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Profile Of A Pattaya Basher.


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After reading hundreds of Pattaya bashing threads on Thai Visa I have to wonder just what is the motivation behind Pattaya bashing.

Certainly the people don’t live in Pattaya. Anyone living here for a while knows the plusses and minuses of the city and I doubt would come down so negatively on the town.

I don’t think there is any profit motive in bashing Pattaya. The business is not going elsewhere, Pattaya is to unique.

Pattaya is not going away because people post negatively about it on Thai Visa. The majority of people who read TV already know the good and bad about Pattaya and are not getting an education.

What on earth could be the motivation of people bashing Pattaya with such vehemence?

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It's usually sex tourists/sexpats from places like Chiang Mai, Phuket, or Bangkok who wish to convince their friends and relatives back home that there is nothing at all sleazy going on in Thailand at all, it's all on the up and up, that is, EXCEPT in Pattaya, which is the pits of hel_l. Then they can say I don't go to Pattaya, and presto, they are Mother Theresa. Dr of Psychiatry Dinglemung Glitterberg (world renowned expert on PDS) will release a book all about this, including tested cures.

Next ...

Edited by Jingthing
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I guess the Pattaya Bashers do just get access to Thaivisa under direct supervision of there Girlfriend or Wife. To show them that they are "good Boys" they put some negative comments on the board about Pattaya.

Pretty much spot on i would say!!:thumbsup:

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just my two satangs worth.

i think its not necessarily pattaya itself, but certain members (not all) on this forum that dont exactly help the stigma already attached to the place.

this is not to say that there aren't other parties from across the board from chiang mai across to isaan down to bangkok, koh samui, hua hin, phuket and all the other regions that are represented on this site that make others want to cringe.

it doesn't help matters though when certain folk go off on one, without provocation attacking different things about a place and the people who live in those areas for no reason what so ever other than to make themselves look like a right knob (and yes its happened on one or more occasion to me). because all thats going to happen is people will just look at where they reside and think, well who are you to talk you live or stay in patts. much like me i will remember the fact next time around and repay remarks or criticism with friendly banter. up to them if they want to take it personally

i dont mind the the odd day out eastwards ! have dropped by many a time to see friends in the region and have had a great time, after all it is part of the country i love and choose to live in, with much of the same traits and culture seen in the rest of the land. i just dont choose to live their because of where my wife and her family are based, which is in bangkok.

much like living in london though or any other major city of the world some people just like to have a dig at the fact. why i dont know ! it just happens to be the capital, not my doing, its just where i am, nothing special about it. like all places it has its pros and cons, just like pattaya.

Edited by tigerfish
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Having never been to Pattaya, I have zero personal knowledge of the town. I am, however, grateful to 'FalangBuddha' to at least convey many of its more positive attractions.

It's pretty pointless to 'bash' any group of people behaving within accepted norms. And fullstop again.

Now, please permit me to say, that the scant awareness I do have of Pattaya, through TV, indirectly via the 'Pattaya One News', and even the NYT (JingThing's current thread), is because of the local, National and even International media's lack of representation of Pattaya's good side being publicized.

Of course bad news and sexy news sells, but that's Pattaya's challenge if its true nature is to be appropriately and proportionally shown to all.

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I rarely comment in defense of Pattaya when I read the bashing threads. One, because the negative comments serve to keep the price down and if the real story were known there would be even more people here.

I appreciate Jingthings restaurant reviews but wonder if they signal the decline of the particular restaurant because of overcrowding.

To me the number two attraction in Pattaya is the food both in restaurants and supermarkets.

It is easy to push the envelope in Pattaya. I did until I got burned so now I don’t do that anymore.

I like the parade of humanity. It is one of the most interesting cities in the world for people watching. Like most cities there are two parts of Pattaya. Tourist’s Pattaya and insider’s Pattaya. Rarely does anyone talk about the insider’s Pattaya on Thai Visa and rightfully so.

It has been suggested that people are jealous of Pattaya or want to paint it as sin city and their place of abode as above reproach. I guess those are accurate statements but I still wonder at the hate and unbridled venom that pours out from some posters. Pattaya seems to assume a larger than life Satan figure to some people.

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Pattaya is what it is. The sleazy parts of town are sleazy, and unlike other pretentious parts of the world,the sleazy bits pretends to be nothing else.

Pattaya is large enough to accommodate everyone's dream. You want sleaze ? Buckets of it. You want restaurants , golf, bowls, genuine nice people who live and enjoy the company of like minded individuals, outside of the sleaze..................Loads of them. Schools , hotels, hospitals, It has it all, if you come to town with an open mind, and actually scratch the surface.

The majority of the bashers, have either never been there, or have only visited the sleaze and are in denial.

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C'mon, JT. You know that it's not just about your restaurant recommendations :)

With 20,000 posts over the years, you know full well why, even those of us who who have no personal knowledge of Pattaya, would have a tarnished image of your town.

Take up the challenge, and post again and again, how you and others are making it better. I want you and others to succeed in transforming Pattaya's into a worldwide positive image !

JT, You have a fine reputation, but on this issue, imo, you really do have to prove the positive, rather than dwelling on others' negative.

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Pattaya is what it is. The sleazy parts of town are sleazy, and unlike other pretentious parts of the world,the sleazy bits pretends to be nothing else.

Pattaya is large enough to accommodate everyone's dream. You want sleaze ? Buckets of it. You want restaurants , golf, bowls, genuine nice people who live and enjoy the company of like minded individuals, outside of the sleaze..................Loads of them. Schools , hotels, hospitals, It has it all, if you come to town with an open mind, and actually scratch the surface.

The majority of the bashers, have either never been there, or have only visited the sleaze and are in denial.

I guess a lot of people come to Pattaya because of it's sleazy reputation but, as you say, there are international schools, hospitals and attractions here that those visitors don't, won't or can't see, so there will always have a negative (adversely positive) view of the place which is reinforced by the 'sex sells' world media.

Edited by PattayaParent
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'FarangBudda' makes an excellent post above.

I am always amazed at the Pattaya bashers, what is their motive? Jealousy? Perhaps they got badly ripped off, lost everything and returned home?

Also, many might be married and living in a different part of Thailand and are jealous of the excitement here.

There was a thread about Soi Buckhaew a few weeks ago and the poisonous comments quickly appeared, even from one person who admitted to visiting....Once! How foolish he must feel. So many comments are from people who have never been to Pattaya for any length of time to discover what is available.

I would say, if you don't like the place, why comment? It is very 'Daily Mail' to slag off Pattaya. It is such a large place, there is something for everyone.

In my opinion Bangkok is a much worse place to live out of choice, but understandable if you work there.

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C'mon, JT. You know that it's not just about your restaurant recommendations :)

With 20,000 posts over the years, you know full well why, even those of us who who have no personal knowledge of Pattaya, would have a tarnished image of your town.

Take up the challenge, and post again and again, how you and others are making it better. I want you and others to succeed in transforming Pattaya's into a worldwide positive image !

JT, You have a fine reputation, but on this issue, imo, you really do have to prove the positive, rather than dwelling on others' negative.

So sorry to disappoint but I am not on the payroll of the tourism board. However, I do "represent" Doctor of Psychiatric Medicine Dinglemung Glitterberg and would be happy to arrange a meeting between him and TAT (for a large referral fee naturally). Perhaps a new tourism slogan for Pattaya? PDS -- There is a Cure, Bring Your Granny to Pattaya!

Edited by Jingthing
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Im not a Pattaya basher per say. Do I know the place, yes lived there for over 6 year's, most of the time with my Thai wife, but when our daughter came along I had a choice bring her up in Pat's or move to where I thought she might have a better life, cleaner air ECT, do I regret it no. Do I go back to Pat's yes when friend's come over on holiday's. Would I ever live there again not in a million year's. If you like Pat's enjoy. It's everything for every one so they say but sorry not for me or my family.

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'FarangBudda' makes an excellent post above.

I am always amazed at the Pattaya bashers, what is their motive? Jealousy? Perhaps they got badly ripped off, lost everything and returned home?

Also, many might be married and living in a different part of Thailand and are jealous of the excitement here.

There was a thread about Soi Buckhaew a few weeks ago and the poisonous comments quickly appeared, even from one person who admitted to visiting....Once! How foolish he must feel. So many comments are from people who have never been to Pattaya for any length of time to discover what is available.

I would say, if you don't like the place, why comment? It is very 'Daily Mail' to slag off Pattaya. It is such a large place, there is something for everyone.

In my opinion Bangkok is a much worse place to live out of choice, but understandable if you work there.

Sid Get of the Soi Buckhow (sp) high horse, some one asked for comments and he got them. As previously stated on this thread there are many parts that go to make up Pattaya and I like enough of them to live here, but there are areas of this town (actually more the occupants) that turn my stomach.

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Pattaya is a hel_l hole!

It's as simple as that. Only ever been once, with my Thai gf (who was not a good girl by any stretch of the imagination).

Even she was totally shocked ..... mainly by bar girls sitting on stools outside bars, no knickers.

"That girl, no knickers, I never see before" summed up her opinion of Pattaya perfectly.

Even naughty girls have some standards of decency ..... but not the girls in Pattaya!

But you want to think of yourselves as normal guys, living in a normal town, go ahead.

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People usually find what they are looking for, then some of them lash out in a sense of self righteous indignation to cover up that fact.

It's like in the UK, people read a preview of a raunchy play or whatever appearing on late night TV and then, having sat up all night to watch it, write letters of complaint to all and sundry.

But quite why these people who claim to hate Pattaya, but seem to know an awful lot about the place <_< , have to reply in every Pattaya thread venting their spleen beats the sh1t out of me.

I intensely dislike Bangkok but I don't slag the place off at every opportunity.

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I live in Pattaya and I generally like it here. However, that is not to say I have not on occassion expressed some negative comment about the town or some of the people who live here. If that is considered as Pattaya bashing, then so be it. I don't really care what other people think when I say the beaches here are in a terrible state, or that the World Expo bid is a big joke when Theppraya Rd can't even be completed, or that some hare brained ideas from City Hall are plain stupid. :P

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Pattaya is a hel_l hole!

It's as simple as that. Only ever been once, with my Thai gf (who was not a good girl by any stretch of the imagination).

Even she was totally shocked ..... mainly by bar girls sitting on stools outside bars, no knickers.

"That girl, no knickers, I never see before" summed up her opinion of Pattaya perfectly.

Even naughty girls have some standards of decency ..... but not the girls in Pattaya!

But you want to think of yourselves as normal guys, living in a normal town, go ahead.


Nuff said

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