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l refer to my post that seemed only a few moments away :-

What a strange thing to post.

1. Hot power showers my good man I am English and l have hot baths too.

2. l have an automatic self flushing electric toilet system which has sensors that switch on when human waste is present .

3. l sleep in my electrically monitored cooled water bed with lots of pillows.

4. l eat some Thai food and long as it is not hot or spicey, silly question.

5. Good God man what the bloody hel_l is a " sarong " is that one of them ladyboy thingies or what.

6. Church of England my good man " Long live the Queen ".

7. What's wrong with speaking English are you retarded.

8. What family !!! l do not mixed with peasants or anyone that has not got a Phd.

9. l do not have a clue what you are on about my good man l have servants that carry out such chores.

10. Thai what !! For God sake what is wrong with you my good man all my servant are on there knees when l attend breakfast.

11. Dam hot here you know, Air- Conditon throughout the house even the garage because my fleet of cars have to be kept at an ambient temperatures.

My 5 kilometer driveway has automatic fine spray atmospheric machines to cool air all the way to my 52 room Mansion.

12. l will add one more my good man, l have a sign at my entrance gates that displays " Hawkers, Gipseys, and Beggars will be shot on sight "

You never thought of that did you.

Edited by Kwasaki
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so because i often make fast money that is a 2 year salary for you, i have diarrhea of the mouth? Pretty sad when a broke old man gets jealous on the internet.

You're close to the tipping point where you'll kill and stuff a bargirl in suitcases and hide the knife in your ceiling when they disconnect your internet for non-payment

Strewth! That was a close escape! Thank heavens for internet detectives....

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First there was stander now there is ilyelol.

The difference is I believe Stander believes everything he writes.

Ilyelol is simply trying to get reactions and is a harmless immature prankster but he certainly is keeping this thread open.

Yes your right, though most believe he/they is/are a tosser but it makes for some writing fun. Good they know where they stand eh. :D

SergeiY makes these two look like rank amateurs. ;)

Amateurs of/at what. ? :)

Exactly..;) and I could tell of/at what but it would be a swift TV hoilday. :) i should add IF it was taken the wrong way:whistling:

Edited by carmine
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112 113 postings and not a single one from a "high roller" to compensate the OP's envy and frustration :lol:

But you have arrived and I hear your a high rolling Klingon.. thought it were the Ferengii who accumelated wealth not the Klingons :D

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112 113 postings and not a single one from a "high roller" to compensate the OP's envy and frustration :lol:

But you have arrived and I hear your a high rolling Klingon.. thought it were the Ferengii who accumelated wealth not the Klingons :D

No for Gods sake Naam; don't make those of us living in cockroach invested one roomed apartments with less than 15K baht/month incomes feel any worse; I'm already looking for a friend who has a top floor condo so I can take the plunge if I don't rise out of this depression . . . jap.gif

Hey maybe the OP can give me a nice job in his multibillion $$ company? Please? I handle a mean broom . . . .

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112 113 postings and not a single one from a "high roller" to compensate the OP's envy and frustration :lol:

But you have arrived and I hear your a high rolling Klingon.. thought it were the Ferengii who accumelated wealth not the Klingons :D

i arrived because i wanted to see what reactions the obvious troll caused.

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To some a "high roller" is the one drinking Singha while those around him drink Chang. It's all relative. B)

I swing both ways, Singha with dinner out , Chang Draught for pleasure. :D So don't know where that puts me.

Fearful of commitment. :lol:

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To some a "high roller" is the one drinking Singha while those around him drink Chang. It's all relative. B)

I swing both ways, Singha with dinner out , Chang Draught for pleasure. :D So don't know where that puts me.

Is Swinging legal in Thailand?


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When traveling I demand to ride the VIP bus.

You only qualify if you get the seat directly behind the driver . . . . anything else doesn't cut it whistling.gif

on caffeine all night with hel_l boy 2 on TV somewhere above 3.000 in the Andes

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To some a "high roller" is the one drinking Singha while those around him drink Chang. It's all relative. B)

I swing both ways, Singha with dinner out , Chang Draught for pleasure. :D So don't know where that puts me.

Fearful of commitment. :lol:

Not fearful at all the Singha is ok but Chang is much more tasty as you would say in Thailand and won well deserved awards, Heineken on the other hand is like water.:jap:

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Not fearful at all the Singha is ok but Chang is much more tasty as you would say in Thailand and won well deserved awards, Heineken on the other hand is like water.:jap:

Correction, Piss water. :D

? Piss water on the other hand? woops - easily done

- oh dear, and on the shoes...


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Not fearful at all the Singha is ok but Chang is much more tasty as you would say in Thailand and won well deserved awards, Heineken on the other hand is like water.:jap:

Correction, Piss water. :D

? Piss water on the other hand? woops - easily done

- oh dear, and on the shoes...


Yep, that's Heineken. :D

Garbage in - garbage out; its like being a computer.

The daleks drink Heineken - that's why they don't wear shoes.


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if you're poor, dont travel.

Tell that to the people of Europe who made the USA with nothing in their pockets. :rolleyes:

I like to try to get back on topic from time to time, but before I do, here's a blast from the past.

At the time of independence, the land-owners of the New World were the wealthiest and most prosperous citizens of the Empire. They were rich enough to throw off the colonial yoke and declare UDI - and, in some ways, they are the best advertisement for the British empire that there could be....The USA was made by wealthy British plantation owners, and the impoverished ghetto-residents that followed from Eastern Europe and elsewhere helped them surpass their old-world peers in wealth and stature. Tell the people whinging about Polish immigrants to the UK today how they helped develop the USA in the previous century....

Anyway, back on topic: I said what I spend my money on, and I earn a lot; no-one else has come out with much, except for one bloke boasting of his bling but to be honest, if you don't have anything else to spend money on, bling is cheap. A colleague I worked with drove a Ferrari - "Isn't that a bit extravegant?"

"How much did your house cost? I'm not married - why would I want a house? So which is more extravegant? A house or a Ferrari?"

I earn a lot, and I know what I spend most of it on, and I don't think its extravegant. But it turned out, when you counted in all the costs, that for the best staff, Thailand was not necessarily a cheap place to live,....

And here's another anecdote - from a foreign country. A friend got a "housing allowance" paid in cash, so he stayed in a village house, and got into trouble with local gangsters - probably. I told my staff: "We pay your rent directly, because you're a foreigner, and we don't want you getting into trouble - you're not here to sort out problems, you;'re here to work."


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Wow, so much vitriol in this thread! For a minute I thought I was on another well-known Thai-Centric website.

To attempt to boil this down to the lowest common denominator, it all comes down to the 7 P's.

Prior Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

If you do not prepare yourself for the future, you have no one to blame but yourself.

No, everyone is not born with the same opportunities. By the grace of the powers that be, most here were born into western societies which provided basic education. Where you take it from there is up to you. Yes, some were born into families which could afford higher education for their children while others did not. If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to attain your goals. Education is the basic premise to a prosperous life.

Some were born with the proverbial silver spoon in their mouth and achieved wealth the old fashion way, they inherited it. In my experience, these a some of the most unhappy people I have ever met in my life. They are also the most prevalent to piss it all away on useless crap, drugs and material possessions. Unless parents instill a value system within their children, then wealth means little.

Most are born into middle class families where they have a roof over their heads, working parents, a TV, 2 cars, a mortgage, 2.3 children and more debt than they can handle. They find a way to get by, but never seem to get ahead due to the "keeping up with the Jones'" syndrome. The kids most likely attend a local community college or attain a vocational trade and begin their 40+ years of service to society as cogs in the machine. Rinse and repeat, generation after generation.

Those born into families less well-off or downright poor have a rough row to hoe. This, in and of itself is not a reason why a person cannot achieve personal prosperity in their lives. Hard work, dedication, establishing goals and not letting anything get in the way of those goals is what makes a person successful. Either through personal satisfaction or material wealth. It means something because they have earned it. Someone who actually pulls themselves up by their boot straps and makes things happen are usually a hearty breed who complain about little, know the value of a baht and typically live far below their means. Once you reach the point of meeting the needs of your family and you are happy, everything else is superfluous.

Then there are those of the final category. Those who just get by day-to-day, zero advanced education, having a work-a-day job with little to no planning for the future. Living in the moment and never thinking or doing anything to improve their lot in life. Spending their evenings in the pub, instead of attending night school to better prepare themselves. Buying that new toy instead of investing or saving the $$$. Thinking they can relocate to a foreign country with a pittance in their pocket and 'hoping' that things will turn out in their favor, and are then surprised and bitter when they don't. Usually a jealous bunch who resent anyone with more than they have. Making spiteful comments to any and all who will listen. Throwing stones due to their own shortcomings. After all, it's the only way they can make themselves feel better about themselves.

It is never too late in life to make a change. Many of the most prosperous people in history did not attain wealth and / or fame until late in life. They never gave up the dream and never stopped reaching for the brass ring. So if you find yourself jealous and bitter about what someone else has or does, perhaps it's time to look in the mirror and make a plan.

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There is a very fine line between class envy and hatred & intolerance.

No there isn't; they blend seemlessly in a continuum of subtly shaded hues.

The point about lines in the sand is that the tide, the wind and constant crossing wipe them out soon enough.

Its probably easier to try to eliminate one's envy than to try to reign it in to the right side of your fine line.

I think we are agreed that hatred and intolerance are wrong. What about dislike and prejudice? or antipathy and stereotypes?

Anyway, I'm still interested to hear how other people squander their millions...

...and I'm not jealous or intolerant of people who are frugal enough to live on a lot less than me...


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I sense a mocking tone in your post, typical TVer thinking anybody claiming to be spending more than 30,000 THB a month is lying.

I'll say though that living the high-life in Bangkok is not cheap. it is easy to spend US$5k+ per month. Possibly even on housing alone.

Enjoy your street food.

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