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Old Warhorse Chavalit Leaves His Pheu Thai Party Trapped In Credibility Crisis


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Old warhorse leaves his party trapped in credibility crisis

By Sopon Onkgara

The Nation

General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh has been trying hard to salvage his good name and the credibility of the Pheu Thai Party. As party chairman, this task has been a hard sell.

Whenever he delivers a speech, it is either for him to hear his own voice or to create misunderstanding among the audience.

Incoherence in speech-making has become a hallmark of the ageing general. He is now 77 years old, but still has an undying ambition to strike political pay dirt. The post of prime minister is not that elusive in his view.

Of late, however, the problem of making himself understood has become more serious. Critics ridicule him. They say that if he rambles on longer than five minutes, the audience usually gets confused. If the old soldier does not realise this, he risks finding himself in serious trouble.

Yet, Chavalit does not consider this incoherence as a chronic shortcoming, or a liability that is hard to cure. What’s more? He is a man of various political theories, with some touching upon sensitive subjects due to either his exceptional courage or simply his loose tongue.

In his latest speech to Pheu Thai Party members the other day a sort of pep talk to inject vitality into political zombies Chavalit again complained about the role of the monarchy, which he believes should serve a better purpose in effecting national reconciliation.

This was the second time that the ex-prime minister and ex-many other things had ventured out loud and clear that he wants the palace to bring all parties in the political conflict to good terms so that politics can resume on a better footing.

His first talk on this subject drew a public backlash because of the sensitivity of the issue and his carelessness. This was seen as conduct unbecoming of a person who has held many high positions and who claims that he indeed holds unquestionable loyalty toward the monarchy.

Regarding this subject, Chavalit has taken on a dubious role. There is also ambiguity as to what kind of politics he is pursuing. On various occasions, he has also praised the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet system thus drawing the suspicion that he nurtures a leftist ideology. His chief political mentor is also a communist ideologist.

Somehow, Chavalit manages to survive these crises and get along due to his seniority. Most people forgive his fumbling and bumbling because of his image as a jolly good fellow. He never sues anybody and takes things in stride, until he gets fired up by sycophants who want to use him for their own gain.

During the same speech, he made another slip. At one point, he surprised party members by saying that after he had been accused of disloyalty to the monarchy for so long, a person with royal lineage would soon join the party to prove that Pheu Thai indeed represents loyalty to the monarchy.

The red shirts have been the protest arm of Pheu Thai, with frequent rallies against the Abhisit government, with bloody results and casualties. They have the blessing and support of Thaksin Shinawatra, and in various practices they have trampled upon the revered institution, resulting in lese majeste charges.

There have been thousands of anti-monarchy websites attacking their majesties and calling for the abolition of the lese majeste law. This bold challenge has caused consternation to many people who regard the institution as inviolable and sacred.

Chavalit and the top echelons of Pheu Thai have been troubled by these accusations but cannot do anything to reverse the situation due to the clear evidence of red-shirt attacks on the monarchy. Thaksin has made various claims but his words are unconvincing. The misdeeds are too blatant.

The person cited by Chavalit who would clear the doubts over the loyalty to the monarchy question is also a retired major general, and has flatly denied he will join Pheu Thai. He explained that as a high-ranking member of the royal lineage, politics is taboo and that he is not interested in it.

Chavalit made an apology for his misunderstanding, which was based on their earlier talk on another subject. His erroneous assumption that someone with rank would clear the dark clouds over the party caused further damage to his credibility. Thaksin will also be disappointed that his bait did not work.

Surely, Chavalit will not lose sleep after this latest slip. As always, people will show indifference to his blunder and take it for granted that a lot more similar incidents will happen as long as the old soldier does not quit politics for good.


-- The Nation 2010-11-16

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As a General Chavalit lost a rai or two of Thailand some years back to another state.

As a politician he lost a baht or two of the nations money a year or two back and as a person he seems to have misplaced his marbles aver the last 13 years or so too.

Credibility rating on a scale of 1-10 I would say is around minus 5.

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Possibly old War whores is more like it.

It appears he will sell his soul to any who offer him, one last shot at the limelight. The corroded quality of their leadership, plus his and their intentions don't seem to matter to him. He gets to play the big man, and being seen to 'be a leader' is a better ego sop, than the ability to make the decisions that come with actual leadership. Nor taking the post decision responsibilities that leadership should embrace.

Back in '97 he seemed easily manipulated by subordinates, history doesn't write well of him, and yet he thrives on his self-perceived image from then, and since, as if it were a golden mantle of his righteous quality as a leader of men and nations. Clearly a fantasy shared by one. War-whore or Stalking Horse, but not national leader... not on his best day; the 'title bestowed', not withstanding the reality.

Edited by animatic
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Be interewsting to see if they keep him. In the past his connections were a bonus but now they are a lot less and he becomes more and more of a liability. The problem is that leaves Chalerm or Mingkwan who isnt totally trusted by the party owner and a couple heavily linked to more extreme red shirts

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I remember in 1988, Chavalit firt hit the airways...

It was the Typhoon Gay story, and he, as Army Commander at the time, came out with his eloquent voice, and took control of all the problems...

He was like a savior then, and I wish he could re-show it all again now... :)

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Be interesting to see if they keep him. In the past his connections were a bonus but now they are a lot less and he becomes more and more of a liability. The problem is that leaves Chalerm or Mingkwan who isn't totally trusted by the party owner and a couple heavily linked to more extreme red shirts

Time to bring in the family to run things completely at the top. They're already regional directors :

Thaksin's family to lead party

The Straits Times - February 5, 2009

A sibling will lead each of three regions as a symbol of party's connections with ousted PM

BANGKOK: Thailand's opposition Puea Thai party has embarked on a new strategy to strengthen internal solidarity, appointing members of the Shinawatra family to lead members in each of the three regions where the party has influence.



and besides, the Northeast Regional Director, brother Payup Shinawatra, has a great given name.

PM Payup

Truth in advertising, as it were.

Edited by Buchholz
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Be interesting to see if they keep him. In the past his connections were a bonus but now they are a lot less and he becomes more and more of a liability. The problem is that leaves Chalerm or Mingkwan who isn't totally trusted by the party owner and a couple heavily linked to more extreme red shirts

Time to bring in the family to run things completely at the top. They're already regional directors :

Thaksin's family to lead party

The Straits Times - February 5, 2009

A sibling will lead each of three regions as a symbol of party's connections with ousted PM

BANGKOK: Thailand's opposition Puea Thai party has embarked on a new strategy to strengthen internal solidarity, appointing members of the Shinawatra family to lead members in each of the three regions where the party has influence.



and besides, the Northeast Regional Director, brother Payup Shinawatra, has a great given name.

PM Payup

Truth in advertising, as it were.

Payup Or Else!

What a rallying cry for the masses.

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Possibly old War whores is more like it.

It appears he will sell his soul to any who offer him, one last shot at the limelight. The corroded quality of their leadership, plus his and their intentions don't seem to matter to him. He gets to play the big man, and being seen to 'be a leader' is a better ego sop, than the ability to make the decisions that come with actual leadership. Nor taking the post decision responsibilities that leadership should embrace.

Back in '97 he seemed easily manipulated by subordinates, history doesn't write well of him, and yet he thrives on his self-perceived image from then, and since, as if it were a golden mantle of his righteous quality as a leader of men and nations. Clearly a fantasy shared by one. War-whore or Stalking Horse, but not national leader... not on his best day; the 'title bestowed', not withstanding the reality.

Old soldiers never die...they just fade away! This guy's fading is long overdue! A national holiday should be declared!

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Be interesting to see if they keep him. In the past his connections were a bonus but now they are a lot less and he becomes more and more of a liability. The problem is that leaves Chalerm or Mingkwan who isn't totally trusted by the party owner and a couple heavily linked to more extreme red shirts

Time to bring in the family to run things completely at the top. They're already regional directors :

Thaksin's family to lead party

The Straits Times - February 5, 2009

A sibling will lead each of three regions as a symbol of party's connections with ousted PM

BANGKOK: Thailand's opposition Puea Thai party has embarked on a new strategy to strengthen internal solidarity, appointing members of the Shinawatra family to lead members in each of the three regions where the party has influence.



and besides, the Northeast Regional Director, brother Payup Shinawatra, has a great given name.

PM Payup

Truth in advertising, as it were.

Payup Or Else!

What a rallying cry for the masses.

It is never too late to live the dream.....or to find yourself in the nightmare....

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Be interesting to see if they keep him. In the past his connections were a bonus but now they are a lot less and he becomes more and more of a liability. The problem is that leaves Chalerm or Mingkwan who isn't totally trusted by the party owner and a couple heavily linked to more extreme red shirts

Time to bring in the family to run things completely at the top. They're already regional directors :

Thaksin's family to lead party

The Straits Times - February 5, 2009

A sibling will lead each of three regions as a symbol of party's connections with ousted PM

BANGKOK: Thailand's opposition Puea Thai party has embarked on a new strategy to strengthen internal solidarity, appointing members of the Shinawatra family to lead members in each of the three regions where the party has influence.



and besides, the Northeast Regional Director, brother Payup Shinawatra, has a great given name.

PM Payup

Truth in advertising, as it were.

Payup Or Else!

What a rallying cry for the masses.

quick.... slap a copyright on that. It's a sure-fire winning campaign slogan. :thumbsup:

Payup Or Else!©

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quick.... slap a copyright on that. It's a sure-fire winning campaign slogan. :thumbsup:

Payup Or Else!©

Maybe just corner the T-Shirt rights!

Too late ... someone's printing up a batch already.

It's the newest group, the White Shirts...


Wonder if he carries a receipt book with him?

Or maybe a book of fake receipts?

I guess the receipts / fake receipts would have a big PT logo.

PT could be a no credibility / no capability politic mob, or

PT could mean P.... T...... .

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and besides, the Northeast Regional Director, brother Payup Shinawatra, has a great given name.

PM Payup

Truth in advertising, as it were.

Payup Or Else!

What a rallying cry for the masses.

Omg, such an elaborate and sophisticated word play on a Thai name. You must be a very intelligent person.

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Possibly old War whores is more like it.

It appears he will sell his soul to any who offer him, one last shot at the limelight. The corroded quality of their leadership, plus his and their intentions don't seem to matter to him. He gets to play the big man, and being seen to 'be a leader' is a better ego sop, than the ability to make the decisions that come with actual leadership. Nor taking the post decision responsibilities that leadership should embrace.

Back in '97 he seemed easily manipulated by subordinates, history doesn't write well of him, and yet he thrives on his self-perceived image from then, and since, as if it were a golden mantle of his righteous quality as a leader of men and nations. Clearly a fantasy shared by one. War-whore or Stalking Horse, but not national leader... not on his best day; the 'title bestowed', not withstanding the reality.

Big Jiew is a bit of an enigma in Thai politics. Normally Thais chose someone who either looks good or talks sweet, but he does neither and quite possibly has one of the least photogenic faces in the country, yet still managed to get to PM-ship and still has the clout to lead a major party, despite all the verbal slip-ups he's made along the way. One can only assume that he has patronage from someone within the palace for past deeds and his criminally corrupt and cowardly Montenegran sponsor, to have survived the blunders he's made since rejoining politics. The guy's more doolally than the average 90 year old carehome resident with Alzheimer's, but what the heck, if he's good enough for Mr T, then surely he must be a fine potential leader of the nation. And what a great project that "Isan Kieow" was, back in the days he was army chief! :clap2:

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quick.... slap a copyright on that. It's a sure-fire winning campaign slogan. :thumbsup:

Payup Or Else!©

Maybe just corner the T-Shirt rights!

Too late ... someone's printing up a batch already.

It's the newest group, the White Shirts...


It's a campaign with some legs on it.

Take them all the way to the bank.


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