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Bro'S Before Hoe'S


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And while there is nothing inherently wrong with discussing masturbation with another guy, no, I personally would not feel comfortable having a discussing about that.

Since I moved to Thailand whenever I'm in the mood, some Thai woman jumps me, I dream about the days when I could have a wank on my own.

Well, as the poet* said:- "Why spend £5 taking a woman out when you can toss off for free and have the rest of the evening to yourself."

*Philip Larkin

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All you men out there are so happy and balanced that it's very strange that so many are jumping off buildings and letting yourselves be led around by your noses. ...

To be fair, very few of the people who have responded on this thread have actually jumped to their death from buildings.


Forgive me thinking deeply :rolleyes: I'm beginning to think it would be nice if some of them would.

We can all enjoy our happy fantasies... mmm, yessss..... but I think I would need a lot more happy-fantasising time than I get at work to get round to fantasising about Thai visa members leaping to a messy death....


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"......My son had the good fortune to attend many of these mens group gatherings and I think tit had a huge impact on who he is today......"

"tit" ? me too.

tits have a huge impact on men...

Tits on men have a huge impact

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This is how I see the poor OPs situation.

I believe he has become disgruntled with women, after having a few bad experiences with them and they’re not living up to his expectations, perhaps even rejecting him at times even though he is a decent guy at heart.

I also believe that because of this the OP has lost confidence and trying to find himself.

He was seeking a woman with compassion, a girl that would be understanding, show sincere concerns as to how the OP was feeling, whether happy or sad about something. Display pity when he felt down, being loyal and a true soul mate, through thick and thin.

Then the OP suddenly discovered that these sorts of women only exist in Hollywood romantic movies and novels, the reality is somewhat different and one big hell of a let down.

So the OP then turns to his male companions hoping to find support in a similar way as to a female partner, I mean emotionally, this has nothing to do with gay relationships.

But soon the OP makes another discovery, that becoming emotional close with other males has a sort of taboo according to Western society.

Many women and some western attitudes consider pity as a sign of weakness. For example it is not befitting for a man to cry in the company of others. He is viewed upon as being weak and a wimp.

So I conclude with my opinion that the reality is, we stand alone in this life, the old saying; it`s a grand life if you don’t weaken, is fact. Another saying; don’t let he bastards grind you down, is also true to it`s meaning.

Be strong; learn to stand on your own two feet and give the 2 fingered salute to those you feel are not worthy of you.

As for experimenting with gay activities and you`re not really gay, I quote another old saying; you will hate yourself in the morning.

Now, would I lie to you?

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This is how I see the poor OPs situation.

I believe he has become disgruntled with women, after having a few bad experiences with them and they're not living up to his expectations, perhaps even rejecting him at times even though he is a decent guy at heart.

I also believe that because of this the OP has lost confidence and trying to find himself.

He was seeking a woman with compassion, a girl that would be understanding, show sincere concerns as to how the OP was feeling, whether happy or sad about something. Display pity when he felt down, being loyal and a true soul mate, through thick and thin.

Then the OP suddenly discovered that these sorts of women only exist in Hollywood romantic movies and novels, the reality is somewhat different and one big hell of a let down.

So the OP then turns to his male companions hoping to find support in a similar way as to a female partner, I mean emotionally, this has nothing to do with gay relationships.

But soon the OP makes another discovery, that becoming emotional close with other males has a sort of taboo according to Western society.

Many women and some western attitudes consider pity as a sign of weakness. For example it is not befitting for a man to cry in the company of others. He is viewed upon as being weak and a wimp.

So I conclude with my opinion that the reality is, we stand alone in this life, the old saying; it`s a grand life if you don't weaken, is fact. Another saying; don't let he bastards grind you down, is also true to it`s meaning.

Be strong; learn to stand on your own two feet and give the 2 fingered salute to those you feel are not worthy of you.

As for experimenting with gay activities and you`re not really gay, I quote another old saying; you will hate yourself in the morning.

Now, would I lie to you?

Sorry to say this, but what rubbish! Western women are nearly always (there's always the exceptions) true and trustworthy.

Even my ex always trusted me more than anyone he knew here, including his g/f.... and let's face it, I was not exactly the happiest bunny :lol:.

Fortunately I've always had female friends with whom I could confide - I seriously think men are missing out by finding it 'gay' to talk to other men seriously.

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Sorry to say this, but what rubbish! Western women are nearly always (there's always the exceptions) true and trustworthy.

The true & trustworthy ones all hid from me when I was looking!

I must have mixed with the wrong sort of western women.

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Sorry to say this, but what rubbish! Western women are nearly always (there's always the exceptions) true and trustworthy.

The true & trustworthy ones all hid from me when I was looking!

I must have mixed with the wrong sort of western women.

Yes, you must. nearly all of my female friends stood by their husbands through thick and thin. It was the husbands that let them down...

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I suggest that if you have this fear you should get good and drunk and give it a shot. You will quickly learn what your preference is and then you can put it to rest. Most men already tried this with friends when they were 7. If you didn't it's not too late.

You have this alcoholism/ am I gay stuff all confused. Why am I not surprised?


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I suggest that if you have this fear you should get good and drunk and give it a shot. You will quickly learn what your preference is and then you can put it to rest. Most men already tried this with friends when they were 7. If you didn't it's not too late.

You have this alcoholism/ am I gay stuff all confused. Why am I not surprised?


I'd recommend against getting drunk first. You'd surely hate to not remember, and have to do it again...

Maybe you already have...


Edited by StreetCowboy
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And that's the point - talking about one's feelings is not 'emasculating'. When my ex and I were together I was happy when he shared his emotions - my feelings changed when he stopped sharing those emotions....

I will never understand why men think its 'gay' to share emotions with each other! Its a release valve that we all need.

There are emotions and then there are emotions. When my friend's dog of 12 years died we spent some time together, and a tear was shed for a faithful friend. When another friend was laid off from his job we were there to let him vent. When I changed my job some years back one of my friends traveled to spend a weekend with me, because I was stressed out and he said he was going to knock some sense into my head, which he did. When another of my friends split from his wife we were there to drown his sorrows with booze. In all those events, no one had an Oprah moment. There was no need for over analysis and navel gazing.

You get it out of the system, much as one passes a bad meal by way of a sloppy turd. One doesn't need to see and handle the sloppy turd to know that it was a bad meal. This obsession of devoting time and resources to unproductive activities only exacerbates the problem. Well adjusted people recognize the problem, come up with a solution and apply it and then move on. If they need advice, they ask for it, which they do without mounting a broadway production event. They don't sit around moaning and crying woe is me. If that's what a guy does, then he's got bigger issues then that of getting in touch with his feelings. If my father had been a touchie feelie marshmallow, I would have tossed him under a bus. There's a big difference between stable compassion/empathy and the states of narcissism / neurotic fantasy land.

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Funny, bizarre thread. To be honest...why are so many people hung up on the sexuality of it all. If you have a good group of friends and family, regardless of gender, and you trust them, surely you can speak openly with them? Whats the obsession with discriminating between whether it is a man or women? The Scottish writer, Irvine Welsh said in one of his books through a funny repressed character in the book Filth that "that attacking sexuality was always the Achilles heal of man"....Whats the hang up...if you have a group of people you know and trust, it could be made up of male and females. Surely if you are proper mates, then you could speak openly with them all? Thats nothing to do with sexuality, thats to do with human qualities (not gender) and values that are not exclusive to either gender. Now whether or not you want to screw them is another matter. Thats about sexuality. On the balance I usually discuss stuff with my male mates about relationships over a beer or a get together, but thats just because they are there,and they will understand relationships from a male perspective, but I can have the same conversation with a female mate also. There is not any deep psycho babble that they are a man or a women. As I said good values and ideals that allow people to be open with each other surely transcend gender?

There are also other ways to express yourself and other outlets without having to get together and having a tommy tanking session with boys :lol: ...art, music, using creativity in your business etc etc.

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Funny, bizarre thread. To be honest...why are so many people hung up on the sexuality of it all. If you have a good group of friends and family, regardless of gender, and you trust them, surely you can speak openly with them? Whats the obsession with discriminating between whether it is a man or women? The Scottish writer, Irvine Welsh said in one of his books through a funny repressed character in the book Filth that "that attacking sexuality was always the Achilles heal of man"....Whats the hang up...if you have a group of people you know and trust, it could be made up of male and females. Surely if you are proper mates, then you could speak openly with them all? Thats nothing to do with sexuality, thats to do with human qualities (not gender) and values that are not exclusive to either gender. Now whether or not you want to screw them is another matter. Thats about sexuality. On the balance I usually discuss stuff with my male mates about relationships over a beer or a get together, but thats just because they are there,and they will understand relationships from a male perspective, but I can have the same conversation with a female mate also. There is not any deep psycho babble that they are a man or a women. As I said good values and ideals that allow people to be open with each other surely transcend gender?

There are also other ways to express yourself and other outlets without having to get together and having a tommy tanking session with boys :lol: ...art, music, using creativity in your business etc etc.

I agree entirely, but unfortunately in my experience, most men are unable to communicate that way with other men. Which is why the OP finds it helpful to talk in a 'mens' group'.

And good for him.

Edit - Its a brave man that can admit it.

Edited by F1fanatic
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And now for something on the lighter side:

Real men don't drink through straws.

Real men do not ride tandem on 110cc scooters. They sure as hell don't ride, what?, tri-dem?

Real men don't pull their suitcases on tiny wheels. They hoist up that 50 kilo duffel bag and sling it over their shoulder.

Real men don't drive mini-vans. Not even if they have 10 kids. Pack 'em into the '68 Bronco.

There's more. But no time now. I have to get to the male-only seminar on weenie whacking. I'm up for it.

Lucky i got a 135 cc scooter.. thanks.. now im a real man

50 kg is for sissies.. just try a 130 kg deadlift

hmmmm no minivan... damm your tough. :D

I sometimes drive a little Honda with a grocery basket on the front of it. Thats as close as I can get to my feminine side

I know and you put your "helmet".... In the basket. So as not to mess up your hair do? :whistling:


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And now for something on the lighter side:

Real men don't drink through straws.

Real men do not ride tandem on 110cc scooters. They sure as hell don't ride, what?, tri-dem?

Real men don't pull their suitcases on tiny wheels. They hoist up that 50 kilo duffel bag and sling it over their shoulder.

Real men don't drive mini-vans. Not even if they have 10 kids. Pack 'em into the '68 Bronco.

There's more. But no time now. I have to get to the male-only seminar on weenie whacking. I'm up for it.

Lucky i got a 135 cc scooter.. thanks.. now im a real man

50 kg is for sissies.. just try a 130 kg deadlift

hmmmm no minivan... damm your tough. :D

I sometimes drive a little Honda with a grocery basket on the front of it. Thats as close as I can get to my feminine side

I know and you put your "helmet".... In the basket. So as not to mess up your hair do? :whistling:


And who can blame him! My helmet makes a right mess of my hair :lol:.

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Sorry trisailer, you don't come across as any 'Bro I know…… You think way too much for a bloke, what's a men's group? I think your describing a third gender.

I've no doubt you console yourself and berate any man who tells you to speck for yourself, and I would bet you say they are in denial. Fact is; most men just don't think as deep as you do.

I'm sure you're not alone in the way you see things, but the bro's I know don't roll like you. I would put money there are more men who feel the way I do mate!

I think you would benefit from some couch time.

Edited by Tonto21
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And now for something on the lighter side:

Real men don't drink through straws.

Real men do not ride tandem on 110cc scooters. They sure as hell don't ride, what?, tri-dem?

Real men don't pull their suitcases on tiny wheels. They hoist up that 50 kilo duffel bag and sling it over their shoulder.

Real men don't drive mini-vans. Not even if they have 10 kids. Pack 'em into the '68 Bronco.

There's more. But no time now. I have to get to the male-only seminar on weenie whacking. I'm up for it.

Real men don't post their masturbatory training experiences on a public forum.

Real men don't even hint at the fact that they are afraid to be alone with other men for fear of wanting to have sex with them.

Real men man-up, do the right thing, are kind to small animals and children.

Real men will phuck any woman in sight should he be drunk enough or has been dared to take one for the team.

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Sorry trisailer, you don't come across as any 'Bro I know…… You think way too much for a bloke, what's a men's group? I think your describing a third gender.

I've no doubt you console yourself and berate any man who tells you to speck for yourself, and I would bet you say they are in denial. Fact is; most men just don't think as deep as you do.

I'm sure you're not alone in the way you see things, but the bro's I know don't roll like you. I would put money there are more men who feel the way I do mate!

I think you would benefit from some couch time.

Unfortunately :( I have to agree. V few men actually think deeply about anything.

Personally I find it refreshing when I come across men that use their brain cells - they are few and far between, but greatly appreciated.

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And now for something on the lighter side:

Real men don't drink through straws.

Real men do not ride tandem on 110cc scooters. They sure as hell don't ride, what?, tri-dem?

Real men don't pull their suitcases on tiny wheels. They hoist up that 50 kilo duffel bag and sling it over their shoulder.

Real men don't drive mini-vans. Not even if they have 10 kids. Pack 'em into the '68 Bronco.

There's more. But no time now. I have to get to the male-only seminar on weenie whacking. I'm up for it.

Real men will phuck any woman in sight should he be drunk enough or has been dared to take one for the team.

Can vouch for that :lol:

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And now for something on the lighter side:

Real men don't drink through straws.

Real men do not ride tandem on 110cc scooters. They sure as hell don't ride, what?, tri-dem?

Real men don't pull their suitcases on tiny wheels. They hoist up that 50 kilo duffel bag and sling it over their shoulder.

Real men don't drive mini-vans. Not even if they have 10 kids. Pack 'em into the '68 Bronco.

There's more. But no time now. I have to get to the male-only seminar on weenie whacking. I'm up for it.

Real men will phuck any woman in sight should he be drunk enough or has been dared to take one for the team.

Can vouch for that :lol:

Something to be really proud about...

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And now for something on the lighter side:

Real men don't drink through straws.

Real men do not ride tandem on 110cc scooters. They sure as hell don't ride, what?, tri-dem?

Real men don't pull their suitcases on tiny wheels. They hoist up that 50 kilo duffel bag and sling it over their shoulder.

Real men don't drive mini-vans. Not even if they have 10 kids. Pack 'em into the '68 Bronco.

There's more. But no time now. I have to get to the male-only seminar on weenie whacking. I'm up for it.

Real men will phuck any woman in sight should he be drunk enough or has been dared to take one for the team.

Can vouch for that :lol:

Something to be really proud about...

Lighten up :)...I enjoyed my nights out drinking...yes my standards dropped precipitously when I m drinking. I m not proud of it, but I don't feel bad about it either. I m sexually agnostic, or my standards are when drunk :lol:

Edited by RedFxTrade
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Its obviously one of those male/female things.

Men find it funny when they end up in bed with someone they find unattractive the next morning - they were pissed, who cares right? Its just funny.

Women (or at least those I know) never find themselves in that situation and don't find it funny - just telling about the people involved.

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^ You my dear are obviously living in a vacuum. Western women these days have a far greatly likelyhood of winding up in a strangers bed than most men. It's that sense of entitlement and equality your gender has been striving for ever since the beginning of the sexual revolution.

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Fawlty Towers.

The Psychiatrist

A young “yobbo” has booked in and — to Basil's intense fury — Sybil obviously fancies him and he may have smuggled a girl into his room. A psychiatrist arrives to add to his discomfort and the voluptuous Australian girl stands just a bit too close to the light switch. “There's enough material here for an entire conference,” muses the psychiatrist as he observes the baffling phenomenon known as Basil Fawlty.

Pretty much what sprung to mind when I read the OP. :giggle:

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Its obviously one of those male/female things.

Men find it funny when they end up in bed with someone they find unattractive the next morning - they were pissed, who cares right? Its just funny.

Women (or at least those I know) never find themselves in that situation and don't find it funny - just telling about the people involved.

Its not that its funny. Its just that there is no point in beating yourself up about things you do. I don't think it is telling about the people involved. A very close friend of mine might get drunk, and do stuff like that now again, and in the past, early twenties and that, but he is a researcher into the efficiency of how to make pharmaceutical life saving drugs in mass production. Some drugs are not viable as they cannot be made in large quantities economically. He is also one of the most trust worthy people you could meet and an all round good guy. The benefit he adds to society out weighs anything he does in a drunken night out, like consensual sex between two private individuals. So how is it telling about that person? Tell me what is so morally corrupt with two drunk people having consensual drunken sex? Does this harm any individuals? Does this do a massive disservice to society at large. Is he encroaching on anyones human liberties? Does this act dilute the other obvious benefits he adds to society.

I m sorry but things are not just that black and white.

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