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Hello chaps, I am now into third day of not being able to accesss any BBC site whether it be football, cricket, news etc, is anybody else suffering the same problem? I can get sky and ITN but I find the sport on BBC is usually better, we dont have any sensorship going on here do we?


Thanks for your responses, still unable to access BBC sites although other UK sites all ok. I get internet through th package with the room I am in and I think its 3BBB 5MB? Not expensive but a bit slow sometimes and I think its ADSL also.Regarding the I player you are dead right only available in the UK its sold abroad to other broadcasters,so, even if you have paid you licence tough and I did consider buying an internet radiob but 150 pounds to find your cannot access because of contractual arrangements was not worth the risk. Have to watch sms text on Test Match Special for the same reason. Cant have everything, it may be that there is some local problem with my connection strange though, I am in Nakhon Sawan, centre of the unknown Universe.


Many thanks again, still unable to access the sites so will try and find out how to delete the cookies.


Can you use BBC iplayer here in Thailand? I always getting a message that i have to be in the UK. How to get around that? if possible...

BBC iPlayer in Thailand will allow you to access all BBC radio channels - live streaming and also archived material. I use it all the time on ToT ADSL. You are not allowed to access TV channels, either live or archived because of licencing restrictions. No licence for receiving radio is required in the UK but this is not the case for TV. I believe that the restriction on receiving TV channels applies to all BBC TV and also to the independent channels.

There are, allegedly, ways around this but we can't discuss them here. Google is your friend.



Can you use BBC iplayer here in Thailand? I always getting a message that i have to be in the UK. How to get around that? if possible...

BBC iPlayer in Thailand will allow you to access all BBC radio channels - live streaming and also archived material. I use it all the time on ToT ADSL. You are not allowed to access TV channels, either live or archived because of licencing restrictions. No licence for receiving radio is required in the UK but this is not the case for TV. I believe that the restriction on receiving TV channels applies to all BBC TV and also to the independent channels.

There are, allegedly, ways around this but we can't discuss them here. Google is your friend.


Thanks, i was asking for the known way, managed already thx...

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