the Riots of Thaksins Red Terrorists I feel safer in Bangkok than I did in Penang where I had to be for Business.

Amazing Thailand it still is and that what makes it so exiting. If you don't like it go Home!

where it seems the entire local economy revolves around the sex trade and which is known for tolerating prostitution by underage boys and girls.

Self righteous ignorance. Do you get paid for this? Please open your eyes.

Open eyes, look around, to be safe just remove the 'underage' part :)

Sex Trade in Thailand? In case you didn't know, prostitution is illegal in Thailand. Nana, Patpong and Pattaya are just entertaiment centres. Tea money for policemen? Just some other rubbish to damage the good reputation of honest individuals in uniform.


I've seen plenty of crap by visiting hacks, but this piece truly plumbs the depths.

yep .

probably , the most boring crap ,

i have seen on thai visa .

a futile attempt , at sensational seeking journalism .

better if the op , worked in soi cowboy ,

and had a bit of sense , put into her .. :)


This Reporter is completley crazy and should not be paid what a load of BS. I checked her on Facebook and out of the 293 (Friends) only 1 Thai a Male Gay Dancer. You would think with all the time this reporter has supposedly spent in SE Asis she would at least have a couple of Thai friends.

I feel that this is remote American Femenist BS Journalism, this woman has spent no time at all in SE Asia .

Now based in Washington DC it states on Huffington Post where you can read more of this womans drivel on a Blog Spot I had a look at a couple of articles and basically more BS who publishes her stuff????????

As a journalist based in the region for a few decades now I've seen plenty of crap by visiting hacks, but this piece truly plumbs the depths. I don't know if Slate is still owned by the Washington Post, but they should be embarrassed to have published this hogwash.

Increasingly the news outlets simply don't care. Journalism is something from an era past, the only thing that counts is how many hits on the webpage something gets. The story, and the angle. And sex sells. Facts? Who cares, they'd just confuse the audience anyway. Too complicated. So what better way to report about the unrest in Thailand than to add sex tourism to it. You can only win.

I am not going to do them the favor and read the whole thing on slate. Total BS.


Given the number of obscenity laden, abuse filled posts and the amount of diatribe this has generated, i am going to close it. If someone else sees fit to babysit this thread 24/7 then it may be reopened but as it is, its certainly more time consuming than it is worth.


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