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Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

Stander you are incorrect that we all have the same opportunity in life, but I guess you already know this. You choose to live in a Third World Country, if you were as wealthy as you claim to be I would be so bold as to say you would not choose to spend your time in Thailand but more than likely in one of the many luxury destinations around the Globe.

But nice try.

“All envy is proportionate to desire”

I have been based in Thailand since 1987; my geographical areas of responsibility are the Middle East and Asia.

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Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

Stander you are incorrect that we all have the same opportunity in life, but I guess you already know this. You choose to live in a Third World Country, if you were as wealthy as you claim to be I would be so bold as to say you would not choose to spend your time in Thailand but more than likely in one of the many luxury destinations around the Globe.

But nice try.

"All envy is proportionate to desire"

I have been based in Thailand since 1987; my geographical areas of responsibility are the Middle East and Asia.

Please give us some insight I feel you avoid assist us in answering how the rich live. We would like to be able to understand the advantage to being rich like you.

I will help you a little ok. so you can compare lifestyles . I will give you insight to how us poor live you tell us how the rich live is that a deal.

Where should I start.

I have travelled since I was 19 years of age. Been Asia ,Europe South America , Have walked on glaciers 600 miles from of the north pole(that is the top of the world if you donot know).Have owned and raced yachts intensively for decades. Have done race committees up to olympic level. Owned multiple houses last one in North America an acreage with front room view across george strait could see vancouver and lights on the ski mountains behind it. Should I keep going or will you please just be so kind to tell us what wealth and fortune has done for you. I am so interested. Maybe we have same interests. Next year I will take a holiday from Asia and to Mexico for marlin and tuna fishing. Just a short trip a month or so. Oh yes and last year was in Canada on a one month ski trip in the Rockies.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

Stander you are incorrect that we all have the same opportunity in life, but I guess you already know this. You choose to live in a Third World Country, if you were as wealthy as you claim to be I would be so bold as to say you would not choose to spend your time in Thailand but more than likely in one of the many luxury destinations around the Globe.

But nice try.

"All envy is proportionate to desire"

I have been based in Thailand since 1987; my geographical areas of responsibility are the Middle East and Asia.

I am not envious, just mucking around, I live on the East Coast of Australia, I have a great lifestyle, not as cheap to live as Thailand, but I guess that is my cross to bare. I am still early on in my working career, I may be wealthy by the time I am 50 or flat broke, I really don't know, I may drop dead of a heart attack next week.

I am happy to have successful people around me, it tends to rub off, I am not jealous of there wealth, I am happy for them.

My only gripe with your comment is that we are all put on this Earth equal and with equal opportunities, I am sure as an educated person you know this is just not true.

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Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

Stander you are incorrect that we all have the same opportunity in life, but I guess you already know this. You choose to live in a Third World Country, if you were as wealthy as you claim to be I would be so bold as to say you would not choose to spend your time in Thailand but more than likely in one of the many luxury destinations around the Globe.

But nice try.

"All envy is proportionate to desire"

I have been based in Thailand since 1987; my geographical areas of responsibility are the Middle East and Asia.

Please give us some insight I feel you avoid assist us in answering how the rich live. We would like to be able to understand the advantage to being rich like you.

I will help you a little ok. so you can compare lifestyles . I will give you insight to how us poor live you tell us how the rich live is that a deal.

Where should I start.

I have travelled since I was 19 years of age. Been Asia ,Europe South America , Have walked on glaciers 600 miles from of the north pole(that is the top of the world if you donot know).Have owned and raced yachts intensively for decades. Have done race committees up to olympic level. Owned multiple houses last one in North America an acreage with front room view across george strait could see vancouver and lights on the ski mountains behind it. Should I keep going or will you please just be so kind to tell us what wealth and fortune has done for you. I am so interested. Maybe we have same interests. Next year I will take a holiday from Asia and to Mexico for marlin and tuna fishing. Just a short trip a month or so. Oh yes and last year was in Canada on a one month ski trip in the Rockies.

Well you are clearly either not poor or you have a vivid imagination.

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Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

Stander you are incorrect that we all have the same opportunity in life, but I guess you already know this. You choose to live in a Third World Country, if you were as wealthy as you claim to be I would be so bold as to say you would not choose to spend your time in Thailand but more than likely in one of the many luxury destinations around the Globe.

But nice try.

"All envy is proportionate to desire"

I have been based in Thailand since 1987; my geographical areas of responsibility are the Middle East and Asia.

I am not envious, just mucking around, I live on the East Coast of Australia, I have a great lifestyle, not as cheap to live as Thailand, but I guess that is my cross to bare. I am still early on in my working career, I may be wealthy by the time I am 50 or flat broke, I really don't know, I may drop dead of a heart attack next week.

I am happy to have successful people around me, it tends to rub off, I am not jealous of there wealth, I am happy for them.

My only gripe with your comment is that we are all put on this Earth equal and with equal opportunities, I am sure as an educated person you know this is just not true.

I would say all the people who are capable of contribuitng to this type of forum are probably reasonably educate, but may or may not have taken advantage of all opportunities or had the drive to succeed.

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Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

Stander why do you only attack others ? I have tried so hard to help you open up and share. I told you in another post what being poor and loathsome as you imply I am has allowed me in life. So please open up and stop avoiding tell us what a great life your money has given you. Please donot tell us you are a slave to money and are an unhappy man consumed with wealth and power. Your avatar shows slavery gets things done so maybe you are a slave to money please let us know we are so interested.

I want to explain to you how i see wealth and people.

There are people born poor who work hard and get out of poverty.

There are people born poor who are poor all their lives.

There are people born rich who can handle prosperoty and stay rich.

There are people who are born rich and squander it and die poor.

And at the bottom of the pile is those who are neither rich or poor who feel stepping on the poor all their life will make them rich. I willnot name name here Stander because it isnot polite. But what category do you feel most peolpe place you and where do you place yourself.

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Do you think that you could be able to distance yourself from material wealth, if you had always been poor?



Having grown up in a poor family I learnt the value of money, and now the more I gain, the less real value it has as I have nothing I want to buy with it.

Not even health care? a pair of glasses?

My wife and i come from poor families - but we are sure happy to be able to buy those!

.....and what do you mean, "the more i gain" ? .... why do you still make the effort to gain money ?

Again, i am not trolling, i try to understand - for my own benefit.

I'd say health care and glasses are essential purchases along with schooling (at least here in Thailand, it would be different if living back in UK for instance), not materialist possessions.

I can afford a Ferrari, I would like a Ferrari, but do I need a Ferrari? No, so I buy a car that can get me from A-B just as easily. Same with a Rolex. I've bought all the 'toys' I wanted years ago and now have no interest in buying more that I don't really need just because they're the latest thing, or the most expensive to show off.

Most of the money I spend is on my family, healthcare, schooling and holidays and as I have a young child those things are going to become increasingly more expensive so it's good to be able to gain more money while I'm able, in a job I enjoy (which doesn't require much effort really) and actually be paid to live in a place I want to be.

I consider I spend a lot of money but not on a 'lifestyle of the rich and famous' which I think your OP is about and we've gotten a bit OT.

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if you're poor, dont travel.

Sorry how did you get anything in this post that had to do with poor we are talking spend till you drop. No one ever posts here about the high life but certainly criticeze talk about living on less.

So please stay on topic

Just check out this prck's other posts.

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You want to have your house paid for, your children's complete education paid for, your children's future homes paid for and you want enough left over so that you do not have to work and so that you can eat and drink whatever you want. that is rich in my book.

I think if you are doing the mid life crisis bachelor in a shoe-box + beer bar monsters life style -- that it is OK as long as you plan to remain single. When guys on limited funds decide to start a family that is when the trouble starts. :whistling:

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if you're poor, dont travel.

Sorry how did you get anything in this post that had to do with poor we are talking spend till you drop. No one ever posts here about the high life but certainly criticeze talk about living on less.

So please stay on topic

Just check out this prck's other posts.

Orrrrr, if this is your vid, you need to take a good hard look at yourself :lol:


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Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

Stander you and I are so much alike.

Yes, you and I are both members of the elite community here in LOS.

I spit in the faces of the poor. I fart on those who are struggling here on less than 35000 baht a month.

WORKSHY? The less said about them the better; Castrate the lot of them, that's what I say.

Why doesn't Thai visa create a new membership proviso that all members must have a minimum of 300 million baht in the bank and a monthly income of 500000 baht? That way decent hard working self made men like us wouldn't have to correspondence or interact with the too many peasants and trailer park trash participating on these forums. Immigration should have those on incomes of less than 35000 baht a month, picked up off the streets, imprisoned, brutally beaten and then deported back to the cesspits they came from.

Right up with the well off and lets give it hard to the poor.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

Stander you and I are so much alike.

Yes, you and I are both members of the elite community here in LOS.

I spit in the faces of the poor. I fart on those who are struggling here on less than 35000 baht a month.

WORKSHY? The less said about them the better; Castrate the lot of them, that's what I say.

Why doesn't Thai visa create a new membership proviso that all members must have a minimum of 300 million baht in the bank and a monthly income of 500000 baht? That way decent hard working self made men like us wouldn't have to correspondence or interact with the too many peasants and trailer park trash participating on these forums. Immigration should have those on incomes of less than 35000 baht a month, picked up off the streets, imprisoned, brutally beaten and then deported back to the cesspits they came from.

Right up with the well off and lets give it hard to the poor.

Let them eat cake!!!!!

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I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

Isn't this hate speech? Why is this tolerated here anymore than some bozo bigot who says kick out all the Muslims or kick out all the Welshmen?

In any case, whether his kind of obnoxious sentiment is tolerated or not, let's call a spade a spade, that poster is indeed expressing closed minded BIGOTRY. Everyone who doesn't behave like him, have the same level of wealth as him, have the same material desires as him and willing to make the same unbalanced choices as him to achieve those earth killing desires, according to him, is not a worthy human being.

Edited by Jingthing
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I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

Isn't this hate speech? Why is this tolerated here anymore than some bozo bigot who says kick out all the Muslims or kick out all the Welshmen?

In any case, whether his kind of obnoxious sentiment is tolerated or not, let's call a spade a spade, that poster is indeed expressing closed minded BIGOTRY. Everyone who doesn't behave like him, have the same level of wealth as him, have the same material desires as him and willing to make the same unbalanced choices as him to achieve those earth killing desires, according to him, is not a worthy human being.

I'd like to think beetljuice was joking. ;)

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I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

Isn't this hate speech? Why is this tolerated here anymore than some bozo bigot who says kick out all the Muslims or kick out all the Welshmen?

In any case, whether his kind of obnoxious sentiment is tolerated or not, let's call a spade a spade, that poster is indeed expressing closed minded BIGOTRY. Everyone who doesn't behave like him, have the same level of wealth as him, have the same material desires as him and willing to make the same unbalanced choices as him to achieve those earth killing desires, according to him, is not a worthy human being.

I'd like to think beetljuice was joking. ;)


I was speaking about Stander.

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I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

Isn't this hate speech? Why is this tolerated here anymore than some bozo bigot who says kick out all the Muslims or kick out all the Welshmen?

In any case, whether his kind of obnoxious sentiment is tolerated or not, let's call a spade a spade, that poster is indeed expressing closed minded BIGOTRY. Everyone who doesn't behave like him, have the same level of wealth as him, have the same material desires as him and willing to make the same unbalanced choices as him to achieve those earth killing desires, according to him, is not a worthy human being.

I'd like to think beetljuice was joking. ;)


I was speaking about Stander.

See what you mean. One for the shredder that post. :D

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Seems to me that the more posts there are then the further away things are getting from the OP's original question.

Heres my bit;

My wife and I get through 20 to 25 litres of red wine a month

I also get through two bottles of Martel a month

We eat out at least once week when we enjoy some good Angus steak, I also enjoy three pints of Guiness

We own (yes we own) a modest two bedroomed bungalow with living space of approximately 160 square metres with a further 85 square metres for covered parking and garden

We run a Mercedes car (18years old) and it is only serviced at a Mercedes dealer

I buy a new laptop every two years

I but new software whenever it is available, always original i.e Windows 7 Ultimate, Office 2010 Professional, Adobe Acrobat 9 and many others

I have two Omega Constellation watches plus one solid gold watch (wife has the ladies match)

My wife likes to buy jewelry and she buys from one shop only which always gives a guaranteed buy back value

You can draw your own conclusions about wealth

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I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

Isn't this hate speech? Why is this tolerated here anymore than some bozo bigot who says kick out all the Muslims or kick out all the Welshmen?

In any case, whether his kind of obnoxious sentiment is tolerated or not, let's call a spade a spade, that poster is indeed expressing closed minded BIGOTRY. Everyone who doesn't behave like him, have the same level of wealth as him, have the same material desires as him and willing to make the same unbalanced choices as him to achieve those earth killing desires, according to him, is not a worthy human being.

Well said. I also wonder where the ordinary low paid Joe in the military stands in his point of view. The guy who chooses to put his life on the line to protect someone like stander who ridicule the less well off which will include Joe. :unsure:

And BJ is joking. :D

Yes, I am joking of course, but surely anyone can see that my post contains as much credibility and of the same intelligence level as Standers post. A fitting extension of Standers post, I think.

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You want to have your house paid for, your children's complete education paid for, your children's future homes paid for and you want enough left over so that you do not have to work and so that you can eat and drink whatever you want. that is rich in my book.

I think if you are doing the mid life crisis bachelor in a shoe-box + beer bar monsters life style -- that it is OK as long as you plan to remain single. When guys on limited funds decide to start a family that is when the trouble starts. :whistling:

Well said Chunky1

I don't really see myself as rich, I am financially secure. I have no debt, my two houses and the houses for my sons are all paid for.

My kids get the best education available and they want for nothing.

I have company paid insurance, private insurance and company medical cover.

My wife and sons have the very best available medical cover.

My sons have trust funds that will pay out a substantial amount when they are 20.

I spend a lot of time away from home and my wife does a wonderful job looking after the kids, taking care of all the day to day issues and she does this with the peace of mind that we are financially secure.

As Chunky puts it "the mid life crisis bachelor in a shoe-box + beer bar monsters life style "is okay as long as he remains single, but if he starts a family that is when the trouble starts.

We can all see the poor foreigners with the Thai partner, normally many years younger, with the young kid, who will not be 10 years old when his Papa dies. Then what future has that youngster.

By all means come live here, but if you are on a low fixed income then don't make it a permanent move.

If you are a retiree then make sure your pension/investments will be able to see you through in comfort.

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Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

I make around 35k a month and i am more than happy ..so why should i leave.

So i can go home and find a job where the national minimum working wage per hour is £5.93 ..i dont think so rolleyes.gif

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Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

I make around 35k a month and i am more than happy ..so why should i leave.

So i can go home and find a job where the national minimum working wage per hour is £5.93 ..i dont think so rolleyes.gif

You should leave because some elitist with a pole up his arse thinks you should! Now obey, peasant! Edited by Jingthing
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Transam and Lovelomsak you really need to get a grip of your self-loathing. We all had the same opportunity and if you did not take the opportunity to get a good education and then have the drive to make something of your life, then yes I guess it sucks to be poor.

Yes I am financially secure and I enjoy a good lifestyle, I believe in the simple cliché, work hard, play hard.

I have nothing, but disdain for the workshy foreigners who live here and I stand by my statements that any foreigners living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

I make around 35k a month and i am more than happy ..so why should i leave.

So i can go home and find a job where the national minimum working wage per hour is £5.93 ..i dont think so rolleyes.gif

You should leave because some elitist with a pole up his arse thinks you should! Now obey, peasant!

That could be taken two ways, so to speak...


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As I recall, the question was - what do you spend your money on?

In descending order:




Foreign holidays - mostly for wife and kids - back to the Motherland and elsewhere in Asia

Big nights out

Savings (I'm counting the mortgage in the home country against that rent, so that it works out near nil cost)

Western groceries

Things that are cheap in Thailand, like taxis, local food, domestic staff etc.


35,000 a month would not pay for any one of the first three

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As I recall, the question was - what do you spend your money on?

In descending order:




Foreign holidays - mostly for wife and kids - back to the Motherland and elsewhere in Asia

Big nights out

Savings (I'm counting the mortgage in the home country against that rent, so that it works out near nil cost)

Western groceries

Things that are cheap in Thailand, like taxis, local food, domestic staff etc.


35,000 a month would not pay for any one of the first three

i live up in the sticks ( Issan ) and 35k will more than pay for the first 3 things.rolleyes.gif

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As I recall, the question was - what do you spend your money on?

In descending order:




Foreign holidays - mostly for wife and kids - back to the Motherland and elsewhere in Asia

Big nights out

Savings (I'm counting the mortgage in the home country against that rent, so that it works out near nil cost)

Western groceries

Things that are cheap in Thailand, like taxis, local food, domestic staff etc.


35,000 a month would not pay for any one of the first three

i live up in the sticks ( Issan ) and 35k will more than pay for the first 3 things.rolleyes.gif

Just as well, given the opportunities up there...

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