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Russian Conductor Charged In Thai Sex Probe


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I am wondering that why first police not provide an interpolator for him and secondly this is absolutely

awful before his crime be proven how journalism patrolled in his house and mocking him.

If he does not guilty so what about his reputation and how he can live in his house again.........

I am 100% disagree with gay and underage sex but we have to prove before punishment !!!!!!!!!

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Being gay does not automatically make anyone a pedophile.

Being Gay and being Pedophile are 2 very different things

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Regardless of the charge and the outcome ... What a nightmare to have that media circus trample around in your house without being able to throw them out. Disgraceful!

Disgraceful to be trampling on young boys.

Does the words "considered innocent until proven guuilty by a court of law" have any meaning to you? Do they really need the whole media circus trampling around in his private home, touching, pilfering stuff, who knows what?

Sounds familiar to me (watch a lot of US court-soaps), but in Thailand they say: "Considered guilty until proven not-guilty!!"

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Until Thailand cleans up it's act and stops allowing the blatant "sex" industry to thrive, these kinds of stories will continue to mar their image. I'm not sure this is part of a clean up Thailand thing or the police doing something they just 'have' to do. It's just another way the industry pulls in revenue for a select few. The beat goes on...

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Until Thailand cleans up it's act and stops allowing the blatant "sex" industry to thrive, these kinds of stories will continue to mar their image. I'm not sure this is part of a clean up Thailand thing or the police doing something they just 'have' to do. It's just another way the industry pulls in revenue for a select few. The beat goes on...

...or Thailand and Russia are having other issues and this fellow is now in the middle...

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Until Thailand cleans up it's act and stops allowing the blatant "sex" industry to thrive, these kinds of stories will continue to mar their image. I'm not sure this is part of a clean up Thailand thing or the police doing something they just 'have' to do. It's just another way the industry pulls in revenue for a select few. The beat goes on...

...or Thailand and Russia are having other issues and this fellow is now in the middle...

From what i understood he is "guilty" by association, ie knowing the Thai man.

If police was to arrest just the Thai man, this would hardly make any waves, but arresting such a known figure surely makes a bigger wave and a great world headline(who cares about 1 mens life, if its true or not, especially in Thailand)

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As an 'artist' he is probably more than a bit 'bent' as already 'evidenced'.

Oh, so being an un-gifted person living a meaningless life "as already evidenced" makes you less 'bent'????

So you have a meaningless ungifted life? But hey if you like it 'bent' then up to you! Artist or not... and never argue with a fool as you may just prove his point.ohmy.gif

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Thank you for the post, March...

But... HUH????? That's a new one on me. I've never heard the criminal justice legal system here works in that fashion....

Dvornikov said Pletnev, 53, was released on bail of an unspecified sum and was not asked to surrender his passport. Thai law requires suspects to post bail even if no charges have been filed, RIA-Novosti reported.

It's similar in the UK. If the police arrest you because they suspect that you've committed a crime but they don't have enough evidence to charge you, can make you come back to the police station at a later date. In the meantime they will try to find more evidence against you or clear your name. Not sure if it is called bail, but it amounts to the same thing. Nothing unusual at all.Sometimes it takes time to invetigate a crime. You have to have enough evidence before you charge the person. Seems normal to me.

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in an update to the story (the first post) there is about the charge for rape of a minor, so now it's not child pornography without an evidence, but the name of the child and possible witnesses. Often more cases of rape follow, as victims go forward.

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Thank you for the post, March...

But... HUH????? That's a new one on me. I've never heard the criminal justice legal system here works in that fashion....

Dvornikov said Pletnev, 53, was released on bail of an unspecified sum and was not asked to surrender his passport. Thai law requires suspects to post bail even if no charges have been filed, RIA-Novosti reported.

It's similar in the UK. If the police arrest you because they suspect that you've committed a crime but they don't have enough evidence to charge you, can make you come back to the police station at a later date. In the meantime they will try to find more evidence against you or clear your name. Not sure if it is called bail, but it amounts to the same thing. Nothing unusual at all.Sometimes it takes time to invetigate a crime. You have to have enough evidence before you charge the person. Seems normal to me.

Yes it's called police bail, but in the UK there would be no media circus somehow turning up on your door step - unless you happened to be called Pete Townshend.

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"According to Pattaya-based child protection groups, the pianist had a history of child abuse in the resort that is somewhat notorious for its night entertainment and prostitution scene."

"SOMEWHAT" notorious. Give me a break.

Thank heavens the thai police are cracking down on pattaya and those among her expat and visitor populace who have criminal issues. Aside from the horrible damage done there to too many of Thailand's youth, it is a stain on all expats who live in Thailand.

Yes Thailand has brought Pattaya's evils upon herself. Still, its good to see this country (maybe) finally start to get a grip on itself. Read about Singapore in the 1930s and there are certain similarities between there then and Pattaya today.

Change can happen. Let's hope in Pattaya it does.

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Thaivisa Admin

FRAMED Russian conductor at the moment seems more likely!

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Another such story about Pattaya. The place needs to be cleaned up as it is dragging Thailand down.

They have been trying to attract more family tourists to come there the last few years and clean up their image, but the truth is Pattaya is the number 1 sex tourists destination in the world (with many perverts that live there full time), the 2nd being Angles City Philippines. I don't see this changing any time soon...

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All about money! Always! Just take a stroll around Sunee Plaza area. Numbers of VERY underage boys offering their services on the streets and in the clubs. If the officials want to close down and stop this - very easy! Plenty of examples around the world. Put up CCTV allover the place. Put up big signs with explicit warnings, as they can be found in many countries. Have undercover agents present and watching. Check suspicious foreigners with young kids on the spot. Establish professional records about these miserable individuals. Have people there equipped with video cameras.

Things will never change, as long as parents are selling their kids into prostitution and cutting deals with offenders (pay-outs, set-ups), as long as plenty of people profit from this trade...! There is many ways, to get rid of these foreigners, which abuse innocent kids. These kids deserve to be protected! All about money! TIT! Sad, but true and not 1% of cases ever get public. Pedophiles and child abusers are cowards and very fearful of exposure. Why don't the various Volunteers Organizations take this on professionally? Over to you Howard and Niels.

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Don't know if this great conductor is guilty or not of child sex crimes. However, that raid video was rude. Notice how they focused on a picture of him with a clearly legal age young Thai man. What was that about? So he's gay. So what? The crimes if there are crimes are about pederasty.

BTW, an old female friend (a cellist) of mine worked with the famous gay American conductor/composer Leonard Bernstein. She found it frustrating because of course her flirtations were in vain. It can sometimes be difficult for great gay artists because they do legitimately attract a cadre of student admirers so tongues can wag. Not saying there is any connection between Bernstein and this local Russkie ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Disgraceful to be trampling on young boys.

Oh, so you have found him guilty already eh?

Theres no smoke without fire

Then why bother with trials, then, geez!

Im sure he will get his trial, but seems he is very well connected what with buddys with Russias PM so might slip through the net

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this man have a huge reputation as closeted homosexual back home in russia, everybody knew he dated men.<br><br>Funny coincedence: he was accused in 98 in the very same crime, but was realesed later. He is a big person in russia so i think he just bribed hes way out or his powerfull friends helped him.<br><br>in my personal opinion i think he did it.<br>

And your opinion is worth what.... ? TV has said no flames, hang em highs etc., yet leave that on the board.

Suggest Admins include such rubbish in the list of comments not tolerated..

His opinion is worth just as much as yours

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After viewing the vidio in post 10 it does not look like the interior of the house has very much panache and style for an alleged world famous musician...same could be said for the exterior...all done in the El Cheapo style and very untidy.....most musicians/artistes have a flair for making a silk purse out of a sows ear...think there is more to this than what has so far been divulged/reported...

Musicians are not the same as other artists, also Russian musicians are not the best paid people in the world, even though some are the best in the world

I listen a lot of classical music, I can tell you this man was one of the top 5 or so pianists in the world for a very long time. Now he one of the most sought-after conductors in the world. Unless he invested his countless millions (yes, that's what he'll have earned) with Bernie Madoff, he will be extremely wealthy. Besides, the Pattaya Daily news interview with him which is now on-line, describes his residence as a "palace". So how come there are so many seeming inaccuracies here? The first interviews gave an entirely different name - so there are two names. Then he is described as virtually a mafia pedophile boss running a prostitute ring, but now it's just one case of sex with a minor (bad enough in its own rite, if true). Then it's his home being either El Cheapo as seen in the video or "palatial" as seen first-hand by the newspaper. WHo is making up these different scenarios?

There's another thread in which I state my feeling that this seems on the face of it to be a scam with someone expecting to make a of of money out of it. If - and I know it's still only 'if' - this is proved to be the case, then I hope there will be some sort of outcry about the law enforcement agencies here tipping off the media when they make an arrest. As a result, this man now stands accused in all the world's media as a pedophile. If he is not, then his reputation may well be forever ruined.

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As an 'artist' he is probably more than a bit 'bent' as already 'evidenced'. But there is a vast difference between homosexuality and child abuse!

Let it get sorted but yes, the usual Police circus and invasion by press on the premises could leave 'anything' planted without interference so if it is a setup then admissible damning evidence could easily be found if the Thai police wished it to be. The fact they did not would lend itself to waiting for clarification. No one should be tried by sloppy Thai media, no matter what the charge.

As an 'artist' he is probably more than a bit 'bent'

Love it! reminds me of "Alf Garnett"


Edited by Pui
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Thank you for the post, March...

But... HUH????? That's a new one on me. I've never heard the criminal justice legal system here works in that fashion....

Dvornikov said Pletnev, 53, was released on bail of an unspecified sum and was not asked to surrender his passport. Thai law requires suspects to post bail even if no charges have been filed, RIA-Novosti reported.

It's similar in the UK. If the police arrest you because they suspect that you've committed a crime but they don't have enough evidence to charge you, can make you come back to the police station at a later date. In the meantime they will try to find more evidence against you or clear your name. Not sure if it is called bail, but it amounts to the same thing. Nothing unusual at all.Sometimes it takes time to invetigate a crime. You have to have enough evidence before you charge the person. Seems normal to me.

there are diffeernt types of bail, the one you are reffering to is known as 'police bail' and this when there is not enough evidence yet to charge, the police can bail you to a certain date while they collate more evidence. This does not go through the courts as no charges have been laid however if you fail to surrender you will be arrested.

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I spoke to some Russian friends last Night who Own Many establishments in Jomtien.They know this man and firmly believe that he has been set up by The Thai Man and the Boys in Brown.

He is a very wealthy man and will have to pay a nice sum of money for this problem to go away,The Bib must be running low on Funds


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Russian conductor charged with raping boy in Thailand

by Anusak Konglang

BANGKOK, July 7, 2010 (AFP) - Grammy-award-winning Russian conductor Mikhail Pletnev has been charged in Thailand with raping a 14-year-old boy, a crime that carries a penalty of up to 20 years in jail, police said Wednesday.

Pletnev, artistic director of the acclaimed Russian National Orchestra, was released Tuesday after he posted 300,000 baht (9,300 dollars) bail following his arrest in the Thai resort of Pattaya.

"He was initially charged with raping a boy under 15 which carries a jail term of four to 20 years," Lieutenant Colonel Omsin Sukkanka told AFP.

He said police were considering whether to also file charges of illegal detention of a juvenile against Pletnev.

"He has to report to the court every 12 days and if he wants to travel overseas he has to seek court permission because we already notified the immigration authority," Omsin said.

Supagon Noja, a worker with a non-governmental organisation in Pattaya who has been actively involved in the case, said the victim was still in school. He said Pletnev denied the charge.

"The victim filed a complaint with us. We cooperated with police to investigate and obtained a court arrest warrant," Supagon said.

Pletnev is a long-time resident of the resort town -- famous for its raunchy nightlife -- where he has a spa business, music school and owns several houses, he added.

The musician first shot to fame as a virtuoso pianist, winning the International Tchaikovsky Competition in 1978 at the age of 21.

In the early 1980s he started conducting and in recent years gave up piano concerts in favour of his increasingly in-demand conducting activities.

His recordings with the RNO of the Russian classics, notably symphonies by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov, have been hailed by critics.

He is a member of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's advisory council on culture and art and in 2005 won a Grammy award for best chamber music performance.

The Russian government has sent an "urgent order" to its embassy in Thailand to look into the situation and provide consular assistance to Pletnev, according to a statement carried by the Interfax news agency.

"The Russian ministry of culture has learned about the situation... of the world famous musician Mikhail Pletnev with great concern," it added.

Police told Pletnev that some Thais who had been arrested for paedophilia and producing child porn had given evidence against him, a Russian consular official in Thailand told news agency RIA Novosti.

"The police conducted a search together with Pletnev of his house, where nothing suspicious was found," said the official, Andrei Dvornikov.

The consul added that Pletnev, 53, and his Thai lawyer would on Wednesday go to court to ask permission for the conductor to leave the country so he could take part in his orchestra's forthcoming tours.

Thailand is infamous for its flourishing prostitution and child sex trafficking.

It has made efforts to clean up its image and in 2008 expelled former glam rocker and convicted paedophile Gary Glitter to his native Britain after he had served nearly three years in a Vietnamese prison.

Viola player Yuri Bashmet, another Russian musician who grew up through the Soviet system to become an international classical star, said he was "in shock" at the news of Pletnev's arrest.

"If it is true then he will have to answer according to the law," Bashmet told Russia's Komsomolskaya Pravda.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2010-07-07

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