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PM Abhisit Launches Thailand Reconciliation Plan

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The hard work begins

By The Nation

PM launches reconciliation plan, aims to present blueprint as New Year gift to people

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday asked people from all walks of life to join his plan for national reconciliation and reform, aiming to come up with a blueprint as a New Year gift to fellow citizens to carry it forward even though his government's term will end before the implementation.

Abhisit launched his programme to reform the country yesterday with a brief message in a pool televised programme, seeking cooperation from fellow citizens throughout the nation.

"I am confident that people who love the country don't want to see any more violence or losses since it would damage us beyond restoration, notably the mental pain. We have to move the country forward. Hate, anger and grievance cannot create a future for our country and for our children," Abhisit said in his message.

The message seemed too short to win over the sentiments and feelings of his audience. The prime minister later appeared on television together with many government officials standing in the background. He said the people who stood with him were from various walks of life, to help him draw up a blueprint for national reconciliation and reform.

They represent the government, bureaucracy, business sector, local administration, non-governmental organisations, academics and media.

They were expected to help brainstorm and bring opinion from the people for the reform plan.

The five-point national reconciliation plan announced earlier during the red-shirt protest has made some progress, Abhisit said, but did not clarify about such progress.

Many sectors have launched many activities, which will reconcile the differences in the society and lead to the reform that will build a new house of hope for all, the PM said.

The media was willing to use their resources to drive the reform programme while academics would bring in the younger generation to help create the future of the country, he said.

Abhisit spent only 10 minutes all together to announce the reform project without any concrete plan and leaving many questions unanswered.

Prime Minister's Office Minister Satit Wongnongtaey said earlier that the government would set up a working group to drive the plan. The group would work as the secretariat for the project with its office at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre.

Prime Minister Abhisit would preside over the first public hearing to collect information, views and opinion from people during a meeting of the National Municipal League of Thailand on Sunday in Sonkhla, he said.

Prior to the televised announcement of the plan, Abhisit held a meeting with 40 representatives from many sections of society and some of his Cabinet members.

The prime minister said that although the opposition and red-shirted group did not welcome his initiative, he needed to continue his five-point road map for national reconciliation.

The plan aimed to uphold the monarchy institution, tackle social inequality, reform media, develop a political structure and inquire into the bloody incidents, he said.

The government will set the plan in motion by gathering public opinion.

The National Statistical Office will be commissioned to conduct an opinion poll along with the national census in the next few months.

Based on the opinion poll and public hearings, the government would later draw up a blueprint for reform with details of all tasks, time frame and budget, Abhisit told the meeting.

Abhisit mentioned the National Economic and Social Development Board, National Health Commission and Thai Health Promotion Foundation as major agencies to drive the reform plan.

The government has already appointed Kanit na Nakorn, a former attorney-general, as the head of a committee to probe the military crackdown. President of the National Institute of Development Administration, Sombat Thamrongthanyawong, has been appointed as head of a committee on Constitution amendment. Dean of Chulalongkorn's Communi-cation Arts Faculty, Yubol Benjarongkij, will be responsible for media reform, Abhisit said.

The prime minister did not outline any clear plan or name any person responsible for the task of bridging social inequality but said he would unveil the plan by June 17.

Dusit Nonthanakorn, chairman of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, said during the meeting that the reform needed to tackle four major problems: social divide, inequality, corruption, and tourism development, he said.

The chamber of commerce would call a meeting of all members throughout the country to map out an action plan by late this month, he said.


-- The Nation 2010-06-11

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This could be the start of something good for the whole of Thailand, Provided he is allowed to continue unhindered by certain parties.


The hard work begins


some people say it is never to late, but this still raises the question what did the PM all the previous month?


The hard work begins


something very positive, yet something need to be supported by a 'new' Thai culture or by a changed Thai mind set !

yeah, HARD WORK begins, and good luck !


some people say it is never too late, but this still raises the question what did the PM all the previous month?

Well, if you'd been paying attention to the news, you'd have probably noticed that it was only nine days ago that he survived a no-confidence vote after a couple of days of partisan rants from the opposition. And for months before that, he was having to deal with that little problem of the redshirts. So I don't think he's been being lazy. We all want something to happen quickly, natch. I, for instance, feel that it's important to get a date out there for the next elections. But give the guy a chance. He's the only decent leader who's appeared on the scene for a long time, and I can't imagine anyone handling the last crisis any better, even though I was out there armchair quarterbacking in my living room as much as anybody. I think he's a smart guy, and he has a pretty good idea now of what he's up against. Let's just see what he comes up with, and hope it doesn't take too long. I don't want to rush things, but the game is on, and the sooner we come up with answers, the better.


The Poll questions are crucial part of a consructive Plan. If they are set up to find what Thais really think, feel and believe about the way the Kingdom should be structured, it's a good first step. [it would be great if they are the Poll questions I have been Emailing to so many Government Offices!]

If they are like the Poll questions on Abhisit's Official Website, bent more towards preaching to the converted and/or steering opinion, then the sad days are still ahead.

A. Don't be afraid to ask the basic, important questions, that bear down on the root of the problem.

B. Make them simple, not ambiguous.

For one example, on the list I have been sending out.

>>> Would you like a political System that automatically filtered out corruption and conflict of interest among elected Members?

Another, would you like completely fair elections with no vote buying and bullying?

These type of questions are vital to go the heart and cause of the troubles.

The simple, but STRONG outcome would be to show that the majority of Thais are the same and many reds and yellows are fighting for the same ideals, but their LEADERS don't want them to know.

Among the Thais I have been Emailing, for about two months now, I have been professing that this kind of polling is the first, best step in The Joseph Plan. One fine lady, whose aunt was a secretary for Khun Chuan, said she would pass my ideas along.

I even tried to get help in the Thai Visa language Forum to translate my poll questions. After spending hours using Google Translate, I was told it comes out wonky, but got, 'sorry too busy to help'.

They are going to poll!!! This is a GOOD thing folks, if they are pertinent, unbias clear questions, as in What do you really think questions? If you want to see the type of questions to NOT ask, check abhisit dot com.

SUGGESTION: Thai Visa, Run a Thread asking for suggestions on what questions should be asked. It could be very interesting to see how they match the Government's and the other ones on my list.

Yes they are going to Poll!!! yes yes yes.....

Here is another... hmmm no I will wait and see what others might suggest. I hope some of the brilliant subscribers to this Forum put up some suggestions.

Did I mention I am HAPPY they are going to Poll. That is BRILLIANT strategy. Please, please, make it polling NOT bending!



For one example, on the list I have been sending out.

>>> Would you like a political System that automatically filtered out corruption and conflict of interest among elected Members?

Another, would you like completely fair elections with no vote buying and bullying?

These type of questions are vital to go the heart and cause of the troubles.

Those questions are leading with self evident answers. They are not good examples of how to poll people.

You need open ended questions or multiple choice with genuine options.

In answering 'yes' to question 1 above, I wonder how one goes about implementing such a system...



For one example, on the list I have been sending out.

>>> Would you like a political System that automatically filtered out corruption and conflict of interest among elected Members?

Another, would you like completely fair elections with no vote buying and bullying?

These type of questions are vital to go the heart and cause of the troubles.

Those questions are leading with self evident answers. They are not good examples of how to poll people.

You need open ended questions or multiple choice with genuine options.

In answering 'yes' to question 1 above, I wonder how one goes about implementing such a system...


You do NOT get it.

1. for the hard of hearing I mentioned more than once, I have a list. There are a couple of questions which would be VERY important, which cannot even be mentioned here.

2. For 1/2 a year now, and before the riots I have probably posted close to 100 times that 70% of Thais did not consider themselves Red OR Yellow in a November. The best result of polling is they be a learning experience. Do you think it's better to keep Thais in the dark that 95% of them of the same color shirt, white? or do you just tell, or, hey!, what about doing a Poll that that SHOWS them and the enemy is the 5% of red and yellow gang leaders who want into the seats of corruption? your Reply bends to keep them in the dark on this. Thaksin and Sondhi should both send you a check.

3. If you click on the above link, I am, was, planning a Super Poll. *notice the referall to 'viral'. There are online polliing sites that count how many voted. I would like to hit every pc in Thailand with the right polling questions.

4. Back up your knowledge of polling with a few samples of what should be asked, instead of decrying what shouldn't.

'''' the going about implementing such a system'''' you r are concerned about, don't worry, I've got that covered.


The Poll questions are crucial part of a consructive Plan. If they are set up to find what Thais really think, feel and believe about the way the Kingdom should be structured, it's a good first step.


Hmmm. To me, as a foreigner who has lived in Thailand quite a while, this sounds reasonable. You can't solve a problem unless you first know what the problem is. So you can't alleviate discontent until you understand why people are discontented.

I even tried to get help in the Thai Visa language Forum to translate my poll questions. After spending hours using Google Translate, I was told it comes out wonky, but got, 'sorry too busy to help'.


This sounds to me like a fatal flaw in your plan. I think this means you're not Thai. I worked at a Thai school for a time under a man who was a genius at seeing the cultural differences and explaining them to foreigners (I only wish he had done it more often). While I applaud your good will, you simply cannot do this for the Thai. For a couple of hundred years foreigners have been trying to tell Thais how to solve what the foreigners perceive to be the problems, only to be invariably frustfated when the Thais solve the problems they perceive in Thai ways, which are often misunderstood by the foreigners. Look, the Thais have reasons for doing things their way. You often won't understand what those reasons are, but, believe me, they have reasons which seem good to them. They are not children. They are not stupid. They are not crazy. They will solve the problems they are having now in ways that are satisfactory to them, whether foreigners appreciate it or not. :)


The Poll questions are crucial part of a consructive Plan. If they are set up to find what Thais really think, feel and believe about the way the Kingdom should be structured, it's a good first step.


Hmmm. To me, as a foreigner who has lived in Thailand quite a while, this sounds reasonable. You can't solve a problem unless you first know what the problem is. So you can't alleviate discontent until you understand why people are discontented.

I even tried to get help in the Thai Visa language Forum to translate my poll questions. After spending hours using Google Translate, I was told it comes out wonky, but got, 'sorry too busy to help'.


This sounds to me like a fatal flaw in your plan. I think this means you're not Thai. I worked at a Thai school for a time under a man who was a genius at seeing the cultural differences and explaining them to foreigners (I only wish he had done it more often). While I applaud your good will, you simply cannot do this for the Thai. For a couple of hundred years foreigners have been trying to tell Thais how to solve what the foreigners perceive to be the problems, only to be invariably frustfated when the Thais solve the problems they perceive in Thai ways, which are often misunderstood by the foreigners. Look, the Thais have reasons for doing things their way. You often won't understand what those reasons are, but, believe me, they have reasons which seem good to them. They are not children. They are not stupid. They are not crazy. They will solve the problems they are having now in ways that are satisfactory to them, whether foreigners appreciate it or not. :)

I agree completely -- the only effective government, in the long term, is a government which was conceived and developed by and for the nationals of that country. While foreign nationals may mean well, their own experience and solutions have no relevance in another culture.

It didn't work in Viet Nam - - it is not working in Iraq.

Thais must develop their own solutions, whether we agree with them of not .


some people say it is never too late, but this still raises the question what did the PM all the previous month?

Well, if you'd been paying attention to the news, you'd have probably noticed that it was only nine days ago that he survived a no-confidence vote after a couple of days of partisan rants from the opposition. And for months before that, he was having to deal with that little problem of the redshirts. So I don't think he's been being lazy. We all want something to happen quickly, natch. I, for instance, feel that it's important to get a date out there for the next elections. But give the guy a chance. He's the only decent leader who's appeared on the scene for a long time, and I can't imagine anyone handling the last crisis any better, even though I was out there armchair quarterbacking in my living room as much as anybody. I think he's a smart guy, and he has a pretty good idea now of what he's up against. Let's just see what he comes up with, and hope it doesn't take too long. I don't want to rush things, but the game is on, and the sooner we come up with answers, the better.

I'm going a little bit off track here but I'm not sure how to start a separate thread...

Anyhow a few weeks ago the peace and reconcilitation camp were broadcasting "Hotel Rwanda" to warn of the dangers of "ethnic intolerance" (as opposed to electoral disenfranchisement but I'll leave that alone for now :).

Anyhow in the spirit of peace and reconciliation I watched Clint Eastwoods latest movie "Invictus" the other night which told the tale of Nelson Mandela's support for the mainly white national rugby team in the 1995 Rugby World Cup. One could argue that there is an element of apartheid in Thailand and the movie offers some interesting perspective and suggestions for reconciliation in an apparently hopeless situation.(more than "Hotel Rwanda" anyway!) Would anyone else like to comment if they've seen it?

I wonder why they didn't show "The Killing Fields"? Maybe they figured Thais dont give a f*** about genocide in Cambodia?


This sounds to me like a fatal flaw in your plan. I think this means you're not Thai. I worked at a Thai school for a time under a man who was a genius at seeing the cultural differences and explaining them to foreigners (I only wish he had done it more often). While I applaud your good will, you simply cannot do this for the Thai. For a couple of hundred years foreigners have been trying to tell Thais how to solve what the foreigners perceive to be the problems, only to be invariably frustfated when the Thais solve the problems they perceive in Thai ways, which are often misunderstood by the foreigners. Look, the Thais have reasons for doing things their way. You often won't understand what those reasons are, but, believe me, they have reasons which seem good to them. They are not children. They are not stupid. They are not crazy. They will solve the problems they are having now in ways that are satisfactory to them, whether foreigners appreciate it or not. :)

As I have said many times, from my research, I have concluded this is the biggest misconception about Thailand. Thailand has allowed foreign influuence a LOT and is the reason behind their problems. [CIA, Marx (Pridi), Mussolini(Plaek), Japan, China, Anna L, Bowring and so on]

Do you think a Privy Council is a Made in Thailand invention? The Thai National Anthem is a tune from a German folk song, for Vishnu's sake!

The Solution I am trying to present is more of a 'Made in Thailand' approach than all o thef junky, wonky and cross purpose mess they have brought over from the West in dribs and drabs.

If discussion of TJS was fully allowed here you would see how, it includes thinking and efforts of two very historical Persons. [First principles Clarice. read between the lines.


I cannot do it you say, of course not, Thais would have to adopt it. Maybe my daughter will have to do it in 20 years, she is dual Thai, IF there is a Thailand in 20 years.


Not stupid you say? or crazy? Not the PEOPLE. Their last 80 years of 'working it out themselves' has been quite nutsy though. If one PM lasting a full term, 18 coups and constitutions, 2 Songhrans in a row are examples of 'finding their way' I would hate to see if they ever get lost!

SOMEBODY, Thai, foreign or Vishnu has to tell them it's idiotic to be celebrating 'getting back to ABnormal'.


Anyway, this polling has the potential to be very, very good!

Here is another question...

Does Thailand have the 'potential' to be G30 Nation within 5 to 10 years?

yes or no


some people say it is never too late, but this still raises the question what did the PM all the previous month?

Well, if you'd been paying attention to the news, you'd have probably noticed that it was only nine days ago that he survived a no-confidence vote after a couple of days of partisan rants from the opposition. And for months before that, he was having to deal with that little problem of the redshirts. So I don't think he's been being lazy. We all want something to happen quickly, natch. I, for instance, feel that it's important to get a date out there for the next elections. But give the guy a chance. He's the only decent leader who's appeared on the scene for a long time, and I can't imagine anyone handling the last crisis any better, even though I was out there armchair quarterbacking in my living room as much as anybody. I think he's a smart guy, and he has a pretty good idea now of what he's up against. Let's just see what he comes up with, and hope it doesn't take too long. I don't want to rush things, but the game is on, and the sooner we come up with answers, the better.


Well written----we need a few more thinkers like you instead of trying to continuously knock everything.I too was a typical armchair critic during the last couple of months of trouble,but have come to realise that Ahisit is indeed a good man with a good head on those shoulders. No ranting and raving from him.A calm and determined leader. Now we can give him the honour of listening to his[govts] ideas and striving for a happier future. In the words of the immortal Bard---"good on ya mate" DOUGAL


This sounds to me like a fatal flaw in your plan. I think this means you're not Thai. I worked at a Thai school for a time under a man who was a genius at seeing the cultural differences and explaining them to foreigners (I only wish he had done it more often). While I applaud your good will, you simply cannot do this for the Thai. For a couple of hundred years foreigners have been trying to tell Thais how to solve what the foreigners perceive to be the problems, only to be invariably frustfated when the Thais solve the problems they perceive in Thai ways, which are often misunderstood by the foreigners. Look, the Thais have reasons for doing things their way. You often won't understand what those reasons are, but, believe me, they have reasons which seem good to them. They are not children. They are not stupid. They are not crazy. They will solve the problems they are having now in ways that are satisfactory to them, whether foreigners appreciate it or not. :)

As I have said many times, from my research, I have concluded this is the biggest misconception about Thailand. Thailand has allowed foreign influuence a LOT and is the reason behind their problems. [CIA, Marx (Pridi), Mussolini(Plaek), Japan, China, Anna L, Bowring and so on]

Do you think a Privy Council is a Made in Thailand invention? The Thai National Anthem is a tune from a German folk song, for Vishnu's sake!

The Solution I am trying to present is more of a 'Made in Thailand' approach than all o thef junky, wonky and cross purpose mess they have brought over from the West in dribs and drabs.

If discussion of TJS was fully allowed here you would see how, it includes thinking and efforts of two very historical Persons. [First principles Clarice. read between the lines.


I cannot do it you say, of course not, Thais would have to adopt it. Maybe my daughter will have to do it in 20 years, she is dual Thai, IF there is a Thailand in 20 years.


Not stupid you say? or crazy? Not the PEOPLE. Their last 80 years of 'working it out themselves' has been quite nutsy though. If one PM lasting a full term, 18 coups and constitutions, 2 Songhrans in a row are examples of 'finding their way' I would hate to see if they ever get lost!

SOMEBODY, Thai, foreign or Vishnu has to tell them it's idiotic to be celebrating 'getting back to ABnormal'.


Anyway, this polling has the potential to be very, very good!

Here is another question...

Does Thailand have the 'potential' to be G30 Nation within 5 to 10 years?

yes or no

I put your poll question to 5 Thai members of my family -- we are all prparing to go to a funeral for a close family friend.

Three of them replie " What's a G30 Nation ? " -- and two replied " I don't care" .

Although the question has relevance for farang, it is not a matter of interest or importance for Thais. I'm afraid that we must allow the Thais to muddle through and develop their own poll -- and untimately their own solutions to their problems.


Abhisit, the best way to gauge Thai public opinion is to hold an election.

Have the election then let the winning party/parties hold any reconciliation plan discussions. Elections nowhere on the horizon. Anyway if the wrong party wins the real ruler of this country (Prem) will call out the troops to squash it. No point having any discussions to be truthful, its all a waste of time . The army as been behind 3 massacres of its own people in the last few decades (where if the truth be known 1000's of lives were lost or unaccounted for) and after every massacre they learnt nothing bcos they went on to do another massacre. Anybody would be a fool to believe that what happened in April and May will not be repeated. If a threat to the military junta was there tomorrow they would order the massacre of their own people again and again and again.

I believe Abhisit is an educated man and lived in a truer democracy for over 20 years, he knows what right and wrong is, so why does he allow the slaughter of his own people. The truth is he is not the leader of this country, he does as he is told like all previous leaders of this country. Failure to complete the orders of the ruling army usually resulted in a coup. The problems of Thailand, over the last century lie with the Army and its stranglehold over all power. Is it really much different than Myanmar. Events likely to happen over the next few years will really test the power of this junta. We have seen various protest groups over the last few years and by now we should be able to see who is backing who. Why is Prem depised by the normal people, because they all know what damage he as done to this country whilst filling his pockets and those of his colleagues. Take a look at the military budget up for approval. How many countries are they proposing to go to war with... only one

I believe Abhisit is an educated man and lived in a truer democracy for over 20 years, he knows what right and wrong is, so why does he allow the slaughter of his own people.

Not a matter of allowing it but being unable in spite of best efforts to prevent it.

After all if the reds had not decided to go on the rampage and had conducted a peaceful demo there would not have been any deaths or injuries.

As for an election now or before the due date that would be like an admission that the PM cant handle the situation. He was after all elected by his constituants and the MP's to do a job, let him get on with it in his way.

Going about things methodicaly and taking time to get it right looks like the correct way to go.

Way I see it the PTP and Mr T will do everything in their power to stuff up any reconsiliation, people arn't fools and most will see through this move and in the end the PTP wont have anything (other than bring back T )to take to voters when an election does come round.


The hard work begins


some people say it is never to late, but this still raises the question what did the PM all the previous month?

Mazeltov If you do not have anything constructive to say, Please please do not engage fingers.

The last month or more the PM has being trying to restore order in bkk and surrounding provinces.

Now he has the chance to show all Thai people he can do good for all, Give him a chance and get off your red coloured soap box.


Abhisit, the best way to gauge Thai public opinion is to hold an election.

Again another poster that forgets Abhisit agreed to an early election in November, What happened the reds agreed then rejected it.

Yet it was what they asked for.

The reds do not know what they want, except maybe carnage on the streets of bkk and the deaths of their fellow thais they claim to support.


This sounds to me like a fatal flaw in your plan. I think this means you're not Thai. I worked at a Thai school for a time under a man who was a genius at seeing the cultural differences and explaining them to foreigners (I only wish he had done it more often). While I applaud your good will, you simply cannot do this for the Thai. For a couple of hundred years foreigners have been trying to tell Thais how to solve what the foreigners perceive to be the problems, only to be invariably frustfated when the Thais solve the problems they perceive in Thai ways, which are often misunderstood by the foreigners. Look, the Thais have reasons for doing things their way. You often won't understand what those reasons are, but, believe me, they have reasons which seem good to them. They are not children. They are not stupid. They are not crazy. They will solve the problems they are having now in ways that are satisfactory to them, whether foreigners appreciate it or not. :)

As I have said many times, from my research, I have concluded this is the biggest misconception about Thailand. Thailand has allowed foreign influuence a LOT and is the reason behind their problems. [CIA, Marx (Pridi), Mussolini(Plaek), Japan, China, Anna L, Bowring and so on]

Do you think a Privy Council is a Made in Thailand invention? The Thai National Anthem is a tune from a German folk song, for Vishnu's sake!

The Solution I am trying to present is more of a 'Made in Thailand' approach than all o thef junky, wonky and cross purpose mess they have brought over from the West in dribs and drabs.

If discussion of TJS was fully allowed here you would see how, it includes thinking and efforts of two very historical Persons. [First principles Clarice. read between the lines.


I cannot do it you say, of course not, Thais would have to adopt it. Maybe my daughter will have to do it in 20 years, she is dual Thai, IF there is a Thailand in 20 years.


Not stupid you say? or crazy? Not the PEOPLE. Their last 80 years of 'working it out themselves' has been quite nutsy though. If one PM lasting a full term, 18 coups and constitutions, 2 Songhrans in a row are examples of 'finding their way' I would hate to see if they ever get lost!

SOMEBODY, Thai, foreign or Vishnu has to tell them it's idiotic to be celebrating 'getting back to ABnormal'.


Anyway, this polling has the potential to be very, very good!

Here is another question...

Does Thailand have the 'potential' to be G30 Nation within 5 to 10 years?

yes or no

You talking to a cold Chang? You, your research, and maybe the Chang seem to be off in some kind of expository indulgence. However, you did make sense, exceedingly good sense, about getting back to normalcy. Normalcy has been the problem, yet the PM has championed returning to it. Kudos on that insight.


Well written----we need a few more thinkers like you instead of trying to continuously knock everything.I too was a typical armchair critic during the last couple of months of trouble,but have come to realise that Ahisit is indeed a good man with a good head on those shoulders. No ranting and raving from him.A calm and determined leader. Now we can give him the honour of listening to his[govts] ideas and striving for a happier future. In the words of the immortal Bard---"good on ya mate" DOUGAL

Perhaps, you'd care to share how you've come to determine that he has a good head on his shoulders. What do you think he has done or not done to earn your respect? If inaction suits you, then your satisfaction that appearing calm and not ranting make a good man with a good head on his shoulders, then you are probably applauding the launch of the plan which is in fact no plan at all. Anybody that has dealt in upper management levels of business in Thailand has seen this before, the vague innuendo complemented by noncommittal inaction.


Instead of vaguely referring to your self-created "The Joseph Plan" over and over, why don't you post this great political solution in it's entirety on a website or blog somewhere?

All your alleged "surveys" are subjective, from the posts you continue to post on a forum.

Instead of making up replies as you go, just post your completed "solution", assuming you have actually written out already.


Instead of vaguely referring to your self-created "The Joseph Plan" over and over, why don't you post this great political solution in it's entirety on a website or blog somewhere?

All your alleged "surveys" are subjective, from the posts you continue to post on a forum.

Instead of making up replies as you go, just post your completed "solution", assuming you have actually written out already.

its vagueness is its strength.

that the Joseph plan has this indefiniteness makes this plan so interesting and even promising in opposite to any boring roadmap euphemism and phrasemongering where you know it is nothing than hot air or BS.

take it with an agnostic approach - if such solution actually don't exist it is still a perfect and entertaining parody of all other roadmaps which will never work out. no harm done. if there is something behind, the believer of another faith would dismissed it immediately once the joseph plan is made more articulate. at the moment the joseph plan sounds not bad, is inoffensive, comes with an air of suspense. nice. a puzzle, a brainteaser, maybe the invitation to develop your own bf2002 plan and join the game? who knows? why you want to push it?


some people say it is never too late, but this still raises the question what did the PM all the previous month?

Well, if you'd been paying attention to the news, you'd have probably noticed that it was only nine days ago that he survived a no-confidence vote after a couple of days of partisan rants from the opposition. And for months before that, he was having to deal with that little problem of the redshirts. So I don't think he's been being lazy. We all want something to happen quickly, natch. I, for instance, feel that it's important to get a date out there for the next elections. But give the guy a chance. He's the only decent leader who's appeared on the scene for a long time, and I can't imagine anyone handling the last crisis any better, even though I was out there armchair quarterbacking in my living room as much as anybody. I think he's a smart guy, and he has a pretty good idea now of what he's up against. Let's just see what he comes up with, and hope it doesn't take too long. I don't want to rush things, but the game is on, and the sooner we come up with answers, the better.

I follow the news. specially these Pravda style announcements of the coming big steps the government consider to take for the good of everybody. and if you would follow these news same like me you would realise that the government promises to give it everything, using all means, do its best and 100% and that this the start, the dawn, the overcome, the new beginning, the flight of phoenix into a bright and shiny future and so on comes at least twice monthly over the the propaganda channels.

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