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Expats, Do You Have A Valid Thai Driver'S License?



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What conclusions will you draw Sherlock ?

That most expats have a vehicle.

.... but surely you would need to invite the non-driving expats to vote as well ??

ALL expats are ALREADY invited! Are many others confused about this the way you are? Read the poll text. EXPATS. Nothing about whether you drive or don't drive. If many others were confused, then this poll result really is worthless. It was about ALL EXPATS.

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No license. I live in Bangkok, can't really see the point in ever owning a car here. In fact that's one of the things I love most about Thailand, I hate cars and driving and I love that I can go anywhere without one. Mass transit and cheap taxis ftw

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No license. I live in Bangkok, can't really see the point in ever owning a car here. In fact that's one of the things I love most about Thailand, I hate cars and driving and I love that I can go anywhere without one. Mass transit and cheap taxis ftw

For me it would be completely impossible to live in Thailand without a car. I live in Bangkok but I have learned that downtown Bangkok represents more or less the worst of Thailand, and one hour or more outside represents the best. Personally I wouldn't be able to live here and spend 95% of the time in Bangkok which would be the case if I didn't have a car.

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No license. I live in Bangkok, can't really see the point in ever owning a car here. In fact that's one of the things I love most about Thailand, I hate cars and driving and I love that I can go anywhere without one. Mass transit and cheap taxis ftw

For me it would be completely impossible to live in Thailand without a car. I live in Bangkok but I have learned that downtown Bangkok represents more or less the worst of Thailand, and one hour or more outside represents the best. Personally I wouldn't be able to live here and spend 95% of the time in Bangkok which would be the case if I didn't have a car.

I was without a car for a long time in Thailand... first the bike then a car. Now i love both, its so easy to travel to nice spots a bit outside of bkk with the car. Its just perfect.

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What conclusions will you draw Sherlock ?

That most expats have a vehicle.

.... but surely you would need to invite the non-driving expats to vote as well ??

ALL expats are ALREADY invited! Are many others confused about this the way you are? Read the poll text. EXPATS. Nothing about whether you drive or don't drive. If many others were confused, then this poll result really is worthless. It was about ALL EXPATS.

CLEAR AS A BELL. Just trying to help to get your post count up.

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86.11 % Farangs have a Thai Driving Licence! thats quite something,

seems to indicate that the vast majority of Farangs endeavour to comply with Thai Law?

or might it be with a wary eye on the consequences of not having one?

IT would be interesting to know what percentage of Thais have driving licenses?

either way an amazing result,.....so far!

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86.11 % Farangs have a Thai Driving Licence! thats quite something,

seems to indicate that the vast majority of Farangs endeavour to comply with Thai Law?

or might it be with a wary eye on the consequences of not having one?

IT would be interesting to know what percentage of Thais have driving licenses?

either way an amazing result,.....so far!

There is no law that you must have a driver's license.

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Just tried voting to be told I've already voted and can do so only once, though I most definitely have not. No vote possible for me then.

Did you use the 'null vote' option to see the results? If so that counts as a vote.

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I even got 2 drivers licenses. (bike and car). What i have heard is that if you have an accident with your car and you don't have a valid Thai license they wont pay out any money.

Have the same.

I really did pass my tests and gained the licenses legally. I know of some that have paid tea money as a guarantee to pass the test, but that’s cheating and could be putting people`s lives at risk if not up to test standard, bad eyesight for example.

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It's a stroke of luck being able to check in at a hotel with simply a Thai driver's license because the regs are that a record must be kept of foreigners passports and visa status for immigration. Although of course TIT.

Your Passport number in on your Thai Drivers Licence....

Re your previous post of taking your passport when your out of Provence, I never have, My passport only ever leaves the house when I leave Thailand or go to Immigration.. In the car I have a photo copy of face/details page + TM slip and on the back the copy of the Visa. Whenever I have been ask for Passport always show Drivers license no one has ever questioned it or asked for the passport + never in 7 years have I ever been asked for more or shown the photo copy

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I know a guy from the UK been driving in Thailand for 17 years on an International License he maintains. Never a problem and at least one accident claim paid by his insurance company.

I know from experience that hire car companies reccognise Farang home land licenses so I guess they are legal too. Limited period??

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B) I still have a valid Thai drivers license even though I haven't lived in Thailand for three years. Was back last summer for two months but never had an opportunity to drive. I have had one since 2001 when I first moved to Thailand. It definitely comes in handy. Ten years ago there weren't nearly as many Farangs living in LOS as there are now. Will be back next year and will probably renew it.


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Some little advice it is a requirement to carry a copy of your passport which I do but having said that I have only been asked once to see it and that was in Bangkok.

You should also carry copy papers of your car/truck book and your Insurance or a copy of it, again in five years only asked for these once in Sukhothai.

Some little advice - this is a long standing myth in Thailand. There is no requirement to carry your passport, or even a copy, the regulations state that you must be able to produce it in a reasonable time (ie go home and get it).

Yes I have both licenses, and would suggest anyone who drives a car or bike here would be seriously foolish not to get one. For JT, I would even suggest you get one even if not driving/riding, as has been said many times already it is very convenient for ID, hotel check in, domestic flights, and of course obtaining Thai prices at National Parks and tourist attractions.

A real time example - I need to go to work offshore in the Gulf of Thailand next week, and immediately on my return travel to Indonesia for another job. We will not receive the paperwork for the Indonesian working visas until I am already offshore, so my passport needs to go to Bangkok with my staff whilst I am offshore. After a few calls to Thai Airways I now have confirmation in writing that I can use my DL to check in at BKK for my flight to Had Yai then collect my passport in BKK on my way through to Bali in a couple of weeks.

I also find that the tea money is considerably less, or even zero on occasion, on production of your Thai DL when pulled over B)

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I know a guy from the UK been driving in Thailand for 17 years on an International License he maintains. Never a problem and at least one accident claim paid by his insurance company.

I know from experience that hire car companies reccognise Farang home land licenses so I guess they are legal too. Limited period??

90 days apparently, but I know many guys who have used them for years - TIT!

But.....why leave yourself open to possible problems if you are here long term, very easy to get a DL (legitimately)

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I have car and bike 5 year jobbies. Wouldn't think of driving without one. Where would be the up side? saving less than a thousand baht?? :huh:

Indeed having your passport number on there makes it acceptable ID in all manner of places too. Seems like a no brainer to me.

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Okay , I admit , I'm the first to admit to be foolish not having a driving license

for over 10 years . :o

Don't know why I still do not really , I did go once to get one but they really did difficult to me , thats why I guess did't bother to go again , been a while so might try it again its more safe and handy indeed , I'm thinking to get one pretty soon .

But reality is you do not really need one ( motorbike ) , cause have never been asked or

the police bothered I didn't have one , I would be more serious while driving a car which I don't , my wife does , thats ofcourse much more serious when having an accident , but driving a bike we all should have , I still don't .... :guitar:

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Reasons for license:

1. Comply with Thai law, validates insurance coverage

2. Good ID and helps get the Thai admission price

3. (Possible benefit) I've heard that the new license in Thai and English will help you renew an expired DL in your home country, or at least drive there legally :D

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