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After 15 Years In Thailand And Going Back To The Us

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Due to the bad US economy and also increased xenophobia (for example the racist Arizona law) a large percentage of Mexicans have self repatriated. Please no more of the fantasy that everyone in the world wants to get into the US. It isn't true now, and it was never true.


Also note, ease of class mobility (in other words the chances a poor person can become wealthy) are now significantly better in western Europe than the USA. Not to mention the gap between rich and poor in the US, which is arguably more extreme than in Thailand.


Yes there is truth to what you say with the exception of Arizona laws being racist. Since when is it racist to not desire illegals living in your country, overcrowding your schools and hospitals, sucking social services such as food stamps and welfare, not paying taxes, sending much of their money back to Mexico and not spending it here, taking American jobs, lowering job standards and wages to name a few. And I am not talking about the drug smugglers or scores of Mexican felons heading up to the US to steal cars, break ins, etc.

Okay now let's look at Mexico's policy. Any American traveling without a passport can be arrested and imprisoned/extradited on the spot. Never mind living there. Name one country in the world that does not actively seek and extradite illegal entries?

I'd suggest you either wake up or read up before being so loose with your statements.

Great post in response to a really, really bad one. I can't count the number of people that have worked for me in foreign countries (drivers, secretaries, etc.) that have asked for my help in getting them into the US or a job there. And the number of foreign professionals that send their children to study and work in the US or the UK is endless. To the masses, the US is the beacon in the darkness of empty opportunities. To be sure, it has lost some of its shine and the developing world has become much more habitable, but the US still offers the best education and opportunities for growth and development of any plce on earth (it is a pity that more Americans don't take adavantage of what is available there). The gap is narrowing, and places like Singapore may out shine the US in a decade or two -- hence my comment earlier on a second term for Obama, which would only hasten the decline of the US.

Here Here...agree with you 100%, well except the part about Obama...

Yes, Sing is a GREAT place, if I had employment there I would leave LOS in a HEARTBEAT...quality of life is far superior to Thailand...

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Do you have any evidence that only a few families control the importation of cameras into Thailand?

You can do that research for yourself...and can with most products...go to the company website and look for the Intl distributors...you will find that with most all imported products there is one MAYBE two distributors...and there are folks that have the distribution rights to MANY products.

Also most stores here do not buy their inventory...for instance at the Empo or Paragon when you see Lacoste, the store does not but that inventory, it simply rents the space to the Lacoste distributor, so there is never any real pressure on the store to move the inventory, hence when you see a Lacoste sale it is always 30% off, never more...Same holds true for Samsung and other products in places like Power Mall, Carrefour, and Lotus...that is why prices are IDENTICAL and you have very little bargaining power...and of course the big problem...cars...which in mainly tax...

But that is still free market capitalism. The foreign company issued distribution rights and now the distributor distributes.

Now, if I were to secure the distribution rights for Thailand to the new South African ZooHooBoo cameras and attempt to distribute them but the Thai family who owns the Cannon distribution rights cuts off my horse's head and puts it my bed while I am sleeping or a Thai government official refuses to allow me to legally import my ZooHooBoo cameras, now that would be obstruction into the free market.

Otherwise what are you suggesting? Government price controls? Government subsidized brand name products?

But... I do love the American system of ultra cheap prices and low margins on high volume. Before I arrive to the USA I always have boxes waiting for me from Amazon and NewEgg.


I live in Canada but pretty much the same as the US except maybe not as run down, the economy here never took the huge hit the US has. Never the less I came back because my Thai wife very badly wanted to come to Canada. Its great for her, she was given an opportunity and she has made the best of it. In just 6 years she has over a million baht in the bank and owns her own restaurant.

For me not so great, just before it was time to leave Thailand to bring her to Canada I remember thinking about it while I was looking at a beautiful book of diving in Thailand at a bookstore in phuket town, and I while I was looking at all of these beautiful pictures of Thailand I started to break out in cold sweat thinking this a mistake. Well 6 years later she is doing great but the last 6 years for me has been predictably very stressful and frustrating. The reason I left canada from the beginning is because i was fed up and disgusted with high taxes, over regulation, massive mounds of paperwork regardless of what you do ect. ect. not to mention the shear arrogance and ignorance of the everyday people here. Now I have 3 times the stress than ever before because now I have to do all admin, taxes, paperwork, schools ect. ect. not just for myself but for her, her son, and the restaurant she runs.

In a nutshell its been great for her, hell for me. So what I am trying to say is its all a matter of persepctive. For the Thai foriegn workers here they work, put money in the bank and if they are smart and dont send it all home they can go back to Thailand with a miilon baht in 3 years. For me who has to pay mortgage, high taxes, and high everything else it's just a day to day struggle to meet the bills. Now I'm coming to Thailand by myself this year simply because I cant take it any more. So ladies and gentleman if your Thai spouse or partner is working on you to take her back to your country. I have three words of advice. Dont do it!

I have never read a truer reply posted on this forum Thank You ! (every body take note)


My pal in UK took his Thai wife to UK to work for their future in LOS. Three years on she doesn't want to come back to LOS for his retirement and has buggered off with another bloke. :huh:

I find this quite interesting as Asian women love the west because they will have guys falling all over them and more opportunities. Guys love asian countries because they feel like rock stars in many places. Kind of a reverse scenario.

I guess you are wrong about" asian women love the west because they have guys falling all over them" yes maybe some do but not all of them.

My wife would not even look at another guy over here because we are married.

After we came back from Thailand she helped me to get back on track, supported me in any way.

We lost a lot of money in Thailand investing in business which we thought was secure and we do not regret going back to Australia for one minute

I don't realy know why anybody living in Thailand and complains on TV about the situation and prices and double standards

and still stay there.

Where we live life is beautiful we have no complains about anything I could go on and on but I Think it is wasted time I will propperly get some nasty

respons from all the good doers in Thailand but I don't care

So all of you have a nice day and a safe new year



Thai brands Jaspal and CC00 both run 50-70% sales semi-annually and offer you standard brand name clothing that is immediately recognizable by Thai women - which is the whole point anyways, yeah?


Due to the bad US economy and also increased xenophobia (for example the racist Arizona law) a large percentage of Mexicans have self repatriated. Please no more of the fantasy that everyone in the world wants to get into the US. It isn't true now, and it was never true.


Also note, ease of class mobility (in other words the chances a poor person can become wealthy) are now significantly better in western Europe than the USA. Not to mention the gap between rich and poor in the US, which is arguably more extreme than in Thailand.


Yes there is truth to what you say with the exception of Arizona laws being racist. Since when is it racist to not desire illegals living in your country, overcrowding your schools and hospitals, sucking social services such as food stamps and welfare, not paying taxes, sending much of their money back to Mexico and not spending it here, taking American jobs, lowering job standards and wages to name a few. And I am not talking about the drug smugglers or scores of Mexican felons heading up to the US to steal cars, break ins, etc.

Okay now let's look at Mexico's policy. Any American traveling without a passport can be arrested and imprisoned/extradited on the spot. Never mind living there. Name one country in the world that does not actively seek and extradite illegal entries?

I'd suggest you either wake up or read up before being so loose with your statements.

A friend in America sent me the following,,

The below photo is real.

Why wasn’t the person with the threatening sign arrested?

If you can look at this picture, read the sign and NOT

pass this on . . . SHAME ON YOU!

Take a good look at the sign he is holding! Ok, all you pushing for illegal immigrants' rights

We are the ones that will have to pay for the welfare of these immigrants!

"Get it Done, Arizona , you are in our prayers" !!post-39258-0-43584100-1294481413_thumb.j



That is certainly a provocative sign.


I suspect PHOTOSHOP.

If not, that kind of speech may still be protected under the constitution, which as we know, the tea partiers think is like a Holy Gospel.


That is certainly a provocative sign.


I suspect PHOTOSHOP.

If not, that kind of speech may still be protected under the constitution, which as we know, the tea partiers think is like a Holy Gospel.

I think president Obama has "The Constitution" themed toilet paper in all the White House bathrooms. :D


That is certainly a provocative sign.


I suspect PHOTOSHOP.

If not, that kind of speech may still be protected under the constitution, which as we know, the tea partiers think is like a Holy Gospel.

I think president Obama has "The Constitution" themed toilet paper in all the White House bathrooms. :D

Right wingers don't believe in the constitution any more than any other faction. They believe in their particular and very twisted and totally selective INTERPRETATION of the constitution. That's what the supreme court is for, to continue to interpret the constitution over the course of changing times.


Multiple wrongs don't make a right. Politics is just another religion where one rationalizes their misgivings by drawing comparisons to their rivals who "do the same thing". The Constitution can be ratified, take for instance, the abolition of slavery and suffrage. Of course, ratifying The Constitution is much harder than "reinterpreting" it. :whistling:


Multiple wrongs don't make a right. Politics is just another religion where one rationalizes their misgivings by drawing comparisons to their rivals who "do the same thing". The Constitution can be ratified, take for instance, the abolition of slavery and suffrage. Of course, ratifying The Constitution is much harder than "reinterpreting" it. :whistling:

Apparently when Congress recently reopened the first thing they did was have a reading of the Constitution. This is rare apparently.


Due to the bad US economy and also increased xenophobia (for example the racist Arizona law) a large percentage of Mexicans have self repatriated. Please no more of the fantasy that everyone in the world wants to get into the US. It isn't true now, and it was never true.


Also note, ease of class mobility (in other words the chances a poor person can become wealthy) are now significantly better in western Europe than the USA. Not to mention the gap between rich and poor in the US, which is arguably more extreme than in Thailand.


Yes there is truth to what you say with the exception of Arizona laws being racist. Since when is it racist to not desire illegals living in your country, overcrowding your schools and hospitals, sucking social services such as food stamps and welfare, not paying taxes, sending much of their money back to Mexico and not spending it here, taking American jobs, lowering job standards and wages to name a few. And I am not talking about the drug smugglers or scores of Mexican felons heading up to the US to steal cars, break ins, etc.

Okay now let's look at Mexico's policy. Any American traveling without a passport can be arrested and imprisoned/extradited on the spot. Never mind living there. Name one country in the world that does not actively seek and extradite illegal entries?

I'd suggest you either wake up or read up before being so loose with your statements.

Great post in response to a really, really bad one. I can't count the number of people that have worked for me in foreign countries (drivers, secretaries, etc.) that have asked for my help in getting them into the US or a job there. And the number of foreign professionals that send their children to study and work in the US or the UK is endless. To the masses, the US is the beacon in the darkness of empty opportunities. To be sure, it has lost some of its shine and the developing world has become much more habitable, but the US still offers the best education and opportunities for growth and development of any plce on earth (it is a pity that more Americans don't take adavantage of what is available there). The gap is narrowing, and places like Singapore may out shine the US in a decade or two -- hence my comment earlier on a second term for Obama, which would only hasten the decline of the US.

Here Here...agree with you 100%, well except the part about Obama...

Yes, Sing is a GREAT place, if I had employment there I would leave LOS in a HEARTBEAT...quality of life is far superior to Thailand...

Chalk and cheese really. I think we're expecting a bit too much of old Thailand, it's got a long way to develop yet.


Yes, it was just a show and reports are people were falling asleep and twiddling with their Blackberries ...

JT who was it that objected to the reading of the constitution? and what is the pledge that all these over paid politician sweat to uphold when they take office? It was not the tea party nor the rigt wingers. Why? Because the left wants to rewrite history and turn the USA into something it was not designed to be. The USA was not made to be a charity state, Obama and his clan who have never run a business or made a payroll are completely out of their depth. The USA is about commerce, in all shapes and fashion, consumption is what keeps the wheeels turning, opporunties created, and wealth developed. Social redistribution no mattter how honorable does nothing to stimulate anything! Nothing worth having ever comes for free someone somewhere is paying. I for one got sick and tired of seeing all the dead beats living off the dole while i was busting my ass to make a good living and being houded by the tax man to support these free loaders and now with Obama the situation is even worse and will only get worse, after all he is a community organiser, he sees himslef as Robin Hood. What a crock!


Yes, it was just a show and reports are people were falling asleep and twiddling with their Blackberries ...

JT who was it that objected to the reading of the constitution? and what is the pledge that all these over paid politician sweat to uphold when they take office? It was not the tea party nor the rigt wingers. Why? Because the left wants to rewrite history and turn the USA into something it was not designed to be. The USA was not made to be a charity state, Obama and his clan who have never run a business or made a payroll are completely out of their depth. The USA is about commerce, in all shapes and fashion, consumption is what keeps the wheeels turning, opporunties created, and wealth developed. Social redistribution no mattter how honorable does nothing to stimulate anything! Nothing worth having ever comes for free someone somewhere is paying. I for one got sick and tired of seeing all the dead beats living off the dole while i was busting my ass to make a good living and being houded by the tax man to support these free loaders and now with Obama the situation is even worse and will only get worse, after all he is a community organiser, he sees himslef as Robin Hood. What a crock!

Same here but from the UK. Still got dead beats living off me here, there's no escape.

Just go on strike.


The objection was from the left wing to point out that the right wing now in control refused to read the ORIGINAL constitution, including the warts justifying slavery (at the time "negros" as they were called then were considered 3/5 of a human being in the American constitution).

The USA is only supposed to be about commerce? <deleted>.

Where in the constitution does it say Wall Street is more important than Joe Blow citizen?


If one has spent 15, 10 or even 5 years in Thailand and has established no mode of lifestyle he/she is unwilling to leave behind I guess that says something in-and-of itself.

or some go back for their aging parents....

Was in Prime Outlets both in Round Rock and Allen, TX in Oct...bought shoes, Coach Bags, Jeans, all great quality stuff at a fraction of the price here in LOS...my friends who still live in TX now bring clothes from the states to LOS for family members as it is a bargain in the US...the US, with the current deflationary environment is a STEAL...BUT I fear it will not last for long as inflation is right around the corner...but right now the US is the best place to be a consumer...

Go to Central Market (oops I am wrong, 350 varieties of beer http://www.centralma...ine---Beer.aspx) or Whole Foods...easy...and most in the 7.50 range (although nice Belgians will run about 8.50..still cheap compared to 115 baht for a bottle at Foodland in BKK) ...I will agree that mass market beer in the US is TRASH...Try Breckenridge Brewery out of CO...Great stuff...their Oatmeal Stout is REALLY nice..Rahr and Sons from Ft Worth TX (Ugly Pug is fantastic) makes some wonderful brews as well...Fox and Hound in Ft Worth has 2 dollar pint night on Tuesdays and that includes micros and imports (they have Maredsous!) Here in BKK a small glass of Belgian is around 180 baht...Again all due to high import duties to protect the wealthy here at the expense of the consumer...Don't even get me started on wine...305% excise tax....

quote from your link : " — many from microbreweries and only available in Texas at Central Market —" i guess the rest of the country is out of luck, must be a higher percentage of drunks in TX. There's a central market around the corner from me,i'll check it out and see if the claim is true. Central market isn't the regular HEB store, its the Hiso version.


Surprised nobody mentioned the Gulf Oil Spill. The US government claims that the oil is sitting on the floor of the ocean disappeared. I hope I can still find frozen shrimp imported from Thailand :(


Where in the constitution does it say Wall Street is more important than Joe Blow citizen?

Obama just named an executive of JPMorgan as his new Chief of Staff.


come on the op was in los 15yrs and went native, i am amazed his liver still works after 15yrs of bad booze, and lets be honest his choice of Houston is not the model of what the USA has to offer, it is hot, stinks, and is full of red necks with 2 first names i.e. billie bob. I have been in the los for 11yrs and have no desire to ride a motorcycle taxi, drink beer loa, or eat fresh road kill. Is America for everyone? No! Does America offer the ambitious, hard working of any race, education, sex or sexual prefrence an opportunity to see their dreams come true? Absolutly! If you have Child where would they have more opportunities to succeed? los or USA?

I am from the Seattle area a far cry from Houston. The University of Washington Medical School is one of the finest in the world. A high school degree from Mercer Island or one of the better cities is

is as good to any so called masters degrees in Thailand. We had our ups and down there too. Like during the Reagan years signs like the last person that leaves Seattle please turn off the lights.

Bush put the whole US into a tail spin but still along way to go to get where Thailand is. We are immigrants from Germany in 1957 my father worked as a Janitor and my mother in a laundry

but my older brother became a Professor in Economic and two of our sons and daughter have a P.H.D. in rocket science from Cornell. I am the least educated but I still retired at $4000 US per month

and live now in Chiang Rai. My computers back then with windows 95 and 98 had a faster internet connection then the best money can by in now Chiang Rai City. Can not resist this. Look at the product of Texas.



come on the op was in los 15yrs and went native, i am amazed his liver still works after 15yrs of bad booze, and lets be honest his choice of Houston is not the model of what the USA has to offer, it is hot, stinks, and is full of red necks with 2 first names i.e. billie bob. I have been in the los for 11yrs and have no desire to ride a motorcycle taxi, drink beer loa, or eat fresh road kill. Is America for everyone? No! Does America offer the ambitious, hard working of any race, education, sex or sexual prefrence an opportunity to see their dreams come true? Absolutly! If you have Child where would they have more opportunities to succeed? los or USA?

I am from the Seattle area a far cry from Houston. The University of Washington Medical School is one of the finest in the world. A high school degree from Mercer Island or one of the better cities is

is as good to any so called masters degrees in Thailand. We had our ups and down there too. Like during the Reagan years signs like the last person that leaves Seattle please turn off the lights.

Bush put the whole US into a tail spin but still along way to go to get where Thailand is. We are immigrants from Germany in 1957 my father worked as a Janitor and my mother in a laundry

but my older brother became a Professor in Economics and two of our sons and daughters have a P.H.D. in rocket science from Cornell. I am the least educated but I still retired at $4000 US per month

and live now in Chiang Rai. My computers back then with windows 95 and 98 had a faster internet connection then the best money can by now in Chiang Rai City. Can not resist this. Look at the product of Texas.



Where in the constitution does it say Wall Street is more important than Joe Blow citizen?

Obama just named an executive of JPMorgan as his new Chief of Staff.

So what does that have to do with the price of cheetohs in China? Obviously Obama is trying to do a Clinton and change how people perceive him so that he looks more right wing. I never saw him as very left wing to begin with; only in right wing America would a man like Obama be seen as a socialist.


When all is said and done, if you're seeking advice from total strangers on an anonymous internet forum, many of whom do nothing but sit in a room all day in front of a PC, then you need a lot more help than you think, why anyone would ask advice on life changing situations here is beyond belief, and to think anyone would actually take any advice is frightening.

Anyone who has a post count incredibly high don't go out much, simple as that, so what do they really know ?


When all is said and done, if you're seeking advice from total strangers on an anonymous internet forum, many of whom do nothing but sit in a room all day in front of a PC, then you need a lot more help than you think, why anyone would ask advice on life changing situations here is beyond belief, and to think anyone would actually take any advice is frightening.

Anyone who has a post count incredibly high don't go out much, simple as that, so what do they really know ?

Not necessarily true. Some forum members are experts in their chosen careers and have a wealth of knowledge to share. Others have personal experiences which also provide useful information. And then there are those who choose to disparage these posters that make the forum such a valuable resource.

Over the years I have been able sort out the kooks from the nice guys. And I would like to think that I have provided some worthwhile information, too. For me it is rewarding when someone PM's me for more info or thanking me for the help.


When all is said and done, if you're seeking advice from total strangers on an anonymous internet forum, many of whom do nothing but sit in a room all day in front of a PC, then you need a lot more help than you think, why anyone would ask advice on life changing situations here is beyond belief, and to think anyone would actually take any advice is frightening.

Anyone who has a post count incredibly high don't go out much, simple as that, so what do they really know ?

Not necessarily true. Some forum members are experts in their chosen careers and have a wealth of knowledge to share. Others have personal experiences which also provide useful information. And then there are those who choose to disparage these posters that make the forum such a valuable resource.

Over the years I have been able sort out the kooks from the nice guys. And I would like to think that I have provided some worthwhile information, too. For me it is rewarding when someone PM's me for more info or thanking me for the help.

And some have a lousy job and are bored at work. Unfortunately, that is not me! :lol:


When all is said and done, if you're seeking advice from total strangers on an anonymous internet forum, many of whom do nothing but sit in a room all day in front of a PC, then you need a lot more help than you think, why anyone would ask advice on life changing situations here is beyond belief, and to think anyone would actually take any advice is frightening.

Anyone who has a post count incredibly high don't go out much, simple as that, so what do they really know ?

Some of us work on line so are at the computer a lot. Some, unlike you have been here for a while and after the years the posts add up.

I was reading a thread in 2005 that convinced me to change a bunch of cash from US dollars to Swiss Francs. Another thread in 2006 convinced me to change some more assets into accounts in Thailand in Thai Baht.

My reading TV was certainly not the only reason but it started me thinking and checking other resources.

I have to say I am very pleased with both of those ideas that TV gave me.

I have read other posters here who remind me constantly why I live in Thailand instead of the West.

I have gotten valuable information about visas and restaurants and health services from TV. I have made a couple of friends both male and female and other and had some good times.

Anyone who joined in 2010 I don't take to seriously.


Here Here...agree with you 100%, well except the part about Obama...

Yes, Sing is a GREAT place, if I had employment there I would leave LOS in a HEARTBEAT...quality of life is far superior to Thailand...

Chalk and cheese really. I think we're expecting a bit too much of old Thailand, it's got a long way to develop yet.

Actually not...I expect very little here...and that was OK when it was cheap...now that prices are WAY up, I do expect value for money...and you don't get it here in central BKK...


Was in Prime Outlets both in Round Rock and Allen, TX in Oct...bought shoes, Coach Bags, Jeans, all great quality stuff at a fraction of the price here in LOS...my friends who still live in TX now bring clothes from the states to LOS for family members as it is a bargain in the US...the US, with the current deflationary environment is a STEAL...BUT I fear it will not last for long as inflation is right around the corner...but right now the US is the best place to be a consumer...

Go to Central Market (oops I am wrong, 350 varieties of beer http://www.centralma...ine---Beer.aspx) or Whole Foods...easy...and most in the 7.50 range (although nice Belgians will run about 8.50..still cheap compared to 115 baht for a bottle at Foodland in BKK) ...I will agree that mass market beer in the US is TRASH...Try Breckenridge Brewery out of CO...Great stuff...their Oatmeal Stout is REALLY nice..Rahr and Sons from Ft Worth TX (Ugly Pug is fantastic) makes some wonderful brews as well...Fox and Hound in Ft Worth has 2 dollar pint night on Tuesdays and that includes micros and imports (they have Maredsous!) Here in BKK a small glass of Belgian is around 180 baht...Again all due to high import duties to protect the wealthy here at the expense of the consumer...Don't even get me started on wine...305% excise tax....

quote from your link : " — many from microbreweries and only available in Texas at Central Market —" i guess the rest of the country is out of luck, must be a higher percentage of drunks in TX. There's a central market around the corner from me,i'll check it out and see if the claim is true. Central market isn't the regular HEB store, its the Hiso version.

No it is not the regular HEB...it is fantastic...very high quality food, lots of organic produce, the best selection of fish I have seen in TX, free range meats, an AMAZING bakery, a cheese selection that rivals anything, pre-prepared food that are tasty AND healthy (great hummus)...and of course a great beer and wine section...tis a foodies paradise...

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