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Poll: Obama's popularity faces record low with only 37 percent having a positive opinion

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Poll: Obama's popularity faces record low with only 37 percent having a positive opinion

2010-10-26 05:11:13 GMT+7 (ICT)

NEW YORK (BNO NEWS) -- As many as two-thirds of Americans (67 percent) have a negative opinion of the job President Barack Obama is doing while just over one-third (37 percent) have a positive opinion, according to the latest Harris Poll, which was released on Monday.

As President Obama spends the next week traveling around the country in support of Democratic candidates before this year's midterm elections, he is currently facing his lowest job approval rating of his presidential term.

According to the report, which surveyed 3,084 adults online between October 11 and 18, nine in ten Republicans and Conservatives give the job the president is doing negative ratings.

More surprisingly, however, is the fact that one-third of Democrats (34 percent) and Liberals (33 percent) also give him negative ratings, as do seven in ten Independents and six in ten Moderates.

People with higher education seem to be the ones looking more favorable at Obama's job as Americans who give the president the highest positive ratings are those with a post-graduate education (48 percent), a college education (47 percent), and those living in the West (42 percent).

On the other end of the spectrum, almost three-quarters of those with a high school education or less (72 percent) and two thirds of Midwesterners and Southerners give the President negative marks on his overall job.

Even though President Obama is at a low point, Congress is facing an even lower rating with just one in every ten Americans give the political body positive ratings on the job they are doing while nine in ten give them negative marks. While Congress may be under Democratic control, even four in five Democrats (81 percent) give them negative ratings.

A larger scope of the American view point may clarify the unfavorable opinion of U.S. politics and politicians. The survey showed that just one-third of U.S. adults (34 percent) believe the country is going in the right direction while two-thirds (66 percent) think it is going off on the wrong track.

While not close to the low it was before the 2008 election - when only 11 percent said things were going in the right direction - this is one of the lower points of this year.

As the November 2nd elections approach and momentum seems to be in the Republicans' favor for Congress (at least for the House of Representatives), it is still uncertain how Obama's popularity will affect the official polls.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-10-26

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I am so shocked, he had so many great achievements and experience before getting the most important leadership role in America. Oh wait...

Well he looked good on the beach at least.


He has lost the Independents and never had any of the Republicans.

The only thing that can save him is if he loses both Houses of Congress and is forced to move away from his socialistic principles and become more moderate. He now needs to agree with most of the American constituency and pray for Congressional gridlock.

I hope you are wrong, Jingthing. We can't afford him much longer.


The easy part was becoming President, thats when you find out this job is not as essy as I thought, he talks good looks good, but substance I have yet to see. Regan was the President I have seen and he aint no Ronnie Reagan, yes he was an actor, the President has to be an actor and deliver his lines, Reagan ended the cold war. A great achievement, Obama is no Reagan. It seems to me that if the President does not make a difference in his first term he does not have much time in his second. I am waiting, down to 37% eh, not just me then. I am from England by the way and please dont think I am anti- USA I just say as I feel. Promised so much, delivered so little, so far.


On all the fundamental issues there is no difference between Obama and Bush, so it's no surprise that there has been no 'change' and that he is unpopular.

This could change of course should Obama get his own Pearl Harbour event. Bush was a lame duck until 9/11.


37% huh? So he's just down to the government employees now.

It's not that serious. He will still be able to beat the pants off Palin or any other right wing Beckian nutcase the teabag party puts up.


... Reagan ended the cold war. A great achievement, Obama is no Reagan. ...

Reagan did what???

I thought it was the much misunderstood Sec-Gen Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev ?


Only if he pulls a Clinton and turns his back on the far left. ;)

Pres. Obama hardly caters to the far left. What an American considers liberal or a lefty is a Red Tory/progressive conservative elsewhere One can expect a continued polarization as despair takes hold. There is something fundamentally wrong with a society where 1% of the population owns 38% of the wealth and where 10% of the population owns 70% of the wealth. The amazing deceit of Sarah Palin and the Republican party has been that it has been able to convince Americans that the numbers are different. The Republicans killed the middle class with their obsession on borrowing. The democrats killed the working class by pandering to inefficient and dying industries. Both Democrat and Republican parties serve the ultra wealthy that control both parties.


... Reagan ended the cold war. A great achievement, Obama is no Reagan. ...

Reagan did what???

Reagan did indeed help end the cold war:

Yes, Ronnie did help Margaret Thatcher defeat Bolshevism. :D


^Post #17 Yes he did!!! But isn't Obama a Nobel peace prize winner?? :rolleyes::whistling:

Good to see the rest of the world and the U.S. finally catching up to what I was saying 6 months before he was elected..

I said all along he was promising everything but the reality would be he couldn't deliver on those promises and his view was naive at best and deceptive at worse but all anyone wanted to hear was that he was the Messiah...


Nothing wrong with Obama getting the Nobel prize. They gave it to him for becoming the President of the USA while having no qualifications whatsoever.

Quite an enormous achievement really.


Nothing wrong with Obama getting the Nobel prize. They gave it to him for becoming the President of the USA while having no qualifications whatsoever.

Quite an enormous achievement really.

If memory serves me there have been a few of that, Pres. Obama's predecessor comes to mind. When recently someone threw a book at Obama it was said 'this president isn't scared of books, should have done with the previous one'


Nothing wrong with Obama getting the Nobel prize. They gave it to him for becoming the President of the USA while having no qualifications whatsoever.

Quite an enormous achievement really.

Oh! Thanks for the fact check :) ......


... Reagan ended the cold war. A great achievement, Obama is no Reagan. ...

Reagan did what???

Reagan did indeed help end the cold war:



According to that wikipedia entry and CBS... ???


The end of the cold world just spoiled a business opportunity for the USA.

Thanks your god you have the Islam and Osama so you can keep the war games rolling.


... Reagan ended the cold war. A great achievement, Obama is no Reagan. ...

Reagan did what???

I thought it was the much misunderstood Sec-Gen Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev ?

No, not really. Gorbachev is much misunderstood in the west.


... Reagan ended the cold war. A great achievement, Obama is no Reagan. ...

Reagan did what???

Reagan did indeed help end the cold war:



According to that wikipedia entry and CBS... ???


The end of the cold world just spoiled a business opportunity for the USA.

Thanks your god you have the Islam and Osama so you can keep the war games rolling.



You can look for yourself, remember, Google is your friend. Do your own homework instead of making frivolous posts! :boring:


According to that wikipedia entry and CBS... ???


The end of the cold world just spoiled a business opportunity for the USA.

Thanks your god you have the Islam and Osama so you can keep the war games rolling.



You can look for yourself, remember, Google is your friend. Do your own homework instead of making frivolous posts! :boring:

The other dudes stopped and lost interests to fight the cold war, so the cold war was over. However the American cold warriors declared victory and claimed the end as their achievement. Never spoil a chance for patriotic flag waving.

And not a problem for the USA they found a new enemy. More heroes to celebrate.

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