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Thai Attitudes To Smells


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Get real panicandvomit, yeah there are some people who smell for medical reasons, but there are IMO a lot of people who are just plain lazy smelly feckers, who again IMO are just plain old non showering non bathing stink factories. :hit-the-fan:

Yes, but the point remains: how do you know?

And the disturbing element of our physique is, why does it bother people so much? Why, when there are mountains of rubbish and open sewers everywhere, does common or garden human body odour get so much attention? Is it not disproportionate?

It is truly frightening how easily some people are manipulated.

Interesting point. Maybe this is a morality issue in Thailand. Thais don't seem to take much moral responsibility for the tragic state of so many PUBLIC spaces, but privates spaces like the body, that's another matter.

Again, you're getting to the heart of the issue - we've had 5 pages of people who don't get this at all, so it's nice when someone sees past the rumour, tittle-tattle and oneupmanship, and gets to the heart of the matter.

A defence mechanism instantly springs up when smell is mentioned - personal smell is taboo, whereas collective smell is not. Why should that be?

I'm AMAZED that so many posters are avoiding the point of the OP.

Yes, I'm sure there are some Westerners out there that don't bathe enough - but I'm happy to say, I haven't met one.

Personally, I wouldn't dream of going out without showering first, as I know we smell bad to the locals - BUT, the OP's point stands, I also wouldn't dream of going to an enclosed local market - the smell makes me want to vomit. So how come the locals can stand it???

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Let's not forget the people who think rinsing is the same as showering. While it may feel good to take a three minute rinse under cold water, you don't get as clean as taking a hot shower with soap.

Sweat is actually odorless. It's the bacteria that is emitting the obnoxious odors. When you rinse, you know a few bacteria off, but most stay on board, multiply and stick up the place even more.

There are also those that shower multiple times a day, then wear the same smelly clothes they just took off. So while technically, they don't smell, their clothes do.

When I visit Thailand, for the first few days, I have to shower and change my clothes often until I adapt to the climate, then it's usually just twice a day (morning and evening).

But back to the original poster, his case has absolutely nothing to do with Thais attitudes towards smells as I'm sure he'd get a similar reception anywhere.

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But back to the original poster, his case has absolutely nothing to do with Thais attitudes towards smells as I'm sure he'd get a similar reception anywhere.

Not true. The train wasn't full, I wasn't close to people, I hadn't peppered me keks, it wasn't that bad - more a mixture of manly smells, really. This is a particularly thai issue - the same incident in the UK wouldn't have seen a single obvious reaction.

The reaction came about because I was a lone farang. It was mob mentality at its worst.

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Yes, but the point remains: how do you know?

And the disturbing element of our physique is, why does it bother people so much? Why, when there are mountains of rubbish and open sewers everywhere, does common or garden human body odour get so much attention? Is it not disproportionate?

It is truly frightening how easily some people are manipulated.

Interesting point. Maybe this is a morality issue in Thailand. Thais don't seem to take much moral responsibility for the tragic state of so many PUBLIC spaces, but privates spaces like the body, that's another matter.

Again, you're getting to the heart of the issue - we've had 5 pages of people who don't get this at all, so it's nice when someone sees past the rumour, tittle-tattle and oneupmanship, and gets to the heart of the matter.

A defence mechanism instantly springs up when smell is mentioned - personal smell is taboo, whereas collective smell is not. Why should that be?

I'm AMAZED that so many posters are avoiding the point of the OP.

Yes, I'm sure there are some Westerners out there that don't bathe enough - but I'm happy to say, I haven't met one.

Personally, I wouldn't dream of going out without showering first, as I know we smell bad to the locals - BUT, the OP's point stands, I also wouldn't dream of going to an enclosed local market - the smell makes me want to vomit. So how come the locals can stand it???

Because it's Thai made, that's why.

I'm not amazed so many are avoiding the point. A lot of people here will side with thais over *anything*. The reasons for this are varied -

1. Self preservation (fear of losing what they have, specifically wife/GF)

2. Hatred of everything western (bullied at school)

3. Mob mentality (it is easier to go with the crowd)

And so on.

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I'm not amazed so many are avoiding the point. A lot of people here will side with thais over *anything*. The reasons for this are varied -

1. Self preservation (fear of losing what they have, specifically wife/GF)

2. Hatred of everything western (bullied at school)

3. Mob mentality (it is easier to go with the crowd)

And so on.

Simply psycho-babble. Fabricated and predictable.

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Pull your crapped-my-pants stunt anywhere in the world on a plane, train, bus, etc., and gage the local reaction. Thais are no different than anyone here.

At the same time, I concede that I am baffled at why the sewer smells (which often waft over a sidewalk eating stall) don't gag the customers. It does this one. blink.gif

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Hehehe this is the first time I've been seen as a thai apologist. Why is it so hard to understand that if you are too lazy to use proper hygiene habits you will piss off everyone in the world? And trying to make excuses for it saying we should all appreciate what real men smell like is so insane.....just take a dam_n shower already, regularly.

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Why do stinky people not know that it IS a heinous crime to be stinky? And make excuses for it? Id' want to beat you myself if I smelled you, it is NOT acceptable, stay home if you have a problem.

Ay caramba!

Not to mention those pesky wheelchair louts, or blind people lousing up the place with their sticks and dogs - what bastards!

LOL! Trying to compare bad judgement and bad hygiene to a disability?! Wow you stinkers will say anything!

And what about my friend with the inflammatory bowel disease? Sounds like you Bottom Inspectors will shoot first and ask questions later!

Your friend with inflammatory bowel disease show use deoderants and colognes to mask the smell. He should avoid public transportation and confined spaces. He should avoid restaurants. It is unfortunate, but that is what he should do. That is what I would do if I were similarly afflicted.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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But back to the original poster, his case has absolutely nothing to do with Thais attitudes towards smells as I'm sure he'd get a similar reception anywhere.

Not true. The train wasn't full, I wasn't close to people, I hadn't peppered me keks, it wasn't that bad - more a mixture of manly smells, really. This is a particularly thai issue - the same incident in the UK wouldn't have seen a single obvious reaction.

The reaction came about because I was a lone farang. It was mob mentality at its worst.

So now your topic has nothing to do with the crap in your pants smell. It's about yob behaviour, Yes - No ? :Dave:

very odd, first it was a super stink session due to acute food poisoning and all that goes with it.....NOW just a case a good ol' manly smells, so which is it? Or are they one and the same. MEN!

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I'm with the Thais. I think they've got it quite right re: smells. And a smelly farang is an embarrassment to us all.

One annoying exception: cigars. Even if they've never smelled a good cigar--which, you know, smells wonderful :D --they immediately act repulsed at the mere sight of one. Good way to keep away barflies, though.

Also, they have stereotyped notions. Indians--in fact, many Indians are just as clean as Thais and do use deodorants. They deserve to judged as individuals like everyone else.

My friends wife once remarked that she does not like Indian food because it's smelly.

But she eats som tam poo plaa and durian?

Right. I've made that same point to Thais and got nice smiles in response.

A number of stinks are defined as not stinks because they're Thai culturally specific! (I don't have time read this entire thread, but I see a number of posters including Jingthing have observed this principle.)

I might mention (if it hasn't yet been) that the Thai attitude can work in your favor (speaking for the guys at least): for example, a high-quality men's aftershave or cologne is often appreciated with a nice หอม "haawm!" or "nice fragrance" (same word as used for "kiss"). Better test some samples w/ a Thai first--a not unpleasant task w/ those pretty girls working at the dept. store sales counters if not SWMBO.

Edited by JSixpack
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I'm not amazed so many are avoiding the point. A lot of people here will side with thais over *anything*. The reasons for this are varied -

1. Self preservation (fear of losing what they have, specifically wife/GF)

2. Hatred of everything western (bullied at school)

3. Mob mentality (it is easier to go with the crowd)

And so on.

Simply psycho-babble. Fabricated and predictable.

Actually "the panic" I agree with you there, alot of posters here will back up

anything Thai....................... but not for the reasons you listed.......................

the only reason for this attitude is they are foolish. Some of the western

people who stay in Thailand for a long period of time think they are part

of the Thai community and excepted. This is not the case, as a foreinger

you are always considered a visitor in Thailand.

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A person that stinks, is a no-no in any culture, not just in Thailand.

Many Years ago back in 1970s when I was married in the states, we had a beautiful French girl stay with us as a foreign English exchange student. In her conditions it was stated she must use an underarm deodorant. When we picked her up at the Train station, and took her home in the Arizona heat. The smell was very noticeable, she asked to stop at a store so she could purchase some and my wife's help in picking one out. It seem like she was new to the world of deodorant.

I also remember the English comic Benny Hill tell a joke That Americans were safe under their arms, but were not as safe walking around in their own country!

To smell of B O is a reason to cause nasal displeasure any where you venture, not just in Thailand.


Edited by kikoman
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I'm not amazed so many are avoiding the point. A lot of people here will side with thais over *anything*. The reasons for this are varied -

1. Self preservation (fear of losing what they have, specifically wife/GF)

2. Hatred of everything western (bullied at school)

3. Mob mentality (it is easier to go with the crowd)

And so on.

Simply psycho-babble. Fabricated and predictable.

Actually "the panic" I agree with you there, alot of posters here will back up

anything Thai....................... but not for the reasons you listed.......................

the only reason for this attitude is they are foolish. Some of the western

people who stay in Thailand for a long period of time think they are part

of the Thai community and excepted. This is not the case, as a foreinger

you are always considered a visitor in Thailand.

Yeah but many of the Thai-ier than Thais psychologically need their delusions that they are actually really integrated here acceptance-wise to preserve their sanity. Then there are those like myself who don't value sanity all that much and prefer to call a spade a spade.

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Hehehe this is the first time I've been seen as a thai apologist. Why is it so hard to understand that if you are too lazy to use proper hygiene habits you will piss off everyone in the world?

Erm, I think it was a Thai that was "too lazy to use proper hygiene habits" that caused the problem in the first place!

Sadly, you don't appear to read too well, and the less said about comprehension ability the better.

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But back to the original poster, his case has absolutely nothing to do with Thais attitudes towards smells as I'm sure he'd get a similar reception anywhere.

Not true. The train wasn't full, I wasn't close to people, I hadn't peppered me keks, it wasn't that bad - more a mixture of manly smells, really. This is a particularly thai issue - the same incident in the UK wouldn't have seen a single obvious reaction.

The reaction came about because I was a lone farang. It was mob mentality at its worst.

So now your topic has nothing to do with the crap in your pants smell. It's about yob behaviour, Yes - No ? :Dave:

Jesus wept, another who can't read. Go back and read the OP and all will become clear.

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Ay caramba!

Not to mention those pesky wheelchair louts, or blind people lousing up the place with their sticks and dogs - what bastards!

LOL! Trying to compare bad judgement and bad hygiene to a disability?! Wow you stinkers will say anything!

And what about my friend with the inflammatory bowel disease? Sounds like you Bottom Inspectors will shoot first and ask questions later!

Your friend with inflammatory bowel disease show use deoderants and colognes to mask the smell. He should avoid public transportation and confined spaces. He should avoid restaurants. It is unfortunate, but that is what he should do. That is what I would do if I were similarly afflicted.

Allow me to repeat:

Ay caramba!!

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But back to the original poster, his case has absolutely nothing to do with Thais attitudes towards smells as I'm sure he'd get a similar reception anywhere.

Not true. The train wasn't full, I wasn't close to people, I hadn't peppered me keks, it wasn't that bad - more a mixture of manly smells, really. This is a particularly thai issue - the same incident in the UK wouldn't have seen a single obvious reaction.

The reaction came about because I was a lone farang. It was mob mentality at its worst.

So now your topic has nothing to do with the crap in your pants smell. It's about yob behaviour, Yes - No ? :Dave:

very odd, first it was a super stink session due to acute food poisoning and all that goes with it.....NOW just a case a good ol' manly smells, so which is it? Or are they one and the same. MEN!

You're another who would do better if you learnt to read properly.

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I'm not amazed so many are avoiding the point. A lot of people here will side with thais over *anything*. The reasons for this are varied -

1. Self preservation (fear of losing what they have, specifically wife/GF)

2. Hatred of everything western (bullied at school)

3. Mob mentality (it is easier to go with the crowd)

And so on.

Simply psycho-babble. Fabricated and predictable.

Actually "the panic" I agree with you there, alot of posters here will back up

anything Thai....................... but not for the reasons you listed.......................

the only reason for this attitude is they are foolish. Some of the western

people who stay in Thailand for a long period of time think they are part

of the Thai community and excepted. This is not the case, as a foreinger

you are always considered a visitor in Thailand.

Another who's inching slowly towards the heart of the matter...

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A person that stinks, is a no-no in any culture, not just in Thailand.

Many Years ago back in 1970s when I was married in the states, we had a beautiful French girl stay with us as a foreign English exchange student. In her conditions it was stated she must use an underarm deodorant. When we picked her up at the Train station, and took her home in the Arizona heat. The smell was very noticeable, she asked to stop at a store so she could purchase some and my wife's help in picking one out. It seem like she was new to the world of deodorant.

I also remember the English comic Benny Hill tell a joke That Americans were safe under their arms, but were not as safe walking around in their own country!

To smell of B O is a reason to cause nasal displeasure any where you venture, not just in Thailand.


You start by saying to smell is unacceptable in any culture, then immediately follow that up with a story about a french girl who did. Which is it then?

ps you'll need to translate the Benny Hill joke - no self-respecting Brit has ever found him funny.

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I'm not amazed so many are avoiding the point. A lot of people here will side with thais over *anything*. The reasons for this are varied -

1. Self preservation (fear of losing what they have, specifically wife/GF)

2. Hatred of everything western (bullied at school)

3. Mob mentality (it is easier to go with the crowd)

And so on.

Simply psycho-babble. Fabricated and predictable.

Yeah? Why do you say that?

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I am from America and Canada. It has been 30 years since I have been to Europe. When I was there Europeans were stinky. They told me it was because water is expensive, they don’t take as many showers nor use deodorant.

I assume it has changed in 30 years and Europeans are no longer stinky.

Although, I lived in Florida and Florida gets a lot of European tourists. A lot of the old ones were stinky. The younger ones tended to be less so.

So someone tell me who is a European and North American traveler. As a general rule do Europeans now smell the same as North Americans? And what about Brits as opposed to North Americans?

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I am happy I have allergies, can't smell all that much, probably why I like spicy foods. We aren't dogs, folks, no need to sniff each others butts, at least strangers.

It is a modern obsession, and a symptom of a paranoid society. Some of the responses to this thread have been truly frightening, and very revealing. .

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I am from America and Canada. It has been 30 years since I have been to Europe. When I was there Europeans were stinky. They told me it was because water is expensive, they don't take as many showers nor use deodorant.

I assume it has changed in 30 years and Europeans are no longer stinky.

Although, I lived in Florida and Florida gets a lot of European tourists. A lot of the old ones were stinky. The younger ones tended to be less so.

So someone tell me who is a European and North American traveler. As a general rule do Europeans now smell the same as North Americans? And what about Brits as opposed to North Americans?

This thread is about Thai attitudes towards smells, specifically farang Vs their own. It's been derailed by those that can't read enough, ok?

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