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Can all those affected get on the phone NOW and start complaining to TOT. If nobody does anything we'll be stuck with the situation :annoyed:

There are proxyprograms and hopefully your torrentprogram allows to connect thrue proxy, depending on which proxy you use SPEED will have an impact. Some proxys though are quite fast. So you need to try till you find a good one.

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Against the law or not? This download thing?

Yes and no. Torrent is a technology, and as a technology, it is not illegal. It can be used to break the law though (rather like a baseball bat can be used to murder someone, but isn't illegal in itself, but by its illegal use). Downloading software and copyrighted music/films/etc is illegal (while it is still protected) and some content (porn etc) may also be illegal in itself.


TOT in ChiangMai, mine has also stopped

Looks like I will be changing ISPs pretty soon then (within the next 14 days).

I and many other people don't need high speed internet connection for email and web browsing, might as well use a DTAC dongle for 100bht a month.

If TOT loses 90% of it's customers in a month, it will go right down the toilet, I pay for a 1mbs connection, what I use it for is up to me.

When customers leave, they generally don't return.


Against the law or not? This download thing?

Yes and no. Torrent is a technology, and as a technology, it is not illegal. It can be used to break the law though (rather like a baseball bat can be used to murder someone, but isn't illegal in itself, but by its illegal use). Downloading software and copyrighted music/films/etc is illegal (while it is still protected) and some content (porn etc) may also be illegal in itself.

If I may point out, America doesn't have the right to make laws for all the world (even if they like to think they do)

Some things are legal in Thailand are and illegal in America.

Some things re legal in America and are illegal in Thailand.

Some laws are regarded as irrelevant in countries that pay lip service to America (America wields a very big stick and does tend to be a bit of a bully), and not enforced (copyright for example)


This had to happen. It probably a good thing. You'll "hopefully" see performance of voip, web mail, etc.. improve. Torrents are drain especially since most peers exists outside of TOT, if you look at an average torrent drainer using a steady 1mbit the economics just dont make sense. I cant even buy full transit routes on 1000mbit commits for < 550baht/mbit (or anywhere near that). So hopefully TOT stop, separate, or traffic shape them.

Ideally I'd like to see torrent drainer pay a massive premium. Part ignorance for most windoze users as the systray hides the little U, but wow imagine how fast the internet would be in Thailand without torrent drainers.

Ends rant.

And where does it say that you choose what use of the internet is good, and what is bad??? If a customer pays his money, he should get the full service of the internet. If a provider can't provide the service, then they should get ou of the business.

I think e-mail takes up too much internet bandwidth, so it should all be shut down!! Makes as much sense as your post!!!


Against the law or not? This download thing?

against the law ..but why pay stupid prices for cds and dvds in shops when you can down load for freee .


I can't understand in this day and age why ANYONE would want to use Torrents.There are much better/safer ways to DL than them.

And what would be your much better/safer way to download US Television show??


I can't understand in this day and age why ANYONE would want to use Torrents.There are much better/safer ways to DL than them.

So thick. No food here.

Not thick at all,just can't see the point of Torrents as they are slow and can easily be traced.Just get on a secure SSL usenet server and download at FULL speed then job done.NO P2P filesharing involved!!!


I know there s a bandwidth problem for Internet data outside of Thailand as the number of backbones is limited.

More, I know torrent uses an incredible amount of bandwidth for data mostly located outside of the country.

Most of the torrent users download illegal things. I regularly ask myself why some people have the need to crash the quality of service for all the other users when they are in a country where the whole DVD is at 100 Bt in the local market with perfect quality.

I pay my Internet connection like the others and I want to have my Skype strong enough to talk to people in Europe. I want also my websites to display faster on my browser, and youtube videos to be more reactive. I make normal usage of my connection and I expect it to work fine. But the quality of my connection is scrapped by torrent users who use all the bandwidth in my area, and reduce the amount of available bandwidth for data located outside of the country.

In these conditions, I don't want to be located to the same router or backbone than torrent/donkey users. This is the reason why I'm not with TT&T as you have to share your connection with your neighbors and you can't do anything anymore when they start they p2p.

I totally agree with TOT decision and I expect it to make my connection working better.

Torrent users have to pay more or to have their own network. Or to go to the shop to buy their dvd.

Good point - I have no interest in torrents and don't want to pay for the use by others. Let the ISPs make it a premium service and charge whatever is fair for Thailand.


For me TRUE and CSLoxInfo (on a TOT fixed line) are still working fine; all trackers public and private. TOT is still blocking http tracker connects but I can still download via peer exchange and they are not blocking UDP tracker connects so no problems with things like eztv; excellent download and upload speeds. TOT should really make a public statement about the changes they're implementing, IMO and modify their product descriptions regarding "unlimited internet access". Let's hope the satellite and cable TV service providers don't start charging by the hour.


Against the law or not? This download thing?

Yes and no. Torrent is a technology, and as a technology, it is not illegal. It can be used to break the law though (rather like a baseball bat can be used to murder someone, but isn't illegal in itself, but by its illegal use). Downloading software and copyrighted music/films/etc is illegal (while it is still protected) and some content (porn etc) may also be illegal in itself.

If I may point out, America doesn't have the right to make laws for all the world (even if they like to think they do)

Some things are legal in Thailand are and illegal in America.

Some things re legal in America and are illegal in Thailand.

Some laws are regarded as irrelevant in countries that pay lip service to America (America wields a very big stick and does tend to be a bit of a bully), and not enforced (copyright for example)

This is all true - Thailand has more exteame laws on porn for example. However, the question was on the legallity, not the enforcement. It is illegal to copy copyrighted content here - Copyright Act, B.E. 2537 (1994) . Who mentioned America?


I can't understand in this day and age why ANYONE would want to use Torrents.There are much better/safer ways to DL than them.

So thick. No food here.

Not thick at all,just can't see the point of Torrents as they are slow and can easily be traced.

Than please stop using it.

PS: guys, back to topic please.


I can't understand in this day and age why ANYONE would want to use Torrents.There are much better/safer ways to DL than them.

So thick. No food here.

Not thick at all,just can't see the point of Torrents as they are slow and can easily be traced.Just get on a secure SSL usenet server and download at FULL speed then job done.NO P2P filesharing involved!!!

Why is usenet newer (in this day and age [sic]) or safer? Torrents can actually be quicker too depending on the location of the seeders as it allows for parallel downloading of packets. SSL only encrypts the content during its travels between the server and the client - not much benefit on downloading binaries (other than illegal porn I suppose!). Torrent sites are also free (and many virus check too) whereas usenet servers pretty much all charge - especially for popular/content rich ones.


If a customer pays his money, he should get the full service of the internet. If a provider can't provide the service, then they should get ou of the business.

Sticking to the facts.

Yes I agree. If you a buy a leased line with 1:1 connectivity or ADSL plan that offers that then fine, full service, full expectation. Without mentioning the word beginning with B - I just want to reiterate that with 3BB, TOT, CAT, True you buy upto X speed, if it is available in theory you can burst to that speed, but X speed is shared between 20 - 50 users. And this is where the problem occurs. You can call them and ask them what your contention ratio is. This contention ratio is applicable to CAT HiNet and 3BB Premier too despite the premium over home plans. I agree that advertising (excluding small print) is not clear, and unlike the UK where the contention ratio is distribute over a much larger user base, in Thailand it is exactly what it says on tin. Yes 3BB, TOT, CAT, True can do a lot to improve, and it shouldnt be this dire but they are face with increasing pressures and limited budgets.

As for the ridiculous post that BT is fully efficient and doesnt hog bandwidth, read up on it, it can be efficient, but when your peers exist outside Thailand then it does use bandwidth. In the states it probably works out well for ISPs given their free peering with other ISPs - not so much goes over expensive transit.

good(ish) news: he also advised that torrent traffic will be turned on between 10pm and 5am - reason to give faster traffic during the day for "normal" use.

Where capacity allows thats a great idea. Plus.Net in the UK did a similar thing a few years ago. And to whoever mention South Korea - there infrastructure is dog bullocks - and if they are exchanging Korean movies then all traffic will be domestic and ISPs wont be too interested in throttling.

Probably classed as troll again as its not the music you want to hear, it does shine some light on the reasoning behind these supposedly "random" decision.


This week some one says TOT has throttled torrents but others are having no problems; last week some one says 3BB is throttling torrents but others have no problems...no doubt next week some says ____ (fill in the blank) has throttled torrents but others have no problems....etc...etc...etc. Expect most of the problems are localized and temporary. IMHO.


After seeing this thread as "Breaking News" and reading that my TOT has put a knife in my only hobby I turned on the computer to see what's what. I downloaded 2 US TV dramas at the same time in 40 minutes using common P2P software. This morning 7 shows were downloaded normally here in Bangkok. The only thing that has changed today is users went from more than 1.5 million to less than 200. Obviously some kind of error.


Tips for torrent downloaders ...

I have no problems with my torrents in Pattaya / TOT. I am green and speeds up to 300KB (4Mb tot)

Yes all my torrent are now as a red arrow, but that does not influence your/my download.

The most important thing is that your network (at the bottom of utorrent) is green and not yellow or red.

Make sure you have setup an static IP address, NOT the standard dynamic.

How to do this : h-t-t-p-://portforward.com/networking/staticip.htm and select your operating system.

Just read and do as the instructions say.

Change the settings in your router.

How to do this with utorrent :


Select your router on that page and then on the next page click on the top richt link : Click Here bla bla bla

Change some settings in utorrent BitTorrent >Protocol encryption > ON

This is all real simple and written for dummies, so you can do it.

Do not ask me for more help or instructions, because I will not reply.

LEARN it yourself, it is easy

Also try reading the forums at utorrent-com


This had to happen. It probably a good thing. You'll "hopefully" see performance of voip, web mail, etc.. improve. Torrents are drain especially since most peers exists outside of TOT, if you look at an average torrent drainer using a steady 1mbit the economics just dont make sense. I cant even buy full transit routes on 1000mbit commits for < 550baht/mbit (or anywhere near that). So hopefully TOT stop, separate, or traffic shape them.

Ideally I'd like to see torrent drainer pay a massive premium. Part ignorance for most windoze users as the systray hides the little U, but wow imagine how fast the internet would be in Thailand without torrent drainers.

Ends rant.

TOT offers fast internet packages for what? downloading things is a MAJOR part of the internet.

most other internet company's accommodate for this by purchasing enough pipeline.

TOT clearly is trying to save money by cutting torrents and having more bandwidth for customers... they don't want to 'fork out' money to buy more bandwidth.

basically, this is a case of greed and being 'tight fisted'.

you can't 'rant on' about how this is a 'good thing' coz its a service expected by all internet providers.

whats the point in offering high speed and unlimited internet packages if they are going to go back on their word?

- its kind of like having a restaurant; offering a buffet & advertising outside that you can eat as much as you like;... then, once you get their money you inform them that that all meat is not included.

(do you understand my point?)

- PS: I am vegetarian!! (but meat seemed like a good example)!


Can all those affected get on the phone NOW and start complaining to TOT. If nobody does anything we'll be stuck with the situation :annoyed:

I have done this only a few minutes ago. TOT is in denial, and when I asked to speak to the supervisor, he/she was not available. All of them should be in a kindergarten. All of them treat their customers as idiots. And now, UKNova [the last available] is blocked! Jesus!


All of them treat their customers as idiots. And now, UKNova [the last available] is blocked! Jesus!

Dont tell me they might be smart enough to read THIS thread and follow [read: block] the rest of the ways ppl able to download. ;)

You ppl write more solutions...more...yeah.... All is logged by Big Brozza. Doubt it?


vediovis - glad to see someone sees it fair.

Skype uses nowhere near the bandwidth that most torrent use, a fraction of a megabit. Also it runs for as long as the conversations last and establishes a minimal number of p2p connections. U pay for your internet connection, sure, but say you pay for 3mb, its oversold (same everywhere in the world), ISPs dont expect you to saturate the line, they even tell you there will be contention. This problem DOES exist is other countries but the effects on the main userbase arent as dramatic for numerous reasons that I cant be arsed typing out in detail - think where the peer exists - think who gets traffic shaped - think how cheap the transit and partial transit routes are in US / EU - you can get down to less than a couple of quid a megabit in large commits.

>By the way, I use Torrents in a legal way, to up- and download program and OS code.

Yawn. Im sure some people do. Most people working with source code will be pulling an SCM though (git/cvs/svn), most distros are available on HTTP mirrors too, so unfortunately given 99% of torrent traffic is illegitimate you may be that 1% victim, workarounds exist so its for the greater good.

>It is the same one most of us torrenters feel when we notice all the Skype users hogging the bandwidth to avoid paying the incredibly cheap long distance rates charged in Thailand.

Again misinformed. Use a bandwidth monitor to see how much traffic a Skype call takes and how many peer 2 peer connections it uses (the sheer number with bittorrent have effects on l3 switching gear in play at the ISPs).

Well done TOT. I just hope the others follow. Torrenter you can come back in a few years when the infrastructure can support everybody saturating (> 25%) there line 24/7.

My solution - 500baht / month for 8mbit/10mbit or something sensible. 100baht/1gb downloaded/uyploaded then you can torrent your heart out and we'd all be happy.

come on.....you....I have bad words to say but don't want to be blocked.....I pay for a service...why should U, or the provider decide my download options....or charge by download speed...??? your "vocabulary" concerning computer torrent downloads are above most reader's head's..which leads me to believe...you need a girlfriend....how can you have the time to quote the particulars of bandwith and "mirrors"? source code...???? are you joking??? keep it simple stu+id


vediovis - glad to see someone sees it fair.

Skype uses nowhere near the bandwidth that most torrent use, a fraction of a megabit. Also it runs for as long as the conversations last and establishes a minimal number of p2p connections. U pay for your internet connection, sure, but say you pay for 3mb, its oversold (same everywhere in the world), ISPs dont expect you to saturate the line, they even tell you there will be contention. This problem DOES exist is other countries but the effects on the main userbase arent as dramatic for numerous reasons that I cant be arsed typing out in detail - think where the peer exists - think who gets traffic shaped - think how cheap the transit and partial transit routes are in US / EU - you can get down to less than a couple of quid a megabit in large commits.

>By the way, I use Torrents in a legal way, to up- and download program and OS code.

Yawn. Im sure some people do. Most people working with source code will be pulling an SCM though (git/cvs/svn), most distros are available on HTTP mirrors too, so unfortunately given 99% of torrent traffic is illegitimate you may be that 1% victim, workarounds exist so its for the greater good.

>It is the same one most of us torrenters feel when we notice all the Skype users hogging the bandwidth to avoid paying the incredibly cheap long distance rates charged in Thailand.

Again misinformed. Use a bandwidth monitor to see how much traffic a Skype call takes and how many peer 2 peer connections it uses (the sheer number with bittorrent have effects on l3 switching gear in play at the ISPs).

Well done TOT. I just hope the others follow. Torrenter you can come back in a few years when the infrastructure can support everybody saturating (> 25%) there line 24/7.

My solution - 500baht / month for 8mbit/10mbit or something sensible. 100baht/1gb downloaded/uyploaded then you can torrent your heart out and we'd all be happy.

come on.....you....I have bad words to say but don't want to be blocked.....I pay for a service...why should U, or the provider decide my download options....or charge by download speed...??? your "vocabulary" concerning computer torrent downloads are above most reader's head's..which leads me to believe...you need a girlfriend....how can you have the time to quote the particulars of bandwith and "mirrors"? source code...???? are you joking??? keep it simple stu+id


come on..... I'll simplify it just for you. If nearly everybody that goes to all-you-can-eat buffet had 5 massive full plates, mostly the expensive stuff, how long would the buffet company last? The company that put that little wire in your house so you can click on websites played a game of averages that now isnt working out as they expected... Granted I will admit the advertising does give the impression of unlimited everything... unfortunately (at least in Thailand) it just isnt possible.


Tips for torrent downloaders ...

I have no problems with my torrents in Pattaya / TOT. I am green and speeds up to 300KB (4Mb tot)

Yes all my torrent are now as a red arrow, but that does not influence your/my download.

The most important thing is that your network (at the bottom of utorrent) is green and not yellow or red.

Make sure you have setup an static IP address, NOT the standard dynamic.

How to do this : h-t-t-p-://portforward.com/networking/staticip.htm and select your operating system.

Just read and do as the instructions say.

Change the settings in your router.

How to do this with utorrent :


Select your router on that page and then on the next page click on the top richt link : Click Here bla bla bla

Change some settings in utorrent BitTorrent >Protocol encryption > ON

This is all real simple and written for dummies, so you can do it.

Do not ask me for more help or instructions, because I will not reply.

LEARN it yourself, it is easy

Also try reading the forums at utorrent-com

All done and green too, but private trackers disable Peer Exchange and DHT, so .....

On to True next week for a change of ISP.

Bye TOT.


I don't think they're blocking anything, they must be having technical issues becasue today i came home and no dialtone on landline phone & no internet, i'm using my 3G backup now, called TOT and they said they're looking into it and will call me back on cell phone or send a technician out tomarrow even though i'll be out all day because the holiday..


I think it's a great decision by TOT and hope True follows suit with banning torrent downloads. I know a lot of Thai people (my boyfriend included) that download porn on torrents practically 24 hours per day, draining available bandwidth and hogging those of us that need internet for work and legitimate purposes. hel_l I've even had some Thai friends come over just to use my internet so they could download more torrents since I have a fast connection...not something I appreciate.

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