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English Teacher - Nanny


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Hi there, just want to test an idea. Feedback very much appreciated. We have a school in the Philippines and it is amazing how many wonderful educated women are looking for a job there. So here is my idea.

Would anybody be interested in having a nanny that would also at the the same time teach your kids English? Nannies would be from the Philippines. Reasonable rates. I asked some friends and they pay a lot of money to send their kids to kindergarten. Perhaps having an English teacher-nanny at home could be a better deal. For those who do not know, most educated Filipinas speak perfect English.

We would take care of all the paperwork, visas and work permits.

Walen School - teach your kids English from infancy

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The subject of Filipinas speaking English has been done to death over on the teaching forum.

What do you intend to provide, a teacher working as a nanny, or a nanny passing herself off as a teacher?

Reasonable rates, please provide details of these "reasonable rates".

As for me personally, neither my wife or I would consider a nanny as a teacher.

The "many wonderful educated women are looking for a job there", if thats the case why would they consider a job here if they are looking for one there?

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Because a lot of them cannot find a job in the Philippines or they could make more money here (wanting to make a little more money is nothing wrong). I think a teacher could be a nanny at the same time and a nanny could be a teacher at the same time, why not?

If you wanted your little kids to learn English from infancy how would you do it? Suppose you do not speak English at home. Would you employ a British or American nanny? If you are able to afford it then it might be a better choice.

It would be like employing someone full-time, 15,000-25,000 Baht depending on things like location, accommodation included or not, how many children etc.

If I had kids I would certainly consider it. I have a few Filipino employees and I am very happy with their work.

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I have a live in nanny that speaks English and her salary is 4,000 Baht a month and we have 3 kids............also, I assume you would be targeting Thai/Non English speaking families or there isnt much point......One more factor, if you are going to target the English speaking, they would probably prefer a Thai nanny that speaks Thai and can communicate with schools etc.

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I have a live in nanny that speaks English and her salary is 4,000 Baht a month and we have 3 kids............

Hard to imagine that your nanny's English is much more than pigeon or that she has been well-educated, otherwise what is she doing working for 4,000 baht a month?

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Thanks ESB7, this is a good point.

I would like to mention that we are talking about nannies that graduated from universities. Also a Thai nanny would most likely talk Thai with kids so the point of teaching kids English might be lost. I am not talking about having one hour lesson a day, I'm talking about talking to kids all the time in English.

Like I said, it is an idea. Not much interest so far so perhaps not such a good idea.

What about a Chinese teacher-nanny?

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I have a live in nanny that speaks English and her salary is 4,000 Baht a month and we have 3 kids............

Hard to imagine that your nanny's English is much more than pigeon or that she has been well-educated, otherwise what is she doing working for 4,000 baht a month?

I think 4,000 Baht is a really good deal. My idea is mostly for people who really want their kids to speak English. If just a nanny then no need to import them. I'm sure there are plenty of nannies around who can take good care children.

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It seems you are branching out into many different areas. Are these nannies qualified in any way. Also are you registered to employ nannies or will they be teachers? The job descriptions are quite different. However, Filipinos and Filipinas are great teachers, but their English is still not up to scratch.

I know of many Chinese girls here who speak Thai and English, and looking for work, but again their English is not up to standard and they would have some problems explaining things to a child in Thai or English if the child had not understood.

I agree that they are good ideas, it is the putting them into practice that is the difficult thing

Edited by beano2274
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No Thanks. Worked in HKG for years and had my fill of Filipino english, and Nanny's-kids ended up worse off in my opinion.

Malaysian on the other hand may be a better sell.

I know there are a lot of Filipinos in HGK, the nanny you talk about was well educated? If we talk about accent they would be interviewed anyway so if someone did not like their accent they would not have to hire them. A lot of them speak with an American accent and it is hard to tell on the phone that they are not American. There are a lot of call centers in the Philippines so the employers must be able to hire people with good English.

You think that a kid who was learning English from a Filipino English speaker could not get a good foundation for his/her English?

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I have a live in nanny that speaks English and her salary is 4,000 Baht a month and we have 3 kids............

Hard to imagine that your nanny's English is much more than pigeon or that she has been well-educated, otherwise what is she doing working for 4,000 baht a month?

I think 4,000 Baht is a really good deal.

You get what you pay for. An educated Filipino woman with fluent English is going to cost more than 4,000 baht and with good reason. I think your idea is a good one and that there would be a lot of interest.

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Am not one for Grammar or anything like that, but as an owner of a language school perhaps you should be able to ask a question correctly, and be an example to your students.

"I know there are a lot of Filipinos in HGK, the nanny you talk about was well educated?"

Also Hong Kong is HKG.

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It seems you are branching out into many different areas. Are these nannies qualified in any way. Also are you registered to employ nannies or will they be teachers? The job descriptions are quite different. However, Filipinos and Filipinas are great teachers, but their English is still not up to scratch.

I know of many Chinese girls here who speak Thai and English, and looking for work, but again their English is not up to standard and they would have some problems explaining things to a child in Thai or English if the child had not understood.

I agree that they are good ideas, it is the putting them into practice that is the difficult thing

It is only one step removed. It is still teaching. They would be registered as teachers.

I'm trying to think like a parent. Would I like my kids to learn to speak English from very early days or wait till they are 6-7 years old and start at school. I teach some kids, one is 10 and it is hard work. He speaks only Thai and he may never learn to speak fluent English. When you are a kid that is the time to start learning languages if possible of course.

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Am not one for Grammar or anything like that, but as an owner of a language school perhaps you should be able to ask a question correctly, and be an example to your students.

"I know there are a lot of Filipinos in HGK, the nanny you talk about was well educated?"

Also Hong Kong is HKG.

I stand corrected. I type fast so make mistakes. Will improve. Thanks

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It seems you are branching out into many different areas. Are these nannies qualified in any way. Also are you registered to employ nannies or will they be teachers? The job descriptions are quite different. However, Filipinos and Filipinas are great teachers, but their English is still not up to scratch.

I know of many Chinese girls here who speak Thai and English, and looking for work, but again their English is not up to standard and they would have some problems explaining things to a child in Thai or English if the child had not understood.

I agree that they are good ideas, it is the putting them into practice that is the difficult thing

It is only one step removed. It is still teaching. They would be registered as teachers.

I'm trying to think like a parent. Would I like my kids to learn to speak English from very early days or wait till they are 6-7 years old and start at school. I teach some kids, one is 10 and it is hard work. He speaks only Thai and he may never learn to speak fluent English. When you are a kid that is the time to start learning languages if possible of course.

I have taught at Kindergartens and Junior schools, it was easy enough if you had the Thai teacher assisting you, if not then you had no chance. I think for a Thai family a Thai would be better, but maybe Walen could offer classes to potential Thai Nannies to help them teach the children English. Maybe through the use of games and things like that for the really young kids.

Edited by beano2274
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Am not one for Grammar or anything like that, but as an owner of a language school perhaps you should be able to ask a question correctly, and be an example to your students.

"I know there are a lot of Filipinos in HGK, the nanny you talk about was well educated?"

Also Hong Kong is HKG.

I stand corrected. I type fast so make mistakes. Will improve. Thanks

Am exactly the same, 36wpm average before, now slower.

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Am not one for Grammar or anything like that, but as an owner of a language school perhaps you should be able to ask a question correctly, and be an example to your students.

"I know there are a lot of Filipinos in HGK, the nanny you talk about was well educated?"

Also Hong Kong is HKG.

Informal English is i think what it is called and most people who post on here happily accept and understand it.

Shouldn't make any difference who the poster is as to what standard of English they must write to.

Oops, did i just end a sentence with a preposition?

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Am not one for Grammar or anything like that, but as an owner of a language school perhaps you should be able to ask a question correctly, and be an example to your students.

"I know there are a lot of Filipinos in HGK, the nanny you talk about was well educated?"

Also Hong Kong is HKG.

Informal English is i think what it is called and most people who post on here happily accept and understand it.

Shouldn't make any difference who the poster is as to what standard of English they must write to.

Oops, did i just end a sentence with a preposition?

Oopppps you did

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No Thanks. Worked in HKG for years and had my fill of Filipino english, and Nanny's-kids ended up worse off in my opinion.

Malaysian on the other hand may be a better sell.

I know there are a lot of Filipinos in HGK, the nanny you talk about was well educated? If we talk about accent they would be interviewed anyway so if someone did not like their accent they would not have to hire them. A lot of them speak with an American accent and it is hard to tell on the phone that they are not American. There are a lot of call centers in the Philippines so the employers must be able to hire people with good English.

You think that a kid who was learning English from a Filipino English speaker could not get a good foundation for his/her English?

Sounds like there might be a risk of the kid picking up an american accent - now that would be an embarrassment, lol.

To be fair, you do seem to be on to something here - good nannys are hard to find and an english speaking one at a reasonable rate would be worthwhile in my opinion though I do think that having at least a fair grasp of Thai would be essential. Maybe that is the bit that is missing here - either the Thai language for a Philipino or, as Beano suggests, the many chinese who need their english improving a bit. All you need is a language school for the improvements!

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When you teach children from young age you do not translate a language for them, they learn word by work and absorb a new language, it comes to them naturally. They learn two languages at the same time. No need for the teacher to speak Thai if you want them to learn English. As a matter of fact kids may know a lot of English words before they know them in Thai or any other language as we have a lot of expat families in Bangkok. If a teacher does not speak English kids have no choice but to speak English.

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When you teach children from young age you do not translate a language for them, they learn word by work and absorb a new language, it comes to them naturally. They learn two languages at the same time. No need for the teacher to speak Thai if you want them to learn English. As a matter of fact kids may know a lot of English words before they know them in Thai or any other language as we have a lot of expat families in Bangkok. If a teacher does not speak English kids have no choice but to speak English.

Very true however, to be able to understand the native language of the child, would be very helpful to the Child, the Parents and the Nanny.

It would only need to be basic words in Thai, so you could teach them at your Thai School at the same time. Or a new course Thai for Nannies, and when they are not looking after the kids they go to class.

Edited by beano2274
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When I mentioned Chinese teacher-nannies I meant teachers that would teach kids to speak Chinese. Some families speak English already and everybody says China is going to be big business in the future so perhaps kids who spoke perfect Mandarin would have an edge.

I would not be able to provide this service though but maybe there are others who could. We do not do Chinese as Walen at this time.

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I have a live in nanny that speaks English and her salary is 4,000 Baht a month and we have 3 kids............

Hard to imagine that your nanny's English is much more than pigeon or that she has been well-educated, otherwise what is she doing working for 4,000 baht a month?

I think 4,000 Baht is a really good deal.

You get what you pay for. An educated Filipino woman with fluent English is going to cost more than 4,000 baht and with good reason. I think your idea is a good one and that there would be a lot of interest.

Forgot to mention that she does the washing/ironing, gardening and numerous other things......her spoken and written English is very good and its her that taught my oldest the English alphabet....back to the OP, what about companies that relocate staff here...do they use any specific agencies for supplying nannies/schooling.to their staff that relocate here???, maybe run it by them....I do personally think that the two are probably best kept seperate.....a good teacher that can look after kids or a good nanny that speaks good English......whats the saying ...'jack of all trades and master of none'

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That is a good suggestion, thanks a lot.

So we have yet another angle to it. There are nannies-domestic helpers.

Would an English Teacher - nanny be also willing to be a domestic helper? If the amount of work was reasonable and was agreed before what is expected so people know what to do I guess it would be possible.

Those with a larger budget can employ more than one person.

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No Thanks. Worked in HKG for years and had my fill of Filipino english, and Nanny's-kids ended up worse off in my opinion.

Malaysian on the other hand may be a better sell.

There is a HUGE difference, one will speak English, and the other will speak American - same applies for spelling.

Other than that immigration is likely easier for Malaysian.

Either can be great nanny.

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Not a bad idea at all. I think if at 15000bht pm, with live in accommodation provided by the employer , would be an attractive rate and get you allot of interest.

I had terrible trouble finding a decent nanny and just gave up in the end.

Even an agency based in Thailand providing quality domestic staff of many kinds would be a great idea. Quality staff with Checks and garrentees for a bit of a higher price tag would be most acceptable to many it think

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I have a live in nanny that speaks English and her salary is 4,000 Baht a month and we have 3 kids............also, I assume you would be targeting Thai/Non English speaking families or there isnt much point......One more factor, if you are going to target the English speaking, they would probably prefer a Thai nanny that speaks Thai and can communicate with schools etc.

If she is in Bangkok you had better keep her well hidden. She could easily double or triple that working for just about any expat family in Nichada or Panya village.


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You know, I was actually thinking about this exact idea last week. I don't have kids yet but was wondering what the cost and process would be to get a live in Filipina nanny that speaks English. I definitely think this is a good idea and that there would be a market for it.

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No Thanks. Worked in HKG for years and had my fill of Filipino english, and Nanny's-kids ended up worse off in my opinion.

Malaysian on the other hand may be a better sell.

I know there are a lot of Filipinos in HGK, the nanny you talk about was well educated? If we talk about accent they would be interviewed anyway so if someone did not like their accent they would not have to hire them. A lot of them speak with an American accent and it is hard to tell on the phone that they are not American. There are a lot of call centers in the Philippines so the employers must be able to hire people with good English.

You think that a kid who was learning English from a Filipino English speaker could not get a good foundation for his/her English?

Yes there are many many Filipinas in Hong Kong, just go to Central on Sundays.

We had 2 Nanny's and yes they would consider themselves well educated, Uni degree etc, however as I learnt a University education there amounts to no more than a high school diploma in Canada. And yes the american accent was a big problem, the kids started with prawcess and saying z instead of zaid, but when my youngest said when going to sleep -Dad please turn the on off.....I said what is that and she replied the light switch and some tagolog word, I knew the end was in sight. I don't want to bash these young girls but they come with so much drama, send every penny back home, always seems to be a must attend funeral back home, always asking for an advance in salary and frankly can't cook food I would eat, we decided it was time to stop being cheap and hired a Malaysian who we brought to BKK and is part of the family.

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