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The OP seems to have come under fire for his writing style......interestingly, when you plug his original  text into the,  I Write Like website, http://iwl.me/, he is tagged as a potential David Foster Wallace.....I wonder where other TVers fit in in terms of writing style

Had to try it.  :)

Put in excerpts of two of my novels.  One came in as William Gibson, and the other came in as similar to Dan Brown. 

Hmm, cyberpunk and religious thrillers!  Seem the same to me.  :) 

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The odd sort that has no desire to imbibe or keep Farang company and circles. The so-called hermit variety that doesn't find the obsessive need to seek diet of their 'homeland' to their liking. The long-timer that doesn't included themselves as part of a larger expat community. Shuns the typical Farang resident as musing, if not stereotypical. Better chance, you find this puzzling-type living comfortably way out in the sticks in some little-known province with Thai extensions and infrastructure. Has anyone ever come across such a creature? Or even know or interacted with these deviants from proper society?;)

Why are they the odd sort?

I know of a few personally who are more than happy with their Thai wives and families and have no need to belong to the "larger expat community".

Why should they?

I spoke to one this morning who was quite happy living with his family quietly in the countryside, well away from the farang gated and guarded ghettos with their superior attitudes.

They have no obsession for the gut fattening diets of their homeland but actually eat and enjoy local Thai food, shop in Thai markets, live among the very friendly natives who they talk to in a mixture of Thai and farang languages.

They have no fear for their lives or their property and are quite happy living their lives in peace with no traffic jams or pollution.

They have a pleasant stress free life and while they are known to visit the "big cities" sometimes they soon want to go back home.

The person I spoke to was the one in the mirror this morning marveling at how lucky he is not to live cheek by jowl with people he has little in common with other than they come from the western hemisphere.

Oh that's right, it was me.




The odd sort that has no desire to imbibe or keep Farang company and circles. The so-called hermit variety that doesn't find the obsessive need to seek diet of their 'homeland' to their liking. The long-timer that doesn't included themselves as part of a larger expat community. Shuns the typical Farang resident as musing, if not stereotypical. Better chance, you find this puzzling-type living comfortably way out in the sticks in some little-known province with Thai extensions and infrastructure. Has anyone ever come across such a creature? Or even know or interacted with these deviants from proper society?;)

Why are they the odd sort?

I know of a few personally who are more than happy with their Thai wives and families and have no need to belong to the "larger expat community".

Why should they?

I spoke to one this morning who was quite happy living with his family quietly in the countryside, well away from the farang gated and guarded ghettos with their superior attitudes.

They have no obsession for the gut fattening diets of their homeland but actually eat and enjoy local Thai food, shop in Thai markets, live among the very friendly natives who they talk to in a mixture of Thai and farang languages.

They have no fear for their lives or their property and are quite happy living their lives in peace with no traffic jams or pollution.

They have a pleasant stress free life and while they are known to visit the "big cities" sometimes they soon want to go back home.

The person I spoke to was the one in the mirror this morning marveling at how lucky he is not to live cheek by jowl with people he has little in common with other than they come from the western hemisphere.

Oh that's right, it was me.


So your ok living with the bear necessities.:)


Please yourself. Why are people seeking approval from strangers for their life choices?

You like living in the boonies eating rat curry and dung beetles? Good for you if you're happy with that.

You like living in a 30 million baht condo on Sukhumwit with your own live in French chef? OK, I'm jealous ...


So your ok living with the bear necessities.:)

That reminds me of the JT signature....any connections? :D


Are you trying to tell us something? There is help available.

Why would one need help? It might be the help that these cretons avoid. There certainly isn't any such perceived development in obtaining socialization with their own kind, yes?

I'm assuming you meant 'cretin' or maybe you meant 'cruton'? You seem to favour a very umm 'heavily worded' style of writing. I'll attempt to demonstrate what I mean.


...I mean if they'd wandered off into the jungle and decided to live only with marmosets then, maybe you'd have a point, but living in Thailand, with Thai people, hardly qualifies....

I think he meant Cretan and it was intended as a racial or nationalistic slur on Greek islanders; I guess the misspelling was deliberate to avoid the ire of the mods; I used to know blokes who took off their leather jackets when going to the chip shop for the same reason.


EDIT: And you have to admit, marmosets are cute.

I think you all need locking up.


Please yourself. Why are people seeking approval from strangers for their life choices?

You like living in the boonies eating rat curry and dung beetles? Good for you if you're happy with that.

You like living in a 30 million baht condo on Sukhumwit with your own live in French chef? OK, I'm jealous ...

My French chef specialises in rat curry and dung beetle patties, have you got a problem with that?


Please yourself. Why are people seeking approval from strangers for their life choices?

You like living in the boonies eating rat curry and dung beetles? Good for you if you're happy with that.

You like living in a 30 million baht condo on Sukhumwit with your own live in French chef? OK, I'm jealous ...

My French chef specialises in rat curry and dung beetle patties, have you got a problem with that?

Maybe I do. Depends on what filler is used for the patties ...

No, I don't want to hear fresh merde is needed to truly appreciate the terroir of the beetles.


what's the matter with you?! .....muppetts

What a great first post!

And very kind of you to inquire after our health.

Probably too much banana rum, by way of a short answer



what's the matter with you?! .....muppetts

What a great first post!

And very kind of you to inquire after our health.

Probably too much banana rum, by way of a short answer


I think it's a whined up pal.


what's the matter with you?! .....muppetts

What a great first post!

And very kind of you to inquire after our health.

Probably too much banana rum, by way of a short answer


I think it's a whined up pal.

I've had pals who were wound-up or wined-up, or some with the wind up, but never whined up.




The odd sort that has no desire to imbibe or keep Farang company and circles. The so-called hermit variety that doesn't find the obsessive need to seek diet of their 'homeland' to their liking. The long-timer that doesn't included themselves as part of a larger expat community. Shuns the typical Farang resident as musing, if not stereotypical. Better chance, you find this puzzling-type living comfortably way out in the sticks in some little-known province with Thai extensions and infrastructure. Has anyone ever come across such a creature? Or even know or interacted with these deviants from proper society?;)

Why are they the odd sort?

I know of a few personally who are more than happy with their Thai wives and families and have no need to belong to the "larger expat community".

Why should they?

I spoke to one this morning who was quite happy living with his family quietly in the countryside, well away from the farang gated and guarded ghettos with their superior attitudes.

They have no obsession for the gut fattening diets of their homeland but actually eat and enjoy local Thai food, shop in Thai markets, live among the very friendly natives who they talk to in a mixture of Thai and farang languages.

They have no fear for their lives or their property and are quite happy living their lives in peace with no traffic jams or pollution.

They have a pleasant stress free life and while they are known to visit the "big cities" sometimes they soon want to go back home.

The person I spoke to was the one in the mirror this morning marveling at how lucky he is not to live cheek by jowl with people he has little in common with other than they come from the western hemisphere.

Oh that's right, it was me.



As theTHais say,UP TO YOU.

I am not ready for that lifestyle but havent got any sort of hangup about you living that way.What the op has against your type is beyond me and if we are quiet he might go away


This thread is getting too weird, even for me ...

Do you really think so? wait at least until my little friends arrive, i am waiting for them....


what's the matter with you?! .....muppetts

What a great first post!

And very kind of you to inquire after our health.

Probably too much banana rum, by way of a short answer


I think it's a whined up pal.

I've had pals who were wound-up or wined-up, or some with the wind up, but never whined up.


Do you mean you've actually got pals.I find that very hard to believe mate.


This thread is getting too weird, even for me ...

Do you really think so? wait at least until my little friends arrive, i am waiting for them....

yeeeeeezz here we are darling! can we start that poll we were talking about now? it's a monkey business you know? we love zoooo much the Streep Cowboy's posts too as he's one of us for sure! are you ready for the magical mistery tour? the enigmatic foreign resident is there! he's hideing in the yellow submarine since he heard of the land's regulation in tailhand....



I've had pals who were wound-up or wined-up, or some with the wind up, but never whined up.


Do you mean you've actually got pals.I find that very hard to believe mate.

With an imagination like mine you can have anything you want!

I'd avoid the over-familiarity, if you don't want counted amongst them, by the way, mate.

Or should I say, my dearest chum?

I'm quite an affable, sociable chap, not one of your backwoods survivalist isolationists biding my time to armageddon in the boondocks of Thonburi or somewhere




I've had pals who were wound-up or wined-up, or some with the wind up, but never whined up.


Do you mean you've actually got pals.I find that very hard to believe mate.

With an imagination like mine you can have anything you want!

I'd avoid the over-familiarity, if you don't want counted amongst them, by the way, mate.

Or should I say, my dearest chum?

I'm quite an affable, sociable chap, not one of your backwoods survivalist isolationists biding my time to armageddon in the boondocks of Thonburi or somewhere


Maybe you realise now that your not has smart has you think you are.Perhaps SC stands for stupid cunute.

Poor old King Canute - now suffering the ignominy of mis-spelling as well. His point was that, despite the divine right of kings, and being monarch of all he surveyed, he could no more turn back the Danes than turn back the tide. Sadly, that point was lost on the historians - the perils of being misquoted.

Far be it from me to be a pedant, but it is virtually impossible to realise that one is not as smart as one thinks one is - since one's own perceived smartness is a 'moving feast' so to speak. One could realise that one is not as smart as one thought one was i.e. one could revise one's opinion of oneself downwards at any time - or upwards, I suppose.

Anyway, if my arrogance was based on my ability to understand the ramblings of other half-wits, I'd have to shave a couple of points off now, because I can't see the indicators of dullness that you appear to perceive; fortunately my arrogance is quite self-contained, and does not rely on the plaudits or or condemnation of other dullards so I will sail on serenely - like a swan, I suppose, too proud to see the waterfall ahead...

I do admire the historic reference to the late and long-departed saxon king, but as I say, he was misunderstood, rathere than stupid - although I don't need to tell you that, as obviously that was your point in the first place, but many of our gentle bystanders may not appreciate the detail of the allusion.

Anyway, thanks for the obscure anglo-saxon historical reference; that's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, as one of Canute's descendents said, with unintended irony


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The odd sort that has no desire to imbibe or keep Farang company and circles. The so-called hermit variety that doesn't find the obsessive need to seek diet of their 'homeland' to their liking. The long-timer that doesn't included themselves as part of a larger expat community. Shuns the typical Farang resident as musing, if not stereotypical. Better chance, you find this puzzling-type living comfortably way out in the sticks in some little-known province with Thai extensions and infrastructure. Has anyone ever come across such a creature? Or even know or interacted with these deviants from proper society?;)

Why are they the odd sort?

I know of a few personally who are more than happy with their Thai wives and families and have no need to belong to the "larger expat community".

Why should they?

I spoke to one this morning who was quite happy living with his family quietly in the countryside, well away from the farang gated and guarded ghettos with their superior attitudes.

They have no obsession for the gut fattening diets of their homeland but actually eat and enjoy local Thai food, shop in Thai markets, live among the very friendly natives who they talk to in a mixture of Thai and farang languages.

They have no fear for their lives or their property and are quite happy living their lives in peace with no traffic jams or pollution.

They have a pleasant stress free life and while they are known to visit the "big cities" sometimes they soon want to go back home.

The person I spoke to was the one in the mirror this morning marveling at how lucky he is not to live cheek by jowl with people he has little in common with other than they come from the western hemisphere.

Oh that's right, it was me.



As theTHais say,UP TO YOU.

I am not ready for that lifestyle but havent got any sort of hangup about you living that way.What the op has against your type is beyond me and if we are quiet he might go away

Agreed. That was a good, honest, live-and-let-live, sort of perspective from billd766. Why the OP would have such contempt for those who simply want to live his life this way is perplexing. I think the OP has an "us vs them" mentality to the extreme. His mantra is probably along the lines of "if you're not with us, you're against us!"


Posts have been deleted for flaming.  Please keep this from devolving into a flamefest or the thread will have to close.



Posts have been deleted for flaming. Please keep this from devolving into a flamefest or the thread will have to close.


I don't want to challenge the chaps in parkas but I think the post that was removed was comparing me to an ancient English king, and I really did not find it offensive.

I suppose it could have been taken a different way, but I am sure that no-one on this forum would resort to such language. It would have been nice to leave a trace of the deleted post so that we could see which had gone...

Anyway, never let it be said that I questioned the chaps with targets on their backs - oh, that takes me back...



spud1' timestamp='1280827298' post='3792453'


So your ok living with the bear necessities.:)


Yes I am.

I have lived in big cities on company expense accounts and had to "live up to the standards expected" and it bored me and now I don't have to. I can live as well as I wish and simplicity can't be too bad.

name='somtampet' timestamp='1280836779' post='3792802'


As the THais say,UP TO YOU.

I am not ready for that lifestyle but havent got any sort of hangup about you living that way.What the op has against your type is beyond me and if we are quiet he might go away

I am of the been to a lot of places, done a bit here and there and I have no need to prove who I am or how good or not I am.

My type I suppose is to be an individual rather than a follower.

I am actually a fashion leader if you could see my shirts but sadly no following.

quote name='Berkshire' timestamp='1280889714' post='3793829'


As the THais say,UP TO YOU.

I am not ready for that lifestyle but havent got any sort of hangup about you living that way.What the op has against your type is beyond me and if we are quiet he might go away


Agreed. That was a good, honest, live-and-let-live, sort of perspective from billd766. Why the OP would have such contempt for those who simply want to live his life this way is perplexing. I think the OP has an "us vs them" mentality to the extreme. His mantra is probably along the lines of "if you're not with us, you're against us!"


I suspect that also but I am to polite to say so.

If he is happy that way than good for him (but I bet he drives a black Toyota Fortuner0 :rolleyes:

Edited by billd766


I hate these stupid quote totals :annoyed:

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