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Verifying Requirements Of Extension Of Stay Based On Retirement

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I am currently in Thailand and have just passed the 50 year mark. The only good thing about getting older is the ability to stay in Thailand based on retirement. However, after I did a search about the requirements there is so much information out there and I am know some of it is old.

I was looking for an offical Thaialand government sponsored website listing the requirements, but I can only find information when applying for a retirement visa at a Thai Embassy outside of Thailand. Is there a URL with the requirements if applying within Thailand?

From all my searching, I think all I will need is either my home country's embassy notarized letter verifying my income to be either THB 65,000 monthly or THB 800,000 yearly or a Thai Bank statement showing THB 800,000 that has been deposited for 3 months or a combination of these two.

Also, I have made copies of my passport photo page, my current visa and my entry stamp and my Departure Card. Also, for the photos - are two or three necessary?

Lastly, could someone direct me to the correct website where I can download the application? Is it the same as the form listed on Thailand embassy sites or different?.

I think that if I am applying within Thailand I do not need a police letter showing me to have no criminal history and that it is no longer necessary to submit a doctor's health certificate.

Is this all correct? Am I missing anything.

I realize there are numerous threads on the subject, but it seems that the requirements have changed over the last few years and I just want to make sure what the current requirements are.

Thanks to all

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Police report and medical not needed.

If using money in the bank it has to be there for 2 months.

2.22 In the case of a retiree: Permission will be granted for a period of not more

than 1 year at a time.

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

(2) The applicant is 50 years of age or over;

(3) Proof of income of not less than Baht 65,000 per month; or

(4) Account deposit with a bank in Thailand of not less than

800,000 Baht as shown in the bank account for the past 3 months at the filing date of the application. For the first year, the applicant should have that amount in his bank account for not less than 60 days or

(5) Annual income plus bank account deposit totaling not less

than Baht 800,000 as of the filing date of application

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Nothing has changed in a few years you more than likely have been confused by threads were the op has stated requirements for a marriage visa on a retirement visa thread or vise versa. Lite Beer has covered it for you.

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Embassy letter of 65k per month or 800k in bank 2 months (first time) or combination to meet 800k per year.

No extra copies required in Bangkok and only one photo. Upcountry may require one or two extra. You will also be photographed at Immigration and index fingers printed in Bangkok.

Tm.7 form with 1,900 baht fee. If any chance of travel you should also obtain a re-entry permit to insure you do not lose your extension in a sudden exit.

Pinned useful information at top of forum has links to download forms.

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I have noticed on several threads this being posted:-

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

I dont wish to be pedantic, but I believe a tourist visa is OK as well. I hope so, as I am advising a friend of mine to come here from the UK on a tourist visa and then do the retirement visa when he is here in Thailand.

I appreciate he needs a return ticket or at least a ticket showing he will leave LOS within the 90 days of the tourist visa, but its such an easy visa to apply for in the UK and its free.

Am I advising him correctly. Its a BIG responsibility advising a friend on these matters - I want it all to go smoothly :rolleyes:

Edited by dsfbrit
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You can convert a tourist visa to a non-immirgant visa. But he will have to meet the requirements for a 1 year extension right away. It might be easier to just apply for a non-O visa right away, Especially if he is going to live outside of Bangkok or Pattaya, as other offices might send him to Bangkok to convert.

edit: with a tourist visa no ticket out of th country is required.

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You can convert a tourist visa to a non-immirgant visa. But he will have to meet the requirements for a 1 year extension right away. It might be easier to just apply for a non-O visa right away, Especially if he is going to live outside of Bangkok or Pattaya, as other offices might send him to Bangkok to convert.

edit: with a tourist visa no ticket out of th country is required.

Thanks for the feedback Mario. I am about to go off and read about the rules for him to get a non-immigrant visa whilst still in the UK. Before I do, if he had a multi-entry tourist visa, would that work??? He would come here, set up a bank account, transfer the funds in the first month then wait 60 days for the funds to mature. I suppose he would need to leave the country and return - then go to Immigration.

With the tourist visa then, they can just buy a one-way ticket ???

Thanks again for the feedback and opologies to the OP if this is not directly relevant to his question...

Edited by dsfbrit
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Coming from UK he will have no problem getting a Non Imm O Visa. It will make it easier and will work out cheaper.

Thanks Lite Beer for the feedback. I recommended the Tourist visa as I thought it would be easy and its FREE at the moment. However, if its going to cause problems then I will check out the Non O.

SmokeandIce, may I ask what sort of visa you have at the moment???? Congratulations by the way on reaching 50 - one the advantages being the ability to stay in the LOS without too much effort - once you have understood all the rules that is!!!!!! :D

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You must have a non immigrant visa entry to obtain a retirement extension of stay. This is logically obtained before travel if intent is retirement extension and such a visa can be obtained.

In the event of using some other entry there would be an extra step and charge required for conversion at 2,000 baht and might require visit to Bangkok to obtain.

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You must have a non immigrant visa entry to obtain a retirement extension of stay. This is logically obtained before travel if intent is retirement extension and such a visa can be obtained.

In the event of using some other entry there would be an extra step and charge required for conversion at 2,000 baht and might require visit to Bangkok to obtain.

Thanks Lopburi3. I will go and read about the requirements for the non-O.

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I have to get my 1 year extension for stay based on retirement on October 27. Due to some bank holidays my 800,000 was not topped up until July 29. How picky are they on the 3 months, or how picky are they about the exact date?

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They can be picky, always better to get your extension earlier. You can apply up to 30 days before your permission to stay expires and the extension is always given from the day your current permission ends. So you don't lose any days by applying early and would have given extra time.

Give it is only two days you might be alright. Note that there also is an option of a combination of yearly income and money in the bank. If you chose this option there is no need to season the money.

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^^Can't you wait a few days or have you left it until the last minute?

If it is your first extension it is 2 months in the bank.

If not and you have left it until the last minute it will up to the officer you see on the day.

Just so we are on the same page. I came in on a Non-Im O, which required, as I recall 60 days seasoning. I converted to retirement status October 27 2009. When I go in to extend, will this be considered the "first extension"?

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Not if you are currently on your first extension of stay which by above post you are. It will be your second and require the 3 months if only using bank deposit.

You did not convert to retirement but you extended your permitted to stay time for retirement on October 27, 2009.

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Embassy letter of 65k per month or 800k in bank 2 months (first time) or combination to meet 800k per year.

Tm.7 form with 1,900 baht fee. If any chance of travel you should also obtain a re-entry permit to insure you do not lose your extension in a sudden exit.

As I understand it, with the 800k method, the 800k must be in the bank at least 2 months (first time) prior to date of applying for the 1 year extension to stay-(based on Retirement). As soon as this extension is approved, I would be free to immediately withdraw the total 800k so long as I have it back in the bank 3 months prior to the next year's 'application for extension' date? This would be acceptable or are there other regulations that Thai immigration would have us maintain the 800k bank account?

If one planned to fly in and out of LOS only once or twice later in the year (for a week or two at a time) after being approved for an initial (first) extension to stay-(based on Retirement), what type of visa should be applied for at the home country Thai consulate before coming to LOS (to apply for the initial [first] extension to stay-(based on Retirement))?

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As I understand it, with the 800k method, the 800k must be in the bank at least 2 months (first time) prior to date of applying for the 1 year extension to stay-(based on Retirement). As soon as this extension is approved, I would be free to immediately withdraw the total 800k so long as I have it back in the bank 3 months prior to the next year's 'application for extension' date? This would be acceptable or are there other regulations that Thai immigration would have us maintain the 800k bank account?

Yes you could drain the account after approval of the extension. No, there is no need to maintain the 800K after approval of extension.

If one planned to fly in and out of LOS only once or twice later in the year (for a week or two at a time) after being approved for an initial (first) extension to stay-(based on Retirement),

Be sure to apply for reentry permits (single or multi) before such trips; otherwise you'll lose the extension.

what type of visa should be applied for at the home country Thai consulate before coming to LOS (to apply for the initial [first] extension to stay-(based on Retirement))?

Single entry O would be ideal.

If for some reason, your local consulate won't give you that, there are other ways. You can get a single entry O from a country near Thailand (Malaysia or Laos). You can enter Thailand on a tourist visa and convert to an O in Thailand in Bangkok or Pattaya as the first part of the retirement extension application process. If your local Thai office won't do a change of visa status (tourist to O) you can do that part in Bangkok first. The old rule was that you need at least 21 days left on your current permission to stay to be allowed to do a conversion, but recent reports that limit isn't always enforced. Technically, you could even enter on a 30 day stamp and do the change of visa status in Thailand for this. (Caveat, you still need the bank money seasoned two months first time.)

Edited by Jingthing
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Embassy letter of 65k per month or 800k in bank 2 months (first time) or combination to meet 800k per year.

No extra copies required in Bangkok and only one photo. Upcountry may require one or two extra. You will also be photographed at Immigration and index fingers printed in Bangkok.

Tm.7 form with 1,900 baht fee. If any chance of travel you should also obtain a re-entry permit to insure you do not lose your extension in a sudden exit.

Pinned useful information at top of forum has links to download forms.

So............ they nick you for a reentry permit on top of the TM7,, Gee when my OA expired I just had to pay for a multiple re-entry valid for one year from my last entry. Note on that for those who are approachning the expiry of your OA make do a Visa run so you last entry is a near to current date. ME, I got stuck with re-entry permit valid for less thtg 9 months. Now I came back in Aug 11 and got the admittd untill date of Sept 8 (expiry of my permit. ) Nice guy who said I could have a 30 tourist but then I would have to get a noew OA....

Be careful abouit you dates.. I could have been OK until end of Jan by doing a Visa Run!

Edited by KanakaFari
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So............ they nick you for a reentry permit on top of the TM7 <SNIP!!>

It goes without saying that an 'in-country' yearly extension of stay is only 1900baht, whilst the illustrious O-A multi entry visa (only available from your home country) is (per the thai embassy in L/A's website) $175.00 US!! (5600baht at 32 to the US dollar)

Factor in the 1900 for the extension here and another 3800 for a multi-re-entry permit and the difference is a whopping 100 BAHT.!! 5700 vs. 5600. .. Kinda splitting 'hares' <sic> :blink: , err hairs, here aren't we?

Plus with an in-country yearly extension of stay you don't hafta hop on back to your home country to secure another visa either ;) . Although FWIW; I concede, you do get your 'second' year 'free' with just a border run before your O-A expires, so there is that advantage). But you still needed a reentry permit to keep your visa alive after the first year runs out should you decide to exit/re-enter the glorious "Land 'O Thais", it really becomes much ado about nothing. :o

So in retrospect; your comment "they" (as I imagine you mean thai immigrations) really don't 'nick' you for all that much, now do they? :D

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