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The Writing On The Wall


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We can all look foreward to the coming debate in parliament about Farangs over 50 not being allowed to marry Thai-Nationals. So far, I have always thought, that marriing anyone you want is a basic human right that applies all over the globe ?!


But there is more: Visa rules are being tigthened all over the place and in all Embassies of Thailand. If one looks at the visa-forum in TV, one soon get's the impression that chaos rules.

While it is true that tourist-visas are meant for "tourist-purposes", what harm does an "eternal-torist" do to Thailand? = He only spends his money in Thailand instead in his home-country ! Right ?

"Eternal tourists" do not consist of maroding gangs that plunder and devastate Thailand and bring harm to "innocent and unknowing" young Thai women !!!

In general: The Thai-Government (in it's eternal wisdom) is appearantly determined to make the stay of Farangs in Thailand harder. Fine.

Will we reach the point, where a good part of long-term Farang residents just throw in the towel an leave? If I think of all the Farangs that feed whole Thai-Families including distant relatives of the thai-wife !! What happens once the "sponsor" has left ?

- Does Bangkok need another 50'000 mobile somtam sales people? Does Pattaya need another 15'000 "Bar-Hostesses"?

The writing is on the wall. For me personally it means: As opposed to prior plans, I will keep my future financial engagement in Thailand to a bare minimum. I am considering to have my "base-camp" in Cambodia and whenever I feel the urge to spend a little time in LOS I will do it on an 30 day entry stamp. Not sure, depends on how things unfold in Thailand.


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"What happens once the "sponsor" has left ?"

let's see . i remember reading in my lonely planet as i stared at the night market in nakhan phatom , thais have basically been doing the same thing on that spot for 1,300 years .

sponsor / no sponsor , i think they'll manage .

farang handing them cash is just gravy

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"What happens once the "sponsor" has left ?"

let's see . i remember reading in my lonely planet as i stared at the night market in nakhan phatom , thais have basically been doing the same thing on that spot for 1,300 years .

sponsor / no sponsor , i think they'll manage .

farang handing them cash is just gravy

You have hit the nail right on the head. They will get along just fine without a farang. Thay will just have less money to throw around.

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What if the Thai-national is 60?

The Thai elite, who are presently running the country, do not like farangs. It would appear that they are a conservative group that feel farang only bring problems to Thailand. Criminals in hiding, child-abusers, patrons of the naughty girl districts, etc. 30-day tourist visas seem to be the only visas they want to tolerate. The country seems to be in political turmoil. Time will tell.

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According to TAT, for year 2007 (last year available online) the 2 numbers represent the average days per stay of all foreign visitors and the average baht per day expenditure:

2007 -- 9.19 -- 4,120.95

Surely represents the average hoofer on Thai Visa?

Edited by jazzbo
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I hope you are right and this is some sort of joke. Unfortunately, given all of the negative visa changes over the past ten years, it could be real. They just did it in Cambodia. Why? I do not know given that foreigners do not need to marry Cambodian women for visa purposes. In Thailand, maybe that does happen in a few cases given that the visa situation is much more difficult in Thailand than in Cambodia. But certainly it does not happen in most cases.

Edited by Rimmer
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I hope you are right and this is some sort of joke. Unfortunately, given all of the negative visa changes over the past ten years, it could be real. They just did it in Cambodia. Why? I do not know given that foreigners do not need to marry Cambodian women for visa purposes. In Thailand, maybe that does happen in a few cases given that the visa situation is much more difficult in Thailand than in Cambodia. But certainly it does not happen in most cases.

This always seems to come up here on ThaiVisa.

I have been living here for over 25 years now, and if anything the visa situation has become more easy to negotiate than before.

But that just me


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We can all look foreward to the coming debate in parliament about Farangs over 50 not being allowed to marry Thai-Nationals. So far, I have always thought, that marriing anyone you want is a basic human right that applies all over the globe ?!

Cant believe some members still dont get that this was an April fools wind up!!!:lol:

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'LennyW' timestamp='1301718613' post='4329510']

We can all look foreward to the coming debate in parliament about Farangs over 50 not being allowed to marry Thai-Nationals. So far, I have always thought, that marriing anyone you want is a basic human right that applies all over the globe ?!

Cant believe some members still dont get that this was an April fools wind up!!!:lol:


Should that be a given , will George get a short vacation for trolling ?]

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What if the Thai-national is 60?

The Thai elite, who are presently running the country, do not like farangs. It would appear that they are a conservative group that feel farang only bring problems to Thailand. Criminals in hiding, child-abusers, patrons of the naughty girl districts, etc. 30-day tourist visas seem to be the only visas they want to tolerate. The country seems to be in political turmoil. Time will tell.

The reason the Thai elite don't like Farang is that they elevate, country girls to their level almost overnight?


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What if the Thai-national is 60?

The Thai elite, who are presently running the country, do not like farangs. It would appear that they are a conservative group that feel farang only bring problems to Thailand. Criminals in hiding, child-abusers, patrons of the naughty girl districts, etc. 30-day tourist visas seem to be the only visas they want to tolerate. The country seems to be in political turmoil. Time will tell.

The reason the Thai elite don't like Farang is that they elevate, country girls to their level almost overnight?


Gay falang are OK then? Or what about the guys like me who have a hi so uni grad who is working on her PhD? It couldn't be that Thais are as xenophobic as Japanese and Koreans? Actually Thais are not near as xenophobic as Japanese and Koreans. Actually you are just misinformed.

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"The Thai elite...do not like farangs."

minor correction .

basically ALL thais , not just the "elite" , don't like farang (or indians , arabs , west nigerians , ect.)

the good thing is it doesn't really matter if ur liked or not .

as long as you have (the) money

Please...... That i one of the silliest things I have read on these forums and their is plenty of silly things here. I think you must be the one who does not like basically ALL Thai's to come to that conclusion. Wake up mate.

Are you by any chance a Thai? :rolleyes:

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"The Thai elite...do not like farangs."

minor correction .

basically ALL thais , not just the "elite" , don't like farang (or indians , arabs , west nigerians , ect.)

the good thing is it doesn't really matter if ur liked or not .

as long as you have (the) money

And as long as you have money you will be able to come to Thailand and spend it. One way or another.

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Why do people complain about how "hard" it is to stay here long term. It is far easier to stay in Thailand long term than most western countries.

My understanding is that the Thai government has managed effectively to close down some of the loopholes in the visa regulations.

Seems this affects many members here.:whistling:


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