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Drugged, Mugged, Hospitalised And Now Recovering


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From a friend who is hospitalised and still suffering from shock and pain killers:

On Tuesday the English guy, 72 years old, who has lived in Thailand for the past 11 years, went to one of his regular bars in Pat Pong, very close to The Star of Light. While there he met with a couple who I think are from Singapore, according to the bar staff. They had a few drinks and during this time I think he had something slipped into his beer. He became very intoxicated and was taken back to his nearby apartment. The apartment is in a soi off Suriwong, opposite Hotel Tawana Ramada.

While there I think that the assailants were angry at the amount that was available to be stolen so savagely kicked him while he was under the influence of the drug. The assailants left with his money, mobile, credit cards, watch, etc. He lay semi-conscious until morning until he could raise the energy to shout for help.

The cleaning staff found him, informed nearby Bangkok Christian Hospital and he was collected on a stretcher. On arrival he gave the impression that he was drunk so given some sort of sedative. I think he was unconscious all day Wednesday and most of Thursday.

Another friend of mine, who lives in the same apartment block, was informed of the incident by the reception staff. He went to the hospital to find our mutual friend sleeping. This friend of mine left the hospital and happened to see me in Pat Pong.

I went to see my injured friend and was pleased to see him dragging his intravenous drip to try and climb out of the bed and over the slides that prevent patients from falling on the floor. He was trying to go to his apartment!

This badly bruised friend was still heavily drugged and incoherently explained what had happened. Both the nurse and I persuaded him to remain in hospital until the doctor's scheduled visit next morning.

I returned to the hospital today, Friday and saw the doctor who advised my friend to remain in hospital. The doctor advised to remain at least another day because of his weakness which requires assistance to prevent him from falling.


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This sounds very similar to that report that was on this forum just a couple of months ago about the guy who was in Jakarta on business and went out to a bar one evening. He met a couple (Malaysian guy, Thai girl the report said) who slipped him a mickey and took him back to his hotel where they robbed him of his gear. He didn't receive a beating.

This seems to be an increasingly worrying trend, and it is disturbing the ease with which the miscreants appear to be able to get away with it.

Savagely beating up a 72 year old guy really is going too far, it's dangerous enough drugging someone of that age. Hopefully the guy can make a full recovery and is not too traumatised by the experience.

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First, I'm wishing your friend a speedy recovery.

Secondly, I'm concerned about the level of care he is receiving at Bangkok Christian hospital. Someone in his condition needs to be monitored by the staff much more closely than they apparently are doing. Climbing over the bedrails could have resulted in a severe injury on top of the injuries he already has.

Thirdly, perhaps at his age, it's time to begin rethinking about his drinking venues.

Fourthly, and also due to his age, there are any number of conditions that could mimic his being drugged. Has the hospital tested him for drugs to determine if that was really the case?

Fifthly, what on Earth is Bangkok Christian hospital doing giving a sedative to an intoxicated person? They could have killed him if he had had a cerebral hemorrhage from the beating. They could have also killed him if he had been severely intoxicated, which he wasn't apparently. I hope I never have to use their facility.

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I did not end up in Hospital because of my misfortunate episode and wish the guy a quick recovery. I consider myself lucky to be alive but you can never be too careful.

Before any IDIOTS come out saying I deserved this: It was my mistake for NOT being more careful but I still didn't deserve this to happen to me as the same with the old gent.

This can happen to ANYONE. These are cig burns that I guess they did to me to make sure I was out.


Edited by Kringle
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Noone deserves this kind of crime, and I wish the gentleman a speedy recovery.

A lesson should be learned. I used to go to Pat Pong about 10-13 years ago and got drugged by myself often. I used to wake up in the morning in locked go-go bars or hotel rooms with all my money gone. Did I deserve it, maybe, but I eventually learned my lesson- don't go! It is not wise to threaten a local with a pool queue, however much he deserves it - I had a stay in hospital for that one.

I went a couple of years ago and it was a much more violent place - maybe I could just see it for what it was. The scum of Bangkok(and upcountry) work and hussle around there.

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Horrible situation, Patpong is of course dodgy, but this happens elsewhere too, I think Kringle was unfortunate in Nana, I had another mate who got drugged on Khao San Rd and just a few months ago three of my friends all got drugged at a bar off RCA.

You really do haveto be cautious in this town at all times, even though its often easy to get caught up in that 'sanook' atmosphere and let your guard down.

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