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Glitterman Speaks About [C]. Third Road And Says Goodbye Forever [ Part 2 ].

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The Almighty and Powerful Wizard is back again..........Whaaaaaaat?.......Whats all the fuss about?.......Whadaya mean i said goodbye already and what a lot of lovely 'views' my last article has. Little did you realise that my last article 'Glitterman Says goodbye forever' is a 35 part serial, so yes i will be saying 'goodbye' FOREVER. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha [wait a moment while i take a breath] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.......................ha ha ha ha ha etc.

No doubt these are just some of the many thoughts that have been running through your guilt laden minds recently;

'Ooooooohhhhhh what have i done, i really miss the Great glitterman, he was soooo special, a one of a kind'.

'Yes i miss him too, he was sooo unique'

'I feel like i am Judas, although Glitterman was far more popular than Jesus Christ.....here'

'I have now learnt my lesson, i will NEVER be abusive to the Great Glitterman ever again'

'What can we do to bring him back?'

We could offer him a basket full of cheese from the moon, that might work'.

........And so the Great Golden Glitterman accepted the basket full of golden coloured moon cheese, and was more than happy to stand on the soap box once again or rather priests podium, and give a nice long sermon about how he won this battle and all about good and evil;

"I hereby accept this basket full of moon cheese, even though you have forgotten to remove the 'Tops' price sticker on it. Your ass kissing gesture to get me back on the forums again has indeed swayed me. BUT next time it will take much more than a basket full of substitute moon cheese, so behave yourselves or else.......moon cheese, moon cheese, moon cheese, moon cheese, blah blah blah."

Actually just between you and me, so keep it under your hat, the 'Goodbye forever' was just an attention grabbing, marketing scheme [or whatever you call it], and it worked, making 'Glitterman' and the eternal 'Glitterman speaks about series' a household name, far beyond my wildest dreams. [more ha ha ha ha]

ALL my ideas for my articles thoughtfully emerge while i am sitting on my porcelain throne every morning, so here is one i made earlier, just for you.

I do not know how i would best describe my articles, but a few words spring to mind.

'Boring, tedious, unviewable rubbish, mind numbing trash, only go right to the end if you really have to, nothing worth looking at, true garbage........that is Third Road for you. It is like a mini Sukhumvit Road, VERY busy day and night. More vehicles pass through on this road than on any other road here in Pattaya city, and they go fairly fast too.

How good are you at running?, because if you want to cross over third Road you do not walk you RUN across it, and you risk your life doing so. Pedestrian islands in the middle along that road would be a very good idea. So that people crossing could safely wait in the middle of the road for a further 10 minuites, while negotiating when to run across the other half.

As i said earlier, there is absolutely nothing to see on Third road, just use it to get to where ever else you want to get to in Pattaya.

Have you ever had any near accidents on this road.

Does anyone remember the ill fated 'Tonys' buisness venture 'MUMMIES' disco?, which folded within a few months after opening, even after advertising free buffet for everyone. It is now replaced by 'Tonys Gym'.

I can not wait to land upon the moon, and get a taste of REAL CHEESE.

Coming soon, a really good one; 'Glitterman Speaks About South Pattaya Road and says goodbye forever [PART 3].

The Royal Glitterman hath spoken...and GONE BYE BYES.


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Reminds me when I was working at a concert venue many years ago, one concert was this guy called Tony Bennet (the guy who left his heart in San Francisco).

The event was poorly attended (I think most of those there were free tickets), before the concert ended most had left, after leaving the stage there were no calls for an encore as the remainder of the audience just filed out, no one left but this old crooner still did five encores before the management pulled the plug...


Paddle faster, I hear banjos

Did somebody call?

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


As they say in Australia...........

He's had more farewells than Dame Nellie Melba ! :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:


I wonder if any of these "other" posters have ever met this guy in person? I met him in (in street dress) Chiang Mai at a computer store. He was a wee bit speedy but not offensive at all.. He was doing the SF BAY area before and I guess he decided to try on Thailand. Hey it is his life and at least he has the kajoonies to live it his way. In the SF BAY area their are lots of cup cakes and fruit cakes living their dreams of stardom. Actually I applaud his sense of the insane and wish him good luck in all of his 35 farewells.

I am sure he is use to comments like those given from all you no bodies and all of you spineless gutless posters who are so afraid to use your own real names..

All the best to you GLITTERMAN..


I wonder if any of these "other" posters have ever met this guy in person? I met him in (in street dress) Chiang Mai at a computer store. He was a wee bit speedy but not offensive at all.. He was doing the SF BAY area before and I guess he decided to try on Thailand. Hey it is his life and at least he has the kajoonies to live it his way. In the SF BAY area their are lots of cup cakes and fruit cakes living their dreams of stardom. Actually I applaud his sense of the insane and wish him good luck in all of his 35 farewells.

I am sure he is use to comments like those given from all you no bodies and all of you spineless gutless posters who are so afraid to use your own real names..

All the best to you GLITTERMAN..

So now we know why isn't in for the bargirls. :lol:

By the way I don't use my reaL name because if I did you would think I was crazy,it's captain america.


I wonder if any of these "other" posters have ever met this guy in person? I met him in (in street dress) Chiang Mai at a computer store. He was a wee bit speedy but not offensive at all.. He was doing the SF BAY area before and I guess he decided to try on Thailand. Hey it is his life and at least he has the kajoonies to live it his way. In the SF BAY area their are lots of cup cakes and fruit cakes living their dreams of stardom. Actually I applaud his sense of the insane and wish him good luck in all of his 35 farewells.

I am sure he is use to comments like those given from all you no bodies and all of you spineless gutless posters who are so afraid to use your own real names..

All the best to you GLITTERMAN..

Eccentrics are cool, but you have to admit the GM is a very negative one, for example his position on gays (will never talk to one) and drinkers borders on something not so funny.


Go glitterman, don't let the proles get you down.....life is too short to worry about tomorrow!


I wonder if any of these "other" posters have ever met this guy in person? I met him in (in street dress) Chiang Mai at a computer store. He was a wee bit speedy but not offensive at all.. He was doing the SF BAY area before and I guess he decided to try on Thailand. Hey it is his life and at least he has the kajoonies to live it his way. In the SF BAY area their are lots of cup cakes and fruit cakes living their dreams of stardom. Actually I applaud his sense of the insane and wish him good luck in all of his 35 farewells.

I am sure he is use to comments like those given from all you no bodies and all of you spineless gutless posters who are so afraid to use your own real names..

All the best to you GLITTERMAN..

Please post Your


Phone number.

Email address.

Also your Mickey Mouse Club photo of you with the hat on. :whistling:


Wasnt this supposed to be the allmighty Glittermans last thread?

Last thread? It looks like 1/3 of the Pattaya posts are from glittergirl. Just how many times will re read his last thread? Luck for me, the ignore feature works reasonably well. Better if it didn't show the topic.

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