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DSI Hunts Down British Convict In Pattaya


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DSI hunts down British convict

By The Nation

Chon Buri

The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) yesterday arrested a British convict, who was fleeing a 14-month jail sentence for sexually molesting minors in England and was laying low in Pattaya City.

After receiving a request from the British Embassy to hunt down Kevin Victor Rider, 49, the DSI found the man in a house in Bang Lamung district's Tambon Pong.

DSI's chief of operations in the Eastern region, Pravit Chaibuadaeng, said Rider had initially tried to enter Thailand via Suvarnabhumi Airport, but had been blocked entry due to his criminal record. Rider then managed to cross the border via Nong Khai province, and had been living Pattaya for nearly a year before he was arrested yesterday. The centre is now gathering evidence about who had assisted the Briton, who allegedly also sexually molested some children in Thailand. He was also involved in a car accident that killed another person in an area under the Bang Lamung police station's jurisdiction, but the case did not progress much further, he said.


-- The Nation 2010-12-10

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It would seem the actual spelling of his name is Ryder. Here's a background article on the suspect:

Man jailed over child porn images

A businessman found to have more than 3,550 child porn images on his home computer and a CD has been jailed for 14 months. Kevin Ryder, 45, was living in Otford, near Sevenoaks, when officers raided his house in October last year. A judge told the 45-year-old: “This type of activity is abhorrent and without in the first place your purchasing power and, thereafter, your ability to download from your computer, this type of criminal offence could not flourish.” Ryder admitted 28 charges of possessing indecent images of children and three of making indecent images.

Maidstone Crown Court heard that Ryder was arrested as a result of a police operation launched in the United States in 1999. Jane Scotchmer, prosecuting, said suspects were identified by their use of credit cards to access websites. Details of British offenders were passed to police in this country. Andrew Lewis, defending, said Ryder accepted that a computer at home was “a temptation too far”. He had decided to undergo therapy.

Ryder had been made redundant from a well-paid job in the City. He started his own business, which provided employment for 60 people abroad. He was disqualified from working with children for five years and banned from having a computer at home. He will remain on the sex offenders’ register for five years.



C.H.R.I.S. - July 2006

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Well done DSI

Funny there seems to be none of the regular Thai bashers here. I suppose that facts that don't agree with there limited knowledge are ignored there by allowing them to maintain a limited knowledge.B)

What does "Thai bashing" have to do with the story at hand?:blink:

As for this statement "I suppose that facts that don't agree with there limited knowledge are ignored there by allowing them to maintain a limited knowledge" To me it seems only you know what you are talking about because it does not make any sense at all

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Well done DSI

Funny there seems to be none of the regular Thai bashers here. I suppose that facts that don't agree with there limited knowledge are ignored there by allowing them to maintain a limited knowledge.B)

What does "Thai bashing" have to do with the story at hand?:blink:

As for this statement "I suppose that facts that don't agree with there limited knowledge are ignored there by allowing them to maintain a limited knowledge" To me it seems only you know what you are talking about because it does not make any sense at all

Well well mention Thai basher and look who appears.:jap:

It has nothing to do with this post. It is just a observation when ever they have a chance to give credit they disappear or as in your case appear to attack the poster. How is life in Pattaya treating you?:D

It is in reference to people who judge all of Thailand by there back yard. Brings to mind a post where the poster studied the walking street in Pattaya and used that as his material for judging all Thai's.B)

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This report poses more questions than provides answers. Nothing new then. Well up the the Nation's standards.

If Ryder was refused entry at Swampy on account of his criminal record it begs the question in which country had he a criminal record.  Are we to assume that BiB had previous experience of this guy? I don't believe for a moment that the Thai Immigration police had instant access to the UK crime reporting computer system. 

Crossing the border at Nong Khai is easy. At times of the year you can paddle across the Mekhong. That supposes then that as far as the Thai authorities were concerned he wasn't in the country so why would they look for him? Is it not possible that information obtained by the UK police confirmed his illegal presence? Why were the DSI involved? Wouldn't this be an Immigration police matter? 

If he entered Thailand via the normal Nong Khai route that supposes that they don'. t have access to Thai computerised records and they would have to wade through the mountain of paper that the Thais love so much. It follows that in this case he had a valid visa and my understanding is that the Thai consulates in the UK ask for confirmation of the good standing of applicants from the UK police before issuing visas. Since this may not have been forthcoming how come the visa?  

If he had come to the attention of BiB through involvement in some way in a fatal road accident wouldn't they want to check his passport and whether he was here legally? That the matter didn't proceed to court is good indication that money changed hands. 

When did it come to light that Ryder had continued with his reprehensible behaviour whilst in Thailand? Surely he didn't volunteer that information. So why wasn't he arrested earlier?

I'm glad that he has been apprehended and hope that the Thai authorities insist that the local matter is dealt with first and he faces the resulting music before deporting him to the UK where he can enjoy a further sojourn behind bars. The reputation of Thai jails is well known and well founded and few will be sorry about his fate but he will have to be segregated in a UK jail or spend most of his time in hospital. UK crims hate kiddy feelers.

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so a child molester gets sent straight back to the UK whilst the UK leave an old man rotting in a cell in pattaya for over staying his visa.

wonder if the kiddy fidler is flying business class back home. so 14 month in jail then back out here because he hasn't convicted of a crime in thailand yet. i hope the thai police have something on him or he will be back in less than 14 months. just over 1 year.

thats unless justice is reserved for inside the HMP in the UK.

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Good work from the DSI .

not that i am a fan the the english old bill but it was them that did all the work. got all the eveidence and got information as to where he lived. then they just call the DSI and tell them what to do. now they have the credit also.

good work

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Well done DSI

Funny there seems to be none of the regular Thai bashers here. I suppose that facts that don't agree with there limited knowledge are ignored there by allowing them to maintain a limited knowledge.B)

What does "Thai bashing" have to do with the story at hand?:blink:

As for this statement "I suppose that facts that don't agree with there limited knowledge are ignored there by allowing them to maintain a limited knowledge" To me it seems only you know what you are talking about because it does not make any sense at all

Well well mention Thai basher and look who appears.:jap:

It has nothing to do with this post. It is just a observation when ever they have a chance to give credit they disappear or as in your case appear to attack the poster. How is life in Pattaya treating you?:D

It is in reference to people who judge all of Thailand by there back yard. Brings to mind a post where the poster studied the walking street in Pattaya and used that as his material for judging all Thai's.B)

Pattaya life is well, thanks for asking-not that it has anything to do with the topic.

I do not think you know what or where Walking street is but thats also a matter for another topic.

Here is some brain storming ideas.

According to OP , he was denied entry in the airport due to criminal record

1. How did they know he had a criminal record? There are no documents which even ask that

2. If he was red flagged on the computer, then why was he not detained or arrested?

He entered Thailand via Nong Khai

1. Did he enter legally or illegally?

2. If he entered legally, why was he granted access when he was denied at the airport? does that mean computers are not linked or again how did they know about his record?

3. If he entered illegally, why was he not detained at te time of accident where he allegedly killed a person.

He was involved in an accident where person was killed

1. Why case has not progressed further?

2. Why was he not detained if he had a criminal record and entered Thailand illegally?

Yes DSI job well done, should they have done their job properly at the airport, perhaps "a person" would not have been killed.

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so a child molester gets sent straight back to the UK whilst the UK leave an old man rotting in a cell in pattaya for over staying his visa.

wonder if the kiddy fidler is flying business class back home. so 14 month in jail then back out here because he hasn't convicted of a crime in thailand yet. i hope the thai police have something on him or he will be back in less than 14 months. just over 1 year.

thats unless justice is reserved for inside the HMP in the UK.

I don't see anywhere that he has been convicted of child molestation.

He was convicted of accessing child pornography from what i can gather.

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I'm extremely happy that he has been apprehended, he is known to me and judging from his behavior here, then I can only say good riddance and truly hope the Thai authorities will not let him enter ever again.

I can not help but ask you by the sound of your post you know the man pretty well and are aware of his activities.

So why did you not report him to police if you despise him so much? even if you did not know about his arrest warrant.

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I too am a little confused about this.

If he was wanted in the UK to serve time and the Thais noted a criminal record why wasn't he just detained at the airport and the UK authorities notified then sent back to serve the time?

Not sure whether I would prefer him to be sent back to do time in the old blighty or to do the same time in Thailand. I think the Thai jail would be worse so let him have a little holiday in there.

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I'm extremely happy that he has been apprehended, he is known to me and judging from his behavior here, then I can only say good riddance and truly hope the Thai authorities will not let him enter ever again.

I can not help but ask you by the sound of your post you know the man pretty well and are aware of his activities.

So why did you not report him to police if you despise him so much? even if you did not know about his arrest warrant.

I really did not know him that well as you seem to suggest, a nod and perhaps a hello.................

He is really not my type of person, the comment was made from the observations seen and conversations had from closer friends of his.

As far as I am aware he actually did not break any laws in regards to children in Thailand.

He did have a motor vehicle accident that very unfortunately left one person dead (May they RIP), after which he fled the country, rather than face up to it. he then paid his 'tea money' to all involved and regrettably returned back to here.

I can assure you that had I known he was wanted in the UK, then for sure I would have reported him.

In actual fact some friends of mine did make inquiries in the UK, which may well have ended in the result we all see today.

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DSI Arrests British Child Abuser On The Run From Uk Jail Term


The DSI has arrested a British man in Pattaya, who had absconded from a jail term in the UK for child abuse. During his stay in Thailand, the suspect was also responsible for the death of a man by dangerous driving, and the abuse of young children, both boys and girls.

Pattaya, 9 December 2010 (PDN): At 5.30pm a British national, Mr. Kevin Victor Rider [49], was arrested and taken into custody, following a joint operation between the DSI and the British Embassy. Mr. Rider had received a 14 month sentence for child abuse in England, but had absconded and had been hiding out in Thailand for about one year. The operation was lead by Prawit Chaibuadaeng, chief of the Eastern Special Investigation Operation Center, and Immigration Police Investigator Captain Thiraphat Jirasrikun.

Full story/pictures HERE


-- 2010-12-10


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Pattaya Pedophile Association will start an enrollment drive since it seems attrition is a continual problem.

People come and go and simply provide a small gift at the border. Rest assured, any immigration officer found complicit will be transferred to another location only to begin a a freshman bribe recipient.

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He was known in the area where he lived. Enquiries were made by police and others. DSI then came and arrested him. He was only then found not to have valid visa. The final outcome may not be clear but the lead up is.

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not that i am a fan the the english old bill but it was them that did all the work. got all the eveidence and got information as to where he lived. then they just call the DSI and tell them what to do. now they have the credit also.

good work

They (the UK/English/British police) did all the work? If this guy was a convicted sex offender, why was he running loose and unwatched in Euro-farang-utopia and able to travel freely?

Did you expect the Thai police to do the criminal investigation in UK? The Thai police regularly have to track down miscreants for the incompetent authorities outside of Thailand.

If the English police wanted him, why did they not apprehend him while he was in England? Why did they not lift his passport or restrict his freedom of travel in Euro-farang-utopia? They knew where he was in Pattaya?? Couldn't they have managed this same high-level detecting back in UK?

It seems the Thai police spend a great deal of their time catching all the Euro/US/Russian "bad guys" for the police of those countries and also have to provide room & board for foreign nationals who are penniless and medically/mentally unfit. I hope the wonderful English police reimburse Thailand for doing their work for them.

Why is it that some people can never, ever credit Thais with anything positive and can never find fault with the people who screw-up on a regular basis back in Fantasy-Farang-Land?

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The main thing is this piece of s..t is off the streets..Surely aren't stupid enough to give him bail in 'Old Blighty' .... Or are they?

Wanna bet?

They could well give him bail and then he will probably be right back in Pattaya again within a few days. Hence starting the whole process again.

It all makes work for the working man to do, cha, cha, cha.

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I think that if you are a law abiding citizen it is hard to understand how people manage to circumvent all the visa checks etc, but it has long been my belief that the people who dwell in the seamy side of life have all the contacts & knowhow to achieve these things. All the blaming and mudslinging isn't going to help anyone. Let's just be glad that another scumbag has finally been taken out of circulation. :D

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This guy is only one of many in Pattaya from many different countries. Any arrest - even one - is worth it. I hope they put him in Thai jails for a long period and let the Thai criminals take care of him. Something about 'street justice'. Hope many more join him and soon. ph34r.gif

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he was well known arround Maprachan reservoir, where he lived and frequented de 9999 shop, He had a dauchter (about 6 years) with him sometimes and a new lady of about 16 years. He was a friendly, shy, polite guy. I saw no wrong in him .

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