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Since a few hrs back my torrent´s have speed up here in Khon Kaen. Maybe it´s because I´m going to pay the bill tomorrow. :ph34r:

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My Emule doesn't working proplely, It connected but it can't dowload.

Tomorropw I'll go to the company for pay the bill, and I'll demand explanations. If they didn't restore the connection like as before, this is the last bill I will pay.And of course I'll change the company.

Yap, that would be great if it could be so easy to change internet provider in Thailand.

I live in a house and I had to, I emphasize I HAD TO sign a one year contract with them.

It is TOT who must follow its own contract at the first place (provide the full speed to the end-user, or to accept the tech.fault with the proper explanations). They want a demo? Run any traffic-meter with the website based NOT in TH.

If they break their own contract - why must WE follow that? :)


It is TOT who must follow its own contract at the first place (provide the full speed to the end-user, or to accept the tech.fault with the proper explanations). They want a demo? Run any traffic-meter with the website based NOT in TH.

If they break their own contract - why must WE follow that? :)

Yap mate, but when they see a farang they just turn the farang switch off and then farang can speak as much as he want but the switch is off and they just :) politely.

All farang can do then is :jap: and pay the bill otherwise he will be considered for a bad man :blink:


On TOT and I am still at dial up speed in CM and have been so since mid last week.

They claim it is "the server" and have no idea or are lying.

Is there anything I can do to get around this as there is no other choice in my area

I read on page 27 about using TOR proxy but would appreciate some guidance from those in the know

Tried it, didn't work, appears to be blocked.

Only thing to do is change providers, rent the line from TOT (100bht a month), chose a different ISP.

The only loss to you is the extra 100bht to TOT for the line rental.


You guys/girls are amazing!!!

Please continue to tell the world (& ISP's) that you:

1] wish to hog bandwidth compared to a 'normal' user because you want to download a tonne (or more) of 'legal' movies etc.

2] use P2P constantly.

I'm sure that the more you complain, the more ammunition against P2P users will be accumulated by ISP's.

Basically, you are making things very difficult for yourselves, particularly when the apparent cause of the problem has not been identified.

BTW, a 'normal' user does not use constant high bandwidth for hours at a time. A normal user, which is what ISP's estimate their bandwidth upon, uses much less than a P2P user who uploads at full speed as well as downloads at full speed.

You people are incredible!!! Not only do you want everything for free but you demand it in the shortest possible time. When it doesn't happen, you then blame the ISP for trying to provide reasonable bandwidth for everyone!

Anyway, the problem, whatever it is, may be totally unrelated to P2P. In which case, you are all over reacting & advertising to the world that you hog bandwidth.


I want to end the contract I have to pay I think about 3000B.

Absolutely not! I don't pay even a Baht. No good service, no money.


I set the wife on to TOT again this morning and a technician confirmed they DO have a big problem and are looking into it. He also mentioned they were getting lots of complaints from all provinces and that it wasn't just restricted to TOT, so perhaps there is a breakdown somewhere in the system and we're not being blocked. Am I being too optimistic B)



I want to end the contract I have to pay I think about 3000B.

Absolutely not! I don't pay even a Baht. No good service, no money.

Reminders will continue to be sent for about 9 months, then a threat of court action will be received. I don't know what happens then - I chickened out and paid last time :lol:


You guys/girls are amazing!!!

Please continue to tell the world (& ISP's) that you:

1] wish to hog bandwidth compared to a 'normal' user because you want to download a tonne (or more) of 'legal' movies etc.

2] use P2P constantly.

I'm sure that the more you complain, the more ammunition against P2P users will be accumulated by ISP's.

Basically, you are making things very difficult for yourselves, particularly when the apparent cause of the problem has not been identified.

BTW, a 'normal' user does not use constant high bandwidth for hours at a time. A normal user, which is what ISP's estimate their bandwidth upon, uses much less than a P2P user who uploads at full speed as well as downloads at full speed.

You people are incredible!!! Not only do you want everything for free but you demand it in the shortest possible time. When it doesn't happen, you then blame the ISP for trying to provide reasonable bandwidth for everyone!

Anyway, the problem, whatever it is, may be totally unrelated to P2P. In which case, you are all over reacting & advertising to the world that you hog bandwidth.

Wouldn't it be a nice feature on TV if we could ban specific trolls from posting on our threads. Would save the mods a lot of work as well ;)


I want to end the contract I have to pay I think about 3000B.

Absolutely not! I don't pay even a Baht. No good service, no money.

The problem, or at least one, is that the main providers share billing information or maybe use common billing facilities. The last time I made an overseas call on my TOT telephone, the bill came from CAT. If you are black-listed on one company, you might find service denied from some or maybe all the others. And, if your service is terminated by one you might get hit with a reconnection charge once back payments are cleared.

I'm not saying this will definitely happen, but if you get all I-Know-My-Rights and piss off people you'll probably cause yourself ( and other farang customers in general ) more grief than it's worth.

When I signed my year contract with TOT... more than a year ago thankfully ... the lady said it could be cancelled if service was not satisfactory. Better to take along a diplomatic Thai friend to explain politely to someone in the office that you are having many problems and want to cancel. Ranting and demanding rarely work to your advantage in Thailand even if it might be momentarily satisfying. Actually I think they often enjoy watching a farang go ballistic, turn bright red and start sputtering. Things can be frustrating here, but the person you vent on is usually not the cause of the problem. Better to take a Prosac and look for a solution rather than amplify the problem.

If it should become a court case you're unlikely to fare well and who knows what effect all that might have on your extension of stay next time around. TOT won't be punished nearly as much as you might be.


I want to end the contract I have to pay I think about 3000B.

Absolutely not! I don't pay even a Baht. No good service, no money.

Reminders will continue to be sent for about 9 months, then a threat of court action will be received. I don't know what happens then - I chickened out and paid last time :lol:

I think it's doesn't good for them to promote a court action. They were the first to broken the contract.


I want to end the contract I have to pay I think about 3000B.

Absolutely not! I don't pay even a Baht. No good service, no money.

Reminders will continue to be sent for about 9 months, then a threat of court action will be received. I don't know what happens then - I chickened out and paid last time :lol:

I think it's doesn't good for them to promote a court action. They were the first to broken the contract.

Don't think it's personal, just an automated billing system that keeps giving you a poke if you don't pay


I want to end the contract I have to pay I think about 3000B.

Absolutely not! I don't pay even a Baht. No good service, no money.

The problem, or at least one, is that the main providers share billing information or maybe use common billing facilities. The last time I made an overseas call on my TOT telephone, the bill came from CAT. If you are black-listed on one company, you might find service denied from some or maybe all the others. And, if your service is terminated by one you might get hit with a reconnection charge once back payments are cleared.

I'm not saying this will definitely happen, but if you get all I-Know-My-Rights and piss off people you'll probably cause yourself ( and other farang customers in general ) more grief than it's worth.

When I signed my year contract with TOT... more than a year ago thankfully ... the lady said it could be cancelled if service was not satisfactory. Better to take along a diplomatic Thai friend to explain politely to someone in the office that you are having many problems and want to cancel. Ranting and demanding rarely work to your advantage in Thailand even if it might be momentarily satisfying. Actually I think they often enjoy watching a farang go ballistic, turn bright red and start sputtering. Things can be frustrating here, but the person you vent on is usually not the cause of the problem. Better to take a Prosac and look for a solution rather than amplify the problem.

If it should become a court case you're unlikely to fare well and who knows what effect all that might have on your extension of stay next time around. TOT won't be punished nearly as much as you might be.

Well: maybe also the execution. Thank you for your advices, but I'm not be intimidate, if I'm right.


You guys/girls are amazing!!!

You people are incredible!!! Not only do you want everything for free but you demand it in the shortest possible time. When it doesn't happen, you then blame the ISP for trying to provide reasonable bandwidth for everyone!

Why do I want it for free? I pay for the highest level they offer and expect them to homour their agreement. I am not complaing as my speed is good at present. Remember also that TOT, 3BB etc don't have to pay for download speeds, only upload.


You guys/girls are amazing!!!

Please continue to tell the world (& ISP's) that you:

1] wish to hog bandwidth compared to a 'normal' user because you want to download a tonne (or more) of 'legal' movies etc.

2] use P2P constantly.

I'm sure that the more you complain, the more ammunition against P2P users will be accumulated by ISP's.

Then soon those ISPs will run out of funds for their ammunition. Simple as a mooo. :)

Reminders will continue to be sent for about 9 months, then a threat of court action will be received. I don't know what happens then - I chickened out and paid last time :lol:

....then all charges will be dropped (after they bomb you with LOTS of scaaaarryyy mails saying "you have to pay due..." and "and your next due"...and "BELIEVE ME - LAST day for you is").......

I throw'em out to the bin without opening, since I made the written statement to ISP rep that I will NOT pay due to very poor service, and let'em sign the acceptance on my carbon-copy (which I keep till now).

One day that mail storm is over. And I am still alive. :)


After a few days with very slow speeds, right now my torrents are lading reasonably fine again. Still not sure if TOT was the reason for the slow downloads, or the peers, as the speed went up this evening after two Torrents finished, and new ones taken place. But I will move to either CAT or True hopefully in a week or three. I just have enough of their incompetence and disorganization.


I set the wife on to TOT again this morning and a technician confirmed they DO have a big problem and are looking into it. He also mentioned they were getting lots of complaints from all provinces and that it wasn't just restricted to TOT, so perhaps there is a breakdown somewhere in the system and we're not being blocked. Am I being too optimistic B)


This is not true. The same torrents are working fine for me on my CAT and 3bb lines. I am having the same problems as everyone else using TOT.

Having said that...usual internet surfing it is much faster now.


I set the wife on to TOT again this morning and a technician confirmed they DO have a big problem and are looking into it. He also mentioned they were getting lots of complaints from all provinces and that it wasn't just restricted to TOT, so perhaps there is a breakdown somewhere in the system and we're not being blocked. Am I being too optimistic B)


This is not true. The same torrents are working fine for me on my CAT and 3bb lines. I am having the same problems as everyone else using TOT.

Having said that...usual internet surfing it is much faster now.

I'd trade slower torrent speeds for faster internet speeds any day. The problem is that the ISPs cannot be trusted to do that, they'd just end up providing bad torrent speeds and bad internet speeds (and perhaps cheat on speedtest.net by prioritizing the site or by caching the content).

3BB was terrible yesterday night, near unusable, now it's back to normal (5:30 am). However, CAT CDMA and True 3G were no better yesterday so maybe there was a big Thailand-wide issue.


Anyone on Phuket able to download from TheBox? I still can't get the tracker to connect.

Have you checked to see if your client is allowed, as stated I had to downgrade my Utorrent to 1.8.3 to download.


OK since this is Tuesday and TOT still does not have a public posture on this can someone list the two top direct download sites Paid or not for current US and UK television and movies? I just don't want to be ripped off when I sign up.

Thanks in advance for your input!


You guys/girls are amazing!!!

Please continue to tell the world (& ISP's) that you:

1] wish to hog bandwidth compared to a 'normal' user because you want to download a tonne (or more) of 'legal' movies etc.

2] use P2P constantly.

I'm sure that the more you complain, the more ammunition against P2P users will be accumulated by ISP's.

Let me see, we are living in a country where it's OK to beat your wife, drive without a m/c helmet, drink and drive, prostitutes openly work, murder goes unpunished. It's fairly hard to buy original clothes/movies/software in any shop ...... they all are selling knockoffs.

And you seriously think anyone cares about someone downloading a movie at home?


I want to end the contract I have to pay I think about 3000B.

Absolutely not! I don't pay even a Baht. No good service, no money.

Reminders will continue to be sent for about 9 months, then a threat of court action will be received. I don't know what happens then - I chickened out and paid last time :lol:

I can't say that TOT threatening to take my landlady to court would be all that scary.

They won't let foreigners have internet accounts in their own names at my local TOT office .... ha ha


I want to end the contract I have to pay I think about 3000B.

Absolutely not! I don't pay even a Baht. No good service, no money.

Reminders will continue to be sent for about 9 months, then a threat of court action will be received. I don't know what happens then - I chickened out and paid last time :lol:

I can't say that TOT threatening to take my landlady to court would be all that scary.

They won't let foreigners have internet accounts in their own names at my local TOT office .... ha ha

Strange because the application form has a box for passport numbers for foreigners, although mines in the wife's name. Oops :whistling:


Anyone on Phuket able to download from TheBox? I still can't get the tracker to connect.

Have you checked to see if your client is allowed, as stated I had to downgrade my Utorrent to 1.8.3 to download.

Yep, been using 1.8.3 for months. All my private tracker torrents still show as red with the tracker unconnected. Last night some did connect but were running at about half the speed I normally get (and pay for) :angry:


I got a call from TOT today , they have problems to install the line at my place so its been delayed for another week. They promised me the line should be ready from today.

I can only wait and see , there are no other alternatives for for me here so what can I do...

All my private tracker torrents still show as red with the tracker unconnected. Last night some did connect but were running at about half the speed I normally get (and pay for) :angry:

Can you start a new torrent? From a public tracker? From a private tracker? I think you have some other problem(s).

I suspect your uTorrent 'resume', 'settings' and/or 'dht' files are corrupted?

You might consider uninstalling uTorrent, maybe with an in-depth uninstaller like Revo Uninstaller, rebooting, re-installing uTorrent, re-logging in to your private site, and try just one torrent.

I am on TOT and have no problem connecting to any trackers (private, public, http, udp, etc.) and am getting full download/upload speeds.

If you want to give me an invite to The Box I'd be happy to check it for you? (The recent BBC production "Sherlock" was brilliant, perhaps more so for fans of the canon.)

Also could use an invite for avistaz. <_<


They won't let foreigners have internet accounts in their own names at my local TOT office .... ha ha

TOT should allow accounts for properties in foreigners names when the property owner is foreign (as in condo). That's my take on things anyway.


I can't say that TOT threatening to take my landlady to court would be all that scary.

They won't let foreigners have internet accounts in their own names at my local TOT office .... ha ha

Me myself having internet access at my own name, at the private howse (where my name is also in tabien baan). Whats the deal??

There is no rule NOT to allow foreigners have the internet account under their own names.


However the problem still exists and I am not happy, opposite I am quite unhappy.

This is ridiculous but all we can say is a big :jap:

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