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Osama Bin Laden dead - USA has his body


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Ordinary US citizens may not agree with the United States foriegn policies. The overwhelming majority of Americans are engulfed with bills, marrital discourse, raising kids and trying to survive. Few may know of what is going on around the world as is the case with all countries. If you want the American people to take note of what there government is doing around the world, coming to the USA and killing 3000 inonocent people isn't the way to do it. I'm not asking, "why" because there is no justification. I'm asking for justice and justice have been served.

As far as significance, that is for each individual to gauge. Some people that lost loved ones in 9/11 attacks may feel closure and it would be of great significance to them to move on with their lives.

It is not revenge, it is justice. The USA have no control what others do and how they choose to react to the death of Bin Laden. I hope this does not cause an increase in attacks on the US or any othe nation or people. If so, are you calling them out as 'lowering themselves to the level of any crank who thinks that violence can bring and end to violence'?

sadly the TV shows the level to which the general public in US has sunk to and the extent of their ignorance.

Rejoicing in anyone's death is unpleasant, and the fact that they don't realise how insignificant this is - apart from the inevitable "revenge" attacks shows how poorly the Us have handled affairs before and since 9/11. The fat that this date is considered the beginning by many again shows a lack of understanding.It looked for a few days after 9/11 that the US might have asked "WHY?" but in the end they chose a course of revenge and lowered themselves to the level of any crank who thinks that violence can bring and end to violence.

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Obama said in his speech "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Thank you. May God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America."

Robert Burns once wrote:

Ye hypocrites! are these your pranks?

To murder men, and give God thanks?

Desist for shame! Proceed no further:

God won't accept your thanks for Murther. :bah:

... Bobby Burns

Never heard of hm. You must be American. Rabbie or Robert.

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let him burn in hell

That's a bit strong - he'll get what he deserves.

millions of people thought he was a great man.

A bit strong? bit mis guided perhaps BUT the death of 1 un hinged Islamic loony is certainly no great loss to the world

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sadly the TV shows the level to which the general public in US has sunk to and the extent of their ignorance.

Rejoicing in anyone's death is unpleasant, and the fact that they don't realise how insignificant this is - apart from the inevitable "revenge" attacks shows how poorly the Us have handled affairs before and since 9/11. The fat that this date is considered the beginning by many again shows a lack of understanding.It looked for a few days after 9/11 that the US might have asked "WHY?" but in the end they chose a course of revenge and lowered themselves to the level of any crank who thinks that violence can bring and end to violence.

Did you post the same hogwash to palestinians celebratin Israeli deaths on the west bank, or to terrorists cutting off the head of an American news reporter - no - only the free western democracies eh?? What do you mean by "the fat that this date"?

the israelis are causing genoside on the westbank the usa have killed more innocent lifes in iraq and afganistan for the sake of getting bin laden,you wont see his body and all at a convenient time , they distract you sheeple while at the same time crashing the dollar this wont end here this is only the start god help us

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Glad this prick is dead! sorry it took so long! Glad that they got one of his son I hope there were more! But 35 miles from the capital of Pakistan supports that this country was hiding him for years especially the size of the compound which stood out like a palace! This government has lots to answer for and U.S. should seriously think about stopping support this country with money! If they are being overun by Al Quada they deserve it. They should keep his body frozen and once the World Trade Towers are built should throw his body down from the top to celebrate. I myself am heading down to Walking Street tonight to celebrate with some ping pongs.

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And special thanks to the People's Republic of China for lending us the cash at reasonable rates to take care of this bidness.



Are you not a Chinese Thai?

bidness?? is that Chinglish??:D

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And special thanks to the People's Republic of China for lending us the cash at reasonable rates to take care of this bidness.



Are you not a Chinese Thai?

bidness?? is that Chinglish??:D

he has a cold, a little bit nasal!:o

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To President Obama: Sincere congratulations on finally getting Osama bin Laden (though many innocents have died along the way, many democratic rights and procedures have been circumvented and illegal unrelated wars have been launched against uninvolved sovereign states in the name of getting him).

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To President Obama: Sincere congratulations on finally getting Osama bin Laden (though many innocents have died along the way, many democratic rights and procedures have been circumvented and illegal unrelated wars have been launched against uninvolved sovereign states in the name of getting him).

The parentheses had the effect of diluting the congratulations.

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OK they finally got him after 10 years, no doubt he was a baddie but not the whole network.

And only a day after they killed Gaddafi's son and grandchildren.

How much hate and revenge are these two unrelated killings going to unleash on the western world?

We see dont trevel warnings on here and I see the troops are out on the streets in France.

Yes this will certainly not be the end as 9/11 was not the beginning.

What will they do with the body?

Have it stuffed and put in a museum so they can show future generations or return it for the proper muslim rites?

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To President Obama: Sincere congratulations on finally getting Osama bin Laden (though many innocents have died along the way, many democratic rights and procedures have been circumvented and illegal unrelated wars have been launched against uninvolved sovereign states in the name of getting him).

The parentheses had the effect of diluting the congratulations.

Parenthesis or otherwise, the comments made were not designed to dilute but only to add reservations on a wider scale.

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A US spokesman has announced the body of Bin Laden will be treated with the utmost respect. It will be wrapped in pig skin for burial. :o

Islamophobia apart. I do wish that you lot would keep your bigotry confined to the sectarian chants for which you are renowned.

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U.S. officials said the CIA tracked bin Laden to his location, then elite troops from Navy SEAL Team Six, a top military counter-terrorism unit, flew to the hideout in four helicopters. Bin Laden was shot in the head in an ensuing firefight.

Associated Press - 3 minutes ago



I don't buy that.

Why shoot him in the head if the US would have made a party of showing their trophy around??

Maybe they meant "he shot himself in the head"?

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Good - but wont make one bit of difference. There are hundreds willing to 'martyr' themselves in his place.

Don't agree...Nazism pretty much died along with HItler...Italian and Spanish racism with Musolini and Franco. Individuals in history make a difference.

What about the troubles in Northern Ireland, rearing their ugly head again?

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CNN reporting that Osama Bin Laden buried at sea. - CNN

Please do nt polute the oceans.

Joke aside.

I always thoght that BL was living a comfortable life with the protection of his Pakistani hosts. There needs to be some tough investigation and a full cut of financial aid for this country.

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