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I Am Out Of Here Tomorrow


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If your not happy go home. Anyone who has been to Paris loves the place hates the people. That includes the Non Parisian French. Says a lot about you.

Good luck and don't bother writing.

We are happy and we stay. It is our chocie just as yours is to leave.

Personally I have no time for quitters.

So you've never smoked then...


Choccie has three Cs.

I've been to Paris, and never don't hate the people. Or particularly love the place - nice postcards, though.

I always think of Paris as a romantic lover - small, with a great metro...


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So this was just a topic about a guy going away for a few days?

Quite a successful troll thread actually.

Good work OP. smile.gif

On the other hand, I still wonder how can one can live more than a few days in Paris (ok, a few weeks, time to visit everything, I'm exaggerating, I come from a city well known for that my cliche lovers Parisians) whistling.gif

Hope you had not to clean your shoes too often to take out the dogs sh1t, and enjoyed passing though Les Halles at night to go from one RER to another one, while hoping you won't get mugged... And I could go on and on and on like you did for Thailand. Easy to see only the negative side .

/ well TBH, I decided to leave for Asia a long time ago to avoid going to work in Paris, as it was the "place to go" to have a successful career. bah.gif , so I am not totally objective ph34r.gif

Edited by PatLogan
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Well then.....Pffffffffft. I should have said I am currently back in the US for the next couple of weeks finishing up my contract. Did not know we were all supposed to update TV with personal BS, state our flight accommodations to place oneself on the "I am better then you pedestal"

The OP is a dolt.

Can we close the thread now? jap.gif

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haha, we'll all be here still discussing his thread by the time he gets back :)

Actually it was a pretty good troll. Had my mouth positively frothing :)

I don' r know why so many people take offence to even the most innocent thread. I can only guess it is due to poor self-esteeem, sexual uncertainty and a fear of interpol's use of technology


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I don' r know why so many people take offence to even the most innocent thread. I can only guess it is due to poor self-esteeem, sexual uncertainty and a fear of interpol's use of technology



I'll go with the sexual uncertainty.

In fact, I may even start a thread about it. rolleyes.gif

Then I'll be getting advice from people that I don't know, about people they don't know. biggrin.gif

Edited by sillyman99
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So this was just a topic about a guy going away for a few days?

Quite a successful troll thread actually.

Good work OP. smile.gif

Absolutely right. A high quality troll. Wrapped up the usual apologists that as per usual came screaming to the defence of the slightest perception of a slight to LOS. Seven pages is worthy of praise too. Far more creative than the run of the mill troll. :thumbsup:

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There is no such place as Utopia. What is perfect for one can be terrible for someone else so, I wish the OP the best for his move to Paris. Hope you find contentment.

Judas, your magnanimity is admirable. All blessings to you, from the ethical hedonist, Zorba the Buddha (thanks to Osho)

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If your not happy go home. Anyone who has been to Paris loves the place hates the people. That includes the Non Parisian French. Says a lot about you.

Good luck and don't bother writing.

We are happy and we stay. It is our chocie just as yours is to leave.

Personally I have no time for quitters.

It always baffles me when people bring up certain western cities as being some sort of utopia, as if they'd be there if only they can afford it. Paris? Oslo? Madrid? Forget about it. Some guy brought up New York City as being the #1 city to live in. I've been to NYC. Many times. You couldn't pay me to live in NYC. Even if I had Bill Gates sort of money, I wouldn't live in NYC. So when people bring up these cities, as if to make the rest of us envious or second-guess ourselves, they're really pissing up a rope. I could live almost anywhere on this planet and I choose Thailand. YIN DEE, KRUP!

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If your not happy go home. Anyone who has been to Paris loves the place hates the people. That includes the Non Parisian French. Says a lot about you.

Good luck and don't bother writing.

We are happy and we stay. It is our chocie just as yours is to leave.

Personally I have no time for quitters.

It always baffles me when people bring up certain western cities as being some sort of utopia, as if they'd be there if only they can afford it. Paris? Oslo? Madrid? Forget about it. Some guy brought up New York City as being the #1 city to live in. I've been to NYC. Many times. You couldn't pay me to live in NYC. Even if I had Bill Gates sort of money, I wouldn't live in NYC. So when people bring up these cities, as if to make the rest of us envious or second-guess ourselves, they're really pissing up a rope. I could live almost anywhere on this planet and I choose Thailand. YIN DEE, KRUP!

Baffling ain't the word. In a recent thread some fool declared that everyone wants to live in the UK.

I suspect that if he wasn't happy in France the first time around, and wasn't happy in Thailand; he's not going to happy anywhere. Maybe he should try the DRC. They speak French there and lots of excitement all the time. Plus they're sort of poor so he can throw his Euros/Francs around like he did in Thailand.

But the joke's on us; he's only going for a visit; he'll be back!

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It always baffles me when people bring up certain western cities as being some sort of utopia, as if they'd be there if only they can afford it. Paris? Oslo? Madrid? Forget about it. Some guy brought up New York City as being the #1 city to live in. I've been to NYC. Many times. You couldn't pay me to live in NYC. Even if I had Bill Gates sort of money, I wouldn't live in NYC. So when people bring up these cities, as if to make the rest of us envious or second-guess ourselves, they're really pissing up a rope. I could live almost anywhere on this planet and I choose Thailand. YIN DEE, KRUP!

you took the words out of my mouth!

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i totally understand where you are coming from. i've reached that point too. sadly i do not have the means to leave here, but i am looking for a way to get out. best of luck in paris!

good bye will all wingers go home please much better in USA I doubt or europe

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I used to live in one of the cleanest cities in the world , Oslo .

Unfortunately it was also the most expensive city in the world and one of the coldest.

So here I am in dirty Bangkok. Just love it....

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I used to live in one of the cleanest cities in the world , Oslo .

Unfortunately it was also the most expensive city in the world and one of the coldest.

So here I am in dirty Bangkok. Just love it....

A cleaner Bangkok? All it would take is a little personal responsibility... Oooops....TIT, mai pen rai.

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Personally I couldn't live in upcountry Thailand.

I go to Phayao once a year for a few days and I am bored very very quickly.

I need the western amenities, restaurants, bars, gyms etc

Heck all the Thais that i know up country are busting to get out.

Many play cards and drink all day out of sheer and utter boredom.

You have to have a special type of character to live in rural Thailand for any length of time.

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Personally I couldn't live in upcountry Thailand.

I go to Phayao once a year for a few days and I am bored very very quickly.

I need the western amenities, restaurants, bars, gyms etc

Heck all the Thais that i know up country are busting to get out.

Many play cards and drink all day out of sheer and utter boredom.

You have to have a special type of character to live in rural Thailand for any length of time.

Personally you would have to pay me a LOT of money to live in BKK or any big city.

I lived and worked in and out of BKK for 5 years and for me you can keep it.

I live outside of a small village 65 km southwest of Khampaeng Phet and I don't need the western amenities, restaurants, bars, gyms etc

as I have lived with that for quite a few years and after living up here for 7 years very little of the western style attracts me.

I am retired and live with my wife and son on 10 rai of land with my nearest neighbour 100 metres away. I can relax and do what I want, watch and listen to birds and buitterflies.

Gyms well I have a semi redundant exercise machine and I get most of my exercise cutting down the scrub and grass around the place.

Restaurants, my wife had one but shut it down as a lot of her customers mistook her for a bank that did not need repaying.

Bars, been there and done that and now I don't drink that much.

I have a motorcycle so I can wander off and see friends more or less when I want to.

I only have a mobile phone and a DTAC EDGE connection but it works OK for me.

When I see my son off to school or wander around on my motorbike I wave and say hallo to kids and adults and most of the time I get a wave and smile back and the smiles are genuine.

There is plenty of good Thai food around and the people out in the country are nice too.

Very little crime at least around here.

What is not to like in Thailand.

Life is really what you make of it.

I usually get bored quickly in BKK unless my wife and son come as well otherwise when I have bought my books and meds and done my shopping what else is there to do?

I have been to bars and massage parlours etc and I no longer feel the need to go there any more.

Locally I get the same treatment and pay the same prices as the locals.

A lot may want to go to the city and earn more but many of those who have been don't like it but they do it for the money and there is not always a lot more of that either.

Edited by billd766
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Personally I couldn't live in upcountry Thailand.

I go to Phayao once a year for a few days and I am bored very very quickly.

I need the western amenities, restaurants, bars, gyms etc

Heck all the Thais that i know up country are busting to get out.

Many play cards and drink all day out of sheer and utter boredom.

You have to have a special type of character to live in rural Thailand for any length of time.

Personally you would have to pay me a LOT of money to live in BKK or any big city.

I lived and worked in and out of BKK for 5 years and for me you can keep it.

I live outside of a small village 65 km southwest of Khampaeng Phet and I don't need the western amenities, restaurants, bars, gyms etc

as I have lived with that for quite a few years and after living up here for 7 years very little of the western style attracts me.

I am retired and live with my wife and son on 10 rai of land with my nearest neighbour 100 metres away. I can relax and do what I want, watch and listen to birds and buitterflies.

Gyms well I have a semi redundant exercise machine and I get most of my exercise cutting down the scrub and grass around the place.

Restaurants, my wife had one but shut it down as a lot of her customers mistook her for a bank that did not need repaying.

Bars, been there and done that and now I don't drink that much.

I have a motorcycle so I can wander off and see friends more or less when I want to.

I only have a mobile phone and a DTAC EDGE connection but it works OK for me.

When I see my son off to school or wander around on my motorbike I wave and say hallo to kids and adults and most of the time I get a wave and smile back and the smiles are genuine.

There is plenty of good Thai food around and the people out in the country are nice too.

Very little crime at least around here.

What is not to like in Thailand.

Life is really what you make of it.

I usually get bored quickly in BKK unless my wife and son come as well otherwise when I have bought my books and meds and done my shopping what else is there to do?

I have been to bars and massage parlours etc and I no longer feel the need to go there any more.

Locally I get the same treatment and pay the same prices as the locals.

A lot may want to go to the city and earn more but many of those who have been don't like it but they do it for the money and there is not always a lot more of that either.

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So you're going to Paris, but your parents will remain in Thailand?

Out of curiousity, why did you choose to live in Thailand in the first place?

My mother refused my proposition and my Alzheimer father died this August.

I visited her yesterday and she continues to claim she will not stand the heath.

I did explain why I choose to live in Thailand in an earlier reply.

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I've always thought it was a fairly ordinary process coming online to DEGRADE a place just because your own miserable existence didnt work out. There seems to be one of these types of threads every other week, where someone comes in and carries on with rubbish about the traffic, transport systems, food, cleanliness blah blah this and blah blah that.

Interestingly one of his gripes was about the traffic here. Let me tell you Paris itself is not exactly 'safety city' when it comes to driving & things get rather hectic on the road there too. Ive also wondered why in Paris the Police always seem to drive everywhere with the sirens and lights flashing. Anyway, he will be able to treat his silver line appetitie to some good old EXPENSIVE french food & I guess he can just hope and pray the chef washed his hands after urinating/scratching his arse and before preparing the OP's OVERPRICED meal. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind Paris but its got its own faults, just like nearly everywhere else.

An example of your usual crappy replies :whistling:

Firstly you are a moron to think that "my own miserable existence didn't work out"

Secondly you deliberately misunderstand posters here.

The problem with Thai drivers is their "irresponsibility" vis a vis their own lives on the roads, not to mention our lives which are at risk. And "irresponsibility" is a nice word. I would rather use "suicidal" but then no Thai wants to kill himself driving a motorbike or car isn't?

Hectic traffic in Paris or Rome has no bearing with death wish Thai driving.

Just when I left my home heading to Udon Thani airport last Tuesday a guy on a motorcycle came my way, so I had to wait he passed my house before turning onto the street. Now when I saw this man he was 100m from my house and it takes a few seconds to reach my place, so I do what Thais don't: wait a few seconds. But it took him more than a few seconds to reach my house. Guess why??

He was not just holding a mobile in his left hand, I saw him PUNCHING digits with his fingers passing by my place very very slowly. Sure he was using his right hand to steer and power his bike.

When at last I passed him he had his mobile against his left ear at last. Getting off your bike to make a call must be a stupid thing to do?

Hygiene at any restaurant any where on the planet is an issue, more so at Thai food stalls.

There is one 200m down my house I once had phad Thai at 14.00. I had to drive to an Udon hospital at 16.00.

I now learned the woman running the place cooks the food the night before and when that food is sitting there in pots under the roof at +30C you might guess what happens.

My take is you are an expert in idiotic replies :whistling:

View PostSakeopete, on 2010-09-27 15:05, said:

BTW do french women shave?

Only their faces :lol:

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Not once in his original post did the OP say anything about leaving permanently. That was an assumption by this group of readers. For myself, I fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Thirty minutes of my remaining life span is now gone, but it was a pretty interesting 30 minutes nevertheless... The OP's planning, as it turns out, has been flawless. He is in a position to travel out of Thailand whenever he feels like it. I would be satisfied with planning my own retirement half as well. The work plodding continues...

Ah well, found a poster who can read.

Most of you could use listening skills, what did you learn in school?

Predictably the usual suspects creep out of their holes to shout "insult" if you dare criticize the Land Of Smiles.

Then it's "oh, he 's only away for a few days. Now how much are a few days?

Less than 10? less than 30? Less than 100? Less than 1000? Or is that he's only away for a few years?

Jeez, what some wanke_rs on this board.

Any way, I am enjoying the mild climate, the leaves turning yellow, brown and red, I left the Paris subway and museums to the tourist, I enjoy real food in a village not unlike my Thai home, no suicidal motorbike riders.

I'll be back when it starts freezing here, I hate the cold.

And I'll fly business class if you don't mind.

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Not once in his original post did the OP say anything about leaving permanently. That was an assumption by this group of readers. For myself, I fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Thirty minutes of my remaining life span is now gone, but it was a pretty interesting 30 minutes nevertheless... The OP's planning, as it turns out, has been flawless. He is in a position to travel out of Thailand whenever he feels like it. I would be satisfied with planning my own retirement half as well. The work plodding continues...

Ah well, found a poster who can read.

Most of you could use listening skills, what did you learn in school?

Predictably the usual suspects creep out of their holes to shout "insult" if you dare criticize the Land Of Smiles.

Then it's "oh, he 's only away for a few days. Now how much are a few days?

Less than 10? less than 30? Less than 100? Less than 1000? Or is that he's only away for a few years?

Jeez, what some wanke_rs on this board.

Any way, I am enjoying the mild climate, the leaves turning yellow, brown and red, I left the Paris subway and museums to the tourist, I enjoy real food in a village not unlike my Thai home, no suicidal motorbike riders.

I'll be back when it starts freezing here, I hate the cold.

And I'll fly business class if you don't mind.

Ha! NOW, the original topic makes sense! Leave a country when things are going in the dumpster and return when things are looking bright!

I do the same thing all year long. As soon as the fishing season ends in Canada, and the weather turns cold and wet I return to Thailand and all that Thailand offers to anyone willing to embrace the gift of sunshine, cheap accommodations and food, and last but not least... beautiful women in aboundance. Then, in March when the Thai valleys are shrouded in forest smog, and the sun beats mercilessly down on my tender, pale skin I can return just in time for trout season to begin.


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