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Thai Attitudes To Smells


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I agree we need to accept the different Thai ways as we are in Thailand. We ain't gonna change their ways which quite frankly appear quite finicky and at the same time hypocritical (watch as many super clean Thais can enjoy a meal over a smelly open sewer). Sure, adjust to avoid problems and social conflict the best we can, but that is not the same thing as trying to become like the Thais in their smell fetishes or trying to promote their ways as the best way if we don't actually believe they are the best way. For example, yes they will make very rude facial gestures when encountering what they think is a smelly person. That is rude, why would you promote that as a desirable behavior?

Do you think dropping a smelly fart is desirable behaviour?..................then to have body odour is exactly the same surely?

Hey dude, read my post -- Sure, adjust to avoid problems and social conflict the best we can.

So, try not to have a wet fart and try to stay clean as best you can, that was implied. However, people do sweat in the course of the day; also if there is something about our different racial smells and or diet smells that disgust some Thais due to their conditioning, there is only so much that we could reasonably do, don't you agree?

My comment was regarding the rudeness, it is a case of who is rude first, somebody who stinks, or somebody who turns their nose up......I think the former...don't you agree.

I also believe there may well be a differing odour from differing races and diet, some people do not realise that alcohol stinks not only from the stale beery breath but through the pores the next day. If a person has an important meeting best not to eat too much garlic the night before.......right......but if you do.....be prepared for a reaction!

As you say there is only so much you people with the wrong diet, no soap, and wrong origins can reasonably do......so just expect a reaction every time you go out and you won't go far wrong..........I agree.....:D

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There is surely a racism aspect here. Many Thais are conditioned to believe certain races are smellier, so they are indeed more likely to seek confirmation of their prejudices by sniffing people of those races, so they are certainly more likely to discover some smelly individuals with their obsessive sniffing behavior, thus creating a vicious cycle of confirming racist stereotypes.

People are treating this as a light issue, but it really isn't. Any superficial study of racism across cultures will turn up enumerable examples of the demonized race being described as SMELLY.

Indeed. This principle extends to the chap on this thread, who says he told Pakistanis they smelled on the london underground. I wonder if he'd tell his grandmother she had a musty smell? I somewhat doubt it. This comes to the heart of the issue - the thais picked on a lone farang, who was clearly vulnerable. I can understand how the pakistani lad felt when he was singled him out. It's bullying and racism.

Ultimately, a person's smell is as subjective as anything else. In the case of farangs in thailand, I suspect the delight associated with the smell of money trumps the disgust associated with the smell of the farang. So which farang would be more welcome - poor and fragrant or rich and smelly?

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I agree we need to accept the different Thai ways as we are in Thailand. We ain't gonna change their ways which quite frankly appear quite finicky and at the same time hypocritical (watch as many super clean Thais can enjoy a meal over a smelly open sewer). Sure, adjust to avoid problems and social conflict the best we can, but that is not the same thing as trying to become like the Thais in their smell fetishes or trying to promote their ways as the best way if we don't actually believe they are the best way. For example, yes they will make very rude facial gestures when encountering what they think is a smelly person. That is rude, why would you promote that as a desirable behavior?

Do you think dropping a smelly fart is desirable behaviour?..................then to have body odour is exactly the same surely?

Hey dude, read my post -- Sure, adjust to avoid problems and social conflict the best we can.

So, try not to have a wet fart and try to stay clean as best you can, that was implied. However, people do sweat in the course of the day; also if there is something about our different racial smells and or diet smells that disgust some Thais due to their conditioning, there is only so much that we could reasonably do, don't you agree?

My comment was regarding the rudeness, it is a case of who is rude first, somebody who stinks, or somebody who turns their nose up......I think the former...don't you agree.

And if they're sick? Or disabled? Or unlucky? Or a victim?

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There is surely a racism aspect here. Many Thais are conditioned to believe certain races are smellier, so they are indeed more likely to seek confirmation of their prejudices by sniffing people of those races, so they are certainly more likely to discover some smelly individuals with their obsessive sniffing behavior, thus creating a vicious cycle of confirming racist stereotypes.

People are treating this as a light issue, but it really isn't. Any superficial study of racism across cultures will turn up enumerable examples of the demonized race being described as SMELLY.

If I enter a house and it smells of cat urine/hamster shit/budgerigar crap.......I am likely to sniff or just turn around and get out.....does that make me a racicist?

If somebody lights a cigarette in a room and I can easily move to another....I will....does that make me a racist?

Time to get real.......if you don't smell of roses like the rest of us.......you will get sniffed.:(

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Do you think dropping a smelly fart is desirable behaviour?..................then to have body odour is exactly the same surely?

Hey dude, read my post -- Sure, adjust to avoid problems and social conflict the best we can.

So, try not to have a wet fart and try to stay clean as best you can, that was implied. However, people do sweat in the course of the day; also if there is something about our different racial smells and or diet smells that disgust some Thais due to their conditioning, there is only so much that we could reasonably do, don't you agree?

My comment was regarding the rudeness, it is a case of who is rude first, somebody who stinks, or somebody who turns their nose up......I think the former...don't you agree.

And if they're sick? Or disabled? Or unlucky? Or a victim?

Soliciting sympathy for the minority does not excuse the majority from their responsibility

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No doubt Thais are racist. See it all the time. But I also see falangs that dont give a dam_n about their own cleanliness and they stink to all hel_l. All the time on the BTS, it is pure laziness. This is a hot country, you need to bathe regularly and wash your clothes. Using THIS as a sign of Thai racism when there are about a million more relevant examples that do NOT include a falangs bad habits and laziness that justly earns him scorn. STOP BEING STINKY you lazy gits! And stop making excuses for it!

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No doubt Thais are racist. See it all the time. But I also see falangs that dont give a dam_n about their own cleanliness and they stink to all hel_l. All the time on the BTS, it is pure laziness. This is a hot country, you need to bathe regularly and wash your clothes. Using THIS as a sign of Thai racism when there are about a million more relevant examples that do NOT include a falangs bad habits and laziness that justly earns him scorn. STOP BEING STINKY you lazy gits! And stop making excuses for it!

Do stop conflating two issues old chap. Your refrain is extremely tedious, and not at all helpful to this debate.

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There is surely a racism aspect here. Many Thais are conditioned to believe certain races are smellier, so they are indeed more likely to seek confirmation of their prejudices by sniffing people of those races, so they are certainly more likely to discover some smelly individuals with their obsessive sniffing behavior, thus creating a vicious cycle of confirming racist stereotypes.

People are treating this as a light issue, but it really isn't. Any superficial study of racism across cultures will turn up enumerable examples of the demonized race being described as SMELLY.

If I enter a house and it smells of cat urine/hamster shit/budgerigar crap.......I am likely to sniff or just turn around and get out.....does that make me a racicist?

If somebody lights a cigarette in a room and I can easily move to another....I will....does that make me a racist?

Time to get real.......if you don't smell of roses like the rest of us.......you will get sniffed.:(

Us? Us? Haven't we established that races smell differently?

Your post just smacks of intolerance. We need to be VERY careful here - otherwise we'll end up with an even more neurotic, paranoid, selfish society than we already have. If you want everyone to walk around in full body suits, you continue to leave houses that keep hamsters as pets. The rest of us realise smells are perfectly natural and nothing to be scared of.

This thread has been great at identifying whackjobs. The culture of offence has gone far enough. Enough with this fascism.

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Soliciting sympathy for the minority does not excuse the majority from their responsibility


To do everything within reason to obliterate body odour.......and to attempt to avoid getting up the noses of others.......:D

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Panicandthevomit..........................if you feel it is ok to deliver an aroma of natural body odour in a confined space........and accuse any person who would rather this did not happen of being some type of puritanical facist by all means carry on...............garnering the reaction you appear not to appreciate..........

I once had a work colleague who had real bad BO......so bad that other colleagues started to openly spray air freshener around him when he entered the room....he was very deaf and could not hear the nasty comments his condition was attracting. I was given the job of letting him know officially. So I asked if he showered before he came to work..........he looked shocked......."I shower in the evening before I go to bed" he says. So I politely asked if he would shower in the morning......................he did......it worked........a bad situation resolved........there are still many people who do not realise we can part with pints of sweat in our sleep, and has been stated above bacteria breeds and causes smells....so regular washing does help no matter what race you are.

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Panicandthevomit..........................if you feel it is ok to deliver an aroma of natural body odour in a confined space........and accuse any person who would rather this did not happen of being some type of puritanical facist by all means carry on...............garnering the reaction you appear not to appreciate..........

I once had a work colleague who had real bad BO......so bad that other colleagues started to openly spray air freshener around him when he entered the room....he was very deaf and could not hear the nasty comments his condition was attracting. I was given the job of letting him know officially. So I asked if he showered before he came to work..........he looked shocked......."I shower in the evening before I go to bed" he says. So I politely asked if he would shower in the morning......................he did......it worked........a bad situation resolved........there are still many people who do not realise we can part with pints of sweat in our sleep, and has been stated above bacteria breeds and causes smells....so regular washing does help no matter what race you are.

I really struggle to understand how so many struggle to understand this thread. I. WAS. SICK. This has NOTHING to do with washing.

I simply don't believe your work colleague story. Very few people who smell don't know it. The vast majority who do smell do so because they have underlying health conditions. There are many on here who think that these people should stay indoors, well away from those precious souls that may be every-so-slightly effected ONCE in their lives. A moment's inconvenience becomes more important than a lifetime's suffering - sounds a fair trade to me...:rolleyes: Sorry, but the majority here come across as spoilt, self-obsessed narcissists. Cruel, too. I was shocked by the Thais response, but am AMAZED by some of the responses on here. :blink:

What sort of society have we evolved?

A pig

in a cage

on antibotics.

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panicandthevomit.......the debate long ago left you personally, we have discussed different races, different eating habits, you appear to return to your own case when it can be used as a defence for 'people' who harbour odour problems. Many people who have BO are not sick, but you still defend the 'natural' smell of the great unwashed when you accuse people who dislike the smell of BO of being facists. I am not in habit of telling lies, it would appear therefore you are incapable of accepting examples clearly presented, which could lead to a differing view from the one you hold. Debate is futile.

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panicandthevomit.......the debate long ago left you personally, we have discussed different races, different eating habits, you appear to return to your own case when it can be used as a defence for 'people' who harbour odour problems. Many people who have BO are not sick, but you still defend the 'natural' smell of the great unwashed when you accuse people who dislike the smell of BO of being facists. I am not in habit of telling lies, it would appear therefore you are incapable of accepting examples clearly presented, which could lead to a differing view from the one you hold. Debate is futile.

.if you feel it is ok to deliver an aroma of natural body odour in a confined space

Your post before last. How foolish of me to think this referred to me! :rolleyes:

ps did you really mean to put commas around the word 'people'? :blink: To smell is bad enough. To be viewed as sub-human is something else...There but for the grace of god go I.

I merely think the modern obsession with smell is goes to far. THAT is the real disease here. It is the ultimate irony that a sanitised world is bad for our health. The more we seek to protect, the more danger we put ourselves in.

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^Oh yeah us Europeans are so smelly and dirty................... thats why we have

so many more diseases than Asian or Africa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please, be sure of what you speak of before committing to unlearned and whimsical statements. Check your factual content first.

Is Europe more disease prone than Africa or Asia then?

Well sure. And you don't even need much material to reference from. Do some real and deeper research - subjective and vacant of pre-disposed cultural notions.

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You seem to have a problem relating to reality, and striking out at post that do not agree with your aversion to soap and water, If someone smelled of s**t on the train they would get that reaction in any country they are in. You label people that have problems with people that chose not to bathe as Nazi's.

You claim Thais are racist, Yet you chose to come and live in Thailand. A people that have an dislike for body order.

As I see it you have three options- to conform to the cultural values of Thailand, to refrain from going out in you sad condition or leaving and going back to your country that lives by your beliefs about bathing.

Before you say I do not get the point, I got it from the 1st page on this post!


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You seem to have a problem relating to reality, and striking out at post that do not agree with your aversion to soap and water, If someone smelled of s**t on the train they would get that reaction in any country they are in. You label people that have problems with people that chose not to bathe as Nazi's.

You claim Thais are racist, Yet you chose to come and live in Thailand. A people that have an dislike for body order.

As I see it you have three options- to conform to the cultural values of Thailand, to refrain from going out in you sad condition or leaving and going back to your country that lives by your beliefs about bathing.

Before you say I do not get the point, I got it from the 1st page on this post!


The odor, grooming habits, and unnecessary comparatives are just a small conduit towards excuses to generally display their angst and discomfort towards Thais and their pathetic lives here - any old petty and thoughtless subject matter will suffice nicely. If you haven't noticed, this is quite the accepted affliction amongst a great percentage of Farang residents.

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Some related observations from this thread:

Many have claimed that different "races" have different odors, I don't agree based on my personal experience, I think culture is the deciding factor, what we eat and our bathing habits.

An example being Indians, many have used them as an example of stinky people and mentioned the Thai aversion to Indian food. I think this partly has to do with spice cumin, it is used heavily in Indian and Mexican cooking (and smells a bit like bo) . My (Thai) wife won't go near cumin, hates it. When I eat alot of it I smell of it. It is obvious that some Indian gentlement do not bathe or change clothes as often as Thai people, those that were born here or have lived here a long time tend to not smell.

It has been noted that caucasions smell of butter or worse cheese, many Europeans and and other westerners eat these products. My wife has said on occasion I smelled of cheese, for variouse reasons I have adopted a more Thai diet and no linger eat much cheese, she never says that I smell these days.

Garlic, When I lived in the west I ate massive amounts of garlic (still do) people would often coment on my garlic smell, here not an issue as most everyone eats so much garlic.

My wife often comments that I smell good. rolleyes.gif

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Some related observations from this thread:

Many have claimed that different "races" have different odors, I don't agree based on my personal experience, I think culture is the deciding factor, what we eat and our bathing habits.

An example being Indians, many have used them as an example of stinky people and mentioned the Thai aversion to Indian food. I think this partly has to do with spice cumin, it is used heavily in Indian and Mexican cooking (and smells a bit like bo) . My (Thai) wife won't go near cumin, hates it. When I eat alot of it I smell of it. It is obvious that some Indian gentlement do not bathe or change clothes as often as Thai people, those that were born here or have lived here a long time tend to not smell.

It has been noted that caucasions smell of butter or worse cheese, many Europeans and and other westerners eat these products. My wife has said on occasion I smelled of cheese, for variouse reasons I have adopted a more Thai diet and no linger eat much cheese, she never says that I smell these days.

Garlic, When I lived in the west I ate massive amounts of garlic (still do) people would often coment on my garlic smell, here not an issue as most everyone eats so much garlic.

My wife often comments that I smell good. rolleyes.gif

I think it is partly because of eating habits and partly genetic. I have never noticed a particularly bad odor from people who have some brown hair and brown eye genes. I have however noticed a bad odor from people who have blond hair and blue eyes even though they were completely clean and showered. That is not to say that all people who have blond hair and blue eyes are stinky only the ones who are 100% blond and blue eyed and that can only be determined by genetic testing and not observation. 100% red heads on the other hand I find have an acidic smell that to me is pleasing. I would assume my preference comes from my own genetic background.

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Some related observations from this thread:

Many have claimed that different "races" have different odors, I don't agree based on my personal experience, I think culture is the deciding factor, what we eat and our bathing habits.

An example being Indians, many have used them as an example of stinky people and mentioned the Thai aversion to Indian food. I think this partly has to do with spice cumin, it is used heavily in Indian and Mexican cooking (and smells a bit like bo) . My (Thai) wife won't go near cumin, hates it. When I eat alot of it I smell of it. It is obvious that some Indian gentlement do not bathe or change clothes as often as Thai people, those that were born here or have lived here a long time tend to not smell.

It has been noted that caucasions smell of butter or worse cheese, many Europeans and and other westerners eat these products. My wife has said on occasion I smelled of cheese, for variouse reasons I have adopted a more Thai diet and no linger eat much cheese, she never says that I smell these days.

Garlic, When I lived in the west I ate massive amounts of garlic (still do) people would often coment on my garlic smell, here not an issue as most everyone eats so much garlic.

My wife often comments that I smell good. rolleyes.gif

I think it is partly because of eating habits and partly genetic. I have never noticed a particularly bad odor from people who have some brown hair and brown eye genes. I have however noticed a bad odor from people who have blond hair and blue eyes even though they were completely clean and showered. That is not to say that all people who have blond hair and blue eyes are stinky only the ones who are 100% blond and blue eyed and that can only be determined by genetic testing and not observation. 100% red heads on the other hand I find have an acidic smell that to me is pleasing. I would assume my preference comes from my own genetic background.

Thanks for that Mark. At least I’m in the clear with brown hair and brown eyes. :)

Talking about genetic disposition I can’t really figure out Thai girls’ aversion to French kissing.

At least in my (limited) experience they are extremely reluctant to mixing their tongue with another tongue. Despite having perfect teeth, regular brushing and in general emanating a nice smell from there they’re not exactly welcoming you open mouthed for this lavish experience. Which is odd since they have no qualms filling their mouth with your anaconda.

I guess it have to do something with their genetic disposition. What do you think?

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Some related observations from this thread:

Many have claimed that different "races" have different odors, I don't agree based on my personal experience, I think culture is the deciding factor, what we eat and our bathing habits.

An example being Indians, many have used them as an example of stinky people and mentioned the Thai aversion to Indian food. I think this partly has to do with spice cumin, it is used heavily in Indian and Mexican cooking (and smells a bit like bo) . My (Thai) wife won't go near cumin, hates it. When I eat alot of it I smell of it. It is obvious that some Indian gentlement do not bathe or change clothes as often as Thai people, those that were born here or have lived here a long time tend to not smell.

It has been noted that caucasions smell of butter or worse cheese, many Europeans and and other westerners eat these products. My wife has said on occasion I smelled of cheese, for variouse reasons I have adopted a more Thai diet and no linger eat much cheese, she never says that I smell these days.

Garlic, When I lived in the west I ate massive amounts of garlic (still do) people would often coment on my garlic smell, here not an issue as most everyone eats so much garlic.

My wife often comments that I smell good. rolleyes.gif

I think it is partly because of eating habits and partly genetic. I have never noticed a particularly bad odor from people who have some brown hair and brown eye genes. I have however noticed a bad odor from people who have blond hair and blue eyes even though they were completely clean and showered. That is not to say that all people who have blond hair and blue eyes are stinky only the ones who are 100% blond and blue eyed and that can only be determined by genetic testing and not observation. 100% red heads on the other hand I find have an acidic smell that to me is pleasing. I would assume my preference comes from my own genetic background.

Thanks for that Mark. At least I’m in the clear with brown hair and brown eyes. :)

Talking about genetic disposition I can’t really figure out Thai girls’ aversion to French kissing.

At least in my (limited) experience they are extremely reluctant to mixing their tongue with another tongue. Despite having perfect teeth, regular brushing and in general emanating a nice smell from there they’re not exactly welcoming you open mouthed for this lavish experience. Which is odd since they have no qualms filling their mouth with your anaconda.

I guess it have to do something with their genetic disposition. What do you think?

I think too off topic to reply. Perhaps you could start a new topic?

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Some related observations from this thread:

Many have claimed that different "races" have different odors, I don't agree based on my personal experience, I think culture is the deciding factor, what we eat and our bathing habits.

An example being Indians, many have used them as an example of stinky people and mentioned the Thai aversion to Indian food. I think this partly has to do with spice cumin, it is used heavily in Indian and Mexican cooking (and smells a bit like bo) . My (Thai) wife won't go near cumin, hates it. When I eat alot of it I smell of it. It is obvious that some Indian gentlement do not bathe or change clothes as often as Thai people, those that were born here or have lived here a long time tend to not smell.

It has been noted that caucasions smell of butter or worse cheese, many Europeans and and other westerners eat these products. My wife has said on occasion I smelled of cheese, for variouse reasons I have adopted a more Thai diet and no linger eat much cheese, she never says that I smell these days.

Garlic, When I lived in the west I ate massive amounts of garlic (still do) people would often coment on my garlic smell, here not an issue as most everyone eats so much garlic.

My wife often comments that I smell good. rolleyes.gif

Your observations are good. I think the word 'race' is possibly being used in a very general term which would parallel culture, defining more an area of origin for a group, less specific than nationality, and of course would usually provide an underlying factor in the dietry habits.

Funny I eat a lot of garlic in Thailand too and have never had a complaint. I also eat the same meals as my Thai family on the majority of occasions, one passion of mine is banana muffins with my coffee, nobody else has quite got into that one yet :D .....but I doubt it will cause my family to experience severe nasal trauma!!!!

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^Oh yeah us Europeans are so smelly and dirty................... thats why we have

so many more diseases than Asian or Africa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please, be sure of what you speak of before committing to unlearned and whimsical statements. Check your factual content first.

Is Europe more disease prone than Africa or Asia then?

Well sure. And you don't even need much material to reference from. Do some real and deeper research - subjective and vacant of pre-disposed cultural notions.

I'm asking you; a perfectly reasonable way to learn.

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Some related observations from this thread:

Many have claimed that different "races" have different odors, I don't agree based on my personal experience, I think culture is the deciding factor, what we eat and our bathing habits.

An example being Indians, many have used them as an example of stinky people and mentioned the Thai aversion to Indian food. I think this partly has to do with spice cumin, it is used heavily in Indian and Mexican cooking (and smells a bit like bo) . My (Thai) wife won't go near cumin, hates it. When I eat alot of it I smell of it. It is obvious that some Indian gentlement do not bathe or change clothes as often as Thai people, those that were born here or have lived here a long time tend to not smell.

It has been noted that caucasions smell of butter or worse cheese, many Europeans and and other westerners eat these products. My wife has said on occasion I smelled of cheese, for variouse reasons I have adopted a more Thai diet and no linger eat much cheese, she never says that I smell these days.

Garlic, When I lived in the west I ate massive amounts of garlic (still do) people would often coment on my garlic smell, here not an issue as most everyone eats so much garlic.

My wife often comments that I smell good. rolleyes.gif

I think it is partly because of eating habits and partly genetic. I have never noticed a particularly bad odor from people who have some brown hair and brown eye genes. I have however noticed a bad odor from people who have blond hair and blue eyes even though they were completely clean and showered. That is not to say that all people who have blond hair and blue eyes are stinky only the ones who are 100% blond and blue eyed and that can only be determined by genetic testing and not observation. 100% red heads on the other hand I find have an acidic smell that to me is pleasing. I would assume my preference comes from my own genetic background.

Thanks for that Mark. At least I'm in the clear with brown hair and brown eyes. :)

Talking about genetic disposition I can't really figure out Thai girls' aversion to French kissing.

At least in my (limited) experience they are extremely reluctant to mixing their tongue with another tongue. Despite having perfect teeth, regular brushing and in general emanating a nice smell from there they're not exactly welcoming you open mouthed for this lavish experience. Which is odd since they have no qualms filling their mouth with your anaconda.

I guess it have to do something with their genetic disposition. What do you think?

The reason they don't french kiss is the same reason they singled me out for sniffing: we disgust them. The reason they have no qualms about filling their mouths with our anaconda is the same reason we are tolerated generally: we pay them.

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You seem to have a problem relating to reality, and striking out at post that do not agree with your aversion to soap and water, If someone smelled of s**t on the train they would get that reaction in any country they are in. You label people that have problems with people that chose not to bathe as Nazi's.

You claim Thais are racist, Yet you chose to come and live in Thailand. A people that have an dislike for body order.

As I see it you have three options- to conform to the cultural values of Thailand, to refrain from going out in you sad condition or leaving and going back to your country that lives by your beliefs about bathing.

Before you say I do not get the point, I got it from the 1st page on this post!


The odor, grooming habits, and unnecessary comparatives are just a small conduit towards excuses to generally display their angst and discomfort towards Thais and their pathetic lives here - any old petty and thoughtless subject matter will suffice nicely. If you haven't noticed, this is quite the accepted affliction amongst a great percentage of Farang residents.

As is the apparent NEED for many farang to excuse any number of bad behaviours from thais...

Why should this be? It's rather like a thai coming here to the UK and waxing lyrical about our lager louts. Luckily, thais tend not to be so stupid.

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As I see it you have three options- to conform to the cultural values of Thailand, to refrain from going out in you sad condition or leaving and going back to your country that lives by your beliefs about bathing.

Only three options you say? Will the government of Thailand kick out people who don't quite meet the sniff test?

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