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The Pattaya Beach Mole Removal Guy - A Review


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Several trips to LOS ago, I got a mole removed at the 'Laser Sadist Girl Beauty Clinic' in Central Festival. For 1100 baht, a flock of gorgeous Thai chicks in white nurse uniforms conspired to nuke a mole on my arm. That resulted in excruciating pain for a whole several seconds and a bloody hole so big and deep you could lose a gang of Chilean miners in it. However, it eventually healed up completely. Now - no more arm mole, just a faint pink blemish.

I have a bunch more moles I'd like to get rid of, but I'm too chicken to face that laser again.

So here I am, sitting on Pattaya beach, contemplating the big questions in life such as: why don't the deckchair operators clean up the rubbish from their section of beach in the mornings? There's a constant stream of vendors wanting to sell me wallets, sunnies, massage. Then along comes a middle-aged Thai guy with a small photo album. His English is almost non-existent but the photos show before and after pix of folks with and without their moles. His equipment is a small unlabelled bottle of black liquid, a bunch of toothpicks and sticky tape. He wants to work his magic on a mole on my nose. Hmmm.

I've read about the black liquid and toothpick technique on another forum - it gets good reviews. According to the forum posts, the black liquid could be anything from a secret Thai herb to battery acid mixed with soot. I think it's more likely to be the latter. I ask him what it is and he mumbles "Thai whiskey".

I'm not going to risk my face, but I let him try his magic on a chest mole.

Anyway, he paints his black liquid on my mole with a toothpick, then puts a small square of sticky tape over it. No pain at all. "Half hour - shower," he instructs. Cost is 300 baht.

A few days later the result is a small sore which is scabbing over and obviously healing well. So I stop Mole Removal Guy on his beach patrol and get a tummy mole done. Two weeks later, ex-mole one is now a pink blemish and ex-mole two has scabbed over and is healing well. No infection.

This is pretty amazing. A total lack of hygiene or antiseptic, a dubious liquid just painted on with a toothpick and it does the same job as the $$$ laser. Much quicker. And not at all hurty. The only negative is there's no gorgeous Thai chicks in white nurse uniforms involved. But I'm so impressed that I might get more moles done by Pattaya Beach Mole Removal Guy on my Christmas trip.

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Well that's satisfied my curiosity. When I read moles I thought of the Jasper Carrott "There's only one way to get rid of a mole" type mole. I've many dubious furry creatures along Pattaya Beach but moles? No.

Interesting, I wonder how permanent it is. It could be just industrial strength bleach he's using with a bit of that sam niaow liquor.

  • Haha 1
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you belong to him now----------------------you are his wife and he has your soul and your axs -------------------did you not see the sign when you entered pattaya-----------------abandon hope all ye who enter here-------oh dear

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..another cost effective personal treatment for moles, skin tags, and flat body warts is 30% Neutral Buffered Formalin.

30% strength can still burn healthy skin and irritate the eyes, so dab it on carefully with a cotton bud each three days and it will shrivel up and drop off. Available at pharmacists or local Pathology Lab. for next to nothing. Beware it is extremely toxic as it is a tissue fixative..meaning its caustic nature forces blood and liquids out of the tissue thus preserving it; or in this case starving the applied area of blood and nutrients. Some moles are too large for this type of removal and need professional diagnoses as they maybe melanomas or the like. Hope this info. assists.

Edited by rodcourt49
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He may have used salicylic acid.

I used this 10 years ago for a girl I knew, and then some friends tried it as well and were very happy with it.

Put vaseline around the mole, and then use a a cue tip to dab a small amount of the acid onto the mole.

Do this twice a day, more or less for a couple of days and the mole will be gone.

Have fun

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  • 11 years later...

Not a mole but i have had a tattoo removed many moons ago.

Little shop in Pattaya some where and i was told it would take the

ink out in just one treatment!

It did!

Basic soldering iron and it hurt like hell ,but it worked.

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