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Abhisit Keen To Win A Second Term In Thai Poll This Or Next Year


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Abhisit keen to win a second term in poll this or next year

By The Nation


AN AERIAL VIEW of the front of Government House. New landscaping was carried out in

front of the Thai Kufah and Santi Maitree buildings to adhere to feng shui principles.

PM tells youths he will get a job if he loses the next election

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday revealed a desire to win a second term if a general election is called this or next year - which could prove the climax to his political career.

"If I do not get to become PM again, I may consider other options. And after the end of my political life, I will find a suitable job for myself," he said.

His remarks came as he met with youths and representatives from political parties in Asian countries.

He also said during his weekly TV show that the government would not stop the red shirts from rallying as long as they do not block roads or entrances, obstruct officials from doing their duty, or violate other laws.

The red shirts have vowed to gather in Bangkok to mark the fourth anniversary of the coup on September 19, 2006. They believe they have the right to rally despite the emergency decree in Bangkok because the yellow shirts converged in protest against Unesco over the Preah Vihear Temple dispute in July.

Abhisit dismissed the red shirts' accusation that the government was practising double standards.

"In the Preah Vihear case, police were sent to negotiate, telling (the yellow shirts) they cannot block roads and they finally dispersed. And the second time they wanted to gather outside Government House, we said 'no', so they moved to Din Daeng," he said.

A general election might be called early next year but the PM said he wanted to see results first from inquiries by a reconciliation committee led by Kanit na Nakhon and another panel led by Somat Thamrongtanyawong. Then a "direction" may become clear within three months.

If Pheu Thai Party believed a general election was the way out of political conflict, they should help create a peaceful atmosphere that could lead to an early poll, he said.

However, there had been a spate of bomb attacks using gas cylinders and M79 grenade launchers in Bangkok, Nonthaburi and Chiang Mai, he said. The latest target was Chiang Mai Construction Co early yesterday morning.

"The red-shirt leaders and the Pheu Thai Party leaders cannot deny involvement because the suspects who were arrested also are linked to them," he said.

Responding to ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra's latest statement on reconciliation - that he would not seek revenge but would not "kiss up to anybody", Abhisit said Thaksin should know that reconciliation was about national interest, not his personal interest.

Although Thaksin had significant influence on the opposition, he should not insert himself into the equation, the PM said.


-- The Nation 2010-09-13

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"If I do not get to become PM again, I may consider other options. And after the end of my political life, I will find a suitable job for myself," he said.

Good to hear a refreshingly different tone from,

"Thai Rak Thai Party will rule for 20 years."

- Thaksin Shinawatra

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"If I do not get to become PM again, I may consider other options. And after the end of my political life, I will find a suitable job for myself," he said.

Good to hear a refreshingly different tone from,

"Thai Rak Thai Party will rule for 20 years."

- Thaksin Shinawatra

Or Thaksin's pre coup intentions: "At the end of my political life I'll be headed to the crematorium, because I'm clinging on till the day I die".

Edited by ballpoint
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Actually being democratically elected, not forced by the powers that be


Heady thoughts indeed for this dreamer.

I thought Abhisit was elected in the 2007 election ... and many elections before that.

And then in 2008, a majority of the elected MPs voted for him to be PM.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Sorry, the Dutch uncle in me:

K. Abhisit became PM, but not through winning the elections. His party had a few MP's less than PTP. It was the usual political hackling. So he can win a new term by winning the elections, or by political manoeuvres as before. The new term would be his second then.

Anyway, I hope he gets a chance to continue :)

Edited by rubl
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When/if Abhisit runs for PM again (which he will), his qualifications can definitely read having real world experience in handling extremely tough and volatile issues. He has definitely served during a politically explosive time whether a person agrees or disagrees with his policies and leadership. The next few years will be critical for Thailand as it charts its course through the sea of democracy...hopefully the voyage won't be as rough as the last few years and smoother seas are ahead.

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The best thing will be if the dems are disbanded for breaking the election laws and then the country can move forward, hopefully another party will win power and then also indict them for their acts this year causing the deaths of many Thais, and as for winning a second election, surely to win a second one he needs to win a first one.

flame away but you know I am right ;)

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Win second term? The audacity of this british puppet. Get a job for yourself? More like one of your corporate captains getting a job for YOU! One that you pleased so much, you have to buy knee pads to compensate. Irregardless, you have blood on your hands, not just in this life, but several hundred to boot. Just give me one minute with this guy, behind closed doors or in public..doesn't matter.

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The best thing will be if the dems are disbanded for breaking the election laws and then the country can move forward, hopefully another party will win power and then also indict them for their acts this year causing the deaths of many Thais, and as for winning a second election, surely to win a second one he needs to win a first one.

flame away but you know I am right ;)

I don't think you're right, but you're allowed a personal opinion.

Keep smiling :)

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The best thing will be if the dems are disbanded for breaking the election laws and then the country can move forward, hopefully another party will win power and then also indict them for their acts this year causing the deaths of many Thais, and as for winning a second election, surely to win a second one he needs to win a first one.

flame away but you know I am right ;)

If you look at the last 3 elections, the TRT won a majority after buying up a lot of the smaller parties. Then the TRT couldn't win even without the Democrats there. After that, the PPP couldn't win a majority even though they cheated, but managed to cobble together a coalition, which they couldn't keep together under the PTP, allowing Abhisit to be elected PM.

Edited by whybother
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The best thing will be if the dems are disbanded for breaking the election laws and then the country can move forward, hopefully another party will win power and then also indict them for their acts this year causing the deaths of many Thais, and as for winning a second election, surely to win a second one he needs to win a first one.

flame away but you know I am right ;)

No need to flame - If you want Puea Thai back in power, beware what you wish for.

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The best thing for Thailand will be if Abhisit is back in office for another term. The 2nd best thing for Thailand would be if Thaksin dies suddenly, while choking on his own words. (or eating crow, etc)

Even if Taksin died tomorrow, the anti-Taksin fanatics won't give up their favorite pastime so easily. Their obsessive bashing of any thing that may challenge the status quo will simply see them use 'Taksin's money' instead of 'Taksin', and the smug, patronizing and self-serving jerk-fests that characterize all too many threads on TV will continue long into the future.

Happy tugging....

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The best thing for Thailand will be if Abhisit is back in office for another term. The 2nd best thing for Thailand would be if Thaksin dies suddenly, while choking on his own words. (or eating crow, etc)

Even if Taksin died tomorrow, the anti-Taksin fanatics won't give up their favorite pastime so easily. Their obsessive bashing of any thing that may challenge the status quo will simply see them use 'Taksin's money' instead of 'Taksin', and the smug, patronizing and self-serving jerk-fests that characterize all too many threads on TV will continue long into the future.

Happy tugging....

Good boy, now run along and collect your check from Amsterdam lol :rolleyes:

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The best thing for Thailand will be if Abhisit is back in office for another term. The 2nd best thing for Thailand would be if Thaksin dies suddenly, while choking on his own words. (or eating crow, etc)

Even if Taksin died tomorrow, the anti-Taksin fanatics won't give up their favorite pastime so easily. Their obsessive bashing of any thing that may challenge the status quo will simply see them use 'Taksin's money' instead of 'Taksin', and the smug, patronizing and self-serving jerk-fests that characterize all too many threads on TV will continue long into the future.

Happy tugging....

Good boy, now run along and collect your check from Amsterdam lol :rolleyes:

Okay gramps, but he told me it wasn't due until next week. I'll try to fit it in between collecting all those 500Bt bills from Peua Thai MPs and receiving undisclosed sums of 'Taksin's Money' from invisible intermediaries. In fact, I'm actually getting quite rich these days - all you suckers who actually have to work for money should give it a go instead of, frankly, behaving like those penniless redshirted idiots (tug, tug...ahhh).

P.S. the tooth fairy doesn't exist.

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The best thing for Thailand will be if Abhisit is back in office for another term. The 2nd best thing for Thailand would be if Thaksin dies suddenly, while choking on his own words. (or eating crow, etc)

Even if Taksin died tomorrow, the anti-Taksin fanatics won't give up their favorite pastime so easily. Their obsessive bashing of any thing that may challenge the status quo will simply see them use 'Taksin's money' instead of 'Taksin', and the smug, patronizing and self-serving jerk-fests that characterize all too many threads on TV will continue long into the future.

Happy tugging....

Good boy, now run along and collect your check from Amsterdam lol :rolleyes:

Okay gramps, but he told me it wasn't due until next week. I'll try to fit it in between collecting all those 500Bt bills from Peua Thai MPs and receiving undisclosed sums of 'Taksin's Money' from invisible intermediaries. In fact, I'm actually getting quite rich these days - all you suckers who actually have to work for money should give it a go instead of, frankly, behaving like those penniless redshirted idiots (tug, tug...ahhh).

P.S. the tooth fairy doesn't exist.

But pigs can fly. I've seen it at the Pink Floyd tour for their album Animals :)

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The best thing will be if the dems are disbanded for breaking the election laws and then the country can move forward, hopefully another party will win power and then also indict them for their acts this year causing the deaths of many Thais, and as for winning a second election, surely to win a second one he needs to win a first one.

flame away but you know I am right ;)

I don't think you're right, but you're allowed a personal opinion.

Keep smiling :)

My personal opinion is that he is right

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The best thing for Thailand will be if Abhisit is back in office for another term. The 2nd best thing for Thailand would be if Thaksin dies suddenly, while choking on his own words. (or eating crow, etc)

Love it - yep - let the man do his job and let's hope somehow Thakky ends up, vaporised up the chimney! But I love this quote "... would not stop the red shirts from rallying as long as they do not block roads or entrances, obstruct officials from doing their duty, or violate other laws."

As long as there are red shirt rallies each and every one of these will be broken. So let's see if the BiB will do their job of law enforcement. My guess is nothing has changed and this will prove the ineffective browns and reds will collaborate again. I would love to be proven wrong.

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The best thing will be if the dems are disbanded for breaking the election laws and then the country can move forward, hopefully another party will win power and then also indict them for their acts this year causing the deaths of many Thais, and as for winning a second election, surely to win a second one he needs to win a first one.

flame away but you know I am right ;)

When one comes to a discussion board for the sole purpose of simply creating arguments and not to have rational give and take there is no need to flame, your agenda is quite clear and I am quite sure even YOU don't believe you are right, but why bother with details huh?

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The best thing for Thailand will be if Abhisit is back in office for another term. The 2nd best thing for Thailand would be if Thaksin dies suddenly, while choking on his own words. (or eating crow, etc)

Love it - yep - let the man do his job and let's hope somehow Thakky ends up, vaporised up the chimney! But I love this quote "... would not stop the red shirts from rallying as long as they do not block roads or entrances, obstruct officials from doing their duty, or violate other laws."

As long as there are red shirt rallies each and every one of these will be broken. So let's see if the BiB will do their job of law enforcement. My guess is nothing has changed and this will prove the ineffective browns and reds will collaborate again. I would love to be proven wrong.

There has been analysis in the Thai media about Newin and some interesting police reshufling in the Isaan with speculation there are "blue" police ebing moved into certain Isaan areas to interfere with red activity such as the kind when violence was promised at a Khon Kaen rally. We will see, but career police wont be able to wait forever for Thaksin to return and if another group looks like dominating they will have to go with that

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There has been analysis in the Thai media about Newin and some interesting police reshufling in the Isaan with speculation there are "blue" police ebing moved into certain Isaan areas to interfere with red activity such as the kind when violence was promised at a Khon Kaen rally. We will see, but career police wont be able to wait forever for Thaksin to return and if another group looks like dominating they will have to go with that

Sounds familiar. Sometimes I do not really see much difference between PTP and BJT even with the last part of the current government. Maybe less violence, but still paternalistic, me-first, money-grabbing. I'm afraid the Dem's don't have much choice and aren't that much better anyhow. How come I'm impatient? Another ten years will see important changes :huh:

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Win second term? The audacity of this british puppet. Get a job for yourself? More like one of your corporate captains getting a job for YOU! One that you pleased so much, you have to buy knee pads to compensate. Irregardless, you have blood on your hands, not just in this life, but several hundred to boot. Just give me one minute with this guy, behind closed doors or in public..doesn't matter.

I think I found something that fits in response here:

Internet Tough Guy

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The best thing will be if the dems are disbanded for breaking the election laws and then the country can move forward, hopefully another party will win power and then also indict them for their acts this year causing the deaths of many Thais, and as for winning a second election, surely to win a second one he needs to win a first one.

flame away but you know I am right ;)

So you have the monopoly on truth, eh? Sounds like Jehovah's Witnesses to me.

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The best thing will be if the dems are disbanded for breaking the election laws and then the country can move forward, hopefully another party will win power and then also indict them for their acts this year causing the deaths of many Thais, and as for winning a second election, surely to win a second one he needs to win a first one.

flame away but you know I am right ;)

So you have the monopoly on truth, eh? Sounds like Jehovah's Witnesses to me.

Different religion, same flaws...

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The best thing will be if the dems are disbanded for breaking the election laws and then the country can move forward, hopefully another party will win power and then also indict them for their acts this year causing the deaths of many Thais, and as for winning a second election, surely to win a second one he needs to win a first one.

flame away but you know I am right ;)

I don't think you're right, but you're allowed a personal opinion.

Keep smiling :)

I also don't agree with your opinion and you have no right to say "but you know I am right".

But, as stated, I respect your right to have and express your opinion.

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