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Thai Army Should Not Decide The Fate Of Burmese Refugees

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Army should not decide the fate of Burmese refugees

By The Nation

Once again, the Thai government faces international condemantion over its treatment of victims fleeing from persecution or warfare

The smoke from the shelling in Burma has yet to disappear and the Thai Army is already forcing back the thousands of Burmese refugees who fled renewed fighting between Burmese troops and rebels from the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA). The fighting erupted in the wake of Burma's first election in twenty years, held last Sunday

Whatever happened to all the conventions and treaties Thailand signed with various international bodies, conventions that illustrate how much we care for our fellow human beings? Perhaps Thailand never officially recognised the concept of refugees in the first place, so therefore we are not legally obligated to any course of action, much less obliged to follow humanitarian convention. While it is easy to hide behind legal and technical jargon, there is still an ideal called international standards and norms that discourages the forcible repatriation of defenceless people back into conflict zones.

Less than 48 hours after the fighting erupted between Burmese government troops and a splinter group from the junta's long time ally, the DKBA, Thai military commanders were already mapping out the return of the refugees. The Third Army can argue otherwise, but excuse us for questioning its action.

This week's clashes between the junta and the DKBA were not the first and will not be the last, they are merely a sign of things to come. Ever since the DKBA broke away from the Karen National Union (KNU) in 1995, nobody has really believed that the good times between the Karen splinter group and the junta would last. In fact, none of the ceasefire agreements between the Burmese government and the various ethnic armies rest on solid ground. They are exactly what they appear to be: ceasefire agreements only - not comprehensive peace deals. And so when the man who orchestrated these agreements - General Khin Nyunt - was ousted from power, one could see that the writing was on the wall.

The junta - the State Peace and Development council (SPDC) - says it wants to bring all the ethnic armies under its command, but says nothing about an exit strategy for these groups. The junta only wants them to lay down their weapons and transform themselves into border guards under the direct command of the Tadmadaw (the Burmese armed forces). It says nothing about their historical investment, the fate of their leaders, nor the status of their people. In other words, the autonomous status they have previously enjoyed will just disappear overnight.

This is wishful thinking on the SPDC's part. Given the kind of demands the junta places on the ethnic armies, it is clear that peace has never really been on the cards. Yes, some of these so-called investments by the ethnic groups have been in opium cultivation and the illicit drug trade. But Burma knew all along what the ceasefires - first signed two decades ago - meant in real terms. It's just too convenient to label the "insurgents" drug-dealers when in fact the generals also benefit from the drug money that builds roads, hotels and other infrastructure.

Drugs and insurgency have always been two sides of the same coin in Burma, and no anti-narcotics policy has any chance of success unless it takes politics into consideration. If the junta is serious about peace, it should explore exit strategies instead of demanding that the rebel groups simply surrender and end the causes they have been fighting for since independence from Britain in 1948.

The clashes between the junta and the DKBA could intensify. Thailand needs to come up with a better way of handling the influx of refugees, if and when more fighting occurs. We should not leave it up to the Army to decide when and how these innocent victims are pushed back to Burma. It's not uncommon to see refugees return to villages infested with landmines and booby traps laid by Burmese troops. But the Thai Army doesn't to seem to have any problem with the possibility that these people could lose life or limb. To say the repatriation policy is heartless would be an understatement.

If our policy-makers can't find it in their hearts to do the right thing, they should know that the whole world is watching. If we continue to allow our bureaucrats and military leaders to get away with this kind of action - as they have done in the past with Lao refugees, the Rohingya boat people and others - then what kind of people are we?


-- The Nation 2010-11-11


As much as I like to dump on the Thai army, just where were all these refugees going to go? 1/2 of Thailand is under water, there's a looming public health crisis, civil unrest, a southern insurrection etc, etc. How about the UN take some of the funds it gives to politically motivated programs known for their waste and instead takes up its responsibility for the Burmese refugeees? Considering the fact that 80% of Burma's trade is with Malaysia, Japan, Singapore and China, how about these countries which have helped sustain the brutal Burmese junta's grip on power, kick in some money to pay for the refugees care?

It would be great if Thailand was able to deal with the problem, but it cannot and nor should it be expected to.


Yes, but wouldn't that involve having the Military admit there is something they cant deal with here, or even that they might have done something wrong?

Also inviting a load of busybodies into this particular north / south route?


I think Thailand needs to tread carefully - that seat as President of the Human Rights Council will feel very heavy. A newspaper OP/ED about this is good - shining light on issues that might otherwise get lost. You can see how much the world media cares about the refugees, from the detailed coverage this story is getting...


As much as I like to dump on the Thai army, just where were all these refugees going to go? 1/2 of Thailand is under water, there's a looming public health crisis, civil unrest, a southern insurrection etc, etc. How about the UN take some of the funds it gives to politically motivated programs known for their waste and instead takes up its responsibility for the Burmese refugeees? Considering the fact that 80% of Burma's trade is with Malaysia, Japan, Singapore and China, how about these countries which have helped sustain the brutal Burmese junta's grip on power, kick in some money to pay for the refugees care?

It would be great if Thailand was able to deal with the problem, but it cannot and nor should it be expected to.

I 2nd this opinion


I'm not sure why everyone is surprised at this. Thai's have been forcing the Hmong people back to Laos for years. Even though they know they will be brutalized and killed at the earliest opportunity. We hear little of that these days.


"... We should not leave it up to the Army to decide when and how these innocent victims are pushed back to Burma. It's not uncommon to see refugees return to villages infested with landmines and booby traps laid by Burmese troops. But the Thai Army doesn't to seem to have any problem with the possibility that these people could lose life or limb. To say the repatriation policy is heartless would be an understatement."

What is it with Thailand that they must be seen in the eyes of the world as icons of human tolerance yet they clearly are not. And when will the world send in armies to secure the lives of the Burmese populace at large against the mafia and hoodlums hiding behind a uniform, and BS political moves, or isn't there enough oil, gas, or gold to be had? Shades of Rawanda and genocide are just around the corner.


"... We should not leave it up to the Army to decide when and how these innocent victims are pushed back to Burma. It's not uncommon to see refugees return to villages infested with landmines and booby traps laid by Burmese troops. But the Thai Army doesn't to seem to have any problem with the possibility that these people could lose life or limb. To say the repatriation policy is heartless would be an understatement."

What is it with Thailand that they must be seen in the eyes of the world as icons of human tolerance yet they clearly are not. And when will the world send in armies to secure the lives of the Burmese populace at large against the mafia and hoodlums hiding behind a uniform, and BS political moves, or isn't there enough oil, gas, or gold to be had? Shades of Rawanda and genocide are just around the corner.

Don't be silly. It's not that Burma doesn't have resources. They in fact have gold, oil, gas, hydro-energy, huge tourism potential and so on. But .. there is a small "but": they are almost a CHINESE PROTECTORATE. Just look at the map of the world and notice what strategic location Burma has for China. It gives China access to Indian Ocean and a short-cut to Middle-East and Europe. Plus the resources that I mentioned are game for Chinese as well. Burma is considered in Chinese sphere of influence. And NOBODY dares to kick China in this day and age. Agree?


"... We should not leave it up to the Army to decide when and how these innocent victims are pushed back to Burma. It's not uncommon to see refugees return to villages infested with landmines and booby traps laid by Burmese troops. But the Thai Army doesn't to seem to have any problem with the possibility that these people could lose life or limb. To say the repatriation policy is heartless would be an understatement."

What is it with Thailand that they must be seen in the eyes of the world as icons of human tolerance yet they clearly are not. And when will the world send in armies to secure the lives of the Burmese populace at large against the mafia and hoodlums hiding behind a uniform, and BS political moves, or isn't there enough oil, gas, or gold to be had? Shades of Rawanda and genocide are just around the corner.

Sorry for double-posting. Internet error



I'm not sure why everyone is surprised at this. Thai's have been forcing the Hmong people back to Laos for years. Even though they know they will be brutalized and killed at the earliest opportunity. We hear little of that these days.

Burma & Laos are two very different stories ; anyway, the UN didn't provide 100% for the Hmong . LOS already shelters plenty " hilltribes " and poverty isn't really uncommon among the Thaï .

And who knows who the Burmese refugees really are ? I mean, easy for malevolent Burmese army to sneak in .


As much as I like to dump on the Thai army, just where were all these refugees going to go? 1/2 of Thailand is under water, there's a looming public health crisis, civil unrest, a southern insurrection etc, etc. How about the UN take some of the funds it gives to politically motivated programs known for their waste and instead takes up its responsibility for the Burmese refugeees? Considering the fact that 80% of Burma's trade is with Malaysia, Japan, Singapore and China, how about these countries which have helped sustain the brutal Burmese junta's grip on power, kick in some money to pay for the refugees care?

It would be great if Thailand was able to deal with the problem, but it cannot and nor should it be expected to.

You said it very well, 'geriatrickids'

I'm sure many khon Thais would like to say 'kob kub mak tee sud', :wai: for the part that you understand how we Thais feel about the Burmeses.

We never forget many wars fighting with them . Since the ancient time, the Burmese had invaded our country and twice burned down our captital and rooting our gold.

Besides, this is the bad time for Thailand since she has imminent problems to take care of her own at the very moment.

Let the UN doing a helping hand which I'm doubt it's own record.:shock1:



Considering the fact that 80% of Burma's trade is with Malaysia, Japan, Singapore and China,""

Throw in France's notorious Total;they say their being there is better for democracy(sic)

I'll feel in par with Malaysia at least .


As much as I like to dump on the Thai army, just where were all these refugees going to go? 1/2 of Thailand is under water, there's a looming public health crisis, civil unrest, a southern insurrection etc, etc. How about the UN take some of the funds it gives to politically motivated programs known for their waste and instead takes up its responsibility for the Burmese refugeees? Considering the fact that 80% of Burma's trade is with Malaysia, Japan, Singapore and China, how about these countries which have helped sustain the brutal Burmese junta's grip on power, kick in some money to pay for the refugees care?

It would be great if Thailand was able to deal with the problem, but it cannot and nor should it be expected to.

What Thailand needs to do is speed up the process of getting people out of the camps and into the countries they are trying to get to. Some of these people have been in camps for twenty years. The camps have become an industry for NGO's and there are quite a few people who benefit from the lack of progress in reassignment.

But I disagree that Thailand shouldn't be helping this current group of refugees. Sending them back is sending back women and children to be shot, brutalized or imprisoned for the crime of wanting to stay alive. But Thailand always shows its true colors when it comes to helping outsiders in distress, particularly from Burma, Laos, and Cambodia.


Dont understand what the whinging in this article is all about.

The Army, Govt, country let then in when they needed to get away from their own countrys fighting.

They fed, sheltered and looked after them in their time of need.

Then when the situation improved got them back to their own homes.

Quite reasonable that they should have been sent back as soon as possible considering the problems this country already has with floods etc.

The less that has to be spent on outsiders when Thai people are, in many cases, in desperate need the better.


please Thaïland don't mimick EU's ludicrous ways .

Let the army do their job and don't indulge in pussyfooting .

Exactly.The army (and the elite interests that use it for cover) decide every matter of importance in Thailand.Why should this be an exception?


As much as I like to dump on the Thai army, just where were all these refugees going to go? 1/2 of Thailand is under water, there's a looming public health crisis, civil unrest, a southern insurrection etc, etc. How about the UN take some of the funds it gives to politically motivated programs known for their waste and instead takes up its responsibility for the Burmese refugeees? Considering the fact that 80% of Burma's trade is with Malaysia, Japan, Singapore and China, how about these countries which have helped sustain the brutal Burmese junta's grip on power, kick in some money to pay for the refugees care?

It would be great if Thailand was able to deal with the problem, but it cannot and nor should it be expected to.

I Agree, especialy that UN bit.


"... We should not leave it up to the Army to decide when and how these innocent victims are pushed back to Burma. It's not uncommon to see refugees return to villages infested with landmines and booby traps laid by Burmese troops. But the Thai Army doesn't to seem to have any problem with the possibility that these people could lose life or limb. To say the repatriation policy is heartless would be an understatement."

What is it with Thailand that they must be seen in the eyes of the world as icons of human tolerance yet they clearly are not. And when will the world send in armies to secure the lives of the Burmese populace at large against the mafia and hoodlums hiding behind a uniform, and BS political moves, or isn't there enough oil, gas, or gold to be had? Shades of Rawanda and genocide are just around the corner.

Don't be silly. It's not that Burma doesn't have resources. They in fact have gold, oil, gas, hydro-energy, huge tourism potential and so on. But .. there is a small "but": they are almost a CHINESE PROTECTORATE. Just look at the map of the world and notice what strategic location Burma has for China. It gives China access to Indian Ocean and a short-cut to Middle-East and Europe. Plus the resources that I mentioned are game for Chinese as well. Burma is considered in Chinese sphere of influence. And NOBODY dares to kick China in this day and age. Agree?

Yep quite correct, Chinese motto, Don't do as we do, do as we say, and the rest of the world backs off .

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