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Homeless Farang Sitting All Day On Lower Soi 4 Nana


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my feeling is that if you offer help a farang then the same should be said about offering help to a thai too, and I think there are too many of those people on the streets to individually help them all,,,,its sad to see these people in situations like that, but where do you draw the line?

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The demise of TV via ist members is so evident in the posts here. The complete lack of objectivity, compassion and tolerance by so many replies is astounding. The "im alright Jack" attitude is pervasive and when your down and out on your luck or Karma or whatever and need some civilised response dont come here! Your impertinance is remarkable! You disgust me! With people like you lot around in vast numbers the sane world is doomed.

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Mental illness, alcoholism and apathy from the general pubic, triad for the homeless,

We can speculate there's a broken heart involved, a swindled fortune, a chosen life style, unencumbered and free of restriction.

We've all seen these people and it's obvious this would not be a rational life style alternative for most of us.

I refer back to line one,

Thank you for the sensible post and showing that some people still have some concept of humanity.

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It's so easy to feel superior towards people who are down and out.

Often a combination of factors leads to homelessness: The guy's wife walks out on him, and then he loses his job, and a conflict with his neighbours develops, which becomes so nasty that he leaves his house, and ends up living on the street.

Could happen to anybody.

As far as homeless farangs in Thailand is concerned, bizarrely enough their chances of being offered help by strangers spontaneously would be better here than in their country of origin. As another poster stated, it happens that Nana Plaza girls "adopt" such a person. A few years ago I talked to a not homeless but surely pennyless European guy staying in Bangkok at the time. He told me it was still better than being flat broke in his home country, because.....there are women who have pity on you.

Oh well. I certainly don't advocate that down and out westerners just stay here, living off Thai people's generousity. Thai resources should be used for Thai people, maybe also for people from poor neighbouring countries who are in a desperate situation, and certainly not for westerners.

The guy this thread is about, should get his act together, or go "home" and find his way into the help system that will be in place there.

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Farang scum like those mentioned should be deported, might sound harsh but really they can go live on the streets in their own country.

This has to one of the most stupid posts I have ever read.

You know nothing about the person, why he is in this seemingly homeless situation and clearly you don't seem to recognise that everyone - given the right combination of unforeseen circumstances - has the ability to end up in a desperate situation. None of us know the situation so I am surprised that you would be so judgemental.

In most western countries a significant % of homeless people suffer from a mental illness of some kind and fall through the cracks. That may be the case here. He could have blown his life savings on booze, holidays and women. He could just have easily have been robbed or cheated, suffered an illness, have no living family and few friends to call upon. We don't know.

I pray you are never down on your luck and in a desperate situation having to face the sort of attitudes you have expressed in your post.

Your attitude is noble. There appears to be many others on this thread who share your sentiments. Now to the sensible question: Are you guys all willing to actually go out there and do something about it if that's how you really feel? You all know where he is. Talk is cheap. One can come across as being compassionate and giving, yet, when it comes to actually having to do "something"....well that's where the compassion ends.

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Personally, I am in no position to help others even if I did want to. I have to get my own house in order first.

You will definitely not find me looking down on people the way some do though. From what I know so far, this guy on the street is a far superior individual to the likes of patongster.

Edited by sbk
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Farang scum like those mentioned should be deported, might sound harsh but really they can go live on the streets in their own country.

This has to one of the most stupid posts I have ever read.

You know nothing about the person, why he is in this seemingly homeless situation and clearly you don't seem to recognise that everyone - given the right combination of unforeseen circumstances - has the ability to end up in a desperate situation. None of us know the situation so I am surprised that you would be so judgemental.

In most western countries a significant % of homeless people suffer from a mental illness of some kind and fall through the cracks. That may be the case here. He could have blown his life savings on booze, holidays and women. He could just have easily have been robbed or cheated, suffered an illness, have no living family and few friends to call upon. We don't know.

I pray you are never down on your luck and in a desperate situation having to face the sort of attitudes you have expressed in your post.

Your attitude is noble. There appears to be many others on this thread who share your sentiments. Now to the sensible question: Are you guys all willing to actually go out there and do something about it if that's how you really feel? You all know where he is. Talk is cheap. One can come across as being compassionate and giving, yet, when it comes to actually having to do "something"....well that's where the compassion ends.

And that sounds a bit daft. Compassion is a thought that comes to the rational folk.Thousands are in hospital every day, do you want us all to queue up at the hospitals and weep for them at their bedsides.

Compassion is a human thought, the same as love, like or hate but interfering in someone's life is a different matter...

Oh please. We're not talking about the thousands in hospitals. We're talking about this one homeless guy. So are you saying that we shouldn't help anyone if we can't help everyone? Who's daft now? It would be very easy for me to write an essay about how much compassion I feel for the millions throughout the world who are suffering as we speak. Sort of like the Beauty Contestant who wants to end world hunger. Would you think better of me? Would I be the ultimate humanitarian if I said that?

I respect those that go out and help people and never have to announce what they're doing. I admire those that donate money to worthy causes and do so anonymously. I really applaud those that give of their time and resources for worthy causes and ask for nothing in return. But those that preach that they're compassionate on a message board? Well, you be the judge.

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But those that preach that they're compassionate on a message board? Well, you be the judge.

Yes you're right, people showing off humanity on a public forum should be banned, those caught doing it in the real life arrested (but that's already happening in LOS, is the law), we only want to read about the happy millionaires stories here and how wonderful the country is, no complaints or humanity of any kind allowed :lol:

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i'm a softy but I say give people a little respect. you don't have to help, but no reason to insult.

EXACTLY..........maybe there but for the Grace of God ......Go You.....or Us

Edited by DD13
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Seen 2 farang homeless always hanging inside the McDonald at Sala Daeng, they dont order nothing just sit there and speak very bad. Every second words they say is fuc_k or something like that. Security never kicks them out as they are farangs and they know it...

If only the farang homeless, or Thai for that matter were friendly enough, then no one would mind them and maybe some would help. But by acting like they do, I can't disagree with the posters above who say to send them back where they come from.

The posters who call for humanity and all that have probably never had an encounter with one of these very rude and disrespectful foreigners to still believe in Santa Claus.

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Seen 2 farang homeless always hanging inside the McDonald at Sala Daeng, they dont order nothing just sit there and speak very bad. Every second words they say is fuc_k or something like that. Security never kicks them out as they are farangs and they know it...

If only the farang homeless, or Thai for that matter were friendly enough, then no one would mind them and maybe some would help. But by acting like they do, I can't disagree with the posters above who say to send them back where they come from.

The posters who call for humanity and all that have probably never had an encounter with one of these very rude and disrespectful foreigners to still believe in Santa Claus.

Do you want to bet on that. :unsure:

This topic is not about every tramp out there. The discussion is about how they get that way. Every individual is an individual and deserves respect, but if a hobo gives me grief l will take what ever action necessary but don't tar them all with same brush eh.

I understand where you going to, but have to disagree with that. Only individuals who give respect deserves to get it back. I have no problem respecting a homeless who's friendly or at least doesn't bother anyone, but some of them, come on...

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But those that preach that they're compassionate on a message board? Well, you be the judge.

Yes you're right, people showing off humanity on a public forum should be banned, those caught doing it in the real life arrested (but that's already happening in LOS, is the law), we only want to read about the happy millionaires stories here and how wonderful the country is, no complaints or humanity of any kind allowed :lol:

You've obviously read my entire post, yet, chose to pull one little comment out of context. That's pretty dishonest, wouldn't you say? For the benefit of others, this is more of the complete comments that I made, which clearly contradicts what surayu is implying:

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Yes l have judged. For you it's close down the forum, don't write whats in your thoughts, and in your case as usual, knock members for writing. After reading dozens of your posts on various stuff how come you and a couple of others always go against the grain of the masses here. Pleasure l suppose, but for sure the forum must cater for all who have a PC. Some ways l feel sorry for you but thats just my compassionate side eh. :)

Your problem, transam, is that you have a need to attack those that disagree with you. I'm not going to get in a pissing contest with you, so let's just stick to the topic. Several folks here have expressed disdained towards this homeless farang and have been chastised by others for not being more compassionate and humane. But aren't these guys entitled to an opinion? How do you guys know that people like patongster, farangbuddha, et al, aren't salt-of-the-earth kinds of guys who would give a stranger the shirt off their backs? And these other folks pretending to be the second coming of Mother Teresa, what have they really done in real life? That's my only point. If you're going to talk the talk, you should walk the walk.

If you've read my posts on this topic, you'll see that I've yet to attack this homeless person or say anything remotely disparaging about him. But I do have an opinion. Basically, I believe strongly in two concepts: freedom of choice and personal responsibility. You can't have one without the other. Once you're an adult, you're free to choose whichever path you like, but you and you alone must live with the consequences of your choices.

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I'm at least 10 years away from retirement, but when and if that time comes, I would be willing to spend some of my in-Thailand time staffing a suicide hotline or an assistance center for down-and-out farangs. I would envision one of the assistance center's goals as helping down-and-out farangs get back to their home countries. Plenty of people get stuck and need a hand getting out.

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By location described in the original post, this sounds like the person that committed suicide in Ploencit Center yesterday morning.

Maybe it can be comfirmed the person in this thread is still there.


Unfortunately I believe you are correct.

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Yes l have judged. For you it's close down the forum, don't write whats in your thoughts, and in your case as usual, knock members for writing. After reading dozens of your posts on various stuff how come you and a couple of others always go against the grain of the masses here. Pleasure l suppose, but for sure the forum must cater for all who have a PC. Some ways l feel sorry for you but thats just my compassionate side eh. :)

Your problem, transam, is that you have a need to attack those that disagree with you. I'm not going to get in a pissing contest with you, so let's just stick to the topic. Several folks here have expressed disdained towards this homeless farang and have been chastised by others for not being more compassionate and humane. But aren't these guys entitled to an opinion? How do you guys know that people like patongster, farangbuddha, et al, aren't salt-of-the-earth kinds of guys who would give a stranger the shirt off their backs? And these other folks pretending to be the second coming of Mother Teresa, what have they really done in real life? That's my only point. If you're going to talk the talk, you should walk the walk.

If you've read my posts on this topic, you'll see that I've yet to attack this homeless person or say anything remotely disparaging about him. But I do have an opinion. Basically, I believe strongly in two concepts: freedom of choice and personal responsibility. You can't have one without the other. Once you're an adult, you're free to choose whichever path you like, but you and you alone must live with the consequences of your choices.

i think the basis of what you are saying is perfectly reasonable, and everyone does have the right to their opinions, but you are not really practising what you preach, are you.

No one that i can see is putting themselves forward as how do you say/provoke "the second coming of Mother Teresa. They are simply saying theres nothing wrong with showing some compassion Thats it. Its also true to say that whilst some posters have offered their opinions their posts are nonetheless thoroughly unpleasant.

I have read your posts on here and you are blatently starting a pissing contest. :)

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You've obviously read my entire post, yet, chose to pull one little comment out of context.

Maybe i didn't properly understood what you meant before, to me it's wasn't looking out of context at all, i quoted your words and commented on them, my impression is that you are basically condemning all people here for showing their humanity/solidarity online instead to praise them, if that's not what you meant, do you mind to elaborate more on your concept? thanks

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Farang scum like those mentioned should be deported, might sound harsh but really they can go live on the streets in their own country.

It does'nt sound harsh, just stupid.

Have'nt you learnt to get to know a little bit about someone before judging them as scum?

That's why i'm leaning toward sthe Poster being in fact, Thai..

Yet their written English suggests otherwise..

If the Poster is " Farang ", then i'm lost for words how someone can honestly write what they did in todays' modern World.

Unless it's Nick Griffin..;)

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Oh dear :lol: ...let's see, like at least 2 other posters have proved with their words :D someone among us wouldn't care less about some less fortunate individual and if that is still not bad enough, at least 1 of them will call "spade" a "sword", now, i appreciated the honesty but don't even think for a minute that we act all in the same manner, no way Jose...however by recognizing this by yourself is already a good step in the right direction, it's never too late to join us ;)

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