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I know that this question has been asked in the past but can we please review it and bring it up to date.

How much is realistically needed for a mother and child to live in the bush per month.

Factor in the milk and nappies.

No rent as house is owned. No western food to factor in etc etc. If you think of any other needs then factor that in.

Enough to live comfortably.

I know that the amounts depend on various other factors but would be interested in getting a rough idea as to what other posters see as being a suitable amount.


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Electric - 600 to 800 a month, this is likely to rise soon

Water - 50 to 150 a month

Gas - 200 a month

Sewerage - 100 a month

Food - 3500 - 4000 a month

Other groceries - 1000 a month

Clothes/shoes/odds and ends - 500 - 1000 a month

Fuel for scooter - 800 a month

General maintenance/building/scooter etc - 1000 a month

So, 7750 to 9,000 a month, basic living.

So call it 15,000 really. Need to include any insurance policies, mobile phone charges, going out money etc.

Best thing to do. When you're here, hire a pick-up truck, go to Makro, Big C etc and stock up all the long life stuff like soap, washing powder, cooking oils, toothpaste, washing up liquid, sacks of rice, tinned and dried foods. Buy in bulk and store. Then you know they have the essentials and aren't buying the small, crazily overpriced items in the local village store.


May one ask why the OP is asking?

No probs,

I'm currently sending over 25000Bht per month. An amount which I have always thought a bit steep. But with no real experience of living in the bush to ascertain what is a reasonable amount I have found it hard to make an informed estimaite and make any changes.

That is why I am asking for as many replies as possible.

Hope that helps.



May one ask why the OP is asking?

No probs,

I'm currently sending over 25000Bht per month. An amount which I have always thought a bit steep. But with no real experience of living in the bush to ascertain what is a reasonable amount I have found it hard to make an informed estimaite and make any changes.

That is why I am asking for as many replies as possible.

Hope that helps.



The amount you are sending is alright - it might seem high for 'surviving' [to Thai standard], but I think you want her to more than survive and also most gf's of westerners get used to more than surviving when the partner is visiting...and are often 'assumed' to have more money than average people and if the partner isn't supplying it she will be told in no unsure words that the farang is a cheap-charlie.

So, it might seem high when you tap the calculator but it isn't.

My advice is to always give as much as you can and feel comfortable doing.


You seem worried about where the extra 15K is going. You obviously have limited trust in this gal. This should worry you because there's a kid involved. If she's an (ex) bargirl then you could send her 200K per month and your son is still only going to receive the bare essentials with the rest of the money going (elsewhere).

90% of Thais live (and manage to drink whiskey and gamble) on 3-6 thousand baht per month.

Good Luck to ya


You seem worried about where the extra 15K is going. You obviously have limited trust in this gal. This should worry you because there's a kid involved. If she's an (ex) bargirl then you could send her 200K per month and your son is still only going to receive the bare essentials with the rest of the money going (elsewhere).

90% of Thais live (and manage to drink whiskey and gamble) on 3-6 thousand baht per month.

Good Luck to ya


My brother in-law can survive on 6000 baht on a expensive spot as Samui.

When I go to family in Chiang mai I spend 2000 baht per week for the hole household of six people including Lao Khaoo and beer.


I spend nowhere near 25k between 3 of us and I live in Bangkok. Granted I don't live a lavish life style but we have all we need plus a few luxuries.

About 3.5k a week sees us live quite comfortably. That includes good food, beer, nights out and stuff.

I wonder if the OP's other half enjoys a game of cards or two?


May one ask why the OP is asking?

No probs,

I'm currently sending over 25000Bht per month. An amount which I have always thought a bit steep. But with no real experience of living in the bush to ascertain what is a reasonable amount I have found it hard to make an informed estimaite and make any changes.

That is why I am asking for as many replies as possible.

Hope that helps.



The amount you are sending is alright - it might seem high for 'surviving' [to Thai standard], but I think you want her to more than survive and also most gf's of westerners get used to more than surviving when the partner is visiting...and are often 'assumed' to have more money than average people and if the partner isn't supplying it she will be told in no unsure words that the farang is a cheap-charlie.

So, it might seem high when you tap the calculator but it isn't.

My advice is to always give as much as you can and feel comfortable doing.

Thanks for the advice mate.

Will try to follow your guidance here.



I spend nowhere near 25k between 3 of us and I live in Bangkok. Granted I don't live a lavish life style but we have all we need plus a few luxuries.

About 3.5k a week sees us live quite comfortably. That includes good food, beer, nights out and stuff.

I wonder if the OP's other half enjoys a game of cards or two?


Good un.



I spend nowhere near 25k between 3 of us and I live in Bangkok. Granted I don't live a lavish life style but we have all we need plus a few luxuries.

About 3.5k a week sees us live quite comfortably. That includes good food, beer, nights out and stuff.

I wonder if the OP's other half enjoys a game of cards or two?

There's the biggest pitfall number one right there. Too much excess cash and it typically finds a home on the cards table. Although I do know a few that are seriously sensible with money and save. That's what you're aiming for, to develop a sense of the value of money, otherwise quite often it's just easy come easy go.


Normal wages for a full time unskilled job are 6.000.

I am talking Baht.

I am talking per month.

They are indeed, but it doesn't make for a particularly comfortable life. The OP is trying to strike a reasonable balance.


I spend nowhere near 25k between 3 of us and I live in Bangkok. Granted I don't live a lavish life style but we have all we need plus a few luxuries.

About 3.5k a week sees us live quite comfortably. That includes good food, beer, nights out and stuff.

I wonder if the OP's other half enjoys a game of cards or two?

Not to be a pain, but...between the gf and me we go through 50-60k a month and I live in a simple part of Bangkok in a rented place of low cost...how you manage to only burn 25k...well, congrats if that is the case and you are happy with it.

Maybe I should be dating you.


I spend nowhere near 25k between 3 of us and I live in Bangkok. Granted I don't live a lavish life style but we have all we need plus a few luxuries.

About 3.5k a week sees us live quite comfortably. That includes good food, beer, nights out and stuff.

I wonder if the OP's other half enjoys a game of cards or two?

Not to be a pain, but...between the gf and me we go through 50-60k a month and I live in a simple part of Bangkok in a rented place of low cost...how you manage to only burn 25k...well, congrats if that is the case and you are happy with it.

Maybe I should be dating you.

I'm excluding rent/bills/school fees and stuff.

The OP said there was no rent or bills that had to be paid, only monies for food and stuff.


Most Thais only earn about 6000baht a month. obviously the professionals will earn more but in general its about 300baht a day.Does that put things in prospective for you .


Most Thais only earn about 6000baht a month. obviously the professionals will earn more but in general its about 300baht a day.Does that put things in prospective for you .

a mia noi will expect to earn more, especially if her employer is farang.


Most Thais only earn about 6000baht a month. obviously the professionals will earn more but in general its about 300baht a day.Does that put things in prospective for you .

a mia noi will expect to earn more, especially if her employer is farang.

Get yourself out in to the real Thailand and look at the factory's full of Burmese and the rest working for half the pay a Thai will get.


Most Thais only earn about 6000baht a month. obviously the professionals will earn more but in general its about 300baht a day.Does that put things in prospective for you .

a mia noi will expect to earn more, especially if her employer is farang.

Get yourself out in to the real Thailand and look at the factory's full of Burmese and the rest working for half the pay a Thai will get.

i agree with you 100% - why do you seem to disagree with me?


Nappies and baby milk are extremely expensive in Thailand, plus all the sundry expensive, baby clothes, toys and medical fees.

Here is my guide based on the mother and child's situation as the OP described:

Monthly cost of living:

5000 Baht – Rock bottom existance level.

10000 baht – Subsistence level

15000 baht - Basic lifestyle level

20000 baht - Living comfortable level

25000 baht - No financial worries level

30000 baht and above - Lavish lifestyle level


You seem worried about where the extra 15K is going. You obviously have limited trust in this gal. This should worry you because there's a kid involved. If she's an (ex) bargirl then you could send her 200K per month and your son is still only going to receive the bare essentials with the rest of the money going (elsewhere).

90% of Thais live (and manage to drink whiskey and gamble) on 3-6 thousand baht per month.

Good Luck to ya

Nice assumption, very pleasant.


Nappies and baby milk are extremely expensive in Thailand, plus all the sundry expensive, baby clothes, toys and medical fees.

Here is my guide based on the mother and child's situation as the OP described:

Monthly cost of living:

5000 Baht – Rock bottom existance level.

10000 baht – Subsistence level

15000 baht - Basic lifestyle level

20000 baht - Living comfortable level

25000 baht - No financial worries level

30000 baht and above - Lavish lifestyle level

I would say this is pretty close to correct. From my experience over the last 5 years, my Mrs can live quite comfortably on around 15k a month in the village when I am on walkabout. When I am in the village as well we end up spending around 30k a month as the food bill doubles and I like a beer from time to time!

Here is a typical break down of our monthly living costs that do not change if I am in the village or not:

Health insurance for the 3 year old monster: 2,500

Gas for both bikes: 600

Gas for cooking: 250

Papa's pocket money: 2,000

School fees including transport and food for two children: 800

Water: 150

Electricity: 600

So this comes to 6,900 Baht, leaving the Mrs with 8,100 Baht for food, clothing and anything else.


In my humble opinion .If you are comfortable sending 25000 a month that is more than enough for sure. But what I would do is ask her if she is savng any or buying anything of value with the excess which there is with that amount sent.I feel part of a woman job with household budget is to invest extra money in budget. Even if she only buys gold. I feel on that budget she could save at least 5000 baht a month. Every four months is a baht of gold. If she spends it all without any thought of tommorrow I would question her responsibility in the relationship. Anyone can spend money its a no brainer, but women committed to family and husband help the family by taking care of the money provided by the husband it is the role of a responsible woman in a relationship. I feel it doesnot come down to not how much is sent but how it is handled. As stated this is just one mans humble opinion.


May one ask why the OP is asking?

No probs,

I'm currently sending over 25000Bht per month. An amount which I have always thought a bit steep. But with no real experience of living in the bush to ascertain what is a reasonable amount I have found it hard to make an informed estimaite and make any changes.

That is why I am asking for as many replies as possible.

Hope that helps.


I give my MIL 3,200bht a month to live on. She has her own house (hut)

That gives her a life of luxury, according to her and her envious neighbours.

I am told that 5,000bht a month would be plenty to support a woman and child in a village setting.

Village wages 100bht a day (3,000bht a month)

School is free in Thailand.


What money did your gf live on before you met her?

Does she work now? If not, why not?

Is it your child? If not, it is somebody else's reponsability.

Why do westerners think that they have to support thai?

We are not NGO's.

Unless of course you are in a serious relationship - but first develop a serious relationship, next start to support your partner.

Sending money that equals 5 normal wages seems over the top.

Unless of course you just want sex, in that case i hope you get a good return on your money.

No need to answer me, and i am not telling you what to do, just food for thought.....


May one ask why the OP is asking?

No probs,

I'm currently sending over 25000Bht per month. An amount which I have always thought a bit steep. But with no real experience of living in the bush to ascertain what is a reasonable amount I have found it hard to make an informed estimaite and make any changes.

That is why I am asking for as many replies as possible.

Hope that helps.


I give my MIL 3,200bht a month to live on. She has her own house (hut)

That gives her a life of luxury, according to her and her envious neighbours.

I am told that 5,000bht a month would be plenty to support a woman and child in a village setting.

Village wages 100bht a day (3,000bht a month)

School is free in Thailand.


You have posted many sensible posts.


You GIVE your MIL 3.200 a month?


Can you give me some too?

My kwai is sick, i love you, i am a lazy bum, you are rich and i am poor, i could put bad thoughts into your wife's head, i need to make merrit by feeding the monks, and so on.

Anyway, i always preferred CHE over Fidel.


You seem worried about where the extra 15K is going. You obviously have limited trust in this gal. This should worry you because there's a kid involved. If she's an (ex) bargirl then you could send her 200K per month and your son is still only going to receive the bare essentials with the rest of the money going (elsewhere).

90% of Thais live (and manage to drink whiskey and gamble) on 3-6 thousand baht per month.

Good Luck to ya

I do not understand the point of your post and your hostile response?

The OP has asked some opinions about living expenses for a mother and child, any other advice and whether or not the mother is a bargirl or a reformed Nun is irrelavant.

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