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Pattaya Ranked #1 Sin City In The World


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^ If you drop a quick PM to Rimmer, maybe he will post some stuff from the social scene as well as the usual 24/7 crime updates. There's some really nice 'feel good' stories out there....

did I just say that out loud?

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^ If you drop a quick PM to Rimmer, maybe he will post some stuff from the social scene as well as the usual 24/7 crime updates. There's some really nice 'feel good' stories out there....

did I just say that out loud?

It's a thought but do think anyone will read it?

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Judging from to-days "Best Topics" Pattaya also ranks as one of the most crime ridden cities in the world.

Outside of Africa it probably ranks No.1

Try a browse through Aberdeen's Evening Express http://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/Default.aspx?UserKey= Makes Pattaya look quite tame! :lol:

Pattaya is extremely tame compared to a lot of other cities in the world. Try San Jose, CR. Lima....heck, was going to list more in S.A., but pretty much every major city there except those in Argentina or Chile are dangerous. How about Manila? Phnom Phenh? Los Angeles? Detroit? Moscow? Madrid? Naples? The list is endless. Pattaya is pretty tame.

Where I come from, Las Vegas, there are shootings, stabbings, etc. every day. Nonstop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Judging from to-days "Best Topics" Pattaya also ranks as one of the most crime ridden cities in the world.

Outside of Africa it probably ranks No.1

Think South America may have a few more crime ridden places than Pattaya to be honest.

I have spent many months of my life in Pattaya and nothing bad has ever happened

to me there. I think in most places in the World the kind of places I was in I would have

sure to get in some sort of trouble but never happened.

Gotta say when it comes to number of bars and ladies of the night per sq km I think Pattaya must

rank number 1 in world.

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Rio, u cant more nasty than that.. trust me.. knocks the spots off Pattaya,.. sleeeez and lost of coruption..

For sure. I remember taking a taxi tour of Rio. Driver would only get about 300 meters from the front of the favela. Would not go any closer and would not drive in. Then we wanted him to drive us up to Buzios. Would not do it late in the day and would not go further north than a particular city. Just too dangerous.

I think many have no idea how lucky they are to be in Asia. So much safer than anywhere in Central or South America, Africa, Eastern Europe, etc.

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I agree Pattaya is one of the top Sin Cities in the world but please give me a break with people saying it is crime ridden and unsafe. I have travelled extensively in Mexico, South and Central America and in many places you are wise not to even go out unescorted after dark (sometimes in daylight). Robberies with violence are VERY common. In Thailand I can wonder home alone at 4am and have little to fear. I think I would be more concerned in many western countries especially in large poorer urban areas. I have no experience with the African countries but believe many of these are high risk countries also. I think the TV and Press sensationalize many crimes in Pattaya where in other countries it may not get a mention in the papers (or be a small notation on page 38) or on TV. As stated earlier Patts is very tame in comparison.

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When I was in Rio, the big thing was for an entire gang to walk into a restaurant and rob everybody. Happened 2 blocks away from our hotel when we were there. Shots fired, but nobody hurt.

In Mexico, the big thing was to rob an entire train or bus. Now, they have armed guards with machine guns on all the trains.

I was in Kenya 2 years ago. Got in around midnight and wanted a beer. Started to walk outside and the armed guard for that hotel blocked me, then yelled for the manager. He came and said they would not let me leave the hotel to walk around. Too dangerous. To remedy that, they had a cooler of beers at very cheap prices. I really wanted to walk as I had been on a plane for 42 hours....but thought I had better listen to them. Glad I did...I met a traveler a few weeks later who was robbed in broad daylight by a gang. 2 from behind holding his arms, 2 in front going through his pockets. Even stole his money belt. Plenty of people watching, including armed security guards, but nobody did a thing even though he was yelling and screaming.

We've got it easy here....

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