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Thaksin, Pheu Thai Will Unveil Its Policies On April 24

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Pheu Thai will unveIl its polIcIes on April 24

By Samatcha Hoonsara

The Nation

Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra will preside long-distance over the unveiling of the Pheu Thai Party's election platform on April 24.

Thaksin will phone in during the event at Thammasat University's auditorium, the party's economics expert, Pichai Naripthaphan, said yesterday.

The platform will tackle the country's problems at the structural level, he said.

Some examples of policies are issuing credit cards to farmers, allocating Bt1 billion in funding to each university and allowing tax deductions for people buying their first house or car.

Farmers can use their credit card interest-free for equipment and supplies according to the size of their farms. Then they can pay off their debt when they turn over their crops to the government's pledging programme. This would eliminate middlemen and loan sharks, he said.

Voters should cast their ballots either for Pheu Thai or the Democrat Party, according to their preferred platform, so that one of them gets over 300 MP seats and then the country can move on, he said.

Meanwhile, Thaksin phoned in on Tuesday during a meeting of Pheu Thai MPs and said the party's leader would not be changed while the PM candidate would be revealed after House dissolution.

"Mingkwan proposed himself as the PM candidate last time. But the first movie is over. The second film has not yet started. Don't be in too much of a rush to show support for anyone just for the money," a source quoted Thaksin as saying.

"Don't I have money? Don't just think that you will get a ministerial post because of that. I'm not blaming anyone in particular. But the real supporters of the party will definitely become ministers," the source quoted Thaksin as saying.

MP Sakda Kongpetch from Roi Et said Thaksin did not identify who he was blaming.

Supporters of party-list MP Mingkwan Sangsuwan said they still back him as the party's prime ministerial candidate.

Mingkwan, Thaksin's sister Yingluck and others still have a chance to be nominated as PM candidate, Sakda said.


-- The Nation 2011-04-07


Oh Dear, if Thaksin ever gets back into Thailand, with some sort of power behind him, i dare say, some heads are going to role, literally..... scary thought of what might be coming soon!!<_<


Then again,it could be a well rehearsed, staged election,just to trick him into coming back ....TIT....:lol:

Then they can pay off their debt when they turn over their crops to the government's pledging programme. This would eliminate middlemen and loan sharks, he said.<BR sab="367"><BR sab="368">

He is right,the middlemen will be eliminated,tough he forgot to add that it will all go straight to the top gangster(s).

Amazing that a criminal fugutive can , and is allowed , to keep a country on the tip of their toes whenever he opens his mouth just to smell the fetidness coming out of it.


In theory, Thailand should be the friendliest, most honest, peaceful,loving,generous and harmonious nation on the planet, with temples and monks and burning incense, praying every day, kneeled in front of spirit houses, offering food and drinks, giving to the monks in the mornings etc.... How did politics and people sway away from this, so severely?

Policies and promises are words in the wind it seems,regardless who is in power and depending who is in power, dictates the norm of corruption levels...oh dear...getting frustrated again..:(


In theory, Thailand should be the friendliest, most honest, peaceful,loving,generous and harmonious nation on the planet, with temples and monks and burning incense, praying every day, kneeled in front of spirit houses, offering food and drinks, giving to the monks in the mornings etc.... How did politics and people sway away from this, so severely?

Policies and promises are words in the wind it seems,regardless who is in power and depending who is in power, dictates the norm of corruption levels...oh dear...getting frustrated again..:(

Easy one to answer in one word 'Greed' because these incense burning smiling people are obsessed with money even when they are stinking rich How many philanthropists have you ever heard of in Thailand despite Thailand having some of the richest families in the world? .....answer none.


In theory, Thailand should be the friendliest, most honest, peaceful,loving,generous and harmonious nation on the planet, with temples and monks and burning incense, praying every day, kneeled in front of spirit houses, offering food and drinks, giving to the monks in the mornings etc.... How did politics and people sway away from this, so severely?

Policies and promises are words in the wind it seems,regardless who is in power and depending who is in power, dictates the norm of corruption levels...oh dear...getting frustrated again..:(

Easy one to answer in one word 'Greed' because these incense burning smiling people are obsessed with money even when they are stinking rich How many philanthropists have you ever heard of in Thailand despite Thailand having some of the richest families in the world? .....answer none.

Speaking of the thread title :

The Billionaire Philanthropists' Club Can Count Thaksin Out


Oh Dear, if Thaksin ever gets back into Thailand, with some sort of power behind him, i dare say, some heads are going to role, literally..... scary thought of what might be coming soon!!


Thaksin PTP Policies - LOL

Beginning of Policy.

Bring me back and give me back my money.

End of Policy.

Correction. Give me back the money that I stole from the Thai people.


Just a few remarks on the OP:

Pheu Thai will unveIl its polIcIes on April 24

Well, what can I say, finally

Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra will preside long-distance over the unveiling of the Pheu Thai Party's election platform on April 24.

Again well, Thaksin = PTP, as most wll know by now.

The platform will tackle the country's problems at the structural level, he said.

K. Thaksin has gone on record a few weeks ago 'I have the solution to all problem, but that can wait till I'm back'

Some examples of policies are issuing credit cards to farmers, allocating Bt1 billion in funding to each university and allowing tax deductions for people buying their first house or car.

Nice policies, but I assume we'll also see some safeguards, regulations regarding spending, penalties for mis-spending, indication where the money comes from ?

Farmers can use their credit card interest-free for equipment and supplies according to the size of their farms. Then they can pay off their debt when they turn over their crops to the government's pledging programme. This would eliminate middlemen and loan sharks, he said.

Still need rules, rules applied as well. How come lots of farmers have been granted a stop on repayment of previous loans a few times, had loans dropped/forgiven and still manage to be in need of new loans?

Voters should cast their ballots either for Pheu Thai or the Democrat Party, according to their preferred platform, so that one of them gets over 300 MP seats and then the country can move on, he said.

This needs explanation. In a democracy even parties opposing each other still work together and keep each other in check to avoid excesses.

Meanwhile, Thaksin phoned in on Tuesday during a meeting of Pheu Thai MPs and said the party's leader would not be changed while the PM candidate would be revealed after House dissolution.

Who cares about the party leader, the current one is a very reluctant one, having stepped down and come back a few times. The PM candidate is the intriguing part, has name may start with the letter ...

"Mingkwan proposed himself as the PM candidate last time. But the first movie is over. The second film has not yet started. Don't be in too much of a rush to show support for anyone just for the money," a source quoted Thaksin as saying.

I couldn't agree more, bravo k. Thaksin.

"Don't I have money? Don't just think that you will get a ministerial post because of that. I'm not blaming anyone in particular. But the real supporters of the party will definitely become ministers," the source quoted Thaksin as saying.

May I retract my 'couldn't agree more' at this stage?

MP Sakda Kongpetch from Roi Et said Thaksin did not identify who he was blaming.

REAL supporters are not blamed, only the not real ones. Those with their own opinion for instance ?

Supporters of party-list MP Mingkwan Sangsuwan said they still back him as the party's prime ministerial candidate.

That's a democratic element you should find in any political party, even when they may lose out.

Mingkwan, Thaksin's sister Yingluck and others still have a chance to be nominated as PM candidate, Sakda said.

Of course, even if some have a .00001% chance.

Now back to the serious part. Our main policy is to make everybody rich within six months. Don't ask us to promise to keep you being rich, someone needs to pay the bill you know :ermm:


Just a few remarks on the OP:

Pheu Thai will unveIl its polIcIes on April 24

Well, what can I say, finally

Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra will preside long-distance over the unveiling of the Pheu Thai Party's election platform on April 24.

Again well, Thaksin = PTP, as most wll know by now.

The platform will tackle the country's problems at the structural level, he said.

K. Thaksin has gone on record a few weeks ago 'I have the solution to all problem, but that can wait till I'm back'

Some examples of policies are issuing credit cards to farmers, allocating Bt1 billion in funding to each university and allowing tax deductions for people buying their first house or car.

Nice policies, but I assume we'll also see some safeguards, regulations regarding spending, penalties for mis-spending, indication where the money comes from ?

Farmers can use their credit card interest-free for equipment and supplies according to the size of their farms. Then they can pay off their debt when they turn over their crops to the government's pledging programme. This would eliminate middlemen and loan sharks, he said.

Still need rules, rules applied as well. How come lots of farmers have been granted a stop on repayment of previous loans a few times, had loans dropped/forgiven and still manage to be in need of new loans?

Voters should cast their ballots either for Pheu Thai or the Democrat Party, according to their preferred platform, so that one of them gets over 300 MP seats and then the country can move on, he said.

This needs explanation. In a democracy even parties opposing each other still work together and keep each other in check to avoid excesses.

Meanwhile, Thaksin phoned in on Tuesday during a meeting of Pheu Thai MPs and said the party's leader would not be changed while the PM candidate would be revealed after House dissolution.

Who cares about the party leader, the current one is a very reluctant one, having stepped down and come back a few times. The PM candidate is the intriguing part, has name may start with the letter ...

"Mingkwan proposed himself as the PM candidate last time. But the first movie is over. The second film has not yet started. Don't be in too much of a rush to show support for anyone just for the money," a source quoted Thaksin as saying.

I couldn't agree more, bravo k. Thaksin.

"Don't I have money? Don't just think that you will get a ministerial post because of that. I'm not blaming anyone in particular. But the real supporters of the party will definitely become ministers," the source quoted Thaksin as saying.

May I retract my 'couldn't agree more' at this stage?

MP Sakda Kongpetch from Roi Et said Thaksin did not identify who he was blaming.

REAL supporters are not blamed, only the not real ones. Those with their own opinion for instance ?

Supporters of party-list MP Mingkwan Sangsuwan said they still back him as the party's prime ministerial candidate.

That's a democratic element you should find in any political party, even when they may lose out.

Mingkwan, Thaksin's sister Yingluck and others still have a chance to be nominated as PM candidate, Sakda said.

Of course, even if some have a .00001% chance.

Now back to the serious part. Our main policy is to make everybody rich within six months. Don't ask us to promise to keep you being rich, someone needs to pay the bill you know :ermm:

Part quote:

"..... Some examples of policies are issuing credit cards to farmers, ...."

So who funds this scheme? And why isn't a similar facility available to all Thais?

Special credit & loan arrangements for: farmers, taxi drivers, school teachers, etc etc., is not fair or balanced.

Plus taxsin says it will cut out middlemen! Who in their right mind will believe that. Middlemen and loan sharks are cunning and ruthless, they (along with their scaly local politican friends) can easily ensure and will ensure they don't get cut out of the pie. And who will monitor their activities? Nobody, and in fact if PT did win the election and control the government then we will see open house , uncontrolled, for all the scaly leeches.


They have policies? That's pretty funny.


My question to PT and taksin is: "Where's the big picture visionary policies for the future to take Thailand forward by ensuring that all Thais have good education and by ensuring that opportunities are ceated through insightful policies and opportunities are more open to all, and are geographically spread across Thailand, so that all Thais have the capability and the opportunity to gain and sustain a good quality of life through their own productivity".

What has been said so far by PT and taxsin is not even band-aids let alone visionary future policy.

Plus taxsin makes statements like "I will make everybody rich within six months". This statement is ridiculous and again shows shows lack of integrity and shows that he is still just focused on unsustainable manipulation.


It would be good to see how these tax-deductions & credit-schemes will be funded, will taxes have to rise, or is there some way to get rich Thais like Thaksin to pay more of tax on their profits or capital-gains ? :o


The credit card scheme is to guarantee the lcoal ammat stay on side. It works like this. The farmers get a crdit card to buy fertiliser etc and then get it for free from the local ammats empire and then if the government buys the produce the local ammat get their tranche of money and if the farmers cant make money in th emassive debt forgiveness the local ammat get their loss covered. PTPs biggest fear is the local powerful ones, local mafia and local canvassing empires will desert them


In an early release of Pheu Thai Party policies, we learn that Mr. Happy Toilet will be running under their banner...

Chalerm's son to contest a House seat

Wan Yoobamrung, son of former Pheu Thai MP Chalerm Yoobamrung, on Friday notified the main opposition party of his intent to adopt the party's banner to contest for a House seat from Bangkok's Bang Bon constituency.

"I want to represent Bang Bon which is my birthplace and incumbent Pheu Thai MPs from Bangkok have already endorsed my candidacy," he said.


-- The Nation 2011-04-09


There are three messages from this interview:

1. Thaksin will decide if Mingkwan or anybody else will be the formal leader but nobody for one moment should consider that they have the slightest independence whatsoever. Mingkwan is a used paper bag unless Thaksin decides otherwise.

2. Thaksin is running the whole show and all pretence of the PTP being an independent force is hereby jettisoned. Only Thaksin is in charge and if he can put a family member in the leader's seat then this will formalise the reality.

3. Thakin has tried the peaceful front for 'democracy': failed and he has tried the violent unseating of the government: also failed. Now he is moving to the front of the column for he considers he still can lead even after years of exiled failure. The last show of the dice from this cheap-jack operator.


Wanchalerm will be a welcomed addition to the Pheu Thai Party...because at least his previous charges don't include terrorism that the other Pheu Thai Party candidates have, eg. the Red Shirt Leaders running with the Party.

Assault Charges brought against Chalerm’s son

Allegedly beat up young woman at wild party

Sub-Lieutenant Wanchalerm Yubamrung, a son of the deputy leader of the New Aspiration Party, Chalerm Yubamrung, stands accused of beating a 20 year old woman at a wild Wisakhabucha Day party in Pattaya. The party, held at the Garden Sea View Hotel, was put on for employees, supporters and sponsors of the Taurus Pub in Bangkok. The party was held in Pattaya, for on the holy Wisakhabucha Day, bars and entertainment establishments in Bangkok are ordered closed.

In the late afternoon the following day, Miss Sawita Chuengsrisawat, 20, reported to Banglamung police that Sub-Lt. Wanchalerm Yubamrung had beaten her up. The incident allegedly occurred the previous evening after Miss Sawita showed up at the party with another man. Apparently Sub-Lt. Wanchalerm was jealous and announced that, "Anyone who has danced with me doesn’t go dancing with someone else." He then smacked her in the face.

Sub-Lt. Wanchalerm is one of the two brothers still under investigation for allegedly forging draft card documents. Both have been released from the police force.



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