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After 15 Years In Thailand And Going Back To The Us


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Not trying to be a smart a**, but what do you consider to be American food? I know about the American breakfast, and turkey dinners for Thanksgiving...but other than that, many foods eaten by Americans have origins in other countries. McDonald's is American for sure, but it is just fast food burgers and fries. I love burgers, but only when I do them at home and my own way! :lol: And of course burgers and hot dogs were not invented by Americans.


Actually you bring up a good point...just what is American food?

I guess it's the unique combination of immigrant's food from their homelands....not to disimilar from essentially every other country (if you can say with a straight face that Thai cooking isn't a combination of Indian and Chinese I'll watch every one of your future comedy acts).

My whole point was that complaining about "Thai food" cooked in the resturants in the States is just as ad as complaining about "American food" cooked in Thailand...there's some fair approximations here and there in both countries but if you're really hankering for it you're better off making it yourself. Only difference is that you have a better chance of getting the correct, and good ingredients (ever price out good beef in LOS?) in the States.

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It's sad sign of the times: Thailand comparing favourably with US.

I think it's a case of where you are from, and what your financial situation is:

What is drawing me back to the UK is the fact that there is a strong welfare system and good infrastructure ( the fact that the weather stinks and I won't get near to a women is not so good at all, but hey I made be able to escape once in a while).

What I am sure of: Thailand is not a good future option if you are anything other than well off!.

My commiserations to US friends, I can't believe how bad its health care and unemployment system is.

For sure. One big reason I am in Thailand is health care. Just too expensive here in the US unless you are working and covered by your company. And I don't want to work! Of course there are other reasons...weather, great food, and "relatively" cheap living...but the latter is changing rapidly! :(

Not trying to be a smart a**, but what do you consider to be American food? I know about the American breakfast, and turkey dinners for Thanksgiving...but other than that, many foods eaten by Americans have origins in other countries. McDonald's is American for sure, but it is just fast food burgers and fries. I love burgers, but only when I do them at home and my own way! :lol: And of course burgers and hot dogs were not invented by Americans.


Actually you bring up a good point...just what is American food?

I guess it's the unique combination of immigrant's food from their homelands....not to disimilar from essentially every other country (if you can say with a straight face that Thai cooking isn't a combination of Indian and Chinese I'll watch every one of your future comedy acts).

My whole point was that complaining about "Thai food" cooked in the resturants in the States is just as ad as complaining about "American food" cooked in Thailand...there's some fair approximations here and there in both countries but if you're really hankering for it you're better off making it yourself. Only difference is that you have a better chance of getting the correct, and good ingredients (ever price out good beef in LOS?) in the States.

That's kinda what I was thinking. I actually prefer Chinese food outside the country rather than inside. And some prefer the "Americanized" version of Mexican food better than what you get in Mexico. I can say for sure, I prefer Thai food in Thailand rather than in the US. Same is true with Italian...much better in Italy! :)

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Actually you bring up a good point...just what is American food?

I guess it's the unique combination of immigrant's food from their homelands....not to disimilar from essentially every other country (if you can say with a straight face that Thai cooking isn't a combination of Indian and Chinese I'll watch every one of your future comedy acts).

This article pretty much covers it and is an interesting read. :)

The cuisine of the United States is a style of food preparation originated from the United States of America. European colonization resulted in numerous ingredients and cooking styles being introduced from Europe. The style of cookery continued to expand into the 19th and 20th centuries with the influx of immigrants from various nations across the world. This influx has created a rich diversity and a unique regional character throughout the country....

...Given the United States' large size it has numerous regional variations. The United States' regional cuisine is characterized by its extreme diversity and style with each region having its own distinctive cuisine.


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I agree with almost all of what original posting says. Except for one thing. No way can anyone compare driving in US with Thailand. Yes there is road rage, but reason you do not see this here is the driving is so bad people would be in a rage 100 per cent of the time they are on the road. Murder victims would outnumber the populations of some countries, as would the number of people dying from stroke There is road rage in US when someone on road does something stupid. Here they are doing something stupid all the time, so no point in getting upset about it. Safety and courtesy on road are totally unknown concepts here. For these reasons I had so far decided not to drive in Thailand. However recently purchased new truck so I figure I might as well drive it. Still, I am not entirely enthusiastic about the idea.

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I agree with almost all of what original posting says. Except for one thing. No way can anyone compare driving in US with Thailand. Yes there is road rage, but reason you do not see this here is the driving is so bad people would be in a rage 100 per cent of the time they are on the road. Murder victims would outnumber the populations of some countries, as would the number of people dying from stroke There is road rage in US when someone on road does something stupid. Here they are doing something stupid all the time, so no point in getting upset about it. Safety and courtesy on road are totally unknown concepts here. For these reasons I had so far decided not to drive in Thailand. However recently purchased new truck so I figure I might as well drive it. Still, I am not entirely enthusiastic about the idea.

Just get some clever Thai worker to glue a thick layer (like 6 inches thick) of rubber entirely around your vehicle and you'll be okay. Thais work cheap. It's the other stuff that costs so much. I THINK they have rubber tree plants in Thailand. :lol:

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Great thread. Yes, I go back and forth, and the US feels very tired these days. I think there is no doubt that it is a bit like being in Rome, in the 4th century AD. The waning years of the empire. It has been 30-40 years since any real money has been spent on infrastructure, and it is showing. The place is getting a decrepit, third world quality. There is not a single mall in the US that rivals Siam Paragon. There is not a single cinema in the country that rivals the Siam Cinema. There is not a single bowling alley that rivals the bowling alley in Siam. No speed trains, deteriorating highways, a nearly completely dysfunctional government, broke municipalities, etc. But the real story is in the people. Partly due to being fed the line that we are the greatest, the most prosperous, the most influential, etc. for all of our lives, the current reality is something most people are having a hard time coming to grips with. It is creating alot of sadness, lost hope, desperation, and frustration. The average American right now is a sad, sad sight to witness. When I was back there 6 weeks ago, it was palpable. The fear, anxiety, and general lack of fulfillment back there is tangible.

It all depends on where you are. The US is a huge country with great differences depending on where you are. Philadelphia can't be compared to San Diego, for example.

I'm in Vegas now and the infrastructure is great. New construction on I-15, new construction even on the small highway out to where my Mom lives. The roads around here and on my recent trip to California have been excellent.

As for malls, quite a few here in Vegas that are top notch. Sure, Paragon is awesome, but there are a few here that are about the same. With much better shopping opportunities...and much cheaper prices. Anchor stores at The Fashion Show are Saks Fifth Avenue, Macy's, Nordstroms, Neiman Marcus, Dillards, and Bloomingdales. Along with 250 other specialty stores. Fantastic mall, great parking, easy access. We had a great sushi lunch there for about 1,200 Baht. Fantastic creations, great sushi, and just a bit more than what we pay in LOS.

As for cinemas, several new ones have been built here that are just as nice as in Thailand. Though the prices are quite a bit more. :(

As for governments, many countries around the world are experiencing problems...it's not just the US.

As for the population being depressed...sure, some are...but the malls were PACKED around Xmas. People had bags in their hands and business was brisk. Maybe it's different here in Vegas, but even with the recession...which ended some time ago...things are starting to look up. The current consensus of economists is for decent growth the next few years...but unemployment is still a problem. Even my friends in hard hit Bakersfield are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and biz is starting to pickup.

I'm not sure where you visited in the US, but it wasn't the places I visited.

I also agree with America having become far behind Thailand in technology...

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs must be quaking in their boots. :D

For sure. I'm amazed at what is available here that isn't back in Thailand. The technology is so far advanced here, it's unreal. I was at a friends house yesterday, it is about 5 years old. It is completely wired for home networking, including a central wiring panel and home automation station. Stereo and network cables to every room, even a special cutout for your wifi box. And this house sold for $200,000.

Of course my favorite shopping experience is Fry's Electronics. Too bad we don't have them in Thailand. The electronics they have there is amazing.

We came here with 5 empty suitcases and are headed back with them full of stuff that is either hard to get in Thailand or very expensive. That includes a few bottles of great California wine! :lol:

When has the Mall ever NOT been busy during Christmas time?

Sounds like old school technology to me, since when do you have to have wires to run a network these days? Cutting holes in walls and running speaker wire does not represent technology.

I dont see what so amazing about Fry's, everything ive seen there is comparable to whats available in Thailand. They just happen to have everything concentrated in one place.

I was going to buy a laptop there, but when i checked the specs, they turned out to be stripped down models with the same basic model numbers but made specifically for Fry's with less options for a lower price.

Pantip crushes Fry's when it comes to computers and cameras. For TV's any big shopping mall in Bangkok is also on par with Fry's selection.

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I gotta wonder why you would return to America? I too was living abroad in Ukraine for the last 6 years and still would be there except the KGB made my life there impossible(another post).

I too am in Houston. A city where I grew up. and spent 35 years. Now, the place has changed so much, I don't know where I am most of the time.

America has seen it's "glory days", and as bad as things are now, they will only get worse. The future is not bright for the USA. It's sad! It was once a great place to live.

All glory is fleeting...

I leave for BKK Tuesday.

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How many people do you see fighting to get OUT of the U.S. of A.?

I know of a hundred Americans who would leave if they thought they could. Either they cannot afford to leave, or they have family obligations, etc. Many of my friends have left already. Do not make light of this. There is a fast growing discontent, and the US is no longer a pleasant place to live.

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Many have noticed before that much of America has a third world feeling these days. That's not entirely uninteresting though, depending on your point of view.

I disagree about the Thai food. I've been visiting Thailand 3 or 4 times a year for the last 5 years, and recently moved here. I find the Thai food in Thailand so much better than that in the USA, that I stopped eating in Thai restaurants in the USA.

THat's the truth. I never eat Thai food in the USA now. Indian and Chinese food, on the other hand, tends to be much better in the US than in their home countries.

And how often do you eat American 'food' in Thailand....?

Quite often. Sometimes I have to adjust. I can't find good ground beef in the stores, so I make a Hawaiian pork burger. But I have ribs, pot roast, Carolina BBQ, roast turkey, etc. regularly. And the Holy Grail of American food while in Thailand is finding a good burger, as many threads here can attest.

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Pantip crushes Fry's when it comes to computers and cameras. For TV's any big shopping mall in Bangkok is also on par with Fry's selection.

(I am not stalking you, honest! :)

You are welcome to your opinion, but Pantip cannot hold a candle to Frys. I was just in Pantip two weeks ago to get some PS3 games. Other than pirated versions, the selection was tiny and expensive. Computers were off brands at expensive prices. There were more knicknacks at Pantip, but Frys had much better and less expensive quality goods.

On every trip back to the US, I get "orders" from friends for iPads and iPhones. Yes, I now get the iphones via ebay, but even at Verizon without the contract, they are much cheaper. Macs are much cheaper, too.

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How can anyone generalize about the USA? It has so many sub cultures and regions that none is the same. I despise many parts of the USA particularly the selfish states like Ohio and New Jersey. However, Vermont and the Guld states is a different world. The Outer Banks of North Carolina? Probably some of the most beautiful beach in the world. Can one really say Virginia Beach doesn't stand head and shoulders above its Thai version of Pattaya? Even seedy and depressing SoBe Miami is leap years ahead of Phuket. There are plenty of places to go in the USA where one would quickly forget about Thailand just as there are also plenty of places to go where one would weep over not being in Thailand. If one wanted to be really depressed, drive an hour or so out of Houston to Texas City or Galveston.

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How many people do you see fighting to get OUT of the U.S. of A.?

I know of a hundred Americans who would leave if they thought they could. Either they cannot afford to leave, or they have family obligations, etc. Many of my friends have left already. Do not make light of this. There is a fast growing discontent, and the US is no longer a pleasant place to live.


A lot of people are making a move right now, some are trying to protect their assets, some will hunker down, and yes some are leaving. I know of another expat forum where lots are trying to take their families to NZ, but not so easy to get in the country without a job.

I agree with a lot of what has been posted, myself I live here in the US but am back and forth 5-6 times per year to Thailand and I will start trying to make a plan to be over there in a couple of years time, I am already converting US dollars to Baht as I believe we will see 20 baht to the dollar not too far off.

There are many great things about the US but there are also some VERY SERIOUS structural problems, political, economic and social. I do not see this getting better, especially the economy which is so riddled with fraud and Ponzi schemes it makes Thailand look tame! Our fiscal problems are nearly insurmountable, especially with the jokers we have in charge!

One thing that no one has mentioned yet....or maybe it goes without saying is that the U.S. is slowly turning into a Police State. If you live here and follow the news you will know what I am talking about. Over the last 30 years (and especially the last 10) the police have become more militarized, the government has grown ever larger, the TSA and Homeland Security ever more intrusive and rights and freedoms are being squeezed every day! In many ways I feel much more free when I am in Thailand....you may not have "rights" in Thailand, but you do have freedoms.

If you have the time, I would implore all of you to watch this very recent video of Niall Ferguson giving a lecture about the future of America...it is not pretty...and IT IS NOT TIN FOIL HAT either!


Pay close attention to chapter 5!

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How can anyone generalize about the USA? It has so many sub cultures and regions that none is the same. I despise many parts of the USA particularly the selfish states like Ohio and New Jersey. However, Vermont and the Guld states is a different world. The Outer Banks of North Carolina? Probably some of the most beautiful beach in the world. Can one really say Virginia Beach doesn't stand head and shoulders above its Thai version of Pattaya? Even seedy and depressing SoBe Miami is leap years ahead of Phuket. There are plenty of places to go in the USA where one would quickly forget about Thailand just as there are also plenty of places to go where one would weep over not being in Thailand. If one wanted to be really depressed, drive an hour or so out of Houston to Texas City or Galveston.

Not that I agree 100% with all of your assessments (New Jersey has surprised me in a positive vein, for example), but you are right on when you write that the USA is such a diverse place that it is almost impossible to generalize it. China and India might be as diverse, but most people just cannot experience the further reaches of either one of them. But anyone can go to the US and find as wide a range of cultures and lifestyles as you can find from the beach villages on Portugal to St. Petersburg and then down to Istanbul.

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How many people do you see fighting to get OUT of the U.S. of A.?

I know of a hundred Americans who would leave if they thought they could. Either they cannot afford to leave, or they have family obligations, etc. Many of my friends have left already. Do not make light of this. There is a fast growing discontent, and the US is no longer a pleasant place to live.


A lot of people are making a move right now, some are trying to protect their assets, some will hunker down, and yes some are leaving. I know of another expat forum where lots are trying to take their families to NZ, but not so easy to get in the country without a job.

I agree with a lot of what has been posted, myself I live here in the US but am back and forth 5-6 times per year to Thailand and I will start trying to make a plan to be over there in a couple of years time, I am already converting US dollars to Baht as I believe we will see 20 baht to the dollar not too far off.

There are many great things about the US but there are also some VERY SERIOUS structural problems, political, economic and social. I do not see this getting better, especially the economy which is so riddled with fraud and Ponzi schemes it makes Thailand look tame! Our fiscal problems are nearly insurmountable, especially with the jokers we have in charge!

One thing that no one has mentioned yet....or maybe it goes without saying is that the U.S. is slowly turning into a Police State. If you live here and follow the news you will know what I am talking about. Over the last 30 years (and especially the last 10) the police have become more militarized, the government has grown ever larger, the TSA and Homeland Security ever more intrusive and rights and freedoms are being squeezed every day! In many ways I feel much more free when I am in Thailand....you may not have "rights" in Thailand, but you do have freedoms.

If you have the time, I would implore all of you to watch this very recent video of Niall Ferguson giving a lecture about the future of America...it is not pretty...and IT IS NOT TIN FOIL HAT either!


Pay close attention to chapter 5!

when i pulled the plug on the states much of what you wrote about the police is how i felt, i never felt like the police were there to help and i always felt the govt only wanted one thing, my money and i did not want to give it to them so i left with a bad taste in my mouth and malice in my heart however when i was standing in my koh samui living room on 911 watching the attack on NYC my attitiude changed, and i remembered all the good things about the states and became a proud american. just like life here in thailand, usa has it's irritants that many choose to live with; for my family and friends there is no place the would rather live. I enjoy my visits to the states but really that is more about time with friends and family than location. My objection to the op was that he compared thailand in a blanket stroke to the USA and honestly as others have posted it simply is not real to compare the two. I have been to almost every state in the union and I can say there are some mind blowing natural sights to see.

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Pantip crushes Fry's when it comes to computers and cameras. For TV's any big shopping mall in Bangkok is also on par with Fry's selection.

(I am not stalking you, honest! :)

You are welcome to your opinion, but Pantip cannot hold a candle to Frys. I was just in Pantip two weeks ago to get some PS3 games. Other than pirated versions, the selection was tiny and expensive. Computers were off brands at expensive prices. There were more knicknacks at Pantip, but Frys had much better and less expensive quality goods.

On every trip back to the US, I get "orders" from friends for iPads and iPhones. Yes, I now get the iphones via ebay, but even at Verizon without the contract, they are much cheaper. Macs are much cheaper, too.

Agreed. Pantip is like running a gauntlet at times. Guys trying to sell xrated videos, hundreds of small shops, some selling the same stuff, but at different prices. And it's really run down now.

Fry's has it all under one roof, with some very knowledgeable sales staff. No need to run around from store to store to find what you need. As I was looking for a Skype phone, a guy even walks up and asks if I need help. He walks me to where they are and calls over the "local expert" to assist. It's a HUGE store...so help like that is fantastic. Sure, better prices can be had, but if you want to get it all done at one time, it's tough to beat. And some of their specials are the best you can find. Plus, you can return within 15 days and get your money back. No questions asked. Try that at Pantip! :lol:

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come on the op was in los 15yrs and went native, i am amazed his liver still works after 15yrs of bad booze, and lets be honest his choice of Houston is not the model of what the USA has to offer, it is hot, stinks, and is full of red necks with 2 first names i.e. billie bob. I have been in the los for 11yrs and have no desire to ride a motorcycle taxi, drink beer loa, or eat fresh road kill. Is America for everyone? No! Does America offer the ambitious, hard working of any race, education, sex or sexual prefrence an opportunity to see their dreams come true? Absolutly! If you have Child where would they have more opportunities to succeed? los or USA?

Ah, the stereotypes abound. Having lived in LOS for so long, how do you even know what Houston is like? Besides the fact that it is the Energy Capital of the world and rests firmly in the state with the best economy in America, you have every modern convenience, well, with the except of drunk motocy riders and Lao Khao at 7/11.

Having said that, I have lived and / or worked in every major market in the US, from New York to LA. From Minneapolis to Miami. I'll take Houston any day of the week over the rest of the country, with my first choice being New Orleans.

As far as the OP, I agree that he has gone native in LOS and is having problems fitting in back in the good ole USA...

If he doesn't like it in the US, he should go back where he came from. Oh wait!!! :whistling:

Edited by KeyserSoze01
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As far as the OP, I agree that he has gone native in LOS and is having problems fitting in back in the good ole USA...

If he doesn't like it in the US, he should go back where he came from. Oh wait!!! :whistling:

USA ! USA ! USA ! We're #1

It is going to be really tuff for a whole country of people who have been told their whole lives that the US is the best, everyone wants to come here blah blah to deal with the likely future reality.....we are one failed bond auction away from meltdown. Someone once said, if the USA is so great why do we always have to be reminded of it, should it not be self evident?

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Here is one of our great cities, have a look!!



Detroit has definitely fallen on hard times...but as has been mentioned before, the US is a huge country, with vast differences. You can't show a pic from Detroit and extrapolate that to the entire US. Impossible.

I think everybody should be proud of their home country. Nothing wrong with that. There's good and bad in every country. Unless you are from Somalia! :lol:

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I use to go to this place called Sharpstown mall, now when i go there i feel like i should be armed.

That explains a lot. Yes, you should be armed to go anywhere near the Sharpstown Mall these days.

I guess i should elaborate on my view point of the Thai vs American educational system.

Please don't say that you think the Thai education system holds a candle to educational systems in the West. Hell, even in Texas. If so, then please put the crack pipe down and step away.

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As far as the OP, I agree that he has gone native in LOS and is having problems fitting in back in the good ole USA...

If he doesn't like it in the US, he should go back where he came from. Oh wait!!! :whistling:

USA ! USA ! USA ! We're #1

It is going to be really tuff for a whole country of people who have been told their whole lives that the US is the best, everyone wants to come here blah blah to deal with the likely future reality.....we are one failed bond auction away from meltdown. Someone once said, if the USA is so great why do we always have to be reminded of it, should it not be self evident?

I have to agree with you there. The truly sad part is that the sheeple believe what the talking heads in the media spoon-feed to them on a daily basis. The USA is the best, which is BS in my humble opinion. All it takes is to travel outside the borders of the US and you will see that the rest of the world is leaving the US behind very rapidly.

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Pantip crushes Fry's when it comes to computers and cameras. For TV's any big shopping mall in Bangkok is also on par with Fry's selection.

(I am not stalking you, honest! :)

You are welcome to your opinion, but Pantip cannot hold a candle to Frys. I was just in Pantip two weeks ago to get some PS3 games. Other than pirated versions, the selection was tiny and expensive. Computers were off brands at expensive prices. There were more knicknacks at Pantip, but Frys had much better and less expensive quality goods.

On every trip back to the US, I get "orders" from friends for iPads and iPhones. Yes, I now get the iphones via ebay, but even at Verizon without the contract, they are much cheaper. Macs are much cheaper, too.

Stalker ! :)

You cannot be serious, Pantip as well as fortune on Ratchada have a ton of more products on offerring than Fry's ever will regarding laptops and cameras. 4 floors.

Im really starting to doubt your credibility because anyone that has been to Panthip can see that. Apart from this there are brands that are for sale in Thailand that you would never see in the states. Quality goods? everything is made in Asia !

Apart from iPads and iPhones what else do you get orders for? ;)

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I use to go to this place called Sharpstown mall, now when i go there i feel like i should be armed.

That explains a lot. Yes, you should be armed to go anywhere near the Sharpstown Mall these days.

I guess i should elaborate on my view point of the Thai vs American educational system.

Please don't say that you think the Thai education system holds a candle to educational systems in the West. Hell, even in Texas. If so, then please put the crack pipe down and step away.

Are you serious? the percentage needed to pass to the next grade in some states is as low as 45%, when I was in high school in Fort Bend county it was 69% and now i believe its 50%.

The american educational system isn't what its cracked up to be, im standing on this opinion because i've been to both.

school isn't just about grades, its about the people you meet. I can't think of any school that requires a metal detector at the front door, in Houston i can name atleast 7.

Thaksin Shinawatra went to school in TX at either Sam Houston or San Jacinto for criminal justice (cant remember) look where that got him.

Edited by KRS1
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How many people do you see fighting to get OUT of the U.S. of A.?

I know of a hundred Americans who would leave if they thought they could. Either they cannot afford to leave, or they have family obligations, etc. Many of my friends have left already. Do not make light of this. There is a fast growing discontent, and the US is no longer a pleasant place to live.


A lot of people are making a move right now, some are trying to protect their assets, some will hunker down, and yes some are leaving. I know of another expat forum where lots are trying to take their families to NZ, but not so easy to get in the country without a job.

I agree with a lot of what has been posted, myself I live here in the US but am back and forth 5-6 times per year to Thailand and I will start trying to make a plan to be over there in a couple of years time, I am already converting US dollars to Baht as I believe we will see 20 baht to the dollar not too far off.

There are many great things about the US but there are also some VERY SERIOUS structural problems, political, economic and social. I do not see this getting better, especially the economy which is so riddled with fraud and Ponzi schemes it makes Thailand look tame! Our fiscal problems are nearly insurmountable, especially with the jokers we have in charge!

One thing that no one has mentioned yet....or maybe it goes without saying is that the U.S. is slowly turning into a Police State. If you live here and follow the news you will know what I am talking about. Over the last 30 years (and especially the last 10) the police have become more militarized, the government has grown ever larger, the TSA and Homeland Security ever more intrusive and rights and freedoms are being squeezed every day! In many ways I feel much more free when I am in Thailand....you may not have "rights" in Thailand, but you do have freedoms.

If you have the time, I would implore all of you to watch this very recent video of Niall Ferguson giving a lecture about the future of America...it is not pretty...and IT IS NOT TIN FOIL HAT either!


Pay close attention to chapter 5!

Driving around without having to worry about speedtraps or safely rolling through a stop sign is a great feeling. Too bad thats gone now...:( Now i have to worry about going 5 mph over the speed limit again when HPD gets behind me.

Theres a difference between noticing something wrong and using a fine tooth comb to find something wrong so a cop makes quota.

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I use to go to this place called Sharpstown mall, now when i go there i feel like i should be armed.

That explains a lot. Yes, you should be armed to go anywhere near the Sharpstown Mall these days.

I guess i should elaborate on my view point of the Thai vs American educational system.

Please don't say that you think the Thai education system holds a candle to educational systems in the West. Hell, even in Texas. If so, then please put the crack pipe down and step away.

The american educational system isn't what its cracked up to be, im standing on this opinion because i've been to both.

Far more resources (unless you're using low end schools as a baseline) in the US education system for those who want to apply themselves though. You won't find too many billion $ libraries or research facilities here.


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Are you serious? the percentage needed to pass to the next grade in some states is as low as 45%, when I was in high school in Fort Bend county it was 69% and now i believe its 50%.

The american educational system isn't what its cracked up to be, im standing on this opinion because i've been to both.

Their obviously inferior methods of teaching grammar, capitalization and punctuation must be what you are so angry about. :o

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Are you serious? the percentage needed to pass to the next grade in some states is as low as 45%, when I was in high school in Fort Bend county it was 69% and now i believe its 50%.

The american educational system isn't what its cracked up to be, im standing on this opinion because i've been to both.

Their obviously inferior methods of teaching grammar, capitalization and punctuation must be what you are so angry about. :o

just too lazy to capitalize, my keyboard sucks.

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