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Visa Run Non Imm O But 5 Mths Passport Validity

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Have a non imm O visa expires Nov 11 and current 3 months expires 23 August hence need to do a visa run now!But just seen my UK passport has validity luntil Jan 22 of 2011 so just 5 montha and 7 days validity.If I attempted a visa run at a small Cambodia crossing such as KapChong Osmach would their be chance of getting into Cambodia and back into Thailand ok.........can they show discretion in my favour? could go to Laos as its nearer.If I apply for paasportr renewal at HK will leaave me with an overstay here of up tp a few weeks and a fine to pay etcHelp advice please

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I wouldn't risk it.

I did a border run when I had just over 6 months left on my PP and they gave it a really good check on the dates.

I asked what they would have done if I had left and tried to get back into Thailand with less than 6 months left and the Immigration Officer said that I would not be allowed back in. This was at Mae Sot.

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Returning to the Uk would be a very expensive option for me buying new ticket there and back,.

If I send my passport off to HONG KONG or go to Bkk and they still send it to HK it could be a month to get back, leaving me without a passport just a copy and oversstaying my 90 days by maybe aa few weeks, if something happens with the boys ib brown I guess an immigration prison job aand deportation without a paasport what a mess!

If I thought I could get into HK with the validity on my passport I could fly direct and do the job all legally without overstaying but dont think will get into HKK without six months on the passport.

Have heard in a couple of forums that people have been allowed in at the BKK airport with less than six months where they are meant to be strict, had a notion that there may be a tad of leniency at a land crossing as well.............would you just be left standing in no mans land between Cambodia and Thailand if you exited Los but couldnt get into Canbodia or back into Thailand??

Yes a mess a terrible oversight on my behalf!

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Visit immigration and explain the problem and ask if they will grant an extension. If they will then apply for a new passport. As it is a UK passport the application is processed in Hong Kong and takes up to three weeks. You can download the forms and send by DHL. You don't have to send your passport, only a copy, and give your credit card details.

If immigration won't give you an extension then you have only the option of going to the UK and getting a new one there.

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You will not be left in nomands land, normally you would be allowed to enter the country you last visited and be processed from there.

Some countries require only 3 months or less validity. Hong Kong is one of them, so you cna travel there with no problem.

Hong Kong:

Passport required.

- Passport and/or passport replacing travel documents must be

valid for at least one month after the period of the

intended stay.


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You will not be left in nomands land, normally you would be allowed to enter the country you last visited and be processed from there.

Some countries require only 3 months or less validity. Hong Kong is one of them, so you cna travel there with no problem.

Hong Kong:

Passport required.

- Passport and/or passport replacing travel documents must be

valid for at least one month after the period of the

intended stay.


Seems you can get into HKK but no immediate service, potentially sit there for three weeks ass it iss all done by post

Website suggests you dont need to send your passport just a copy but app form says send in old passport.

Also asks for countersign for the photos by a professional Uk person who has known you for two years,,,,,,,,, right my doctor is here in the village in Issaan with me what a coincedence!!

Re the border run if you have exited LOS but refused entry to Cambodia or Laos and sent back to Thailand how exactly will they process you? armed police car trip all the way to the immigraation detention centre in Bkk followed by deportation or given a permit to stay agin aand a bollocking e the validity of paasport!// who knows anyone out their a clairvoyant or speaks from experience?

Thanks for the advice so far

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Thankyou all for your wonderful empathy. sympathy and practical understanding of my plight I was overwhelmed Lol *****************************

However after a border run that involved empathy and sympathy and 100%no risk of awaiting a new passport in another country, with some general kindness and talking softly to the right person I now have another 90 day stamp !!

I would like to write a full detailed trip report because its fairly informative however if anyone is really interested you can ask for details, incidently I didnt pay a satang in bribes and was even spared a charge which would have been quite legit!!

So yes I will answer my own question as seems the norm on here YES , discretion can be shown!!

All the best


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