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Lao Girl Cut In Half By Fleeing Stolen Porsche: Thai Police

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whatever reason, the Thai and Australian legal systems will arrive at a fairly similar outcome, right or wrong.

I really don't think so. Flee the scene of a fatal accident in Australia you will not be treated gently. You certainly won't be given the opportunity to 'look after the victims family' (aka pay them off with a few hundred bucks) and walk away from it.

Did the hiso kid (Ms Thailand's son) who deliberately ran his mercedes into a bus stop full of people go to jail? What about the underaged and unlicensed girl (daughter of police) who caused the multiple-fatality minivan crash near Kaset a few months ago?

This kid will walk.

I have to agree. Putting Thailand and Australia on level field is riduculous. In Australia for a start this kid would not be allowed to drive such a vehicle. Vehicle restrictions apply depending on licence status and this kid would not have been the holder of a full licence.

He would have been immeadiately charged with culpable driving (20 yrs imprisonment max), Fail to stop at a collision scene, poss fail to report a collision, drive in breach of licence conditions just to name a few. regardless of if he was Hiso or the man who pumps turds from a toilet he would be treated the same as everyone else. He would be looking at a minimum of at least 7yrs imprisonment

Yes I have charged the odd few with these particular offences...

Why would he not be a full licence holder in Australia? How old do you need to be for a full licence?

Why would he have been immediately charged with culpable driving? Would there not need to be an investigation and examination of all evidence before charge?

In the UK he would have been arrested and interviewed at the earliest opportunity and then bailed (very unlikely to be remanded) until a full investigation had been conducted by specialist investigators. On the basis of whats been reported to date, the only offence he's committed is failing to stop/report an accident. If it was deemed that the driver was not responsible for the collisiion, you can bet that a decent lawyer would see to it that the fail stop would be dropped.

Whilst the law is technically blind to who you are in the UK, there is a big difference between a duty solicitor and a highly paid criminal solicitor.

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Why would he not be a full licence holder in Australia? How old do you need to be for a full licence?

Why would he have been immediately charged with culpable driving? Would there not need to be an investigation and examination of all evidence before charge?

In the UK he would have been arrested and interviewed at the earliest opportunity and then bailed (very unlikely to be remanded) until a full investigation had been conducted by specialist investigators. On the basis of whats been reported to date, the only offence he's committed is failing to stop/report an accident. If it was deemed that the driver was not responsible for the collisiion, you can bet that a decent lawyer would see to it that the fail stop would be dropped.

Whilst the law is technically blind to who you are in the UK, there is a big difference between a duty solicitor and a highly paid criminal solicitor.

At 19, in most states he would be still on his Probationary licence. That could mean (depending on state laws) he is restricted in the power of the car he can drive.


After reading the initial report and then the follow up reports and all the coments from users on this forum I have drawn my own conclusion as follows:

This was a very unfortunate and sad "accident" and that's all it is, I think this could happen to anyone.

1) The victim, crossing the road without taking proper precautions ie. not looking for cars in the outside lane passing the bus. Perhaps she was not thinking very much and perhaps in a hurry.

2) The driver not being carefull enough without experience and not thinking there might be passengers lighting from the bus and crossing in front of it.

All you drivers out there... have you never had a close shave when a pedestrian make a mistake and runs or walked straight out in front of you? (Sure and everyone could hear you shouting swearing at them as your heart nearly stops "Silly Bi..ch" or worst you shout) as you take aversive action.

This kind of car / pedestrian incident happens every day everywhere in the world (unfortunately) be it less dramatic or horrific.

I feel sorry for the girls family but equally sorry for the boy, what a terrible thing to happen and he will probably suffer mentally and have nightmares, I feel very sorry for everyone involved in this accident.

I would not want to be the person who has to point the finger of blame to anyone involved, it could happen to anyone. including you the Thai Visa posters who have so many bitter and twisted views and apparently big chips on your shoulders.

Think back when you were a teenager, were you a perfect driver? :jap:

<br />
<br />Oh, I'm completely aware at how good Thailand is at handing out both very inadequate and very very severe sentences. You would have no trouble digging up a case of some poor Thai who got 9 years for a trivial offence.<br /><br />Trouble is the sentences bear little correlation to the severity of the crime or the guilt of the defendant. Only on the defendant's status, wealth and privilege.<br />
<br /><br />Yes, so then justice is blind in the west, money doesn't buy good representation, and generally, more favourable verdicts? Prosecutors and politicians are immune to lynch-mob mentalities and the poor aren't over represented in our prisons?<br /><br />As the T-shirt says: "Same same but different".<br />
It's really not the same and there's no denying it. Thailand always ranks as one of the worst middle income countries in the corruption, journalistic freedom, and income inequality indices.<br /><br />In the west injustices happen but not as a social routine. There are still avenues you can pursue even if you are wronged and stand a fair chance. In Thailand there is practically no justice at all if you're below a certain income level. The corruption is endemic and the court system is irreparably broken. People get away with so much here because there's a strict hierarchy which is so why the nation flares up in deadly violence every few years. There's plenty of tension and one day these social issues will have to be resolved, perhaps with even more serious bloodshed.
whatever reason, the Thai and Australian legal systems will arrive at a fairly similar outcome, right or wrong.

I really don't think so. Flee the scene of a fatal accident in Australia you will not be treated gently. You certainly won't be given the opportunity to 'look after the victims family' (aka pay them off with a few hundred bucks) and walk away from it.

Did the hiso kid (Ms Thailand's son) who deliberately ran his mercedes into a bus stop full of people go to jail? What about the underaged and unlicensed girl (daughter of police) who caused the multiple-fatality minivan crash near Kaset a few months ago?

This kid will walk.

I have to agree. Putting Thailand and Australia on level field is riduculous. In Australia for a start this kid would not be allowed to drive such a vehicle. Vehicle restrictions apply depending on licence status and this kid would not have been the holder of a full licence.

He would have been immeadiately charged with culpable driving (20 yrs imprisonment max), Fail to stop at a collision scene, poss fail to report a collision, drive in breach of licence conditions just to name a few. regardless of if he was Hiso or the man who pumps turds from a toilet he would be treated the same as everyone else. He would be looking at a minimum of at least 7yrs imprisonment

Yes I have charged the odd few with these particular offences...

Why would he not be a full licence holder in Australia? How old do you need to be for a full licence?

Why would he have been immediately charged with culpable driving? Would there not need to be an investigation and examination of all evidence before charge?

In the UK he would have been arrested and interviewed at the earliest opportunity and then bailed (very unlikely to be remanded) until a full investigation had been conducted by specialist investigators. On the basis of whats been reported to date, the only offence he's committed is failing to stop/report an accident. If it was deemed that the driver was not responsible for the collisiion, you can bet that a decent lawyer would see to it that the fail stop would be dropped.

Whilst the law is technically blind to who you are in the UK, there is a big difference between a duty solicitor and a highly paid criminal solicitor.

He would not be a full licence holder in Australia because it is the LAW, The majority of States have a Probationary period and classes of probation ie: 1st 12 months is a P1 and can have passenger restriction such as can only carry one passenger and vehicle restrictions (power to wieght ratio and sports cars) P2 for 2nd and 3rd yrs of driving. After 3 yrs if you have not committed any offences then you can obtain a full drivers licence.

If you are involved in an accident involving a motor vehicle where property is damage or persons injured you are required to immeadiately to stop your vehicle and render assistance and exchanged names and addresses. Penalty for failing to do so ....... as the driver of a motor vehicle, you are involved in a crash causing death or injury and do not stop and give assistance, you can be fined over $140,000 and/or be imprisoned for up to 10 years. You will also lose your licence for at least two years. Not much for a legal beak to fight over or have withdrawn. You either STOP or you DON"T.

Culpable Driving

(1) Any person who by the culpable driving of a motor vehicle causes the death

of another person shall be guilty of an indictable offence and shall be liable

to level 3 imprisonment (20 years maximum) or a level 3 fine or both.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1) a person drives a motor vehicle

culpably if he drives the motor vehicle-

(a) recklessly, that is to say, if he consciously and unjustifiably

disregards a substantial risk that the death of another person or the

infliction of grievous bodily harm upon another person may result from

his driving; or

(B) negligently, that is to say, if he fails unjustifiably and to a gross

degree to observe the standard of care which a reasonable man would

have observed in all the circumstances of the case; or

© whilst under the influence of alcohol to such an extent as to be

incapable of having proper control of the motor vehicle; or

(d) whilst under the influence of a drug to such an extent as to be

incapable of having proper control of the motor vehicle.

(2A) Without limiting subsection (2)(B), negligence within the meaning of that

subsection may be established by proving that-

(a) a person drove a motor vehicle when fatigued to such an extent that he

or she knew, or ought to have known, that there was an appreciable

risk of him or her falling asleep while driving or of losing control

of the vehicle; and

(B) by so driving the motor vehicle the person failed unjustifiably and to

a gross degree to observe the standard of care which a reasonable

person would have observed in all the circumstances of the case.

Hope that clears up your questions.....


After reading the initial report and then the follow up reports and all the coments from users on this forum I have drawn my own conclusion as follows:

This was a very unfortunate and sad "accident" and that's all it is, I think this could happen to anyone.

1) The victim, crossing the road without taking proper precautions ie. not looking for cars in the outside lane passing the bus. Perhaps she was not thinking very much and perhaps in a hurry.

2) The driver not being carefull enough without experience and not thinking there might be passengers lighting from the bus and crossing in front of it.

All you drivers out there... have you never had a close shave when a pedestrian make a mistake and runs or walked straight out in front of you? (Sure and everyone could hear you shouting swearing at them as your heart nearly stops "Silly Bi..ch" or worst you shout) as you take aversive action.

This kind of car / pedestrian incident happens every day everywhere in the world (unfortunately) be it less dramatic or horrific.

I feel sorry for the girls family but equally sorry for the boy, what a terrible thing to happen and he will probably suffer mentally and have nightmares, I feel very sorry for everyone involved in this accident.

I would not want to be the person who has to point the finger of blame to anyone involved, it could happen to anyone. including you the Thai Visa posters who have so many bitter and twisted views and apparently big chips on your shoulders.

Think back when you were a teenager, were you a perfect driver? :jap:

Thank you, Newermonkey. Well stated and spot on. jap.gif


Good points, Newermonkey, this is a common event and most of us made mistakes when we were just starting out driving. A boy was knocked down and killed stepping in front of a bus in the sleepy countryside where I grew up, it really can happen anywhere and causes mental health problems for the driver.

<br />Good points, Newermonkey, this is a common event and most of us made mistakes when we were just starting out driving. A boy was knocked down and killed stepping in front of a bus in the sleepy countryside where I grew up, it really can happen anywhere and causes mental health problems for the driver.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Sure, accidents happen but I never chopped anyone in half with my daddy's porsche and then made a half-assed apology in front of the media about it.


Each and every time we pass a vehicle its impossible to tell whether or not something is going to jump out from in front of it. However common sense and appropriate speeds should also be exercised - 30 kph can be lethal speed however, so where do we draw the line?.

Where do we draw the line? Well a pretty good guideline is given by a concept, existing even in free-and-easy Thailand, called the 'speed limit'.

The maximum 'speed limit' in built-up areas in Thailand is 60kmh. I'd be interested to know exactly what the speed limit was at the scene of the accident, but as the entire area is built-up it may well be 60kmh. (I posted a question about the speed limit earlier, haven't got an answer yet.) The victim worked at a food shop at the scene of the accident, and had crossed the road to buy some food off a noodle vendor. It doesn't sound like a motorway.

If the speed limit is 60, or even 90 (as on a lot of highways) and someone causes an accident by doing 120, then I feel it is pretty twisted thinking to go blaming the victim.

Harping on about 'but no speed is safe!' sounds like someone bending over backward to excuse a dangerous driver, who by the way has already admitted he was at fault.


I'd have a small wager that judging by his mug shot, that he's closer to 16 (or below) than 19 as reported earlier. Let's see!

That's not his 'mug shot', that's his picture from his Thai ID card which he got when he WAS 15... like most Thai kids are legally bound to do.


Another conspiracy theory shot all to buggery!


Another lost wager!



I'd have a small wager that judging by his mug shot, that he's closer to 16 (or below) than 19 as reported earlier. Let's see!

That's not his 'mug shot', that's his picture from his Thai ID card which he got when he WAS 15... like most Thai kids are legally bound to do.


Another conspiracy theory shot all to buggery!


Another lost wager!


So Thai ID cards are all taken against a backdrop of a height chart? What's that for, to aid police in (inevitable) future inquiries? biggrin.gif

btw: I don't think the picture makes him look 16, and 16 is a bit young to be in University.


This story is very sad all the way around. A young girl's life has been cut drastically short and a family is left to grieve. A young man will most likely live with the guilt and pain of the misery he has caused and most likely some legal and financial pain as well.


I'd have a small wager that judging by his mug shot, that he's closer to 16 (or below) than 19 as reported earlier. Let's see!

That's not his 'mug shot', that's his picture from his Thai ID card which he got when he WAS 15... like most Thai kids are legally bound to do.


Another conspiracy theory shot all to buggery!


Another lost wager!


It is Not an accident-but an incident until it's confirmed by the proper powers that be. I agree with you the age given doesn't seem to go with the mug shot. Has his age been OFFICIALLY confirmed, I have not seen the said true confirmation. As for the posters trying to defend or prosecute, wait a while and see what comes to light, remember the TOLLWAY incident all this is going along the same sort of line. I never did se the official verdict on that so I'm doubting this one also. All I can gather is that High speed did cause the horrific scene, and the said driver failed to stop after the accident. After the accident the Thai t.v. reported a passenger was injured and in hospital. PLEASE someone answer and say if this is true or not. I have posted about it and nothing has been mentioned, strange because normally something extra like that would have been POUNCED UPON.

So Thai ID cards are all taken against a backdrop of a height chart? What's that for, to aid police in (inevitable) future inquiries? biggrin.gif

btw: I don't think the picture makes him look 16, and 16 is a bit young to be in University.

Yes, all Thai ID cards are taken against a height reference chart.



I'd have a small wager that judging by his mug shot, that he's closer to 16 (or below) than 19 as reported earlier. Let's see!

That's not his 'mug shot', that's his picture from his Thai ID card which he got when he WAS 15... like most Thai kids are legally bound to do.


Another conspiracy theory shot all to buggery!


Another lost wager!


The mug shot at his arrest seems he looks younger, is it the same guy ? He looks twelve to me. :huh:


I'd have a small wager that judging by his mug shot, that he's closer to 16 (or below) than 19 as reported earlier. Let's see!

That's not his 'mug shot', that's his picture from his Thai ID card which he got when he WAS 15... like most Thai kids are legally bound to do.


Another conspiracy theory shot all to buggery!


Another lost wager!


Jesus, calm down. It was just an observation. Without the benefit of knowing what you do about Thai ID cards, wouldn't you have thought it was a mugshot taken at the time of his arrest? BTW, before you pass any comment, I do live in Bangkok. I just haven't seen a Thai ID card up close that's all.


I'd have a small wager that judging by his mug shot, that he's closer to 16 (or below) than 19 as reported earlier. Let's see!

That's not his 'mug shot', that's his picture from his Thai ID card which he got when he WAS 15... like most Thai kids are legally bound to do.


Another conspiracy theory shot all to buggery!


Another lost wager!


The mug shot at his arrest seems he looks younger, is it the same guy ? He looks twelve to me. :huh:



I'd have a small wager that judging by his mug shot, that he's closer to 16 (or below) than 19 as reported earlier. Let's see!

That's not his 'mug shot', that's his picture from his Thai ID card which he got when he WAS 15... like most Thai kids are legally bound to do.


Another conspiracy theory shot all to buggery!


Another lost wager!


Are you sure thats the ID picture. I would have thought the only way to be sure is if you are closely related to the family.

It does say ON THE picture in red lettering "for police use".

Also where was it stated that the 57 year old owner was out of the country at the time of the incident and that the son "stole" the keys as you suggested earlier?

Does any one know if there are any older siblings maybe tall with long hair as that was the witness descriptions????


So Thai ID cards are all taken against a backdrop of a height chart? What's that for, to aid police in (inevitable) future inquiries? biggrin.gif

btw: I don't think the picture makes him look 16, and 16 is a bit young to be in University.

Ok... google 'Thai ID card'. then click 'Images'.... all Thai ID cards are taken against a height scale.

All Thai kids get their first ID card when they turn 15. That's when the picture gets taken. It doesn't change unless they lose their card or they get fed up of the 'mug shot'.

The reason he is in Uni is because he is 19.


Are you sure thats the ID picture. I would have thought the only way to be sure is if you are closely related to the family.

OK, fair cop. I am his farang uncle.

It does say ON THE picture in red lettering "for police use".

Yes it does. But that is the legal requirement in Thailand to over-write any COPY of an official ID, passport, etc. with the reason why it is being copied. Did you know that you are supposed to over-write any scan of your passport taken by a hotel check-in with the reason why it was copied? No? Better start then.

Also where was it stated that the 57 year old owner was out of the country at the time of the incident and that the son "stole" the keys as you suggested earlier?

The FACT that the owner was in Hong Kong was stated in an earlier post. The THEORY that the juvenile delinquent son 'borrowed' the keys is mine, all mine, so help me God, based on a doting farang uncle's 'insider knowledge' of the little blighter.

Does any one know if there are any older siblings maybe tall with long hair as that was the witness descriptions????

Just the sister but she was with Dad in Honkers.

Happy now?


"The FACT that the owner was in Hong Kong was stated in an earlier post"

Stated by whom, checked by whom. How do we know its FACT????

the id cards do indeed have the height scale but then so do the police mugshots, interesting now eh.

So they are your theories thats all.


But YOU can continue with your 'BAM' and 'POWS' as if you are Batman.


"The FACT that the owner was in Hong Kong was stated in an earlier post"

Stated by whom, checked by whom. How do we know its FACT????

the id cards do indeed have the height scale but then so do the police mugshots, interesting now eh.

So they are your theories thats all.


But YOU can continue with your 'BAM' and 'POWS' as if you are Batman.

"But YOU can continue with your 'BAM' and 'POWS' as if you are Batman." biggrin.gif


"The FACT that the owner was in Hong Kong was stated in an earlier post"

Stated by whom, checked by whom. How do we know its FACT????

the id cards do indeed have the height scale but then so do the police mugshots, interesting now eh.

So they are your theories thats all.


But YOU can continue with your 'BAM' and 'POWS' as if you are Batman.

Just culling the bandwidth wasters... one inane poster at a time.

Most of the people that got on their moral high horse when Miss Teen Hi-so flipped the minibus full of lo-so's all over the highway don't even know (or really care?) what happened in the end.

In about 3 or 4 days, even you will have forgotten to check this thread.


"The FACT that the owner was in Hong Kong was stated in an earlier post"

Stated by whom, checked by whom. How do we know its FACT????

the id cards do indeed have the height scale but then so do the police mugshots, interesting now eh.

So they are your theories thats all.


But YOU can continue with your 'BAM' and 'POWS' as if you are Batman.

Just culling the bandwidth wasters... one inane poster at a time.

Most of the people that got on their moral high horse when Miss Teen Hi-so flipped the minibus full of lo-so's all over the highway don't even know (or really care?) what happened in the end.

In about 3 or 4 days, even you will have forgotten to check this thread.

Do your culling elsewhere mate. My original post was not a "conspiracy theory" as you say. I was merely an observation in which instead of being reasonable and pointing out in a civilized way that it was in fact, probably him at 15 on his Thai ID Card, you launched into a tirade. Please stop your flaming.


Do your culling elsewhere mate. My original post was not a "conspiracy theory" as you say. I was merely an observation in which instead of being reasonable and pointing out in a civilized way that it was in fact, probably him at 15 on his Thai ID Card, you launched into a tirade. Please stop your flaming.

OMG... you really DID have a wager on that.


(but not really)


Do your culling elsewhere mate. My original post was not a "conspiracy theory" as you say. I was merely an observation in which instead of being reasonable and pointing out in a civilized way that it was in fact, probably him at 15 on his Thai ID Card, you launched into a tirade. Please stop your flaming.

OMG... you really DID have a wager on that.


(but not really)

&lt;deleted&gt;! I won't bother with you.


Each and every time we pass a vehicle its impossible to tell whether or not something is going to jump out from in front of it. However common sense and appropriate speeds should also be exercised - 30 kph can be lethal speed however, so where do we draw the line?.

Where do we draw the line? Well a pretty good guideline is given by a concept, existing even in free-and-easy Thailand, called the 'speed limit'.

The maximum 'speed limit' in built-up areas in Thailand is 60kmh. I'd be interested to know exactly what the speed limit was at the scene of the accident, but as the entire area is built-up it may well be 60kmh. (I posted a question about the speed limit earlier, haven't got an answer yet.) The victim worked at a food shop at the scene of the accident, and had crossed the road to buy some food off a noodle vendor. It doesn't sound like a motorway.

If the speed limit is 60, or even 90 (as on a lot of highways) and someone causes an accident by doing 120, then I feel it is pretty twisted thinking to go blaming the victim.

Harping on about 'but no speed is safe!' sounds like someone bending over backward to excuse a dangerous driver, who by the way has already admitted he was at fault.

My intention was not to excuse the driver but to draw attention to the fact that if as some people do (i.e. parties crossing the road without paying due attention) this could easily happen to any driver driving within the speed limits.

At any time someone could run out in front of our vehicles with devastating consequences - In Thailand I have benefitted from pure luck as someone steps out or pulls out in front of my vehicle on their motorbike, I have rarely, if ever experienced such heart stopping moments in the UK and I suggest that this is down to the availability of a higher standard of safety education for pedestrians and drivers.

I won't stop driving here and I can't potter around at 30kph, so like many I continue to drive in Thailand, and do so as conscientiously as possible. Accidents are however sometimes unavoidable, as such I'm not about to lay 100% of the blame with the driver and as suggested in previous posts in this thread that there is a shared culpability for an accident.

I too would be interested to know the speed limit on this stretch of road as the driver has already admitted to traveling at 120 kph - If the speed limit is 120kph on this stretch of road then the law is flawed. It is in fact very difficult to know precisely what the speed limit is on any stretch of road in Thailand as it seems rarely signposted or enforced. The Express ways have the 80kph lit signs up, but the police say its 120kph.

That said, there are stretches of road in Thailand where all vehicles are traveling at speeds from 80-90kph for lorries to 100-140 kph for cars. Placing a stall on the side of such a stretch of road may imply some questionable judgement, as would driving at 120kph (even if within the law) through an area of increased pedestrian traffic.

My sympathies here are for the loss of a life and the psychological damage to another. Something which improved law enforcement and safety education would reduce.


I'd have a small wager that judging by his mug shot, that he's closer to 16 (or below) than 19 as reported earlier. Let's see!

That's not his 'mug shot', that's his picture from his Thai ID card which he got when he WAS 15... like most Thai kids are legally bound to do.


Another conspiracy theory shot all to buggery!


Another lost wager!


Heh I like your style!


"The FACT that the owner was in Hong Kong was stated in an earlier post"

Stated by whom, checked by whom. How do we know its FACT????

the id cards do indeed have the height scale but then so do the police mugshots, interesting now eh.

So they are your theories thats all.


But YOU can continue with your 'BAM' and 'POWS' as if you are Batman.

Just culling the bandwidth wasters... one inane poster at a time.

Most of the people that got on their moral high horse when Miss Teen Hi-so flipped the minibus full of lo-so's all over the highway don't even know (or really care?) what happened in the end.

In about 3 or 4 days, even you will have forgotten to check this thread.

Do your culling elsewhere mate. My original post was not a "conspiracy theory" as you say. I was merely an observation in which instead of being reasonable and pointing out in a civilized way that it was in fact, probably him at 15 on his Thai ID Card, you launched into a tirade. Please stop your flaming.

You are joking ?

That would cull his post count by half !

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