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World Cup - Germany


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Germany were awesome,dont think the argies did any homework or preparation(probably hugging each other too much).They did n't mark their opponents,gave them too much space and generally cruiesed around like it was just another game.

Germany will be too strong for spain,looking like germany v holland final.

It a tough call this one. One thing Spain will be is a lot better organised defensively than England or Argentina also they will dominate possession which will lead to prolonged periods of chasing the ball for the Germans. In the last two games against Portugal and Paraguay, Spain have created most of their chances in the last fifteen minutes of the game, if you've only got the ball 40% of the time you're spending the other 60% running after it, so its natural Spain find more space when they've tried out the opposition.

Having said that Lowe has shown himself to be a tactical mastermind, the game plan against England (just give them the ball and watch them shoot themselves in the head) was brilliant. The weak link for Spain is the center back pair, if you can isolate Puyol and Pique I don't think there the quickest, which is why Ramos has a massive role to play he loves getting forward but I think he will have to concentrate on covering for his central defenders in this game.

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Germany played very very well against Argentina; no doubt about it but there are many reasons to explain why.

Maradona didn't perform very well as a manager/coach and if you have the best football player in the world in your team (Lionel MESSI) but you don't give him the correct and necessary team to support that brilliant player you're losing against this German team.

Messi had to run around and get the ball, even on his own half, to try and make the best of it but he isn't the kind of player that should do this job; his job is to score and he never did; that shows how bad of a manager Maradona is and was.

Argentine even almost missed the qualification in their tournament in South America.

But some members have very short memories when they bash upon Maradona.

Maradona has many faces and lifes but one face/life nobody can take away from him is that he is/was amongst the 2 or 3 greatest players of all times.

Maybe he was THE greatest player ever.

That the man went on a bad track in his life and overcame serious drugs addictions is something to be applauded for.

To bash upon such a man says more about the bashers rather than Maradona himself and I think it's low to qualify the man as some did.

That he made this in-famous goal with his hand and was missed by the Referees is something from history and he got away with it; the same as many other players -and countries- got away with tricks, faults and goals which shouldn't have been a goal or the other way around like the goal of 2:2 against Germany, from England

It's so easy to downgrade a great football player...or are "we" much better human beings because we weren't addicted as he was ? :unsure:

Typical TV to bash upon others; so easy and cheap. :bah:


Everybody is praising Germany into heaven now but they forget that the same Germany lost 0:1 to Serbia just 2 weeks ago; a small country with a mere 7,5 million people (Germany 82 million); Serbia played intelligent, aggressive and very very well and Germany could easily have lost the plot in that match.

Also, some downgrade Holland for their play.

Let me remind you that Germany, 8 to 10 years ago, adapted the Dutch football system* which is paying off right now. Ask any German football-specialist and he will agree about this.

Holland, in their turn, might not have played the best of their football abilities according to that same football system but Holland didn't lose a single game over the last 24 International games and won ALL 4 games in the tournament so far.

Not many countries in the World Cup can say that and certainly not any of the 4 countries, left now in the Semi-Finals.

Up to you Gents :lol:

* The Dutch "TOTAL" football system, invented and created by the famous late Dutch coach, Rinus Michels in the '70's


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.....you're bringing "news" from 20 years ago into the PRESENT World Cup discussion ? :blink:

Unbelievable and childish, and you probably don't know they're very good friends since.

post-13995-098224700 1278250606_thumb.jp

It's the same if some Dutch here would start discussing about the Germans like "I want my bike back", referring to the Germans soldiers in WWII who stole so many Dutch bikes, on their way back to Germany when they were defeated by the allies.



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Why is it "Unbelievable and childish" ?

Do you not think you are over reacting slightly.

This is obviously a touchy subject for you, if I'd have known how raw the topic was for you I wouldn't have brought it up, I do apologise.

Maybe you should try a famous Dutch product to help you relax.

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That he made this in-famous goal with his hand and was missed by the Referees is something from history and he got away with it; the same as many other players -and countries- got away with tricks, faults and goals which shouldn't have been a goal or the other way around like the goal of 2:2 against Germany, from England

Why am i not surprised to hear you Laopo using the "others have cheated so that makes it ok" argument? It rings a bell.

P.S. Stop confusing refering errors with players who cheat: one is an intentional injustice, the other unintentional. There's an enormous difference.

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Why is it "Unbelievable and childish" ?

Do you not think you are over reacting slightly.

This is obviously a touchy subject for you, if I'd have known how raw the topic was for you I wouldn't have brought it up, I do apologise.

Maybe you should try a famous Dutch product to help you relax.

I didn't know cheese is helping people to relax. :rolleyes:

I'm not the one who brought this spitting incident into the conversation; you did. Anything else you wish to dig up from the football bearpit ? :lol:

Tell me where you're from and I can find a thing or two also :P

...20 years ago....focus on the future my friend not the past............:whistling:


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That he made this in-famous goal with his hand and was missed by the Referees is something from history and he got away with it; the same as many other players -and countries- got away with tricks, faults and goals which shouldn't have been a goal or the other way around like the goal of 2:2 against Germany, from England

Why am i not surprised to hear you Laopo using the "others have cheated so that makes it ok" argument? It rings a bell.

P.S. Stop confusing refering errors with players who cheat: one is an intentional injustice, the other unintentional. There's an enormous difference.

I don't know Rixalex......you seem to be able to find excuses for whatever you're able to blame others for...natural habit I may assume ? :)

I didn't know there are people who are still so frustrated about Maradona's Hand of God-Goal and thus -possibly but not surely- stealing the victory over England in 1986...24 years ago.

One poster starts talking about a spitting incident of 20 years ago; you talk about something that happened 24 years ago.

It's the same as if Germany would keep on talking about the England "steal" in the 1966 game, 44 years ago...when England's goal was not a goal...<_<

By Jove....:ermm:

You guys are living in the past, not present.

I wish you well with England's future.


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It's the same if some Dutch here would start discussing about the Germans like "I want my bike back", referring to the Germans soldiers in WWII who stole so many Dutch bikes, on their way back to Germany when they were defeated by the allies.



If I were Dutch, went to Germany on holiday (Lord knows why) and saw my old bike, I would want it back for sure!

Come to think of it, I had my bike stolen in 1967. It was probably a Kraut! :angry: I'm off to Germany right now! :angry:

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It's the same if some Dutch here would start discussing about the Germans like "I want my bike back", referring to the Germans soldiers in WWII who stole so many Dutch bikes, on their way back to Germany when they were defeated by the allies.



If I were Dutch, went to Germany on holiday (Lord knows why) and saw my old bike, I would want it back for sure!

Come to think of it, I had my bike stolen in 1967. It was probably a Kraut! :angry: I'm off to Germany right now! :angry:

Give me a call...I think I saw it last night. Black one with small stripes along the frame, right?


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Octopus: Spain to beat Germany in World Cup semifinal :o

July 6, 2010 -- Updated 1512 GMT (2312 HKT)

German football fans should brace themselves for disappointment in Wednesday's World Cup semifinal against Spain, according to the latest prediction of an octopus with a knack for picking winners. Paul the octopus, a psychic cephalopod at Sea Life in Oberhausen, western Germany, has become a World Cup phenomenon after correctly predicting the victors in all five of Germany's matches so far and Tuesday's ceremony was carried live on German television.

Sea Life staff help Paul make his prediction by lowering two boxes of food into his tank, one carrying a German flag and the other bearing that of their opponents. The case he opens first is adjudged to be his predicted winner.

The octopus correctly picked that Joachim Low's side would beat Ghana and Australia in the group stages, but also outwitted most professional pundits by predicting Germany's shock 1-0 defeat by Serbia.

In the knockout stages it tipped Germany to beat both England and Argentina, but it drew cries of despair from assembled watchers Tuesday when, after initially lingering over the box for the German flag, it plumped for the Spanish flag instead.

But in case you're thinking of staking your life savings on Paul's mystic abilities, be warned: the octopus only managed an 80 percent success rate in predicting Germany's results at the 2008 European Championships -- and failed to foresee Spain's 1-0 win over Germany in the final.




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Very good as a team but too many average players to win this tournament.

You are contradicting yourself. 11 average players as a team perform much better than 2 or 3 superstars in a non-team. I think this WC showed this clearly.

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I feel both Spanish central defenders Puyol and Pique especially are very dodgy and I would expect the Germans to ask a lot of questions of them. Torres is a long way short of his best so I would expect Germany to come through.

Then again last week I expected Brazil to win out so what the hel_l do I know. Maybe the octopus has got it right again. :blink:

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It's the same if some Dutch here would start discussing about the Germans like "I want my bike back", referring to the Germans soldiers in WWII who stole so many Dutch bikes, on their way back to Germany when they were defeated by the allies.



If I were Dutch, went to Germany on holiday (Lord knows why) and saw my old bike, I would want it back for sure!

Come to think of it, I had my bike stolen in 1967. It was probably a Kraut! :angry: I'm off to Germany right now! :angry:

Give me a call...I think I saw it last night. Black one with small stripes along the frame, right?


Er... can't remember - it was 43 years ago for Chrissake! I know it was a Claud Butler frame, with Simplex derailleur gears (10), a painfully narrow saddle and cost around £37. Maybe the one you saw was mine with a new paint job?

Meanwhile, back to the footy, I hope Spain win but I think Germany will.

Maybe if Maradona raised both his hands (not just the one) and wiggled his eight fingers he could tell us his prediction. I know what fingers I'd like to wiggle at him.

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thats how you boss a midfield and keep possession. class!

was there ever any plan "B" when push came to shove, as far as germany were concerned.

spain totally dominated from start to finish. only when the germans went 1-0 down did they realise they had to start to play.

well done spain!

germany you got found out by a better side.

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BRILLIANT win from Spain over Germany.

Sorry to say but Germany didn't really play their game and Spain won deserved.

It will be an exciting FINAL HOLLAND - SPAIN but Holland will have a tough play against this brilliant Spain.

The only problem Spain has is that they don't have many scoring players; they have one or two and they scored a mere 7 goals so far and Holland 12 goals.

Holland has more scoring players like Sneijder, Robben, Kuyt, Van Persie and Huntelaar.



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Two sides who have never won the world cup in the final, Holland v Spain so a definite new winner for the first time for either team, good result and could have been easily 2 nil if Petrov had have passed to Torres late on, good job Germany never equalised or there would have been hel_l to pay.

By the way I think it's fact that Spain and Holland have never faced each other in either the World Cup or the European Championship.?.

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I feel both Spanish central defenders Puyol and Pique especially are very dodgy and I would expect the Germans to ask a lot of questions of them. Torres is a long way short of his best so I would expect Germany to come through.

Then again last week I expected Brazil to win out so what the hel_l do I know. Maybe the octopus has got it right again. :blink:

Great goal by Puyol. Both he and Pique were immense tonight. If Pedro had given it to Torres he surely would have scored. &lt;deleted&gt; do I know about football? :blink:

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I feel both Spanish central defenders Puyol and Pique especially are very dodgy and I would expect the Germans to ask a lot of questions of them. Torres is a long way short of his best so I would expect Germany to come through.

Then again last week I expected Brazil to win out so what the hel_l do I know. Maybe the octopus has got it right again. :blink:

Great goal by Puyol. Both he and Pique were immense tonight. If Pedro had given it to Torres he surely would have scored. &lt;deleted&gt; do I know about football? :blink:

You know enough to be 100% correct; that Pedro went for his own ego and was correctly taken off a little later.

If he would have passed the ball to his fellow player it would have been a 100% Goal and 2:0

Spain was brilliant, no doubt about that.


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Still very good WC for the Germans. Young team, but they played well and a lot more offensive than the german national team tends to do. Klinsman started that, and Loew continued, very good for the, Looks like they have a bright future.

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Very good as a team but too many average players to win this tournament.

You are contradicting yourself. 11 average players as a team perform much better than 2 or 3 superstars in a non-team. I think this WC showed this clearly.

No contradiction there, the USA were very good as a team but didnt have enough quality to win it ... same rules apply to Germans.

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I thought the German goalie was a bit of a drama queen - often doing spectacular dives when not necessary.

Even when the Spanish scored their goal - where he appeared to see the ball late - he did another spectacular but ineffective dive, arms and legs everywhere and high in the sky. A simple dive to his left might have stopped it.

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