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I just tried to use my utorrent. Nothing works. I'm in Rayong. If they blocked torrents then they have lost a customer. I'll wait for a few more days and if it still dosen't work I'll go cancel my subscription with tot. I bet they will lose a ton of customers. And what right do they have to stop us using torrents? What's going on with Thailand?????????


Right after I wrote this my u torrent connected. I'm downloading a torrent right now and it seems to work ok. But didn't work earlier at all. Hmm maybe they got to many complaints and threats of cancellations.

Today no Torrents are working what so ever. Yesterday it was on and off but today seems everything is blocked.

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Well, I am on the TOT 3MB package, I currently have Torrentday downloading and BTJUNKIE at a combined speed of 137KBS, I have at the same time run the TOT Speedtest ( http://speedtest1.totbb.net/index.aspx) and got 1.55MB down, while my son is playing X shot on line, dam_n those people who use E mail and VOIP, they simply hog all of our torrent bandwidth, have they no decency?

It is about time we started a campaign to get all of these free loaders that use about 3kbs once a day thrown off the TOT connection, they are spoiling my downloads, bastards!


The blocking is 100% intentional. No question about that. It seems more sites and areas are being blocked as time goes by. What KKK said is true. Private trackers are not being blocked by IP but rather by port number or maybe by protocol analysis. This is no accident or broken equipment. Also, the increase of activity by the CAT and MICT in scanning torrent users and trackers points to them trying to block this activity.

Is this worth experimenting with..

thebox website works...their tracker doesn't which uses http protocol. The website, also http protocol, would use port 80. The trackers are on ports 2710, 8080, 8000, 4440 & 36000 and would seem to be banned. What about adding a tracker url using port 80 and see if it connects.

Anybody out there keen to do a tracker edit and report back?

http ports 80 not working, using udp ports 80 works perfectly.

Also if CAT are blocking then those using other providers will also be affected as per my knowledge (not perfect) but CAT has the International Gateway and not TOT or TRUE or 3BB. Therefore the providers cannot do anything about it,

If your using UTorrent as your bit torrent client, you can set the ports manually ;)


Llareggub, The consensus is that it's the private trackers that are not working so the fact that you can still download from the ones you mention shouldn't come as much of a revelation. What was the tweak you made to uTorrent that you mentioned in an earlier post? Can you link to the details because I can't find them and would like to see if it brings UKN back to life (if only long enough to finish getting Dragon's Den!).


^^^ darkrose

invite code sent....

If I worked in a bar, I would give you a 50% discount on some short time. :lol:

Thanks for the invite, I have been wanting that!


I feel your pain Ved!

It is the same one most of us torrenters feel when we notice all the Skype users hogging the bandwidth to avoid paying the incredibly cheap long distance rates charged in Thailand.

First of all, TOT can't block torrents, they block tracker servers and possibly peers, if they don't get packet analyzers but still they can't be 100% sure until they themselves saves the data going over their router. :ph34r:

Second of all, Skype use a packing algorithm, pretty much the same as ZIP files (not the same algorithm, just the technique).

When the bandwidth goes down, so does the quality for a skype connection. I have still never used anything above 100kbit down/25 kbit up with phone only (another matter with video call) but the differense is,

Who want to talk for hours with Skype?

A torrent could occupie the line with max download speed for days or weeks even, depending on the size of downloads.

Multiply with the amount of torrent downloaders/seeders and you will realise how much strain it really puts on the Thai Internet network.

So, of course Torrent download sucks, for all of us, even if I myself use it once and a while.

If they could find a way to stop torrents, I wouldn't cry over it anyway, would mean higher rate of speed for us all reaching outside destinations.

Not to say I wouldn't welcome the Thai companies to upgrade their lines in/out from Thailand.

Heard a rumour that fiberoptic cables going in to Thailand isn't connected yet, due to an argument over who has to pay for it. :jap:


The blocking is 100% intentional. No question about that. It seems more sites and areas are being blocked as time goes by. What KKK said is true. Private trackers are not being blocked by IP but rather by port number or maybe by protocol analysis. This is no accident or broken equipment. Also, the increase of activity by the CAT and MICT in scanning torrent users and trackers points to them trying to block this activity.

Is this worth experimenting with..

thebox website works...their tracker doesn't which uses http protocol. The website, also http protocol, would use port 80. The trackers are on ports 2710, 8080, 8000, 4440 & 36000 and would seem to be banned. What about adding a tracker url using port 80 and see if it connects.

Anybody out there keen to do a tracker edit and report back?

http ports 80 not working, using udp ports 80 works perfectly.

Also if CAT are blocking then those using other providers will also be affected as per my knowledge (not perfect) but CAT has the International Gateway and not TOT or TRUE or 3BB. Therefore the providers cannot do anything about it,

If your using UTorrent as your bit torrent client, you can set the ports manually ;)

The tracker uses port 80, address like udp/bittorrent.80.-------

It is not you who sets the port, you set port forwarding.


Well, I am on the TOT 3MB package, I currently have Torrentday downloading and BTJUNKIE at a combined speed of 137KBS, I have at the same time run the TOT Speedtest ( http://speedtest1.totbb.net/index.aspx) and got 1.55MB down, while my son is playing X shot on line, dam_n those people who use E mail and VOIP, they simply hog all of our torrent bandwidth, have they no decency?

It is about time we started a campaign to get all of these free loaders that use about 3kbs once a day thrown off the TOT connection, they are spoiling my downloads, bastards!

But I need that 3kbs to send my once a day email to Dear Ol' Mom. ;)


Try This


It will tell you exactly what is happening and if your torrents are being blocked.

http://www.measurementlab.net/measurement-lab-tools is a owned by google and they have all the tools so you can all be at least upto date with your internet issues. My guess is just suvscribe to a vpn service like strongvpn, or cienen.com or if you want to watch live streaming tv from the USA or UK, get my-private-network.co.uk

Its futile to start bitching about internet ethics.. this is thailand and what they do is exactyly as they please at TOT.. so save your breaths and look for workarounds that is the ONLY solution left.


I am in Ban Chang, Rayong province and 3BB working full on here for torrents. I am feeling really angry about this and we must all complain and start a public campaign me thinks. Yep I look forward to the X Factor and will now have to stay up late to watch it live via my VPN and use even more bandwidth per hour doing so. <deleted> pathetic and to achieve what. As long as not a rip off and average users pay no more then we should be able to have torrents and but the bandwidth we want at a NON RIP OFF rate, what is so wrong with that? Maybe at night here we should get hours of non chargeable bandwidth as the internet here is quiet then and torrents using NAS drives work all night while we sleep getting our home TV programs. By choosing those hours for high bandwidth use then it should not cost us extra anyway. Not bloody rocket science to come up with plans like that which just came off the top of my head and easy for anyone to think up. RANT over.... sorry like most of us here I am very cross about this and would be if it was Skype phone service restrictions or other restrictions as against all of that crap.


Try This


It will tell you exactly what is happening and if your torrents are being blocked.

http://www.measureme...ement-lab-tools is a owned by google and they have all the tools so you can all be at least upto date with your internet issues. My guess is just suvscribe to a vpn service like strongvpn, or cienen.com or if you want to watch live streaming tv from the USA or UK, get my-private-network.co.uk

Its futile to start bitching about internet ethics.. this is thailand and what they do is exactyly as they please at TOT.. so save your breaths and look for workarounds that is the ONLY solution left.

Disagree, workarounds are for NOW, we need to vote with our feet with these <deleted>, the Thais won't do it, and they spend bugger all anyway, it is about time the tide was turned, start complaining, it is going to be a whole new experience for these fuc_kers, if we all bow down, nothing will get done, make a fuc_king song and dance, that is what is needed here, I am sick to the eye teeth of people just accepting SHIT! (most of the local I know usually fill up their mobiles on a ten baht or twenty baht a shot business, they are not forking out 700-1000 baht a month like the farangs)

For a start you can clog their e mail with complaints here...


Come on, don't be defeatist, play these fuc_kers at their own game!

Next, you can check you official TOT download speed here, then ask for the 50% refund for the bandwidth you are not getting here


I know sometimes it is like flogging a dead horse or beating your head against a brick wall, but it takes time for evolution, millions of years in some cases, hopefully not so long with this one!


Try This


It will tell you exactly what is happening and if your torrents are being blocked.

http://www.measureme...ement-lab-tools is a owned by google and they have all the tools so you can all be at least upto date with your internet issues. My guess is just suvscribe to a vpn service like strongvpn, or cienen.com or if you want to watch live streaming tv from the USA or UK, get my-private-network.co.uk

Its futile to start bitching about internet ethics.. this is thailand and what they do is exactyly as they please at TOT.. so save your breaths and look for workarounds that is the ONLY solution left.

Disagree, workarounds are for NOW, we need to vote with our feet with these <deleted>, the Thais won't do it, and they spend bugger all anyway, it is about time the tide was turned, start complaining, it is going to be a whole new experience for these fuc_kers, if we all bow down, nothing will get done, make a fuc_king song and dance, that is what is needed here, I am sick to the eye teeth of people just accepting SHIT!

be careful of the song and dance routine.. you just put yourself in the close-up and before you know it you will have the police at your door wanting to know whats so important about your torrents and if they find anything copyrighted on your pc.. there we go and example will be made. Best is to always work around then they get the idea why bother traffic shaping and will more than likely cease with the activity.... Take your chances.. scream and shout.. but you are only going to be left out of breath and with some rather unhappy people mad at you ... theat never ends well


Just called once again to 1100 support (speaking pure Thai this time).

The girl there seems to be very surprised abt the case, blahblahblah, nono we do not block torrent traffic, everything is fine at our side, nono TOT has no tech.issues at the moment, YOU'RE THE FIRST REPORTER ABOUT THIS CASE(!!!), pls leave your numba and wel'' ring you back soon......blahblahblah.

Same-same shit, but Thai-language version for now.

In the meantime, I am to GUARANTEE that it is TOT who blocks it. I have already bypassed this blockage.


@Llareggub: You previously mentioned using T*R to get on the torrent bandwaggon again. Tried it, but whatever Proxy I configure Microtorrent, no result. Guess I am doing something wrong. Care to enlighten me/ PM maybe?


Just called once again to 1100 support (speaking pure Thai this time).

The girl there seems to be very surprised abt the case, blahblahblah, nono we do not block torrent traffic, everything is fine at our side, nono TOT has no tech.issues at the moment, YOU'RE THE FIRST REPORTER ABOUT THIS CASE(!!!), pls leave your numba and wel'' ring you back soon......blahblahblah.

Same-same shit, but Thai-language version for now.

In the meantime, I am to GUARANTEE that it is TOT who blocks it. I have already bypassed this blockage.

Do the test here GLASNOST and forward the details to TOT or better still go into their office and get them to do the test on their PC's. When it come s back you will here all the "Solly Solly we fix for you.." after all 'FACE' is so important and they hate being caught out..



I agree with Llaregub but understand the caveat from surinitalian. As a Brit, and the same would be true of other nationals living here, we should be to able to access BBC and ITV iPlayer and live streaming legally by being able to buy an International Internet BBC TV licence (or whatever you need to pay for in your country), then to be honest I would hardly ever need Torrents and would be happy to say pay 10% to 15% of the full UK TV licence fee (well it would be a vastly inferior service to a full UK TV service) for an encrypted internet service. Problem solved and the BBC make money out of it too and the ITV have a bigger potential advertising revenue audience as well. We should not be breaking any laws just to be able to watch what is free to air British TV services (albeit subject to a licence fee). What we need to stand up against is this bloody crazy worldwide Geo Blocking that is the baseline cause of all these problems, so write to your UK MPs to demand it being stopped. Also you should only need a licence in the UK for BBC programs NOT ITV which is self funding from advertising. Personally I would gladly pay up to say £25 a year for a UK BBC internet licence to watch live streaming and have iPlayer available to me and I am sure I am not alone amongst British expats here. It can only happen if we all stand up and complain. AS to the police well we are not robbing anyone here of revenue as these programs are not available here and are primarily all free to air in the UK so any virtual copyright is so pathetic we should all ignore it as irrelevant.


Just called once again to 1100 support (speaking pure Thai this time).

The girl there seems to be very surprised abt the case, blahblahblah, nono we do not block torrent traffic, everything is fine at our side, nono TOT has no tech.issues at the moment, YOU'RE THE FIRST REPORTER ABOUT THIS CASE(!!!), pls leave your numba and wel'' ring you back soon......blahblahblah.

Same-same shit, but Thai-language version for now.

In the meantime, I am to GUARANTEE that it is TOT who blocks it. I have already bypassed this blockage.

Do the test here GLASNOST and forward the details to TOT or better still go into their office and get them to do the test on their PC's. When it come s back you will here all the "Solly Solly we fix for you.." after all 'FACE' is so important and they hate being caught out..


Why should I do that? Why should I kill my time and prove them the existance of their idiotic man-made barriers? Believe me, they are well-informed about their internal rules and procedures. No need to prove the facts.

Guys, encrypting the traffic between you and the tracker is working. Peer2peer traffic is not affected and thus not need to be encrypted - the case is only about the traffic between you and the tracker.

I am downloading now at the full speed from all the trackers. Voila!

PS: but it is not an excuse for TOT anyway. If things not improved till Monday - I will step in to the nearest TRUE office. Enough is enough.


Just called once again to 1100 support (speaking pure Thai this time).

The girl there seems to be very surprised abt the case, blahblahblah, nono we do not block torrent traffic, everything is fine at our side, nono TOT has no tech.issues at the moment, YOU'RE THE FIRST REPORTER ABOUT THIS CASE(!!!), pls leave your numba and wel'' ring you back soon......blahblahblah.

Why even bother...

TOT support is as useless as tits on a boar.

Change providers if things don't improve over the next couple of days.


Why should I do that? Why should I kill my time and prove them the existance of their idiotic man-made barriers? Believe me, they are well-informed about their internal rules and procedures. No need to prove the facts.

Guys, encrypting the traffic between you and the tracker is working. Peer2peer traffic is not affected and thus not need to be encrypted - the case is only about the traffic between you and the tracker.

I am downloading now at the full speed from all the trackers. Voila!

PS: but it is not an excuse for TOT anyway. If things not improved till Monday - I will step in to the nearest TRUE office. Enough is enough.

I must have missed this post please point to it or explain what I need to do in Vuze and does it work with private trackers like The Box and UK Nova? Seems logical and a nice easy to use fix but to save me and many others searching through this whole long thread please repeat any instructions here. And maybe make a sticky of it. I agree with you, why bother to prove to them they are lying bastards, the best way is to get around their futile stupid efforts to make them understand they are just wasting their own and others valuable time !!!


I live in Chiang Rai,and have no problems with my torrent Utorrent,but my emule is not working the last four days,downt know if this is an TOT problem.


Posted a similar screenshot yesterday.

New download

Just cruisin' along... :D


Not TOT but applies same, the screen capture shows speed before 30kpbs and after 500kbps turning on VPN with a basic 599THB True package about 5 minutes ago.

post-21581-085383400 1281624939_thumb.jp


One of my torrents from TheBox has just started uploading - and the tracker is showing as working. Problem is my other 203 are still dead. What on earth is going on :blink:


I sorted it, and Torrents are flying again. (On TOT 4MB/512 in Pattaya).

How did I do it?

Well, there is a forum rule:

9) Not to discuss proxies or other methods of bypassing government blocking of websites.

This rule is open to interpretations.I am not sure whether it misses a comma.

If the rule were written:

9) Not to discuss proxies, or other methods of bypassing government blocking of websites.

it would be clear we can't discuss Proxies at all. No discussions about totally legal True transparent Proxies, for instance. I have my doubts the rule is meant this way.

The way I read Rule #9, it disallows the discussions of measures (including Proxies) to bypass government blocking of websites.

That would lead to the assumption that discussing methods to bypass non-governmental-approved methods of blocking basically legal communication methods, including participating in the Torrent Network, is allowed.

Now, in case this method involves Proxies ?

Can a Moderator shed light on this?


Posted a similar screenshot yesterday.

New download

Just cruisin' along... :D

Not TOT but applies same, the screen capture shows speed before 30kpbs and after 500kbps turning on VPN with a basic 599THB True package about 5 minutes ago.

I'm on JI-NET 2Mbps (w/ TOT line)

Direct connection, not using VPN or proxy.


23 pages now and not just one single person answered my question regarding facebook :angry: We all know now that some ppl are blocked and others arent.

I dont know anyway how some ppl use torrents, downloading 65464movies at the same time and are happy if one is finished a day. Just to let me know, is that a form of piracy or do you pay for the movies. If someone reads the thread here he gets more then enough information about some users here for searching your harddisks. :jap: :lol: Even in Thailand its forbidden to copy, and you know what the difference is between YOU copy and Thaipeople copy? RIGHT!

So maybe there is someone here except George (who is on facebook too) who can tell me it is working or not. I get the message I posted some pages ago wich says

This website has been blocked by ICT and a text in Thai which I can not read. Profilepage is ok but starting page not, please try and confirm if u got Facebook too.

THANKS in advance


Sorry Moskito, but this is out of topic for this thread.

Both Facebook and Torrents ain't illegal per se, but both can be used to transport illegal (or deemed illegal) content.

There is a thread running about Facebook already. My take is that the experienced blockage is not intended, but a glitch. You know, Monkeys on typewriters and Shakespeare and all ....


yes, but many private trackers won't allow VPN...

Private trackers don't give a hoot about your client connecting to the tracker through a VPN or a proxy. They care about you browsing the website using them. You're confusing the tracker with the website. The two things are not the same.

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