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Thai Court Grants Extradition Of Alleged Russian Arms Dealer Viktor Bout


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So its now offical

no one can sell weapons etc other than the USA

all competition will be locked up forever



BlackJack, I don't know where you've been for the last two years but the US is now run by a Marxist Muslim. He's an apologist to every country in the world for any perceived sins of our country. He bows before the Saudi King and Emperor Hirohito. We don't sell arms to our friends anymore, only to enemy's and to friends of our enemys. I dare say President Hussein Obama's buddy Hugo Chevez sells more military equipment than we do. Blackjack, you can stop making gratuitious swipes at America everytime you get the chance. It's your guy who's in charge now. Get with the program.

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Interesting to see the same old same old America bashing here, but be assured he will get a fair trial in the USA, assuming he will be tried in a regular court. Thailand is a longtime special friend of the USA, it would have been disgusting and a betrayal if they hadn't extradited this wanted man.

Disgusting is the attitude that if someone don't obey to USA demands is called a betrayer. No surprise that not everybody loves the USA.

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So its now offical

no one can sell weapons etc other than the USA

all competition will be locked up forever



BlackJack, I don't know where you've been for the last two years but the US is now run by a Marxist Muslim. He's an apologist to every country in the world for any perceived sins of our country. He bows before the Saudi King and Emperor Hirohito. We don't sell arms to our friends anymore, only to enemy's and to friends of our enemys. I dare say President Hussein Obama's buddy Hugo Chevez sells more military equipment than we do. Blackjack, you can stop making gratuitious swipes at America everytime you get the chance. It's your guy who's in charge now. Get with the program.

Silly billy...........

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So its now offical

no one can sell weapons etc other than the USA

all competition will be locked up forever



BlackJack, I don't know where you've been for the last two years but the US is now run by a Marxist Muslim. He's an apologist to every country in the world for any perceived sins of our country. He bows before the Saudi King and Emperor Hirohito. We don't sell arms to our friends anymore, only to enemy's and to friends of our enemys. I dare say President Hussein Obama's buddy Hugo Chevez sells more military equipment than we do. Blackjack, you can stop making gratuitious swipes at America everytime you get the chance. It's your guy who's in charge now. Get with the program.

I assume you are one of those who still insist on seeing a birth certificate ?

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i agree, they came and got john karr within a few days.

True, but it was thought that he killed a cute little white girl.

I think Bout is only accused of killing half a billion africans.

(read the irony here everyone)

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i agree, they came and got john karr within a few days.

True, but it was thought that he killed a cute little white girl.

I think Bout is only accused of killing half a billion africans.

(read the irony here everyone)

I would almost say I can still remember the time we'd sent a gunboat, shoot some of the locals and still have time for afternoon tea ;)

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So its now offical

no one can sell weapons etc other than the USA

all competition will be locked up forever



BlackJack, I don't know where you've been for the last two years but the US is now run by a Marxist Muslim. He's an apologist to every country in the world for any perceived sins of our country. He bows before the Saudi King and Emperor Hirohito. We don't sell arms to our friends anymore, only to enemy's and to friends of our enemys. I dare say President Hussein Obama's buddy Hugo Chevez sells more military equipment than we do. Blackjack, you can stop making gratuitious swipes at America everytime you get the chance. It's your guy who's in charge now. Get with the program.

I assume you are one of those who still insist on seeing a birth certificate ?

Obama can't be that bad. He is the first person ever who got a Nobel Award for the Best Newcomer of the Year.

Funny part is that the so-called birther movement has its prototype in Thailand.

The Democrats started a censure motion that was based on the claim that the then PM was not born in Thailand and an illegal alien and and is therefore not eligible to serve as prime minister. These claims were false, a stupid birther argument, and the then PM proved his Thai Nationality with documents that he had registered to military service in his youth as every Thai man is required to do by law.

This silly and xenophobic censure motion wasn't many years ago in a very distant past during the "heydays" of anti Chinese sentiments and discrimination of Chinese immigrants, but only recently, less than 15 years ago.

Unlike Abhisit, Banharn Silpa-archa (that is the then PM) was born in Thailand and not in China as the Democrats claimed to have "evidence" for. And Abhist could also not provide the document that he registered for military conscription at age 18.

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So its now offical

no one can sell weapons etc other than the USA

all competition will be locked up forever



BlackJack, I don't know where you've been for the last two years but the US is now run by a Marxist Muslim. He's an apologist to every country in the world for any perceived sins of our country. He bows before the Saudi King and Emperor Hirohito. We don't sell arms to our friends anymore, only to enemy's and to friends of our enemys. I dare say President Hussein Obama's buddy Hugo Chevez sells more military equipment than we do. Blackjack, you can stop making gratuitious swipes at America everytime you get the chance. It's your guy who's in charge now. Get with the program.

I assume you are one of those who still insist on seeing a birth certificate ?

Obama can't be that bad. He is the first person ever who got a Nobel Award for the Best Newcomer of the Year.

Funny part is that the so-called birther movement has its prototype in Thailand.

The Democrats started a censure motion that was based on the claim that the then PM was not born in Thailand and an illegal alien and and is therefore not eligible to serve as prime minister. These claims were false, a stupid birther argument, and the then PM proved his Thai Nationality with documents that he had registered to military service in his youth as every Thai man is required to do by law.

This silly and xenophobic censure motion wasn't many years ago in a very distant past during the "heydays" of anti Chinese sentiments and discrimination of Chinese immigrants, but only recently, less than 15 years ago.

Unlike Abhisit, Banharn Silpa-archa (that is the then PM) was born in Thailand and not in China as the Democrats claimed to have "evidence" for. And Abhist could also not provide the document that he registered for military conscription at age 18.

One of the differences is that in Thailand after some proof was given the Dem's stopped. In America the teabaggers are still at it.

Mind you having registered for military service is IMHO not the same as having a Thai birth certificate. And for "And Abhisit could also not provide the document that he registered for military conscription at age 18." you probably have a pointer. More to the point we are deviating from the OP.

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I assume you are one of those who still insist on seeing a birth certificate ?

Obama can't be that bad. He is the first person ever who got a Nobel Award for the Best Newcomer of the Year.

Funny part is that the so-called birther movement has its prototype in Thailand.

The Democrats started a censure motion that was based on the claim that the then PM was not born in Thailand and an illegal alien and and is therefore not eligible to serve as prime minister. These claims were false, a stupid birther argument, and the then PM proved his Thai Nationality with documents that he had registered to military service in his youth as every Thai man is required to do by law.

This silly and xenophobic censure motion wasn't many years ago in a very distant past during the "heydays" of anti Chinese sentiments and discrimination of Chinese immigrants, but only recently, less than 15 years ago.

Unlike Abhisit, Banharn Silpa-archa (that is the then PM) was born in Thailand and not in China as the Democrats claimed to have "evidence" for. And Abhist could also not provide the document that he registered for military conscription at age 18.

One of the differences is that in Thailand after some proof was given the Dem's stopped. In America the teabaggers are still at it.

And for "And Abhisit could also not provide the document that he registered for military conscription at age 18." you probably have a pointer. More to the point we are deviating from the OP.

You could had ignored that stupid anti Obama rant as off topic. I just tried to drag the discussion back to be more Thailand related and added some interesting trivia.

"Mind you having registered for military service is IMHO not the same as having a Thai birth certificate." - mind you that you are just restarting a stupid birther argument. Take it as fact that Silpa-archa is Thai.

And you know what, the 'teabagger' remind me at the Abhisit friends and Thaksin haters at TVF.

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I assume you are one of those who still insist on seeing a birth certificate ?

Obama can't be that bad. He is the first person ever who got a Nobel Award for the Best Newcomer of the Year.

Funny part is that the so-called birther movement has its prototype in Thailand.

The Democrats started a censure motion that was based on the claim that the then PM was not born in Thailand and an illegal alien and and is therefore not eligible to serve as prime minister. These claims were false, a stupid birther argument, and the then PM proved his Thai Nationality with documents that he had registered to military service in his youth as every Thai man is required to do by law.

This silly and xenophobic censure motion wasn't many years ago in a very distant past during the "heydays" of anti Chinese sentiments and discrimination of Chinese immigrants, but only recently, less than 15 years ago.

Unlike Abhisit, Banharn Silpa-archa (that is the then PM) was born in Thailand and not in China as the Democrats claimed to have "evidence" for. And Abhist could also not provide the document that he registered for military conscription at age 18.

One of the differences is that in Thailand after some proof was given the Dem's stopped. In America the teabaggers are still at it.

And for "And Abhisit could also not provide the document that he registered for military conscription at age 18." you probably have a pointer. More to the point we are deviating from the OP.

You could had ignored that stupid anti Obama rant as off topic. I just tried to drag the discussion back to be more Thailand related and added some interesting trivia.

"Mind you having registered for military service is IMHO not the same as having a Thai birth certificate." - mind you that you are just restarting a stupid birther argument. Take it as fact that Silpa-archa is Thai.

And you know what, the 'teabagger' remind me at the Abhisit friends and Thaksin haters at TVF.

You're right, I could have ignored. Consider this a non-reply to your remarks ;)

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Viktor Bout deserves everything coming to him. He and others like him have brought misery to millions. That being said, as an American, it is appalling to me that Western governments like the US, Britain, France and others are seemingly the only entities allowed to ship arms to whomever they choose. The US supported secret arms shipments to the Contras paid for with drug money. The US has supported arms shipments to Indonesia when they were slaughtering people in East Timor, the US provided arms to Iraq during its war with Iran. The list goes on and on. How many deaths did these arms shipments take? In my opinion the United States surely has no moral high ground here when it comes to arms shipments and the death and destruction which results. Would be nice if my government and others set and example BEFORE they go after others. Surely if the US and others would butt out of the middle east there would be little cause of many of the terrorist organizations that exist. It is all about he big powers trying to play a chess game with the little people. Let's keep Iran at bay by using Iraq. Let's keep the countries in the middle east at odds with each other and from becoming powerful as that might be harmful to Israel. The US government putting pressure on the Thai ambassador is just an other example of flexing muscle to get what the US wants.

Hope Viktor does end up dead prior to the US taking custody of him. Would save everyone a lot of trouble, not to mention the money it will cost to have a big show trial and keep him in jail.

Edited by Trouble
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Some interesting comments, some very prudent observations regarding US and its self appointed Police/Armed forces but in real terms getting this guy into the US is perhaps a way to bury him. I am sure his business is still operational and his time in jail has left him quite well compared to other unconnected inmates. The system still operates the same - he who pays etc. So good riddance and let's hope he does double life or even execution. The world will be a better place without him and others like him trading in human misery.

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I expected the outcome a long time ago. It still could be overturned by the government of Thailand though, this is what the Russians and allies are working on at the moment.

I also sensed a strange movement of Russians in an area where I've never seen any before. they also didn't look like being on a shopping trip.

If he gets transported, lets hope that they will find a safe way to do so without endangering civilians during this operation. I'm quite confident that the US law enforcement agencies have learned lessons from the past.

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Is there a mechanism for appealing the Appeal?

Some mentioned an escape...I'd already heard the prison guards were afraid of him (excuses already prepared about "dedicated but outmatched" Thai prison wardens being over--powered by trained KGB secret service agent).

One way or another, VB won't end up in the States. Even if they get him as far as an airport, I wouldn't want to be a guard on that flight...unexplained mid-air accident seems a cert.

One way or another, VB will never end up in the States.

Don't be so sure of that.

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So its now offical

no one can sell weapons etc other than the USA

all competition will be locked up forever



BlackJack, I don't know where you've been for the last two years but the US is now run by a Marxist Muslim. He's an apologist to every country in the world for any perceived sins of our country. He bows before the Saudi King and Emperor Hirohito. We don't sell arms to our friends anymore, only to enemy's and to friends of our enemys. I dare say President Hussein Obama's buddy Hugo Chevez sells more military equipment than we do. Blackjack, you can stop making gratuitious swipes at America everytime you get the chance. It's your guy who's in charge now. Get with the program.


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He's going. Which nation is the better friend to Thailand? USA or Russia? Thailand is being forced to choose. It's no contest. They made the right choice.



Edited by kissdani
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No govt input in Bout verdict: Abhisit

By The Nation on Sunday

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday he was ready to explain to the Russian government about the Appeal Court's decision to extradite leading Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout to the United States.

The reaction came after Russia showed displeasure over the Thai court's decision. Abhisit insisted everything was conducted through the normal Thai judicial process without any government intervention.

The premier denied that Thailand was pressured by the United States to turn Bout over to the US. Abhisit added however that he knows that both the US and Russia consider the case to be important. Asked if there existed a need to make Russia better understand the situation or not, Abhisit replied that yes there was a need, but didn't go into detail as to how to achieve it. He said he would be straightforward in handling the matter.

In a related development, the Office of the Attorney-General said the US government had 90 days to take Bout to the United States.

The Corrections Department has also beefed up security around Bout's detention facility.

Sirisak Tiyaphan, director-general for foreign affairs at the Office of the Attorney General, said the office would on Monday proceed with the extradition paperwork. If the US failed to extradite Bout within 90 days, he would be immediately set free, Sirisak added.

As for the US request for evidence currently in the hands of the Thai authorities, Sirisak said it was not covered by the extradition treaty and must be processed through a different treaty.

Asked by reporters as to what he thinks of the allegation by Bout's family that justice has not been served, Sirisak insisted that the Thai judicial system was up to international standards and added that he was confident that all clarifications could be made. He also denied that the court's decision had anything to do with US pressure and the Foreign Ministry would help clarify that.

Chartchai Suthiklom, director-general of the Corrections Department, said that although security had been beefed up around Bout, he didn't believe that there would be any attempt to help Bout escape from the prison while waiting for his extradition.


-- The Nation 2010-08-22

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Hopefully, when he reaches the American prison system, he won't lose the benefits he achieved here while participating in the dramatic and hugely beneficial obesity-reduction program employed by the Thailand penal system. :thumbsup:

BEFORE (upon arrest):


AFTER (Aug. 20):


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Here's a memorable quote from Nicolas Cage playing Yuri Orlov from the 2005 movie "Lord of War";

Yuri Orlov: The reason I'll be released is the same reason you think I'll be convicted. I do rub shoulders with some of the most vile, sadistic men calling themselves leaders today. But some of these men are the enemies of your enemies. And while the biggest arms dealer in the world is your boss - the President of the United States, who ships more merchandise in a day than I do in a year - sometimes it's embarrassing to have his fingerprints on the guns. Sometimes he needs a freelancer like me to supply forces he can't be seen supplying. So, you call me evil, but unfortunately for you, I'm a necessary evil.

Sadly, I think more governments than would EVER admit it, have used his 'services' at one time or another. ..

Okay, the movie had sooo many good lines, here's one more;

Yuri Orlov: There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?

In reference to the earlier post by 'Buchholz' and the amazing photo proof of the efficacy of weight loss via the thai penal system, here's a new slogan; "LOSE WEIGHT NOW! ASKE ME HOW: THAI PRISON"

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i agree, they came and got john karr within a few days.

True, but it was thought that he killed a cute little white girl.

I think Bout is only accused of killing half a billion africans.

(read the irony here everyone)

No, he is not.

He is suspected of breaking trade embargo's (something in itself a violation of freedom) and delivering arm's to 'non-friendly' nations. From a western stand-point that is.

Now imagine if Russia demanded an American extradited for delivering arms to Kurds in Iraq, revolutionary groups in Iran or...Vietnam 61-75...would the same poster that proclaim that Bout a is a bad man be sheering on that extradition too?

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He's going. Which nation is the better friend to Thailand? USA or Russia? Thailand is being forced to choose. It's no contest. They made the right choice.

post-37101-080441100 1282419615_thumb.jp

So you admit that the judgment is based on Allegiance and not justice?

Hope you don't complain when the same happens in reverse...

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He's going. Which nation is the better friend to Thailand? USA or Russia? Thailand is being forced to choose. It's no contest. They made the right choice.

post-37101-080441100 1282419615_thumb.jp

So you admit that the judgment is based on Allegiance and not justice?

Hope you don't complain when the same happens in reverse...

I don't really know and the only people who do know are the parties involved. However, it is a fact that BOTH the USA and Russian governments have applied strong pressure on Thailand, and the USA got what they want, so I can tell you how it LOOKS.
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He's going. Which nation is the better friend to Thailand? USA or Russia? Thailand is being forced to choose. It's no contest. They made the right choice.

post-37101-080441100 1282419615_thumb.jp

So you admit that the judgment is based on Allegiance and not justice?

Hope you don't complain when the same happens in reverse...

Jingthing already stated that any different decision would make Thailand to a betrayer.

But when it was really pure justice without any pressure. As Thailand diplomatic relations to Myanmar, Iran, North Korea and a couple of other countries are quite different from the way the US foreign policy sees these countries a reverse case could be coming soon. Reasons for extradition of US-Americans to these countries will be easy to find. Not everything what US-Americans do is worldwide legal.

Not to extradite him would not have been a pro-Russia decision. Bout could be of any other foreign nationality. The USA vs Russia argumenta fallacy. That is only the silly mindset of an old cold warrior and some xenophobia and anti-Russian sentiments are probably part of it.

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i agree, they came and got john karr within a few days.

True, but it was thought that he killed a cute little white girl.

I think Bout is only accused of killing half a billion africans.

(read the irony here everyone)

No, he is not.

He is suspected of breaking trade embargo's (something in itself a violation of freedom) and delivering arm's to 'non-friendly' nations. From a western stand-point that is.

Now imagine if Russia demanded an American extradited for delivering arms to Kurds in Iraq, revolutionary groups in Iran or...Vietnam 61-75...would the same poster that proclaim that Bout a is a bad man be sheering on that extradition too?

You are asking for thinking two steps ahead and see the bigger picture. Actually easy, but don't expect that those who cheer Bouts extradition are able to follow your argument.

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