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New Helmet Laws Introduced As Fatality Rate Soars In Thailand

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Why the need for helmet wearing zones when it has been law for years that you have to wear a helmet when riding a motorbike?

Really is it already a law in Thailand? You would never know it I even see the police getting around without a helmet.

Maybe it's legitime because they and many other helmet-less individuals don't have brains or theirs aren't worth to be protected?

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So many posters with so many wonderful ideas, all overlooking the 900lb gorilla in the corner; Thailand is a democracy where most of the voters ride motorcycles. If draconian laws are passed/enforced the govt initiating will be toast at the next election. In western countries the numbers of bike riders are far lower and the nanny state can run amok with impunity. In Viet Nam they don't give a dam_n what the people like or not. NOT HERE!

Quite a few years back, a proposed helmet law for Colorado was dropped when statistics showed that there were more brain injuries for ONE model of Jeep 4WD (a rag-top from memory) than all motorcycles. Riders successfully argued that if helmets were mandatory for bikes, it should also apply to other vehicles. The politicians did a quick total of the vote impact, and forgot the whole thing.

Car drivers and passengers would be much safer if they wore helmets. Do you? If you really love your children, why don't you strap them in safety capsules, and force them to wear helmets and inflatable suits in your rich man's 4wd which is more prone to roll-over than a sedan? You can afford beer and a phone, so why not?.

BTW bicycle helmet laws are being quietly dropped all round the world. Why? Many cities are promoting bicycle rental schemes as an alternative public transport; they are not a success if a helmet law is enforced, and stats show they have very little effect on injury totals.

Gen Chavalit was PM when the first helmet law came in in the 90s, although it had been passed by the previous government. He was so scared of the potential backlash from voters that he tried to scrap the law but failed. In the event the predicted backlash was a damp squib and Chavalit had peed his pants for nothing - muted complaints for two weeks and an off duty drunk policeman who pulled a gun on one of his colleagues on Sathorn Road for politely asking him to wear a helmet next time.

I think the comparison with the US is apples with oranges. There are not so many motorcyclist head injuries in the US because there are not so many motorcyclists and most of them are enthusiasts who ride bikes because they like them and are probably more skilled riders than the average Thai. In Thailand, as you point out, there are a huge number of motorcyclists, including thousands of unlicenced young kids. Most people ride motor bikes out of necessity and the standard of riding is very poor. Education is the key. Thailand's AIDS awareness campaigns in the 90s were extremely effective in bringing down infection rates and that was advertising dealing with a socially taboo subject. Preceding tougher helmet laws with a robust campaign promoting the disadvantages of having one's brains smeared over the highway would work wonders. Meanwhile, if Coloradans choose to deposit their brain cells on the road, good for them. BTW there are not that many cloth topped vehicles in Thailand and there are already laws about riding in the back of pick-up trucks without seats, even though they are not enforced.


You guys bitch about having more then 2 on bikes and helmet quality, you go pay for an extra bike or car and a nice helmet for a poor thai family then. They don't even have mosquetto nets or shutters and any toilets in the NE let alone these luxuarys.

Get real.

I understand you point regarding finacial means of some families but you can buy a half decent helmet from Tesco Lotus for about 500 baht. Just out of interest what price do you put on childrens safety? What disgusts me is when you see the adult riding a motorbike with a helmet on and the 3 or more children crammed onto the bike wearing nothing. Nice parents (not)!!!!!

How many drivers have actually passed their tests? The standard of road safety of a lot of Thai's is a joke. Do they even know what indicators are used for?


I feel as if the whole discussion is drifting away from what the main line of the goverment statement reads:

Public Health Ministry regions across the country yesterday were declared compulsory helmet-wearing zones to promote safety and reduce fatalities caused by motorcycle accidents, said Deputy Minister Pannasiri Kullanartsiri.

For my understanding it means, that no motorcyccle driver and its passengers are allowed to enter the yard of a goverment building or premises, sure they can park outside, but considering the large sizes of certain goverment premises and the fact that the people would always like to park in front, this new regulation makes sense. But of course it needs to be strictly implemented. If it is handled like the law to wear helmets already, than the change will only be marginal.


Not difficult really.

make it 100% compulsary to wear a minimum grade helmet, enforced by huge fines, with a 2 strikes and your out policy. get caught with even a non wearing passenger, and the rider gets a strike. The second strike sees a huge fine, their bike crushed and a ban for 3 years from riding.

Ban more than one passenger and force the schools to monitor these laws are being observed. Also minimum age of riding a motorcycle should be 16.

This is where it usually sits in the west and the results are a fraction of here. This of course is a token statement from the government. They don't really care about the deaths, only the 2 Bn Bhat the survivors cost. The roads here are a joke, and the police do f**kall to enforce the laws they are paid to enforce.

Goes for car and truck drivers also. the should start crushing the offender vehicles. That will bring the death toll down to less than 1000, a figure in line with the west, or at least any country that really cares about protecting its citizens


You guys bitch about having more then 2 on bikes and helmet quality, you go pay for an extra bike or car and a nice helmet for a poor thai family then. They don't even have mosquetto nets or shutters and any toilets in the NE let alone these luxuarys.

Get real.

Long night?

If you can afford a motorbike for 20k baht (used), you can also afford a helmet for 200 baht. Which, despite being a little piece of plastic and foam, will be way better than nothing.

No they cannot afford a 20-K motorbike – the same as the other speed lunatics cannot afford a SUV.

The finance gimmicks that got America the housing bubble that burst throwing the whole world’s finances in disarray. Thailand is on the identical road called motor vehicle bubble that is on the way to burst.

It is absolutely impossible to sale motorbikes for 999 Thai Baht down payment and the finance companies finance the rest. This lunacy also goes on with the sales of pickups, cars, SUVs, to name but 3.

The finance organizations don’t care they take in people’s money at peanuts interest and loan it out for motorbikes and vehicles (to name but 2) at usurious rates 7 – 10% with a rake of not less than 5% they make millions, no not millions, billions, just look at the financial reports of the banks. Same as with the housing bubble this vehicle bubble is also going to fly-up against a reinforced concrete wall and burst, give it time.

I live not far from the water reservoir for Pattaya and just down from the road you can see cardboard, packing paper, plastic sheet etc. huts which is the “residence” of the people that have no income from a regular occupation and who live there and parked by these huts you see late model motorbikes and pickups. Were they are located has no Thai Gov. Land Office assigned address because the land is part of the water reservoir and belongs to the Thai government, so they are by law; squatters. No problem, someone will let them use their mailing address. If need be, the same as in America with the Liars Property Deeds, the finance officer processing the loan will supply an address, after all s/he cannot let a simple thing like a mailing address cause the processing fee to slip through their hands.


The problem is the de facto non enforcement of the law!

It's a law since long, what is going on with those responsable for it's enforcement. :whistling:


Maybe lack of attention to surroundings etc. caused by being on a mobile phone call while riding a motorbike and the consequent lack of control could be a contributing factor. Added to that , the need to remove the helmet to make or answer the call ??

There is a law about using a mobile phone whilst driving a car, does that extend to motor cyclists I wonder ??

A few police traffic patrols actually moving around might help rather than static checkpoints which everyone knows about !!



Well, what do you expect? Living on the dark side of Pattaya's Sukhumvit Road I see our law dedicated, hard working police roaming the roads without helmets - on a motorbike. The reason for not wearing a helmet becomes obvious - they are on the phone.

Why on earth are you all getting so excited? We live in a zoo and our opinion as "aliens" was neither asked for nor appreciated. If you use a bike, wear proper helmets and other biking gear and leave the Thais to go through their very own learning curve. Yes, it is sad, that each and every of those 6'000 bike fatalities a year are sons, daughters, mothers, aunties, wifes etc to somebody. But I've attended funerals of accident victims (drunk driving, biking without helmet) just to witness that upon leaving the funeral rites they got intoxicated before roaming away on a bike ... needless to say, without a helmet.

Bienvenue en Thaïlande!


I guess with the current recommendation for Government officials to get a 5% pay raise it was time for this guy to stand up and be counted to earn that 5% since many within their own felt they didn't do enough to earn it! So he prenounce wear your helmet in certain Zones when the law clearly states you need to wear it at all time! We can all state what is the problem but in the end like most laws on the books in Thailand they are ineffective because of one thing? ENFORCEMENT! Just a reminder there is also a no smoking law and a cell phone law while driving that doesn't work why? ENFORCEMENT!

Being in Thailand, lets say a compromise? Kids need to get to school because parents both have to work or not around so the police make a allowance for them under age to go to school on motorbikes. That 's fine by me but at least put a limit on the bike and they must all wear helmets and drive responsible. I see no point in wearing a tin can on your head when they are driving reckless and speeding. Non school days kids aren't allow to ride with or without helmets if they don't have a license. Consistent application of helmet law must be enforced everywhere even in isolated area's for everyone and not consistently pull farangs over even with helmets and obeying all driving laws to shake them down for 500 baht while locals just get a pass!

Revamp and stop the corruption for obtainling a license for a bike and car. Locals have no training and many can't even read but seem to find a way to pay off the officials in obtaining a license. They take what they learn from their parents or friends and even training schools and past on these bad habits to their kids, when they grown up and progress to cars and buses you have a killing mentality and they don't even know it? When a person tailgates a motorbike within inches at high speed indicating get out of the way when there's nowhere to go after they past can't understand that there is a big difference in weight for a car versus a motorbike. Just a tap from the back at 5 KM/H by a car to a motorbike it goes flying! I have seen it!

In the end, it's not rocket science to know how many are dying due to a inept laws and standards and lack of enforcement. Until everyone is on the same page and boat with enforcement Thais will continue to die at this rate with or without helmets in special zones set up just for showing something is being done when the majority are dying outside Bangkok. You can only teach what you practice! We farangs can give you suggestions until you have the fortitude to actually do something about enforcement without worrying about loosing your job or they tar and feathering your butt Thai people and children will continue to die at this hide rate and be a heavy drain on your financial resources! I have been to some of your local hospitals and seen so many waiting to be treated for motorcycle injuries along with some that are just flat on their backs waiting to be bury!

We all know the answer now instead of words maybe some action and enforcement for your 5% raise?


I can assume from your post you're here because of the lax respect for the law, don't assume I am. <_<

This helmet laws has nothing to do with extracting money from servants to the tax system. :o

If you are of a certain age, then you should not have to wear a helmet. I totally agree, stupid is as stupid does. :blink:

Making a child where a helmet and eye protection is not bullying nor threatening, but protecting the rights of the child. Don't the children have a right to be protected even if their parents are not smart enough or too lazy to do it themselves? One of the first things i noticed when coming here years ago was the amount of eye damage among the Thai people, it must mostly come from motorbikes. B)

Fewer laws? then people wouldn't be breaking the law because their wouldn't be one, and therefore let the people be responsible for the maimed or parent-less children. :huh:

long live stupidity! it is one's right regardless of who it affects! This might be the dumbest post I've ever seen. <_<

If that is so, then you really haven't understood much about this country yet, nor its wonderful people and how they view life, death and the bits in between.

And you also haven't understood my post. Mai pen rai.


Why the need for helmet wearing zones when it has been law for years that you have to wear a helmet when riding a motorbike?

Exactly. They are a bunch of clowns who think that making a broad brush statement will solve the problem.

They lack the will or committment to enforce any thing here in the realm.

Bottom line nothing will change.

AND the figure of 11,000 fatalities p/a is only a guess and a very poor one at that.


I just came back from a few days in rural Cambodia. Guess what? Most people wear helmets, and farmers in Cambodia are certainly not richer than those in Thailand. Another thing that struck me was that most kids walked or used bicycles to school. In Thailand, not even the poorest farmer would risk the physical damage to her children as a result of walking a few hundred meters to the local learning institution.

The laziness in this country is beyond description sometimes.

Exactly right. This is not an issue of affordability to all Thai. Go spend a couple of weeks in Vietnam, then google the national helmet law there. Google also, the stats on deaths there prior to and 12 months after the law was put into effect, and rigoursly enforced, to this day. The Vn. people had all the same excuses for not wearing them, even calling the existing helmets at the time, "rice cookers" because they looked like them and were too hot to wear. In comes a company called Protec with high quality helmets specially designed for the tropics, having passed all international standards, and made available at a surprisingly low cost. Campaigns were carried out in all the schools, thousands being given away to children.The Vn govt., US govt, and Protec donated a lot to get helmet education to the masses. The fines were made stiff if caught without a helmet. Within the first 30 days, close to 90% of the people were using them. By the next year, deaths from motorbike accidents plummeted. The attitude today in Vietnam? Everywhere you go, everyone, every age, on a bike wears a helmet. In fact, helmet sales is a cooking business, where you can find any color, any cartoon character on them, and many females will buy helmets like shoes and purses, making them color coordinating accessories. It is noteworthy that the stats say close to 90% of all motor vehicles in Vn are motorbikes. Go there and you wont dispute that. What we have here in the Land of smileys is nothing more than lazy govt, and lazier police, one entity in the business of manure spreading, the other, in the business of receiving donations from the real earners.


This is really a joke the government, police and parents are totally to blame. NO child should ride a bike under 16 years, this is totally ignored by the police.Poverty is no excuse life is far more valuable.How many times have you seen a mother riding with a helmet on carrying a 3 week old baby totally unprotected.They should be locked up. Two young boys of 11 years run into me totally their fault too young for licenses.The police came and said you must pay the hospital and repairs for the bike.The inspector came and he said the same.My insurance people came and they said we will have to pay at the end of the day.I said no and fought and won the case.Its about time that laws should really be enforced if they want to bring down the accident and death rate.<br>


The intelligence demonstrated by the majority of Thai motorcyclists, suggests they don't need a helmet to protect them from brain injuries, but a thickly padded seat. And just how many helmets per bike does the department think will be required? They're off their tiny little heads. Until riders are compelled to learn how to ride a motorcycle safely; to comply with existing laws, such as there are; to ride no more than two to a bike - and no kids at all - there is not a hope in hell that any attempt to compel them to wear helmets will have the slightest effect on statistics. And all of that is ignoring the state of most helmets in current use ....


I watched in horror on Sunday......Busy city street......5 young kids on a m/bike, shorts and t shirts, none with helmets. The driver couldnt possibly have been 10 years old.

Where are the responsible parents? Its tthe parents that are at fault..... for not setting rules and examples, educating their kids. How did the kids get the keys of the bike??

And frankly, I'd be less concerned for the kids riding the bike, than for those they might very well involve in an accident. And a few months ago, parents riding a bike with a toddler between them, had an accident. The toddler lost a leg. But would the parents have recognised where the fault lay? What the government needs to realise is that, whilst Thais fail to understand even the most basic rules of safety - safety in any area of life, not just riding bikes - nothing is going to change.


I was under the impression there were helmet laws already... enforcement, or lack thereof, is the problem...

Hi, Exactly. Just enforce all road traffic laws ridgidly.Will reduce deaths and injuries dramatically. There will be hardly anyone left on the bloody roads!



seems like a normal government,any government reaction to a problem...i worked for many years in emergency medicine...often it is Not the fall or the broken bones, it is the slapping around of the brain in the brain pan that kills...no helmet can stop that...

a while back i saw a report in the paper of a couple run over by a truck, the report of the sad deaths pointed out that they were wearing no helmets?...yah,they were squashed flat, don't suppose that had anything to do with their deaths....and can't believe helmets would have changed the result....


<"All government office areas nationwide should be designated as compulsory helmet-wearing zones, he said.">

I think that he is already brain dead. Why would you need to wear a helmet when in a government area but not need one at other times? Stupid!!. I think they could be really in trouble if Thai men ever realized that the way to get a fast and happy divorce would be to take the wife out for a little drive. He would of course be following the law and wearing his helmet and she of course would not because it was legally required. One little tumble and home free to start again.

But really if this ever catches on and everybody wears helmets and therefore not dies then it will critically cut into the income stream for the monks. They get paid for the funeral services.


Earth to bushwacker; this is Houston calling........


You guys bitch about having more then 2 on bikes and helmet quality, you go pay for an extra bike or car and a nice helmet for a poor thai family then. They don't even have mosquetto nets or shutters and any toilets in the NE let alone these luxuarys.

Get real.

So are you saying that safety laws should not be enacted because some people can't afford it?

It is also compulsory here to have insurance while operating a vehicle, should these people be exempt from that law as well?

Public schools here also have fees and uniforms etc. which cost money; should the parents you are reffering to be allowed to not send their child to school (which many of them don't)?

I could go on and on....point being poverty does not negate responsibility


Why not start teaching the youngster at schools and uni's the type of head injuries that you get from not wearing a helmet show slide/ photo's of accidents,and try to hit home to them about over loading the passengers / sitting side saddle. And let the police book more students for breaking the law, if they can't pay the fine make the parents pay or take the motocy off them.Let the police book them any day of the week not just certain days when they are short of money.

Good thinking, goof ideas. Look at a i.e. a teacher of the village of Nongtrud, who rides his motorcycle to school every morning without wearing a helmet. He rides down the schoolyard showing the pupils how to violate the existing helmet law. My question, how he possibly could act this way, was answered: " Accidents happen only in Bangkok or big cities, not here!"

And as long this attitude persists in Thailand, it won't change.


You guys bitch about having more then 2 on bikes and helmet quality, you go pay for an extra bike or car and a nice helmet for a poor thai family then. They don't even have mosquetto nets or shutters and any toilets in the NE let alone these luxuarys.

Get real.

I think you are missing the point - even the families that can afford will not buy. I live with a well off thai family and they laugh at me when I wear a helmet anywhere there most likely won't be police. The government has not educated the population on the benefits of helmets or seatbelts.

In Australia majority of the population will wear a helmet or seat belt even if they know there is no police around. I for example still use a seatbelt in the backseat of a car in Thailand.

Would you rather they die than cough up for a helmet - even a cheap plastic one would be Better than nothing? An d 90% of the population could afford this without flinching.


You guys bitch about having more then 2 on bikes and helmet quality, you go pay for an extra bike or car and a nice helmet for a poor thai family then. They don't even have mosquetto nets or shutters and any toilets in the NE let alone these luxuarys.

Get real.

If you have the money to ride a motorcycle, you do have the money to buy a helmet and use it. Figure you ride your bike for 10.000Km. For the price of 1000 Km you can buy a first class helmet, whith a DOT approval, for the equivalent of 200Km you will receive a coconut shell. This one though, might be enough for you.


I was in Pattaya a few weeks back, and saw a sign, 3 or more on a motorcycle 500 baht fine......

I live in rural Issan, and I see many farlang, riding their scooter, down the road without a helmet,,,so they are no better than the Thais at following rules....I go nowhere without a helmet.....period...


I just came back from a few days in rural Cambodia. Guess what? Most people wear helmets, and farmers in Cambodia are certainly not richer than those in Thailand. Another thing that struck me was that most kids walked or used bicycles to school. In Thailand, not even the poorest farmer would risk the physical damage to her children as a result of walking a few hundred meters to the local learning institution.

The laziness in this country is beyond description sometimes.

For God's sake, yes...... You expresses what I have in mind correctly. Government should aim to plant the seed of "diligent" in kids, and tells them to start using Bicycle instead of Motorcycle. I'm in Hat Yai and I see primary school children riding motorcycle to school carelessly, rushingly and without any protective vests.

Government failed to "plant" these self-conscious seeds and therefore, the result is that there are too many reckless in the Thai community.

I can say the same goes for Alchohol, smoke and other habits..



You guys bitch about having more then 2 on bikes and helmet quality, you go pay for an extra bike or car and a nice helmet for a poor thai family then. They don't even have mosquetto nets or shutters and any toilets in the NE let alone these luxuarys.

Get real idiots.

Long night?

If you can afford a motorbike for 20k baht (used), you can also afford a helmet for 200 baht. Which, despite being a little piece of plastic and foam, will be way better than nothing.

So poverty is an excuse for not following the law is it??

Most families own helmets, but choose not to wear them. Fairly sure that some of those poor NE families you talk of have enough cash for dads beer as and when he wants it.

Question of priorities. getting smashed or brain smashed in??

If familiies can't afford helmets then clearly there is a need that requires a solution. Perhaps the government could make helmets freely available when a bike is bought then no one has any excuses.

Good idea. If they would incorporate the helmet into the cost of the bike no room for discussion it would help. A 10,000 baht fine for selling a bike with out a helmet. It would definitely be a step in the rite direction.

Just having one is not good enough if you don't use it. The other night I was crossing the street and could just barley see a motorbike coming at me. It was night time and he had his helmet in his basket in front of the head lite. some times you just have to stand back shake your head and laugh.:D

On another note it is not only the Thais who go helmet less.:(

It's a great pity that the 'Helmets' don't come with 'extra brain cells included'. Most Thais could do with both and some seasoned Farangs! I was driving in the early morning the other day on a straight road and was indicating that I was going to turn left (some 200m before the turning) and as I was checking my mirror(again) prior to turning (some 50m from the turn) I saw a motorbike storming up the inside of me. Fortunately I had enough common sense to not turn but just braked to a stop and the bike came up the inside of me with three young boys on it - ALL head down , doing about 70k. If I had turned I would have wiped out three young lives - thank goodness I've got mirrors and use them. I blew my horn at them and they just turned and laughed at me - PATHETIC,STUPID LITTLE SODS. The biggest problem, is that we all know ( AND FEAR ) that if I had killed all three of them it would have been MY FAULT ! I've managed nearly 4 years here in Thailand without any accident as yet, but I wonder just how long my 50+ years of driving experience will keep me out of trouble? I wish that someone; no matter who, would see the sense in at least TRYING to educate the Thais with at least a semblance of road craft, after all it really is just common sense and having respect for other road users, instead of driving in what I call the 'THAI ROAD BUBBLE'-ME,ME,ME,ME. BUDDHA WILL PROTECT ME !!!!!


You guys bitch about having more then 2 on bikes and helmet quality, you go pay for an extra bike or car and a nice helmet for a poor thai family then. They don't even have mosquetto nets or shutters and any toilets in the NE let alone these luxuarys.

Get real.

Long night?

If you can afford a motorbike for 20k baht (used), you can also afford a helmet for 200 baht. Which, despite being a little piece of plastic and foam, will be way better than nothing.

You're right, they can buy motorcycles, pimp the vehicle, change the exhaust pipe in a way to disturb the ordinary working citizens but poor guys cannot afford an helmet. The laws about loud exhausts and the use of helmets has been enforced for a while now but, it seems that the police can't do anything about it. It's just a question of parental misguidance, disrespect for your neighbors and an huge lack of the system that has been established for a long time.

NOTHING ELSE THAN THE TRUTH what you mention above ! About the system : very simpel : USELESS since nobody give a damned at those (mostly ridiculous) laws in Thailand. About the noise... yeah we really get nuts about it, not only the motorbikes, but EVERYTHING that makes some noise in Thailand. Look at all those cars with a sound system on board that even the Rolling Stones would make disappear with their music power. But in TH it's the most normal and common thing that this happens every single day. Who cares ? Nobody, except that stupid farang... but those basterds will not leave their sleep for that..

And where it all begins ? Indeed, while they still are babies, they already are forced to watch every day to all those stupid soaps and violent movies with the volume switch on MAXIMUM ! So how can they ever become educated like most Westerners are ? Poor Thailand, more and more people will die in the future in road accidents, especially with a bike because NOBODY CARES !!!!!

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