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Sanan, Thaksin meet in Norway

By The Nation

Fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra was to meet Chart Thai Party chief adviser Sanan Kachornprasart in Norway yesterday to discuss their joint national reconciliation efforts, Thaksin's lawyer Noppadon Pattama said.

The two politicians would use their presence at a Thai temple in Norway for a ceremony to accept an antique Tripitaka to talk about problems facing the country and campaigns calling for democracy and justice, Noppadon added.

Sanan has been leading a national campaign on his own initiative to bring about national reconciliation.

Noppadon said the success of the talks between Thaksin and Sanan immensely depended on cooperation from the government. "I do not have high hopes, but I do not mean to discourage him. Sanan is over 70 and I fully support his efforts," he said.

Noppadon rebutted claims by the Democrats that Thaksin's Canadian lawyer Robert Amsterdam is planning a campaign against the Thai government and Thai courts in South Africa on Friday. He said the Democrat claim was merely mudslinging and a malicious attack launched to divert public attention from the government's failure to help people affected by floods.

He said Amsterdam was just going to submit a statement about undemocratic incidents and injustice in Thailand at a meeting of political parties from democratic countries around the world. "If he presents stupid and nonsense statements, he would risk being rejected and ridiculed because those attending the meeting have their own judgement and follow the situation in Thailand," he said.


-- The Nation 2010-11-07

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So, did they meet or not?

Once again, excellent The Nation reporting. They have a headline that indicates that the met, but then go on about what would do when they met. They've just rehashed previous articles, with no new information. And then they've gone off on their obligatory barely related topic.

(repeated from article posted in another thread).


The Nopapdum Non-News; edition 635.

This guy is just told to say something and make it sound official

every 2 days whether there is something new or real to say, or not.


The Nopapdum Non-News; edition 635.

This guy is just told to say something and make it sound official

every 2 days whether there is something new or real to say, or not.

Yep the puppeteers of politics.... blink.gif

The two politicians

Was wondering who the other politition was?

Sanan is one but the other person mentioned is a crim on the run if what I read is correct.

The two politicians

Was wondering who the other politition was?

Sanan is one but the other person mentioned is a crim on the run if what I read is correct.

One is a knight in shiny armor, the other is still polishing his ;)


None of this is about what's best for Thailand and for building a strong democracy with solid respect for the law and solid respect for the democractic building blocks, reducing the gap, and building better opportunity for all and therefore gaining a better quality of life for a very large % of all Thais.

'Reconciliation' is a total farce. Reconcoiliation is not aimed at the development of Thailand, it's aimed totally at regaining old style Thai politics, the old picture with 99% of the politicians involved having no real understaning of what democracy means or how it works, 99% of them incapable of insightful analysis or discussion and no desire whatever to do so.

Sanan is in fact a good example, he's been involved in politics, several parties, for probably 25 years. What has he really contributed to the strong development of a civil society? Nothing whatever! Has he ever made an insightful speech with policies which take Thailand forward? No, never! And it should not be forgotten that this man has broken electoral laws in the past and has been punished for doing so.

In fact it's a sorry state of affairs for Thailand when people like him are somehow in the spotlight and nobody challenges why he's in the spotlight.

In term of what's best for the long-term future of Thailand, thaksin should not be in the picture / thaksin is a convicted person, a serious human rights abuser who should be in the dock in the Hague for crimes against humanity, and with something like 12 more major serious cases currently bogged down in the Thai court processes. Surely there is something very very smelly about allowing a man like this to play a key role in all of this mess. His aims are as clear as a bell, to generate a picture which ultimately is for his own cunning and selfish benefit, and a return to the old pictuer and full steam ahead with both hands in the budget monies, nepotism etc etc.

I say again, why is Sanan talking with this criminal?

On the side of this scenario (from 'reconcoliation') is the likelyhood that we would see a return of people like Chalerm, Jatuporn, miss 40% etc., heading the major ministries, none of whom have strong capabilities or good morals.

I really hope that somehow, coming very soon, we start to see younger, highly capable, highly sincere people get involved (and there are plenty of them) and generate the policies and actions which solidly make progress towards a civil and better society for all. In fact until this happens Thailand stagnates, and when it does happen it will in fact push the incapable / insincere dinosours out of the picture.

But I'm not holding my breath, unfortunately I suspect that things will have to get a lot worse before we see a real middle class movement which has solid credibility, which can and does generate proper debate and eventually gains a solid foothold into Thai politics. Foothold through solid credibility not thru mob action.

I say again, I'm not holding my breath.


You can call Mr Thaksin "criminal" or "fugitive" or any stupid name like this... But the day he will make his come back, some politiciens here will be shaking...

They all worked together to rob Mr Thaksin and grab a big slice ... But do not doubt for a moment that Mr Thaksin has the memory of an elephant and he will make the difference between hyenas and wolves ... Of course he is not all pink Mr Thaksin ... But you see if one accepts what they did to him; then you must accept what will happen to you when a girl will lie obnoxiously to extort your money in collusion with the authorities.



None of this is about what's best for Thailand and for building a strong democracy with solid respect for the law and solid respect for the democractic building blocks, reducing the gap, and building better opportunity for all and therefore gaining a better quality of life for a very large % of all Thais.

'Reconciliation' is a total farce. Reconcoiliation is not aimed at the development of Thailand, it's aimed totally at regaining old style Thai politics, the old picture with 99% of the politicians involved having no real understaning of what democracy means or how it works, 99% of them incapable of insightful analysis or discussion and no desire whatever to do so.

Sanan is in fact a good example, he's been involved in politics, several parties, for probably 25 years. What has he really contributed to the strong development of a civil society? Nothing whatever! Has he ever made an insightful speech with policies which take Thailand forward? No, never! And it should not be forgotten that this man has broken electoral laws in the past and has been punished for doing so.

In fact it's a sorry state of affairs for Thailand when people like him are somehow in the spotlight and nobody challenges why he's in the spotlight.

In term of what's best for the long-term future of Thailand, thaksin should not be in the picture / thaksin is a convicted person, a serious human rights abuser who should be in the dock in the Hague for crimes against humanity, and with something like 12 more major serious cases currently bogged down in the Thai court processes. Surely there is something very very smelly about allowing a man like this to play a key role in all of this mess. His aims are as clear as a bell, to generate a picture which ultimately is for his own cunning and selfish benefit, and a return to the old pictuer and full steam ahead with both hands in the budget monies, nepotism etc etc.

I say again, why is Sanan talking with this criminal?

On the side of this scenario (from 'reconcoliation') is the likelyhood that we would see a return of people like Chalerm, Jatuporn, miss 40% etc., heading the major ministries, none of whom have strong capabilities or good morals.

I really hope that somehow, coming very soon, we start to see younger, highly capable, highly sincere people get involved (and there are plenty of them) and generate the policies and actions which solidly make progress towards a civil and better society for all. In fact until this happens Thailand stagnates, and when it does happen it will in fact push the incapable / insincere dinosours out of the picture.

But I'm not holding my breath, unfortunately I suspect that things will have to get a lot worse before we see a real middle class movement which has solid credibility, which can and does generate proper debate and eventually gains a solid foothold into Thai politics. Foothold through solid credibility not thru mob action.

I say again, I'm not holding my breath.

yes , reconcilliation is a joke, maybe it translated wrong from Thai? reconcile back to what??? NORMAL? HA HA HA

back to when the gangsters used to keep truces and crave up the corruption pie...

why is Thaksin the only one on the run? CONVICTED and accused terrorist Sondhi can run wild and free, make war on Cambodia ,,, ha ha ha

the lovers' quarell and stalemate between sondhi and thaksin, has had the weird positive effect of pointing spot lights into ROOMS and corners that used to bubble below the surface,,,

if everybody could just Xxxx xxx Xxxxxx!!! Thailand could look at joining the Modern World.

Draconianism is THE #1 enemy of Thailand!! numero uno

call 1111



Norway to Hold Meeting Between Sanan and Thaksin

PS does Norway knows she holds a meeting ?

That was the first thing I wondered about.

A review of several Norwegian news media sources turned up nothing.

Perhaps Norway hasn't been informed yet.

So, did they meet or not?

Still found nothing in several Norwegian news media sources and news searches in general.

Only thing that turns up is Noppadon's assertions in a few local media outlets.


begin removed ...

why is Thaksin the only one on the run? CONVICTED and accused terrorist Sondhi can run wild and free, make war on Cambodia ,,, ha ha ha

the lovers' quarell and stalemate between sondhi and thaksin, has had the weird positive effect of pointing spot lights into ROOMS and corners that used to bubble below the surface,,,

... end removed

K. Sondhi may be accused, but he's not convicted. Like k. Thaksin before he is out on bail. K. Thaksin jumped bail, k. Sondhi is still here.

K. Thaksin talked a lot about a plot to assassinate him, k. Sondhi was actually shot at.

Both should stay out of politics, that's what we may agree on.


Just take a good look at his pic in #13!

No further comment needed!

Sanan? :rolleyes: he's Thailands "Éminence Grise".... he is about just everywhere, involved in just everything... he's the embodiment of what it means here to be a "influential person", at least he, as many others of his "school" believe this!


PM Abhisit not aware of DPM Sanan's trip to Norway to meet Thaksin, if true, insist him to go through judicial processes /THE NATION

Abhisit doesn't read the Nation then. Smart move.


PM Abhisit not aware of DPM Sanan's trip to Norway to meet Thaksin, if true, insist him to go through judicial processes /THE NATION

Abhisit doesn't read the Nation then. Smart move.

Maybe he doesn't read the Nation. However, it was an even smarter move to distance himself from the DPM, if there was in fact a meeting. Had he not done so and there had been a meeting, Abhisit's position would have been untenable.


begin removed ...

why is Thaksin the only one on the run? CONVICTED and accused terrorist Sondhi can run wild and free, make war on Cambodia ,,, ha ha ha

the lovers' quarell and stalemate between sondhi and thaksin, has had the weird positive effect of pointing spot lights into ROOMS and corners that used to bubble below the surface,,,

... end removed

K. Sondhi may be accused, but he's not convicted. Like k. Thaksin before he is out on bail. K. Thaksin jumped bail, k. Sondhi is still here.

K. Thaksin talked a lot about a plot to assassinate him, k. Sondhi was actually shot at.

-- end removed

WRONG; he's convicted slanderer = your nose needs whitening cream, knee pads OFF plz

Do you really think Sondhi is a national hero?

just like the reds think thaksin is?

they are both thugaroonies, laddie boy


Just take a good look at his pic in #13!

No further comment needed!

Sanan? :rolleyes: he's Thailands "Éminence Grise".... he is about just everywhere, involved in just everything... he's the embodiment of what it means here to be a "influential person", at least he, as many others of his "school" believe this!

Sanan? isn't he the one trying to broker a mafia style truce among the gangsters 'sic politicians'?

that pig trough has taken quite a beating lately.

note to pundits = they will proclaim it is democracy ha ha ha,ck cough splutter

carving up the corruption pie = democracy = aight


Norway to Hold Meeting Between Sanan and Thaksin PS does Norway knows she holds a meeting ?

That was the first thing I wondered about.

A review of several Norwegian news media sources turned up nothing.

Perhaps Norway hasn't been informed yet.

'whybother' timestamp='1289092942' post='4006480']

So, did they meet or not?

Still found nothing in several Norwegian news media sources and news searches in general.

Only thing that turns up is Noppadon's assertions in a few local media outlets.


still plotting and hiding from the law and his prison sentence

thats the bottom line, if he'd cut the "bs" and come clean. on a positive note at least (allegedly) he met in a developed country that didn't kick him out yet.


begin removed ...

why is Thaksin the only one on the run? CONVICTED and accused terrorist Sondhi can run wild and free, make war on Cambodia ,,, ha ha ha

the lovers' quarell and stalemate between sondhi and thaksin, has had the weird positive effect of pointing spot lights into ROOMS and corners that used to bubble below the surface,,,

... end removed

K. Sondhi may be accused, but he's not convicted. Like k. Thaksin before he is out on bail. K. Thaksin jumped bail, k. Sondhi is still here.

K. Thaksin talked a lot about a plot to assassinate him, k. Sondhi was actually shot at.

-- end removed

WRONG; he's convicted slanderer = your nose needs whitening cream, knee pads OFF plz

Do you really think Sondhi is a national hero?

just like the reds think thaksin is?

they are both thugaroonies, laddie boy

Convicted for slander, but not terrorism as you suggested the way you phrased your post.

But very naughty! Where in my last reply you put '-- end removed' I had

"Both should stay out of politics, that's what we may agree on."

Naughty indeed!

(edit: clarify first sentence)


You can call Mr Thaksin "criminal" or "fugitive" or any stupid name like this... But the day he will make his come back, some politiciens here will be shaking...

They all worked together to rob Mr Thaksin and grab a big slice ... But do not doubt for a moment that Mr Thaksin has the memory of an elephant and he will make the difference between hyenas and wolves ... Of course he is not all pink Mr Thaksin ... But you see if one accepts what they did to him; then you must accept what will happen to you when a girl will lie obnoxiously to extort your money in collusion with the authorities.


So you are saying he is *not* a criminal and a fugitive?


No word on Sanan-Thaksin meeting

By The Nation

Ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra's expected meeting with Chart Pattana Party chief adviser Sanan Kachornprasart in Norway could not be confirmed, the fugitive's personal lawyer said yesterday.

Noppadon Pattama said he was unable to contact Thaksin over the weekend.

On Saturday the lawyer said the two politicians would use their attendance at a ceremony for a Thai temple to accept an antique Tripitaka to discuss problems facing the country and campaigns calling for democracy and justice.

Chart Thai Party adviser Somsak Prissanananthakul said Sanan's mission to promote national reconciliation had nothing to do with the party or the government coalition.

"Since it is his personal matter, he can go and meet anyone,'' he said.

Chart Thai Party spokesman Watchara Kannika said Sanan would explain himself about whether the rendezvous with Thaksin did take place when he returns to Thailand this morning.

"He had earlier indicated he would speak with Thaksin, which he said was part of his efforts to forge reconciliation. He has good intentions,'' he said.

He refused to comment if Sanan could face legal action for dereliction of duty if he did get together with the fugitive.

"We have to check what the law says and wait and see if Sanan saw Thaksin or not,'' he said.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva refused to comment on whether Sanan's appointment with the fugitive politician was appropriate, saying he had once talked to Sanan about his plan to sound out Thaksin and the deputy PM said he would tell Thaksin to surrender and face justice.

Sanan was not an authority and it was not clear if he had met and how he met Thaksin, Abhisit said, adding that there were only comments about the meeting from a third party.


-- The Nation 2010-11-08

Fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra was to meet Chart Thai Party chief adviser Sanan Kachornprasart in Norway yesterday to discuss their joint national reconciliation efforts, Thaksin's lawyer Noppadon Pattama said.

Seemingly qualifies for Noppadon Public Misstatement # 391.

Ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra's expected meeting with Chart Pattana Party chief adviser Sanan Kachornprasart in Norway could not be confirmed, the fugitive's personal lawyer said yesterday.

Noppadon Pattama said he was unable to contact Thaksin over the weekend.


PM: No Report of Meeting between Dep PM and Thaksin

The prime minister said that he has not been briefed on the meeting between Deputy Prime Minister Sanan Kachornprasart and former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said that he has not been informed about the meeting between Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the social affairs, Sanan Kachornprasart and fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra that reportedly took place in Norway.

Abhisit said that Sanan will be asked to report on the meeting upon his return.

When asked whether it is appropriate for a high ranking government official to meet with a wanted fugitive, Abhisit responded by saying that Sanan told him that the purpose of the meeting was to persuade Thaksin to surrender to the Thai justice system.

The prime minister reiterated that the issue of amnesty is not on the table.

Meanwhile, Democrat Party Spokesperson Buranat Samutarak indicated that Sanan met with Thaksin only as a senior political figure and that more information will be available once Sanan returns to Thailand.

Buranat also issued a demand that Thaksin cease his attempts to deepen the political conflict by hiring Robert Amsterdam, an international lobbyist, to stage subversive activities against the Kingdom of Thailand.

The Democrat Party spokesperson also reported that Amsterdam is planning to publicly criticize the Thai government at the meeting of political parties from democratic countries around the world in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Buranat said that he will represent the party at a meeting and may have to respond to Robert Amsterdam's criticisms.

The Democrat Party spokesperson also demanded that the President of the Pheu Thai Party, Chaowalit Yongjaiyuth stop making comments linking the royal institution to politics.

At the same time, Spokesperson for the New Politics Party, Samran Rodpetch believes that Thaksin is only pressuring the government to call for a new election so the Pheu Thai Party could return to power and absolve him of his crimes.

The New Politics Party spokesperson also said authorities must keep a close watch on political unrest between November and December.

During this period, the court will rule on the Democrat Party's dissolution case and elections will be held for a number of by elections MP seats.


-- Tan Network 2010-11-08



Sanan to announce result of his meeting with Thaksin Tuesday

Deputy Prime Minister Sanan Kachornprasart said Monday that he will Tuesday announce the result of his talk with former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Sanan returned from Norway and arrived at the Suvarnabhumi International Airport at 6:45 am Monday.

Sanan indicated that he had met Thaksin during his visit to Norway to borrow an ancient Buddhism scripture, which was said to be over 2,000 years old. The scripture will be displayed at a Buddhism museum from Tuesday until February 5.

When asked whether the political atmosphere would improve now that he has met Thaksin, Sanan replied: "Why should I have bothered going there if it did not improve?"


-- The Nation 2010-11-08


You can call Mr Thaksin "criminal" or "fugitive" or any stupid name like this... But the day he will make his come back, some politiciens here will be shaking...

They all worked together to rob Mr Thaksin and grab a big slice ... But do not doubt for a moment that Mr Thaksin has the memory of an elephant and he will make the difference between hyenas and wolves ... Of course he is not all pink Mr Thaksin ... But you see if one accepts what they did to him; then you must accept what will happen to you when a girl will lie obnoxiously to extort your money in collusion with the authorities.


Why would anyone want a criminal, murdering, cowardly liar back in their country - the powers in Thailand HAD to gewt rid of this mafia style thug to stop him directing taxpayers money into his companies holding company - read up on the sale of Shincorp if your in ANY doubt as to what this sc****g really meant to Thailand!! And for goodness sake find out some FACTS before posting offensive garbage!!


Just combining the Nations's and TAN Network's article gives an interesting result.

TAN Network: When asked whether it is appropriate for a high ranking government official to meet with a wanted fugitive, Abhisit responded by saying that Sanan told him that the purpose of the meeting was to persuade Thaksin to surrender to the Thai justice system.
Nation: When asked whether the political atmosphere would improve now that he has met Thaksin, Sanan replied: "Why should I have bothered going there if it did not improve?"

So? K. Thaksin will surrender ?

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