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Age Difference


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Iam that is not true you dont always have to pay for company. There was a time that i was allowed to have some gik's and they knew full well i would stay with my other gf and that i did not pay them. They stayed with me because they liked me. So its quite possible if your likeable.. attractive enough to get it for free. Those girls were also years younger then me.

Of course they stayed with you 'cos they liked you - they had absolutely no thoughts that they could take you from your g/f....

Of course not i made that perfectly clear from the start, i'm not in the habit of deceiving woman to get some sex. That would be really unfair, though it would have made it loads easier to get girls.

Yes, and they believed that even though you were going elsewhere for sex, there was no possibility of you leaving your g/f :rolleyes:

Getting girls would have been no easier as they are v happy as long as you pay them, give them gifts etc. Meanwhile, they have no respect for your g/f at all - they only know that there is a chance... and they will go for it.

You must be a little bit older them me because what i am describing is an open relation and in such a relation its quite normal to do this. Guys by nature like to change girls at times, sex does not mean the same to them as girls. Just google the coolidge effect.

The girls who i went with knew this and also knew 100% sure i would not leave the gf. They were not bar girls they were educated girls with good jobs. Must say I did not do this long because it can put a strain on the relation if jealousy is involved. Also it took some time finding the right kind of girl who was into this too and who understood that there was no chance of me leaving.

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My Thai wife is 7 years younger than me. Doesn't seem like much since I'm 30 and she's 23.

I think 20 years or more is a "big" age difference. 5 years is nothing, certainly if you're in your 40's, 50's, or 60's.

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I've always preferred younger women than myself after I reached my mid-fifties. Most of these younger women (At present, she is 20 years younger than me), will tell you what you want to hear. My experience with younger women is that the only problem is they really prefer younger men. That's not to say they don't like being with you, although in some cases they don't. If you are good company, can amuse and appear interesting to them, you're going to be ok. Of course, these are all generalities, exzcept for the fact they do prefer younger men. It's only natural.

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I'm 5 years older than my wife.

Yes, it matters, maybe not to YOU but to a lot of others; too big difference makes YOU look like an old pervert and HER like a gold-digging whore. It is likely it matters to her as well, why do you think some of the GFs keep a Thai toy-boy around the corner, because he's hung like a horse...?

Personally, I couldn't care less; If she's getting paid for it - fine. If she's happy and dont care about the money - even finer.

Women actually want men who are much older than they are. Just log in to any dating site and you'll see what I mean.

They're the majority and they're not "whores". In fact, it's hard for a younger guy to find a woman near his age range. And if he's searching for an older lady, forget it!

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I've always preferred younger women than myself after I reached my mid-fifties. Most of these younger women (At present, she is 20 years younger than me), will tell you what you want to hear. My experience with younger women is that the only problem is they really prefer younger men. That's not to say they don't like being with you, although in some cases they don't. If you are good company, can amuse and appear interesting to them, you're going to be ok. Of course, these are all generalities, exzcept for the fact they do prefer younger men. It's only natural.

I have never seen any evidence of that. It must be that you are obese or smelly. Doubt it has anything to do with your age.

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I've always preferred younger women than myself after I reached my mid-fifties. Most of these younger women (At present, she is 20 years younger than me), will tell you what you want to hear. My experience with younger women is that the only problem is they really prefer younger men. That's not to say they don't like being with you, although in some cases they don't. If you are good company, can amuse and appear interesting to them, you're going to be ok. Of course, these are all generalities, exzcept for the fact they do prefer younger men. It's only natural.

I have never seen any evidence of that. It must be that you are obese or smelly. Doubt it has anything to do with your age.

Strangely l have heard of the smelly thing, not me :), but have heard it from Thai ladies about their farang husbands. :huh:

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I first came to Thailand when I was 22 years of age and I will admit I had a lot of women. I had a lot of fun. I lived here for a couple of years.

Maybe I should have stayed, married and raised a family but the political situation back then frightened me a bit. So I went back to the States, married and raised a family. The kids grew and set out on their own and so did my wife so I came back to Thailand. The political situation is far more stable now than it was in the 1970's. The women are about the same, a bit heavier maybe.

The Thai women I dated in 1970 did not speak any English and the women I date now don't speak any English. They wanted to marry me in 1970 and they still want to marry me now. They expected me to pay for dinner in 1970 and they still do now.

How much about ones tastes change? I mean the basic stuff. Did you like beer when you were 22? Do you think you will stop liking beer at 65? When I was 22 I age eggs, bacon and baked beans for breakfast. I still do today. I have three blue button down cotton shirts in my closet along with a blue tropical wool blazer and cotton khaki slacks and a few regimental striped ties. I had the same thing in my closet in 1970. I am a creature of habit.

I don't change much.

40 years ago I liked good looking 20 year old Thai women. I still do today.

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But, until that time I'll keep enjoying myself with women who enjoy my company.

Delusion is alive and well on ThaiVisa.

There are no delusions, Mrs Mills. The ladies leave with an orgasm and some money in their pocket. Thai brides get their whole family taken care of by so called wealthy farangs. Many North American women stay home watching soap operas on TV all day while their husbands are working 10 hours a day trying to pay for a mortgage on a fancy home the woman said she needed. What's the difference? My ladies often bring ME presents and little gifts... even though I might not need them. One young lady spent 4 days knitting me a sweater because I was going back to cold Canada. Another knit me a scarf. I don't wear scarves, but I liked her thoughts. It is not hard to tell when someone is bored. When they look bored all the time they are free to go and I encourage them to leave.

And, as you edited your comment I'll reply to that as well.

Try not paying for your wife and children and see what happens. Try being a moocher with any person and see how long your friends stick around. I have no illusions about the value of money in relationships. If you have it and are free with it then you WILL be more popular than the usual Cheap Charlies. That is true in any country.

I stopped paying for everything that wasn't mostly for myself. Now her family works for me for low normal salaries and they pay for all those things we need by the profit they make us. (mortgage, school, health bills, food for the whole house).

My woman is older than me.

As for the topic. It'S fine if you'Re 20-25 years older, as long as you're a catch and were a catch 30years ago as well.. if you were a lonely man or married to a white fatty, you're just paying for her attention. I have known a bunch of 50-60years old men that were better catch than above average 25 years old guys with money.

Edited by notbritish
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It is easy to skite about age difference but MRS Mills hits it on the head. One of the mods was also spot on, its a business transaction for some.

But a lot is lost in translation. An Aussie gent I know has a remarkable grasp of the Vietnamese language. He has been known to have a girlfriend for everyday that will also change on the next week. Yes all Vietnamese women some 10-20 years younger. His motto is "you spend only an ice cream on the girls when you go out." I know this to be true.

The most important thing I think is being able to communicate in both languages. Hopefully you will then start to understand what is going on. If not sit there like a shag on the rocks everyone talking around you but not talking to you but about you.

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“Naaaaaar, you-dirty-old-man” ‘Albert Steptoe’

My present gf is 10 years younger….the last one was younger than my daughter, now, that felt strange…..(not the girlfriend, but the thought)

OP, dose it bother you? If yes, then knock it on the head if not, stop showing off and get on with it!

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I first came to Thailand when I was 22 years of age and I will admit I had a lot of women. I had a lot of fun. I lived here for a couple of years.

Maybe I should have stayed, married and raised a family but the political situation back then frightened me a bit. So I went back to the States, married and raised a family. The kids grew and set out on their own and so did my wife so I came back to Thailand. The political situation is far more stable now than it was in the 1970's. The women are about the same, a bit heavier maybe.

The Thai women I dated in 1970 did not speak any English and the women I date now don't speak any English. They wanted to marry me in 1970 and they still want to marry me now. They expected me to pay for dinner in 1970 and they still do now.

How much about ones tastes change? I mean the basic stuff. Did you like beer when you were 22? Do you think you will stop liking beer at 65? When I was 22 I age eggs, bacon and baked beans for breakfast. I still do today. I have three blue button down cotton shirts in my closet along with a blue tropical wool blazer and cotton khaki slacks and a few regimental striped ties. I had the same thing in my closet in 1970. I am a creature of habit.

I don't change much.

40 years ago I liked good looking 20 year old Thai women. I still do today.

You just brought back some memories.

After I broke up and divorced my first wife in England, my friend and I joined one of those divorce clubs. They used to lay on special discos where we would go and try to pick up women who were also divorced and we believed would be desperate to date us guys.

At that time my friend and I were both in our very early 30s and I can remember that the majority of women at those discos were in they’re early 40s, late 50s and older. Grab a granny we used to call it.

My friend said to me; you know what; I just don`t fancy them. And I said; the same.

Then he said; if we don`t fancy them now, how on hell will we be able to fancy them in 10 years time.

Well, that was 25 years ago and I still don`t fancy them.

This is not meant to be derogatory to women, perhaps it`s just nature and the way it is?

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I will leave the Ian Forbes posts alone only because he needs to up his med dosage to stop the delusional thoughts and to quit try to convince himself it OK....

My thoughts on the subject of Age difference.. It does make a difference HOWEVER where it makes a difference is how young is the girl in the relationship. If you are say 35ish and up and dating a late teen or 20 yr old, you have some serious issues to overcome(within yourself) primarily as this "Child" has zero life experience and is doing nothing more then looking at you like a father figure. I mean what would you talk about? Her Make up, Hello Kitty collection, help her with her homework? Sit around with Mom and Dad at dinner? Let's be realistic.

If you are say ~50 and she is ~35 and up, that is not uncommon both here and in the US. This women, "for all intents and purposes" has lived a bit, understands what she likely wants in life. Has life experience behind here, Probably a few bad relationships under her belt, Most likely works, has a circle of friends and so on. Of course this is all generalized, cannot be any other way. To many age variables to discuss

In the end, if you are paying for the "Sex" and believe you are getting affection and have a 'Wonderful, loving care situation, You feel like a MAN because a 20 year old thinks your are sexy and so on I agree with others, stop paying and see how fast they stay around and compliment your bed time prowess. To comment about it as a "Relationship" is silly. it is nothing more then paying for sex.

I think the OP was asking this question for the people who have a long standing, "Not business arrangement" Those do not count.

As for me, I am 50, my GF is 38( 39 next month). Up to this point our relationship is very good

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I will leave the Ian Forbes posts alone only because he needs to up his med dosage to stop the delusional thoughts and to quit try to convince himself it OK....

My thoughts on the subject of Age difference.. It does make a difference HOWEVER where it makes a difference is how young is the girl in the relationship. If you are say 35ish and up and dating a late teen or 20 yr old, you have some serious issues to overcome(within yourself) primarily as this "Child" has zero life experience and is doing nothing more then looking at you like a father figure. I mean what would you talk about? Her Make up, Hello Kitty collection, help her with her homework? Sit around with Mom and Dad at dinner? Let's be realistic.

If you are say ~50 and she is ~35 and up, that is not uncommon both here and in the US. This women, "for all intents and purposes" has lived a bit, understands what she likely wants in life. Has life experience behind here, Probably a few bad relationships under her belt, Most likely works, has a circle of friends and so on. Of course this is all generalized, cannot be any other way. To many age variables to discuss

In the end, if you are paying for the "Sex" and believe you are getting affection and have a 'Wonderful, loving care situation, You feel like a MAN because a 20 year old thinks your are sexy and so on I agree with others, stop paying and see how fast they stay around and compliment your bed time prowess. To comment about it as a "Relationship" is silly. it is nothing more then paying for sex.

I think the OP was asking this question for the people who have a long standing, "Not business arrangement" Those do not count.

As for me, I am 50, my GF is 38( 39 next month). Up to this point our relationship is very good

What a complete load of tosh. Your post sounds like you couldn't or are AFRAID to have a younger lady. :lol:

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But, until that time I'll keep enjoying myself with women who enjoy my company.

Delusion is alive and well on ThaiVisa.

Try not paying them, see how much they ' Enjoy ' your company then.

I have never met a woman who I haven't had to pay - in some shape or form.

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I will leave the Ian Forbes posts alone only because he needs to up his med dosage to stop the delusional thoughts and to quit try to convince himself it OK....

My thoughts on the subject of Age difference.. It does make a difference HOWEVER where it makes a difference is how young is the girl in the relationship. If you are say 35ish and up and dating a late teen or 20 yr old, you have some serious issues to overcome(within yourself) primarily as this "Child" has zero life experience and is doing nothing more then looking at you like a father figure. I mean what would you talk about? Her Make up, Hello Kitty collection, help her with her homework? Sit around with Mom and Dad at dinner? Let's be realistic.

If you are say ~50 and she is ~35 and up, that is not uncommon both here and in the US. This women, "for all intents and purposes" has lived a bit, understands what she likely wants in life. Has life experience behind here, Probably a few bad relationships under her belt, Most likely works, has a circle of friends and so on. Of course this is all generalized, cannot be any other way. To many age variables to discuss

In the end, if you are paying for the "Sex" and believe you are getting affection and have a 'Wonderful, loving care situation, You feel like a MAN because a 20 year old thinks your are sexy and so on I agree with others, stop paying and see how fast they stay around and compliment your bed time prowess. To comment about it as a "Relationship" is silly. it is nothing more then paying for sex.

I think the OP was asking this question for the people who have a long standing, "Not business arrangement" Those do not count.

As for me, I am 50, my GF is 38( 39 next month). Up to this point our relationship is very good

Absolutely 100%.

But there are those old guys who are living a delusion in some sort fairy tale make believe world. This is why so many of them fall down flat on their faces and still don’t understand what tripped them up.

If you are an old spaz married to a kid just out of Puberty, then it`s for the money, perhaps the girl is even pressured by her family to marry some old farang for his money.

All is fine while he is paying for it, rent a wife.

If this arrangement suits some old guy and he has the money, then fine, good luck to him, but if he believes it`s the real thing, then he’s a plonker in the first decree.

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All is fine while he is paying for it, rent a wife.

If this arrangement suits some old guy and he has the money, then fine, good luck to him, but if he believes it`s the real thing, then he's a plonker in the first decree.

Anyone have this 'real thing' ?

how much is it ?

How long does it last ?

What is it when it is no longer the real thing ?

Presumably there is only one 'real thing' - what happens if it is no longer 'the real thing' ?

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I will leave the Ian Forbes posts alone only because he needs to up his med dosage to stop the delusional thoughts and to quit try to convince himself it OK....

My thoughts on the subject of Age difference.. It does make a difference HOWEVER where it makes a difference is how young is the girl in the relationship. If you are say 35ish and up and dating a late teen or 20 yr old, you have some serious issues to overcome(within yourself) primarily as this "Child" has zero life experience and is doing nothing more then looking at you like a father figure. I mean what would you talk about? Her Make up, Hello Kitty collection, help her with her homework? Sit around with Mom and Dad at dinner? Let's be realistic.

If you are say ~50 and she is ~35 and up, that is not uncommon both here and in the US. This women, "for all intents and purposes" has lived a bit, understands what she likely wants in life. Has life experience behind here, Probably a few bad relationships under her belt, Most likely works, has a circle of friends and so on. Of course this is all generalized, cannot be any other way. To many age variables to discuss

In the end, if you are paying for the "Sex" and believe you are getting affection and have a 'Wonderful, loving care situation, You feel like a MAN because a 20 year old thinks your are sexy and so on I agree with others, stop paying and see how fast they stay around and compliment your bed time prowess. To comment about it as a "Relationship" is silly. it is nothing more then paying for sex.

I think the OP was asking this question for the people who have a long standing, "Not business arrangement" Those do not count.

As for me, I am 50, my GF is 38( 39 next month). Up to this point our relationship is very good

Absolutely 100%.

But there are those old guys who are living a delusion in some sort fairy tale make believe world. This is why so many of them fall down flat on their faces and still don’t understand what tripped them up.

If you are an old spaz married to a kid just out of Puberty, then it`s for the money, perhaps the girl is even pressured by her family to marry some old farang for his money.

All is fine while he is paying for it, rent a wife.

If this arrangement suits some old guy and he has the money, then fine, good luck to him, but if he believes it`s the real thing, then he’s a plonker in the first decree.

When I was 27 I knew everything. 26 I was still learning but when I hit 27 I hit the big time. So I have to listen to some of the young guys here. I'll admit they think they know a lot more than I do.

As I got older, 28 and 29 and so on, I became less smart. I realized I had made some errors. When that margin call came I should have had more cash in the bank. At 40 I knew even less. I should have had a pre nup; some old lawyer told me that but I didn't pay any attention to him.

You know the difference between the old spaz living in a delusional world and the young guy in love with an age appropriate woman? Age. They both believe it is the real thing and in that belief they are like brothers.

Some guys can buy a used car and do quite well because they know a lot about cars. They know what to look for when buying a used car. If you have owned three 280 Mercedes you are probably safe buying a fourth one. The rest of you guys would be better off buying a new one. And getting a new one in Thailand for a reasonable price is not as easy as it once was. They even have doctors in Bangkok that can reset the odometer, so to speak, and I understand that is quite a popular operation now.

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