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Pheu Thai Brands Govt A 'Total Failure'


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Pheu Thai brands govt a 'total failure'

By The Nation

The opposition Pheu Thai Party is pointing to a Bt1-trillion jump in public debt, "widespread corruption" and increased crime as it continues to find fault with the current Democrat-led government.

At the Pheu Thai headquarters yesterday, non-MP party leader Yongyuth Wichaidit held a press conference along with members of the party's working group for the monitoring and following up on the government's performance. The press were handed copies of a document entitled "Two Years of Failure by the Abhisit Government".

Yongyuth said Pheu Thai had been monitoring the government's performance over its 739 days in office and had come up with a list of "10 superlatives" of this administration:

- Most state borrowing and public debt;

- Most extravagant spending;

- Most weapons purchases with the most inefficiency;

- Most bribe-taking cases;

- Most unfair transfers of state officials;

- Worst social divisions;

- Most deaths at any pro-democracy rally;

- Most double-standard cases;

- Most use of state agencies as political tools; and

- Worst ties with neighbouring countries.

Suchart Thadathamrongvej, chief of Pheu Thai's economic team, said the country's public debt had jumped by Bt1.11 trillion over the past two years - up from Bt3.4 trillion at the end of 2008 - to Bt4.5 trillion at the end of last year. "This could make the country bankrupt," said Suchart, who in 2008 served briefly as the finance minister in the short-lived government of Somchai Wongsawat.

He said that over the past two years the government had failed in its new projects and many of its so-called welfare schemes were based on similar programmes started in the previous government led by the People Power Party, which later became Pheu Thai, Suchart said.

He added that the government's handouts were aimed at "bribing the voters" ahead of the next general elections, expected later this year.

Suchart also said there was "widespread corruption" in government projects, with lots of bribes being paid. He also pointed to the problem of high oil prices, suspension of projects in Map Ta Phut and a delay in 3G-telecommunications networks.

He also cited the results of a Bangkok University survey as saying that the government's performance on economic issues had been given a score of 3.8 out of 10, compared to 7.4 for the Thai Rak Thai government in 2001.

Pheu Thai deputy leader Plodprasop Suraswadi told the press conference that the government had "failed completely" in its policies on social issues and quality of life. He said illicit drugs were still rife and available in prison, while illegal gambling dens and the underground lottery were widely available. In addition, there was the problem of people misusing their influence in rural areas.

"The government lacks transparency and capability. State budgets are given to the constituencies of their cohorts. Corruption in this government is the worst. I will call this government 'the bandit's sweetheart' and would give it a score of 3.6 out of 10," he said.

Pheu Thai deputy spokesman Jirayu Huangsap rounded off the conference by saying that the government had failed in all its projects and should no longer stay in office.


-- The Nation 2011-01-08

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At the Pheu Thai headquarters yesterday, non-MP party leader Yongyuth Wichaidit held a press conference

Funny that now Thaksin has come out to name his sister as his choice to be the new Party Leader, at least partially due to Yongyuth's floundering at it for over 2 years, he comes out to have a press conference.

And what does he do?

His says that Democrats are a "total failure"... when the reality is that... his party and his leadership of it have been the real "total failure"

His co-host Suchart mentions survey polls, but fails to address the survey poll that indicates most of the country prefers a party other than his.


Edited by Buchholz
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<quote>- Most bribe-taking cases; </quote>

If that's true, and it's a big 'IF' because everything the Puea Thai states is fraught with lies, .....but if it's true, then it shows that the Dems are serious about taking bribe cases to court. Good for the Dems!

The subtitle to the OP should read something like; Yet, Puea Thai Leaders Don't Have Clue How to Improve Government

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" He added that the government's handouts were aimed at "bribing the voters" ahead of the next general elections, expected later this year. "

Awww diddums, not the boot is on the other foot PTP feels hard done by and spits its' dummy out the pram. Weren't previous TRT and PPP policies aimed at 'bribing voters, ahem wooing voters as well?

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For a government that has been/is a "total failure" the country seems to have muddled along fairly well. I am reminded of a little dog who is confined a fenced area (due to past transgressions) who barks at all those outside. He is too stupid to remember how/why he ended up where he is.

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At the Pheu Thai headquarters yesterday, non-MP party leader Yongyuth Wichaidit held a press conference

Funny that now Thaksin has come out to name his sister as his choice to be the new Party Leader, at least partially due to Yongyuth's floundering at it for over 2 years, he comes out to have a press conference.

And what does he do?

His says that Democrats are a "total failure"... when the reality is that... his party and his leadership of it have been the real "total failure"

His co-host Suchart mentions survey polls, but fails to address the survey poll that indicates most of the country prefers a party other than his.


With respect the PTP are in opposition and that is their job, checks and balances and all that. So, if all of the above statements by the PTP Party Leader , or even the majority of them , are all wrong and the Government is confident of winning seats, surely now is a good time to announce a general election? However there seems to be some hesitation as Abhisit wants time for the feel good factor of the Democrats New Year gift to the Nation to kick in, so not that confident then? If, as posters on here suggest that polls show, that the PTP would not be suitable to govern, surely now is the time to put it to the test.

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<quote>- Most bribe-taking cases; </quote>

If that's true, and it's a big 'IF' because everything the Puea Thai states is fraught with lies, .....but if it's true, then it shows that the Dems are serious about taking bribe cases to court. Good for the Dems!

The subtitle to the OP should read something like; Yet, Puea Thai Leaders Don't Have Clue How to Improve Government


also how about the one that says" Worst ties with neighbouring countries." They neatly over look the fact that they are the archatechs of it and at this point in time relationship is looking pretty good. That is to say there is hope for peaceful negotiations.B)

Really don't know all the facts but I am reasonably sure there is things the report is covering up that would show it to be the farce it is.

When are they going to start working for the good of Thailand. They are paid to do that not to try to get reelected. If they would put the horse in front of the cart they would find themselves being reelected with out trying to destroy there opponents. There work would do it.:)

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I do not know about polls showing the referenced group as unsuitable to govern, but the past actions of individuals who represented them and their predecessors certainly indicate their disregard for following proper procedure in winning an election and holding on to their positions when they are put into a responsible government slot.

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<quote>- Most bribe-taking cases; </quote>

If that's true, and it's a big 'IF' because everything the Puea Thai states is fraught with lies, .....but if it's true, then it shows that the Dems are serious about taking bribe cases to court. Good for the Dems!

The subtitle to the OP should read something like; Yet, Puea Thai Leaders Don't Have Clue How to Improve Government


also how about the one that says" Worst ties with neighbouring countries." They neatly over look the fact that they are the archatechs of it and at this point in time relationship is looking pretty good. That is to say there is hope for peaceful negotiations.B)

Really don't know all the facts but I am reasonably sure there is things the report is covering up that would show it to be the farce it is.

When are they going to start working for the good of Thailand. They are paid to do that not to try to get reelected. If they would put the horse in front of the cart they would find themselves being reelected with out trying to destroy there opponents. There work would do it.:)

I suspect that the PTP are referring to more recent events with Cambodia, though the Democrats seem to be doing OK with their relations with Burma.

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At the Pheu Thai headquarters yesterday, non-MP party leader Yongyuth Wichaidit held a press conference

Funny that now Thaksin has come out to name his sister as his choice to be the new Party Leader, at least partially due to Yongyuth's floundering at it for over 2 years, he comes out to have a press conference.

And what does he do?

His says that Democrats are a "total failure"... when the reality is that... his party and his leadership of it have been the real "total failure"

His co-host Suchart mentions survey polls, but fails to address the survey poll that indicates most of the country prefers a party other than his.


With respect the PTP are in opposition and that is their job, checks and balances and all that. So, if all of the above statements by the PTP Party Leader , or even the majority of them , are all wrong and the Government is confident of winning seats, surely now is a good time to announce a general election? However there seems to be some hesitation as Abhisit wants time for the feel good factor of the Democrats New Year gift to the Nation to kick in, so not that confident then? If, as posters on here suggest that polls show, that the PTP would not be suitable to govern, surely now is the time to put it to the test.

Are you saying it is not the job of the Pheu Thai's to work for the betterment of Thailand It is to just throw rocks at the ones in power. To not say we disagree with you can we discuss the mater. Perhaps we can come to a different point of view that will work for the betterment of Thailand and satisfy the both of us.:jap:

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PTP - rather than slagging off the goverment and its performance why not draft a manifesto outlining your policies and what you would do instead so that the Thai people can read what you promise to fulfill if elected, then they can weigh up the pros and cons of each side and vote how they see fit.

Or is that too complicated ?B)

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With respect the PTP are in opposition and that is their job, checks and balances and all that. So, if all of the above statements by the PTP Party Leader , or even the majority of them , are all wrong and the Government is confident of winning seats, surely now is a good time to announce a general election? However there seems to be some hesitation as Abhisit wants time for the feel good factor of the Democrats New Year gift to the Nation to kick in, so not that confident then? If, as posters on here suggest that polls show, that the PTP would not be suitable to govern, surely now is the time to put it to the test.

If there could be an election tomorrow, they would call it. However, an election needs to be called in advance and hence that period between calling it and having it would be a period the opposition would be on an all out attack in any way possible - so the current government then better have a good base to work from, i.e. people should have already seen and felt improvements or they will easily get swayed away by simple promises and attacks etc.

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(AKA 3rd string barely electables and banned MP family members from TRT.)

has a total track record of ZED, zero, nada, nothing.

That they can try to palm off a laundry list of charges lacking any specifics,

and the only ones with numbers taking no note of the world wide recession,

and that Thailand is actually weathering it well compared to many places,

is just sub-par for the course with PTP's ineptitude and political machinations.

Throw mud at the government and pray Hail Mary some might stick.

This coming from a party composed of straw men and mud puppies.

Edited by animatic
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PTP - rather than slagging off the goverment and its performance why not draft a manifesto outlining your policies and what you would do instead so that the Thai people can read what you promise to fulfill if elected, then they can weigh up the pros and cons of each side and vote how they see fit.

Or is that too complicated ?B)

They did propose some hare-brained populist policies, e.g., in the article Pheu Thai reveals populist campaign platform:

If it wins the mandate to form the next coalition government, Pheu Thai will strive to hike the minimum wage to Bt300 a day and guarantee a starting salary of Bt15,000 a month for university graduates.

Within six months of taking office, voters will see a drop in the cost of living. The following six months will have the government churning out policies designed to raise incomes.

That was on 2010-12-22. Then on 2011-01-03 we got this:

From Finding a leader the main issue for Pheu Thai in 2011:

Pheu Thai has mapped out how to fight the election. The party plans to turn the campaign into an ideological showdown by making "injustice" and "double-standard" its rallying cry.

So this report is just part of their ongoing smear campaign to bring down the government.

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PTP - rather than slagging off the goverment and its performance why not draft a manifesto outlining your policies and what you would do instead so that the Thai people can read what you promise to fulfill if elected, then they can weigh up the pros and cons of each side and vote how they see fit.

Or is that too complicated ?B)

They did propose some hare-brained populist policies, e.g., in the article Pheu Thai reveals populist campaign platform:

If it wins the mandate to form the next coalition government, Pheu Thai will strive to hike the minimum wage to Bt300 a day and guarantee a starting salary of Bt15,000 a month for university graduates.

Within six months of taking office, voters will see a drop in the cost of living. The following six months will have the government churning out policies designed to raise incomes.

That was on 2010-12-22. Then on 2011-01-03 we got this:

From Finding a leader the main issue for Pheu Thai in 2011:

Pheu Thai has mapped out how to fight the election. The party plans to turn the campaign into an ideological showdown by making "injustice" and "double-standard" its rallying cry.

So this report is just part of their ongoing smear campaign to bring down the government.

1.Policy: 'Guaranteed starting salary of 15,000Baht a month'. This is a complex issue and has meaning in Thai history and socal status matters, but just one comment, this would likely mean that large numbers of new graduates simply don't get employed.

Thai employers are getting more attuned to a business costing philosophy which dictates salary according to the value of the agreed outputs of a job and the complexity of achieving those agreed otputs. Fewer and fewer Thai employers are willing to pay 15,000 starting salary for a very routine job.

2. 'injustice', and 'double standards'. Yes they do absolutely exist and they are still part of the picture picture. However PTP should be quite careful of these items. If they quote current examples, then there are dozens of even greater examplses to bring up from the thaksin era, the chavalit era, surarat and chalerm actions, and more. Could easily backfire on PTP.

On a different slant, if they are going to copy the recent rantings of jatuporn, weng, arisman, veera, etc., (during the red mob antics) which relied on just repeating the words over and over with no explanation of what they really meant, and nothing constuction in any way in terms of creating change, then again, could very easily backfire.

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PTP - rather than slagging off the goverment and its performance why not draft a manifesto outlining your policies and what you would do instead so that the Thai people can read what you promise to fulfill if elected, then they can weigh up the pros and cons of each side and vote how they see fit.

Or is that too complicated ?B)

I agree with you they should put forth some thing of worth.

they have made certain statements on the 22nd of Dec. 2010.

If it wins the mandate to form the next coalition government, Pheu Thai will strive to hike the minimum wage to Bt300 a day and guarantee a starting salary of Bt15,000 a month for university graduates.

I am quite sure that if Thailand was to take a load of stupid pills they would have a outside chance of winning. And Miraculously those numbers would change. Downward,:jap:

My question is what are they doing today for the betterment of Thailand?B)

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At the Pheu Thai headquarters yesterday, non-MP party leader Yongyuth Wichaidit held a press conference

Funny that now Thaksin has come out to name his sister as his choice to be the new Party Leader, at least partially due to Yongyuth's floundering at it for over 2 years, he comes out to have a press conference.

And what does he do?

His says that Democrats are a "total failure"... when the reality is that... his party and his leadership of it have been the real "total failure"

His co-host Suchart mentions survey polls, but fails to address the survey poll that indicates most of the country prefers a party other than his.


With respect the PTP are in opposition and that is their job, checks and balances and all that. So, if all of the above statements by the PTP Party Leader , or even the majority of them , are all wrong and the Government is confident of winning seats, surely now is a good time to announce a general election? However there seems to be some hesitation as Abhisit wants time for the feel good factor of the Democrats New Year gift to the Nation to kick in, so not that confident then? If, as posters on here suggest that polls show, that the PTP would not be suitable to govern, surely now is the time to put it to the test.

It'll happen soon enough.

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PTP - rather than slagging off the goverment and its performance why not draft a manifesto outlining your policies and what you would do instead so that the Thai people can read what you promise to fulfill if elected, then they can weigh up the pros and cons of each side and vote how they see fit.

Or is that too complicated ?B)

Pheu Thai core leader and Deputy House Speaker Colonel Apiwan Wiriyachai announced that the Pheu Thai Party would bank on ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s platform



Puea Thai Party MP Chalerm Yubamrung yesterday said the party had changed its mind and would not join the coalition government and the Senate in supporting the six amendments proposed by a special committee on national reconciliation and charter amendments.

Puea Thai's about-face came after ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra telephoned to address party members on Tuesday.

Mr Chalerm admitted Thaksin's suggestions influenced the party's position. We are not hiding this," he said.


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PTP - rather than slagging off the goverment and its performance why not draft a manifesto outlining your policies and what you would do instead so that the Thai people can read what you promise to fulfill if elected, then they can weigh up the pros and cons of each side and vote how they see fit.

Or is that too complicated ?B)

Exactly. Puea Thai doesn't have specific policy suggestions, and doesn't have any people with the intelligence to draft any. They don't have any specific platforms on anything, except perhaps the minimum wage thing. What have they ever stated in regard to safeguarding the environment or promoting alternative energy? Fact remains, they're so controlled by one absentee man that they are incapable of thinking for themselves. Actually, the only platform policy they really need (to gain seats in an upcoming election) is to promise all villages and villagers will get lots of money if they're elected. It worked for Thaksin, and it will probably work again for Puea Thai do-nothings. Am I insinuating the Thai electorate are a bit daft? - you tell me.

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PTP - rather than slagging off the goverment and its performance why not draft a manifesto outlining your policies and what you would do instead so that the Thai people can read what you promise to fulfill if elected, then they can weigh up the pros and cons of each side and vote how they see fit.

Or is that too complicated ?B)

Exactly. Puea Thai doesn't have specific policy suggestions, and doesn't have any people with the intelligence to draft any. They don't have any specific platforms on anything, except perhaps the minimum wage thing. What have they ever stated in regard to safeguarding the environment or promoting alternative energy? Fact remains, they're so controlled by one absentee man that they are incapable of thinking for themselves. Actually, the only platform policy they really need (to gain seats in an upcoming election) is to promise all villages and villagers will get lots of money if they're elected. It worked for Thaksin, and it will probably work again for Puea Thai do-nothings. Am I insinuating the Thai electorate are a bit daft? - you tell me.

Umm... some of their proposed policies are actually stated in a post on this very page.

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<quote>- Most bribe-taking cases; </quote>

If that's true, and it's a big 'IF' because everything the Puea Thai states is fraught with lies, .....but if it's true, then it shows that the Dems are serious about taking bribe cases to court. Good for the Dems!

The subtitle to the OP should read something like; Yet, Puea Thai Leaders Don't Have Clue How to Improve Government


also how about the one that says" Worst ties with neighbouring countries." They neatly over look the fact that they are the archatechs of it and at this point in time relationship is looking pretty good. That is to say there is hope for peaceful negotiations.B)

Really don't know all the facts but I am reasonably sure there is things the report is covering up that would show it to be the farce it is.

When are they going to start working for the good of Thailand. They are paid to do that not to try to get reelected. If they would put the horse in front of the cart they would find themselves being reelected with out trying to destroy there opponents. There work would do it.:)

I suspect that the PTP are referring to more recent events with Cambodia, though the Democrats seem to be doing OK with their relations with Burma.

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Hear Ye,

Hear Ye....

Remember the famous 'tuxsin' quote? :

Perhaps, it would happen in your next life, sometimes in the afternoon.... laugh.gif

At the Pheu Thai headquarters yesterday, non-MP party leader Yongyuth Wichaidit held a press conference

Funny that now Thaksin has come out to name his sister as his choice to be the new Party Leader, at least partially due to Yongyuth's floundering at it for over 2 years, he comes out to have a press conference.

And what does he do?

His says that Democrats are a "total failure"... when the reality is that... his party and his leadership of it have been the real "total failure"

His co-host Suchart mentions survey polls, but fails to address the survey poll that indicates most of the country prefers a party other than his.


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